Putin Strikes Back : airstrikes Turkish convoy

When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Does it still get sun amongst those tall corn stalks?
I guess??? Since the new epa mandate that 20 pct of corn go to ethanol. There's a lot more corn grown and marijuana plants according to the local news is increasing.
The Sun part??? I guess the corn growing so high is more of a advantage than the sunlight.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

I wouldn't sacrifice MY child's life for what some partisan political dopes think MIGHT happen. NO fucking way. If there is some coordinated military attack on the United States, that is another story. If it is terrorists, send in a small "assassination unit" to deal with that. If we were to declare war over every terrorist attack, it would never end.
All of you who are so keen on sending MORE US troops into that region of the world should be the ones to volunteer yourselves and your own sons and daughters.
It's not that simple................never has been...................Our goal under the current administration is to depose Assad................and in doing so we've helped the very group we've stated WE WILL DESTROY.......................Even as we hit them..............we ensure that they keep fighting there........which ensures it continues...............................

If we wanted to take out ISIS............then we could take their asses out.............and most of it by air..............but we don't...............because Assad is the main goal.
When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Does it still get sun amongst those tall corn stalks?
I guess??? Since the new epa mandate that 20 pct of corn go to ethanol. There's a lot more corn grown and marijuana plants according to the local news is increasing.
The Sun part??? I guess the corn growing so high is more of a advantage than the sunlight.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

...and the side we pick is always the wrong side.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

You just don't get what I'm trying to say here.....................If I were in charge do you think we'd be sending them more weapons and supplies............Not a chance in hell I'd do that.............................

Direct your position to the correct source.................Obama and RINO's like McCain....................As I don't agree with them.
When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Does it still get sun amongst those tall corn stalks?
I guess??? Since the new epa mandate that 20 pct of corn go to ethanol. There's a lot more corn grown and marijuana plants according to the local news is increasing.
The Sun part??? I guess the corn growing so high is more of a advantage than the sunlight.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

...and the side we pick is always the wrong side.

Sure seems that way. Lol. I remember back when this whole Syria thing started, and we were talking about arming the rebels, and I was like, WTF??? Why are we getting involved in this bullshit anyway?
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

You just don't get what I'm trying to say here.....................If I were in charge do you think we'd be sending them more weapons and supplies............Not a chance in hell I'd do that.............................

Direct your position to the correct source.................Obama and RINO's like McCain....................As I don't agree with them.

Well, I'm really not sure of your position. You seem to one of the right wing "pro Russian" posters, so I'm really not sure what to make of your posts in these types of threads, TBH. :)
I was reading some stuff earlier this morning where some Americans seem to actually be blaming OUR country for the Turkey/Russia incident? You see? This has gotten so bad and we are SO divided. I don't think I've ever seen my country so divided. It's quite depressing. Syria, Russia and Turkey are not worth it.
When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Does it still get sun amongst those tall corn stalks?
I guess??? Since the new epa mandate that 20 pct of corn go to ethanol. There's a lot more corn grown and marijuana plants according to the local news is increasing.
The Sun part??? I guess the corn growing so high is more of a advantage than the sunlight.
When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Does it still get sun amongst those tall corn stalks?
I guess??? Since the new epa mandate that 20 pct of corn go to ethanol. There's a lot more corn grown and marijuana plants according to the local news is increasing.
The Sun part??? I guess the corn growing so high is more of a advantage than the sunlight.
I guess that 0 pct seed must mean they're roundup ready.
I was reading some stuff earlier this morning where some Americans seem to actually be blaming OUR country for the Turkey/Russia incident? You see? This has gotten so bad and we are SO divided. I don't think I've ever seen my country so divided. It's quite depressing. Syria, Russia and Turkey are not worth it.
We've reached a point where the hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends behave precisely the same way:

When anything remotely bad happens anywhere in any way at any time, the first thought that pops into their heads clearly is how to spin and pin it on the "other side".

Both ends are so similar in their behaviors, it must be like looking in the mirror.

Maybe that's why they're so angry.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

You just don't get what I'm trying to say here.....................If I were in charge do you think we'd be sending them more weapons and supplies............Not a chance in hell I'd do that.............................

