Putin says he wants to “de-Nazify” Ukraine even though their president is Jewish

The installation of a neo-Nazi monument in the capital could not have happened without the participation of the government, right?
You have never heard black people attack a guy like Thomas Sewell, have you?
Of course I have. Liberal blacks spew venom at an intelligent, reasonable, and articulate black man with views that don’t match their own.

Am I to guess that the leftist Jews, or leftists in general, hold Zelensky in contempt because he is a populist?
I think that literate people associate neo-Nazism with British left movements such as mods and skinheads.
Skinheads are a part of it but today Nazi movement isn’t what my Grandfather was about…

Hell, a lot of them are not even pure bloods and are just Slav mutts that would have been shot in my Grandfathers day…
Skinheads are a part of it but today Nazi movement isn’t what my Grandfather was about…

Hell, a lot of them are not even pure bloods and are just Slav mutts that would have been shot in my Grandfathers day…
Ukrainian neo-Nazis, as far as I understand, are essentially Bandera. Their main idea is that "Ukraine is not Poland." Everything else is just fluff. They use swastikas and SS symbols, but Bandera himself was imprisoned in a German camp as a criminal.
What exactly are the arguments?
By the way, during the Prussian expansion and the Weimar Republic, many lands of the former Austria-Hungary and independent lands were Germanized by the Pan-Germanists, the predecessors of the Nazis and the Nazis. Including they declared Austria the land of the "German nation". Is it connected somehow?
It’s only connected through example. Hitler annexed Austria, so that’s the similarity. Putin’s longer range plans are the issue.

Reports from experts this morning have said that there is no way we can prevent Russia from taking over the country.
Putin intends, as he’s doing at this moment, to surround the government in Kyiv and remove the government and replace it. Reports have also said that Putin is going to send a Russian delegation to the government today.

Biden’s hands have been tied due the the immediate financial catastrophe that could hit smaller European countries over energy or SWIFT sanctions. So for the short run we’re pretty much screwed.
By the way, now the leftist press is openly lying, trying to attribute the Lvov pogrom to Bandera. They are trying to make him an ardent anti-Semite. They write that supposedly Bandera later switched from anti-Polish views to anti-Bolshevik ones.

The statements about Bandera organized the Lviv pogrom is an obvious lie. It was a response to the massacres of political prisoners by the NKVD during the retreat. By the way, Bandera himself and his associates were not among the political prisoners of the NKVD.
This is a common strategy of the left, they are trying to use the anti-Semitic sentiments of some Ukrainians and Russians. If it turns out that Bandera was an agent of the Bolsheviks, their entire political structure will fall apart.
But in fact, the anti-Polish cases of Bandera are no different from the Bolshevik crimes in Ukraine. It is clear that the Bolsheviks were essentially the same anti-Polish line, they tried not to even mention the division of Poland and the Polish roots of Ukrainians.
One preacher of Stalinism, Anatoly Wasserman, said that supposedly the Ukrainian language is an artificially created dialect of the Russian language. And this person was still considered "intellectual and erudite". Judging by his speeches, this cretin did not master the high school curriculum.
Naturally, in fact, he is not such an idiot, he simply lied to the "Russian Ivans" for political PR.
In fact, since Bush's leave, such sermons have been constantly going on in Russia. But I think that Putin has nothing to do with it. He never spoke in the style of justifying Bolshevism, there is not a single photo next to the monument to Stalin.
Putin lies or is delusional about Yeltsin. Yeltsin's time is Clinton's time. Yeltsin was a fictitious leader, in his time former communists of KGB seized power.

But in general, Putin does not criticize either Yeltsin or Gorbachev. He evaluates both restrainedly positively.

In general, this is not at all like the rhetoric of a KGB adherent
Some of Putin's jokes offend KGB adherents: he spoke familiarly about Brezhnev and Stalin (translated into American Kennedy and Roosevelt).

100% it is not KGB
Here he speaks in a jokingly positive way about Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (an enemy of the KGB, a friend of Eisenhower).

In particular, he pronounces the words "bright leader"

Explain this one to me….

Putin claims he wants to “DeNazify” Ukraine, even though the president of Ukraine is Jewish.

Well he is 50% Jewish on his father's side. But there is long term resentment from the Russian people toward Ukrainians because of WW2 and how they Ukrainians initially sided with the Nazis and their soldiers even worked in concentration camps. Read about Sobibor.
Yes, Putin is right.

If he dragged Trump through, Trump didn't live up to expectations. If he had dragged the Bush clan through, then everything could have been different.
Well he is 50% Jewish on his father's side. But there is long term resentment from the Russian people toward Ukrainians because of WW2 and how they Ukrainians initially sided with the Nazis and their soldiers even worked in concentration camps. Read about Sobibor.
It's a lie. The Ukrainians were no more collaborators than part of the Russians (for example, the Vlasov army), the Russians did not support Bolshevism in the mass, half of the country was in concentration camps, several million were destroyed, the southeast of Russia, as well as Ukraine, suffered from Gladomors.
Bandera, the idol of the Ukrainian Nazis, had nothing to do with collaborationism. Hitler put him in prison at the beginning of the war, and his organization was repressed and dispersed.

If he was not a Bolshevik bedding, then he was not far from it.
This is a photo of the starvation of children in the Samara region



It's a lie. The Ukrainians were no more collaborators than part of the Russians (for example, the Vlasov army), the Russians did not support Bolshevism in the mass, half of the country was in concentration camps, several million were destroyed, the southeast of Russia, as well as Ukraine, suffered from Gladomors.
Bandera, the idol of the Ukrainian Nazis, had nothing to do with collaborationism. Hitler put him in prison at the beginning of the war, and his organization was repressed and dispersed.

If he was not a Bolshevik bedding, then he was not far from it.
According to my grandparents who lived through it...it is the TRUTH. I believe them over you. No offense.

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