Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

So what countries did Putin invade based on lies, like the US has?
Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, Chechnya.

He also strangles the press, assassinates his opponents with chemical weapons, puts his critics in jail, and commits war crimes. But you go, boy, with your leftist commsymp moral equivalency bullshit. After all, you learned it from your lord and master.

O'Reilly: But he’s a killer. Putin's a killer.

Trump: There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?

If Biden or Obama had ever said a thing like that, the entire Trumptard herd's heads would have exploded spectacularly.

I always knew the word BLAME was in front of Trump's "America First" rhetoric. And you and your fellow travelers are proving it in every post you make.
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Chernobyl is very near the border between Russian and Ukraine.
But it is also not far from Kiev.
However, I have read nothing about the details, so I can't have much of an opinion.
What Putin said was just Crimea and Donetsk.
But Putin could have been lying.
No way for me to know.
I would not trust the Ukraine or Russia.
No it isn't. It's in the north, near Belarus. Buy a map...lol
Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, Chechnya.

He also strangles the press, assassinates his opponents with chemical weapons, puts his critics in jail, and commits war crimes. But you go, boy, with your leftist commsymp moral equivalency bullshit. After all, you learned it from your lord and master.

O'Reilly: But he’s a killer. Putin's a killer.

Trump: There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?

If Biden or Obama had ever said a thing like that, the entire Trumptard herd's heads would have exploded spectacularly.

I always knew the word BLAME was in front of Trump's "America First" rhetoric. And you and your fellow travelers are proving it in every post you make.
Obama and now Biden violated the Budapest Memorandum. Are you pissed off about that?
Traitor Trump has long had a dream of building a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he promised to gift Putin the penthouse floor worth $50 million.

I don't know what it will take for the rubes to wake the fuck up.

He really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it would not change their adoration of their Dear Leader.
I care that Trump tried to extort Ukraine into making up a scandal against his future opponent.

Just keep on with your Blame America First bullshit, son.
It wasn't made up. We literally have Biden on video admitting to it.

It's your boy who went on the apology tour, so fuck you.
Traitor Trump has long had a dream of building a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he promised to gift Putin the penthouse floor worth $50 million.

I don't know what it will take for the rubes to wake the fuck up.

He really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it would not change their adoration of their Dear Leader.
Hunter Biden was on the board of a foreign company. Is he a traitor?
Traitor Trump has long had a dream of building a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he promised to gift Putin the penthouse floor worth $50 million.

I don't know what it will take for the rubes to wake the fuck up.

He really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it would not change their adoration of their Dear Leader.
Trump had some legit policy differences with both parties ... immigration and trade, for example. I didn't agree with him, but ... that's what we have elections for, and he won in 2016 .... maybe not fair and square, but Hill is a big girl. (-:

But there's no way to deny that Trump also viewed the office of the presidency as being a legit tool to enrich himself and his cronies. And he had no respect for due process on the border or for borders themselves, or for legal limits on what our armed forces can be ordered to do. And in those respects, he's no better than Putin. And that was why he asked for Putin to help in in the 2016 election. They are fellow travelers.
No you don't. You have a delusion that he said something he did not say.

Just another hoax you tards fell for.
He admitted it on video. Stop lying.

Funny how he extorted Ukraine then and sat on his thumbs while Ukraine was invaded, now...lol

Putin invaded because he knows Biden's handlers wouldn't do jack shit about it.
Crimea, yes. From the late 1700s. But Putin had a 99 year lease on it when he invaded.

But the Ukraine owed Russia billions for the oil and gas they stole, so Putin was right to stop paying the Crimea lease.
And the only other province Putin SAID he was going to take was Donetsk.
If that is the case, then everything is fine.
But the Ukraine owed Russia billions for the oil and gas they stole, so Putin was right to stop paying the Crimea lease.
And the only other province Putin SAID he was going to take was Donetsk.
If that is the case, then everything is fine.
No it's not "fine" to invade other countries. WTF is wrong with you? And Putin could easily have just not paid. The remedy for non payment is not to kill people.
Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, Chechnya.

He also strangles the press, assassinates his opponents with chemical weapons, puts his critics in jail, and commits war crimes. But you go, boy, with your leftist commsymp moral equivalency bullshit. After all, you learned it from your lord and master.

O'Reilly: But he’s a killer. Putin's a killer.

Trump: There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?

If Biden or Obama had ever said a thing like that, the entire Trumptard herd's heads would have exploded spectacularly.

I always knew the word BLAME was in front of Trump's "America First" rhetoric. And you and your fellow travelers are proving it in every post you make.


There was some conflict between Georgia and Russia in 2008, but never anything one would call an "invasion", and it has since been cleared up.

Crimea and the Ukraine are one and the same, and are the current conflict.

With Chechnya, it was Chechnya who attacked, not Russia.
In August 1999, Islamist fighters from Chechnya infiltrated Russia's Dagestan region, declaring it an independent state and calling for holy war. During the initial campaign, Russian military and pro-Russian Chechen paramilitary forces faced Chechen separatists in open combat and seized the Chechen capital Grozny after a winter siege that lasted from December 1999 until February 2000. Russia established direct rule over Chechnya in May 2000 although Chechen militant resistance throughout the North Caucasus region continued to inflict heavy Russian casualties and challenge Russian political control over Chechnya for several years. Both sides carried out attacks against civilians. These attacks drew international condemnation.

And the US also strangles the press, assassinates or jails opponents, commits war crimes, etc.
No it's not "fine" to invade other countries. WTF is wrong with you? And Putin could easily have just not paid. The remedy for non payment is not to kill people.

The Ukraine had plenty of warning that Russia was going to retake both the Crimea and Donetsk.
All the Ukraine had to do in order to prevent any bloodshed, was to abandon those provinces.

And if it is "not fine" to invade other countries, then how about the US murdering half a million innocent Iraqis?
Afghanistan was also totally innocent.
And we invaded Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, etc.

The closest Russia comes to invading anyone was the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Anyone who thinks Trump would have stood up to Putin is a seriously deluded dipshit.

This is a guy you applauded for falling in love with North Korea's communist dictator, and has a long history of fawning over and defending Putin.

He just praised Putin for invading Ukraine, you stupid dumb fucks.
Yet when Trump was president, Putin was not allowed to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline nor invade Ukraine.

But hey!

Biden doesnt praise Putin and no more of Trump's mean tweets to hurt the snowflakes' feelings.

Putin has just lost Nordstream to Germany, his other energy exports are about to take a HUGE hit and his economy is going into in huge recession.

Don't know what you mean by this, since the point of Nordstream is to send natural gas from Russia to Germany?
Nordstream is totally owned by Russia, and is just waiting final approval before opening the valves.

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