Putin Strikes Back : airstrikes Turkish convoy


Russia strikes back: Putin's bombers hit Turkish border crossing in revenge for downed jet
That's nuttin around our neighborhood. You can get a fire like that with Tannerite.
We just burn the tires from all the dead cars in the yard...
Is that to let the neighborhood know the Black Hawk Helicopters are on their way?
Throw off the drug spotting planes from the crank lab...
Here's a better way. Find a spud field, I mean a big one, the biggest freak'n spud field you can find. Then grow a little marijuana in said field. When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
We just burn the tires from all the dead cars in the yard...
Is that to let the neighborhood know the Black Hawk Helicopters are on their way?
Throw off the drug spotting planes from the crank lab...
Here's a better way. Find a spud field, I mean a big one, the biggest freak'n spud field you can find. Then grow a little marijuana in said field. When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Except they are using the signature of pot with Infrared Detection....
That's nuttin around our neighborhood. You can get a fire like that with Tannerite.
We just burn the tires from all the dead cars in the yard...
Is that to let the neighborhood know the Black Hawk Helicopters are on their way?
Throw off the drug spotting planes from the crank lab...
Here's a better way. Find a spud field, I mean a big one, the biggest freak'n spud field you can find. Then grow a little marijuana in said field. When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Except they are using the signature of pot with Infrared FLIR Detection....
The DEA don't know how to deal with spud fields
If Obama listened to republicans we wouldn't be in Syria to begin with

"Rand Paul: 'Idiots in the Republican Party' Want War in Syria ..."
"Trump tells opponents who 'want to start World War III over Syria..."

You sure about that? Have we been getting false news up here in Canada? We've heard Republicans blasting Obama for "leading from behind" for a long time and Obama taking flak from Rs like Lindsey Graham and John McCain who have wanted expanded war in the ME for years.
Go Russia go!!!! I hope they pound turkey and kill everything that crosses into syria from their.

Where did that come from? Look at your sig line, how you going to spend 100 billion on NASA if you give the paleo-cons real justification to expand defense spending? It was 3 minutes to midnight before this new escalation.


I want America to stay out of it..That's how.
Go Russia go!!!! I hope they pound turkey and kill everything that crosses into syria from their.

Where did that come from? Look at your sig line, how you going to spend 100 billion on NASA if you give the paleo-cons real justification to expand defense spending? It was 3 minutes to midnight before this new escalation.


I want America to stay out of it..That's how.

Keep dreaming...........You hear what these guys are saying, everybody's clamoring for war. An endless war just got longer.
Jeb Bush ;
When asked if he would put “boots on the ground” in Syria, Bush responded emphatically.

“Absolutely. And it ought to be designed by our military without their hands tied,” he said, adding that he would also push for a no-fly zone over Syria and arm the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Iraq.

“This is a threat to Western civilization. There's no way to deny this,” Bush said. “And containing ISIS isn't going to work.”

Lindsey Graham;
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham was even more direct with his policy prescription, warning of another “9/11 … coming from Syria” if the U.S. doesn’t take significant new military action in the region.

“You’re only going to win this war if you go on offense,” the Republican lawmaker said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “There’s a 9/11 coming and it’s coming from Syria if we don’t disrupt their operations coming from Syria.”

“Without American boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq, we’re going to be hit at home,” Graham warned before suggesting that France lead the fight.

“I hope the French will invoke Article 5,” Graham said on Sunday. “They should — the world should be at war with ISIL.”

I could go on and on but you know the score, and the danger.
It is meaningless unless Mr. Rubio expresses to us what that will mean on Main Street. Will we go back to "meatless Mondays" and rationing gasoline to fight this group of soldiers because they pulled off a Kliebold/Harris style attack?

He's looking more and more like he's out of his depth if the OP is true.
This is why Obama needs to stop listening to Republicans and just leave. No matter who wins, it will end up being a religious Muslim states.

Look at what Republicans let Iraqi's write into their constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

In fact, I suspect it was Republicans who told them to put it into the constitution. I bet they want to blame that on Obama too. Well, too late. It was in there before Bush left office.

I wonder why tyroneweaver finds this funny?
That's nuttin around our neighborhood. You can get a fire like that with Tannerite.
We just burn the tires from all the dead cars in the yard...
Is that to let the neighborhood know the Black Hawk Helicopters are on their way?
Throw off the drug spotting planes from the crank lab...
Here's a better way. Find a spud field, I mean a big one, the biggest freak'n spud field you can find. Then grow a little marijuana in said field. When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Except they are using the signature of pot with Infrared Detection....
Party-pooper. :(
Let's see what our fearless leader says or does.
Why does he have to do anything? Is he the daddy? Are we the world's policemen?

This is why conservatives keep getting their dicks caught in their zippers and fucking up our military and our treasury.
Last time I heard..............the CNC is a Democrat..................Is Obama a Republican now???????

The current strategy and ROE's are his not the GOP's..................
This article has been gone over in other threads............................It's not retaliation for the Russian Jet being shot down. It is Russia trying to stop the flow to ISIS which has been coming in to overthrow Assad and to join ISIS............................Not to mention he's trying to re-establish the Syrian border...................

To moving in the fleet closer, and escorting his bombers with fighters............yeah........that is in response to the downed Bomber..................the SU-24's didn't have fighter escort when one was shot down..............If Turkey goes to shoot down another bomber they'll have to face Russian fighters........................

Moving surface to air missiles into the region controlled by Assad...............well it looks like Putin may very well be getting ready to put up a No Fly Zone for Turkish planes.............................that would be to counter the loss of an aircraft..............

Economic sanctions are also in the works.............and more air defense systems are being brought to the North.................Russia, to me.............is putting a ring around the Turkey.
Putin sends air-defense missiles to Syria to deter Turkey

Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, director of the German Marshall Fund in Ankara, said it is possible Russia could down a Turkish plane.

"Turkish planes violate the Syrian border daily, either for reconnaissance flights or for anti-IS operations," he said. "In the same way that Turkey argues it has rules of engagement, Russia could also declare its own rules of engagement, saying it has the right to protect the skies of its ally."

This system has a rang of 250 miles.................located 50 miles from the Turkish Border..........It could actually shoot down aircraft inside of Turkey.............Turkey has had numerous incursions into Syria.............primarily to kill the Kurds........................

Putin is setting up to block further intrusions......................which could lead to Turkish planes and AID convoys getting targeted.............as is the case in the op........To me it is doubtful they were nothing more than aid to ISIS..........as the Turkish position is to remove Assad.

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