Putin Strikes Back : airstrikes Turkish convoy

Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.
Make Obama's job more difficult????? While your kissing his ass today, please show him a compass and explain to him which direction is North.............ISIS is in NORTHERN SYRIA..................while we have limited hits in the North............he thinks the main problem is in the South........

Perhaps you could teach him which way is up and which way is down........That would be appreciated........
Why are you talking like this is a U.S. problem? We are not at war, other than using air power on Daesh and using our technology to help other allied combatants.

And until the coward Republicans vote on a new AUMF Obama shouldn't do shit.
Heck, certain civilizations go "extinct" for a reason, because they cannot adapt and change. Let them go extinct by constantly warring with one another. It is just the circle of life, I think. ;) I don't see any reason why we should be involved in that medieval shit hole we call the "Middle East", honestly.
The dems on this forum appear not to like us there either. But they can't blame zero, so they blame the gop. Despite the man crush barry has on asaad as well as putin.

Both sides have been guilty of getting involved in things they probably shouldn't have. I don't think either party has "clean hands" in all of this crap. But, we always hear that we shouldn't get involved, until we do get involved . . . and then the excuses follow. I just don't see any good coming from us getting involved. We can help kill some terrorists, sure, but at what cost to us, in the long run too? We can "control" them for a while maybe by chasing them around, but for how long are we going to have to do this, and meanwhile our sons and daughters die, and for what??

The only way to really control the problem would be to occupy these nations, and that gets expensive! Not to mention, people would freak about it, and there would be even MORE terrorists.

Sons and daughters don't have to die. There hasn't been a draft for years.
Since when has obam listen to republicans. The guy likes nothing more than to stick his thumb in their eye at every opportunity.
Until you have an answer to this I'm not interested in what you think Obama's sins are:
Robert Draper Book: GOP Leadership Plotted To Make Obama A One-Termer The Night Of His Inauguration

And don't just look at the article title and think you know what is in the article. Read it. It won't take long.

I've been posting the caucus room conspiracy for years. repubs never have an answer for that one. Our dem leaders should have went for treason charges against those scumbags like paul ryan.
Older article..........but shows the real deal......as Turkey supplies ISIS with Humanitarian aid............Back in 2014 to the tune of 8 Billion in trade going into Syria.................Russia is CUTTING THIS LINE...............

This is why the Sunni Islamist Erdogan has not been very helpful until very recently. He has turned a blind eye to Sunni Daesh because they have been fighting the Shiite Syrians under Assad.

Türkiye needs another military coup to restore Ataturk's secular, democratic vision.
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)

Praise Allah, ISIS is contained
They are, in exactly the way that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) stated.
embarrassing for CrusaderFrank :itsok:
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.
Make Obama's job more difficult????? While your kissing his ass today, please show him a compass and explain to him which direction is North.............ISIS is in NORTHERN SYRIA..................while we have limited hits in the North............he thinks the main problem is in the South........

Perhaps you could teach him which way is up and which way is down........That would be appreciated........
Why are you talking like this is a U.S. problem? We are not at war, other than using air power on Daesh and using our technology to help other allied combatants.

And until the coward Republicans vote on a new AUMF Obama shouldn't do shit.
reminds me of "The Cotton 47" from last year. :eusa_doh:

Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)

Praise Allah, ISIS is contained
They are, in exactly the way that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) stated.
embarrassing for CrusaderFrank :itsok:
Frank doesn't have the capacity to feel shame or be embarrassed by anything he says. He's proven that time and again.
Since when has obam listen to republicans. The guy likes nothing more than to stick his thumb in their eye at every opportunity.
Until you have an answer to this I'm not interested in what you think Obama's sins are:
Robert Draper Book: GOP Leadership Plotted To Make Obama A One-Termer The Night Of His Inauguration

And don't just look at the article title and think you know what is in the article. Read it. It won't take long.
Since when has obam listen to republicans.
While you're at it, why would Obama listen to Republicans? Because of their stellar record in the Middle East?

Name me one instance of Bush substituting his judgement, deferring to the judgement of Democrats over his own.
I agree on all that yur saying at least here. Bush is an idiot just like his brother.
Now to the web page you referred me to.
Can't say i disagree with the op. Sounds like typical politics to me. In context I fail to see what it has to do with obama's syrian policy though.
Of course you know that to me syria is just a pissing contest between obama and putin. obama could just pull out and give the whole shabang to Putin, and make me eat crow.
Syria: they're both on the putting green and obama is using a 4 iron and putin a 5 and asaad is holding the flag. Makes about that much sense, I guess
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.

Considering we haven't said much about Obama at all, your post seems a bit much.
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.

Considering we haven't said much about Obama at all, your post seems a bit much.

Read the thread. Use your head.
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)

Praise Allah, ISIS is contained
They are, in exactly the way that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) stated.
embarrassing for CrusaderFrank :itsok:
Frank doesn't have the capacity to feel shame or be embarrassed by anything he says. He's proven that time and again.

Why on earth would anyone be ashamed of opposing Obama's destructive policies?
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.

Considering we haven't said much about Obama at all, your post seems a bit much.

Read the thread. Use your head.

I did. Which is why I said there hasn't been much mention of Obama until that point.

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