Direct your position to the correct source.................Obama and RINO's like McCain....................As I don't agree with them.

Well, I'm really not sure of your position. You seem to one of the right wing "pro Russian" posters, so I'm really not sure what to make of your posts in these types of threads, TBH. :)

I'm pro killing ISIS and when the Russians are killing them and their supply lines..........well that's killing ISIS...........so yeah..............When Russians kill that scum to hopefully end this.....................Give me a dang Pom pom...........I'll do a cheer.......

As far as overall with Russia.............I understand that Putin is a pain in our ass in the Region.........Specifically with Iran..................I also understand Syria is allied to Hamas and Hez............both of whom are now fighting in Syria along with Iranian para military forces........................

Bibbi said it's a Game of Thrones............he was right...........but even his hands aren't clean.................Shiite........aka Iran wants dominance.............Turkey .........aka wants Sunni Dominance..................

It's a Death Arena with the big boys manipulating the whole dang thing............................and all for Geopolitical control of the region.................as they ignore the Genocide going on there now...........................

It's a HELL IN A HAND BASKET situation.....................and we are keeping HELL OPEN FOR SERVICE VIA OUR POLICIES.
While I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch, I have to say it is quite discouraging reading the posts on this forum. I mean really, you disagree with Obama's policies, you don't like him, whatever, but the constant "Hussein is a terrorist", "I hate Hussein", "he is a Muslim and going to invoke Sharia law in America" bullshit really gets kind of old and fucking boring. Somebody has to stand up and be an adult and say enough with the partisan bull and bickering and let's come back down to earth and look at things like a sane person!!! None of these things help us and they don't help the situation at all!

Your partisanship is not a good enough reason for me to want to sacrifice my child in some stupid war, that is FOR SURE. I'm sure there are other more effective things we can do than go through another stupid useless war where we lose a lot and gain virtually NOTHING.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

Honestly, I don't care. I want us to wash our hands of the middle east entirely, that would include Turkey. Nothing good comes from dealing with that region of the world. It leads to nothing but more and more problems. If you think for one minute that the United States getting involved in yet ANOTHER war against terrorism is going to make a damn bit of difference, then you are fooling yourself. It will waste lives and resources needlessly and solve NOTHING.

Matt Drudge tweeted that he has proof that the US is funding Isis.
I guess we'll have to wait till he bombshells it.
While I'm not an Obama fan by any stretch, I have to say it is quite discouraging reading the posts on this forum. I mean really, you disagree with Obama's policies, you don't like him, whatever, but the constant "Hussein is a terrorist", "I hate Hussein", "he is a Muslim and going to invoke Sharia law in America" bullshit really gets kind of old and fucking boring. Somebody has to stand up and be an adult and say enough with the partisan bull and bickering and let's come back down to earth and look at things like a sane person!!! None of these things help us and they don't help the situation at all!

Your partisanship is not a good enough reason for me to want to sacrifice my child in some stupid war, that is FOR SURE. I'm sure there are other more effective things we can do than go through another stupid useless war where we lose a lot and gain virtually NOTHING.

Since when have I stated that I want your son to go die in Syria.................................

Partisan..........................If I'm a radical American for saying enough of the Obama policy there then so be it...................His meddling has allowed this Genocide to continue............................They are dying their daily...............ISIS is a brutal group of scum bags.............the whole world has VOWED TO KILL THEM..............

Then stop playing games and do it................funding them or not taking out their Strategic areas of operation sure isn't how to fight the War........nor is allowing supplies and forces to join them via Turkey........................

I'm opposed to our position in Syria...............It's BS........................I want ISIS gone and the dammed mess to end...........I really don't care who takes them out.........

If that makes me PARTISAN THEN SO BE IT..........................I'm not the only one saying it over here...............
MY loyalty is with the United States, no matter WHO my president is.
Well thank you..............I swore an oath stating the same.......................did 10 years and served over there...............

The Oath is against our enemies FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC.....................right now...............the Liar N chief is fighting ISIS ON ONE HAND............And supporting them in the other......................

Which HAND am I supposed to bow to............................neither...................

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