Putin Strikes Back : airstrikes Turkish convoy

Go Russia go!!!! I hope they pound turkey and kill everything that crosses into syria from their.

Where did that come from? Look at your sig line, how you going to spend 100 billion on NASA if you give the paleo-cons real justification to expand defense spending? It was 3 minutes to midnight before this new escalation.


I want America to stay out of it..That's how.

Keep dreaming...........You hear what these guys are saying, everybody's clamoring for war. An endless war just got longer.
Jeb Bush ;
When asked if he would put “boots on the ground” in Syria, Bush responded emphatically.

“Absolutely. And it ought to be designed by our military without their hands tied,” he said, adding that he would also push for a no-fly zone over Syria and arm the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Iraq.

“This is a threat to Western civilization. There's no way to deny this,” Bush said. “And containing ISIS isn't going to work.”

Lindsey Graham;
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham was even more direct with his policy prescription, warning of another “9/11 … coming from Syria” if the U.S. doesn’t take significant new military action in the region.

“You’re only going to win this war if you go on offense,” the Republican lawmaker said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “There’s a 9/11 coming and it’s coming from Syria if we don’t disrupt their operations coming from Syria.”

“Without American boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq, we’re going to be hit at home,” Graham warned before suggesting that France lead the fight.

“I hope the French will invoke Article 5,” Graham said on Sunday. “They should — the world should be at war with ISIL.”

I could go on and on but you know the score, and the danger.

Scare tactics. Nothing has changed for US since the French terror attacks. Why everyone seems to want to jump into a war over this, I can't say. Obviously, this is what the terrorists want. They want us to go over there and fight them. I say, we ignore them. Just put a nix on anyone immigrating from that part of the world, at least for the time being. The threat is real, and I think we should take it seriously but I don't see any justification for the United States to act any more except for a supportive role to our allies who happen to be involved.

As far as the Turkey/Russia situation, we should just stay out of it, IMO. :)
Go Russia go!!!! I hope they pound turkey and kill everything that crosses into syria from their.

Where did that come from? Look at your sig line, how you going to spend 100 billion on NASA if you give the paleo-cons real justification to expand defense spending? It was 3 minutes to midnight before this new escalation.


I want America to stay out of it..That's how.

Keep dreaming...........You hear what these guys are saying, everybody's clamoring for war. An endless war just got longer.
Jeb Bush ;
When asked if he would put “boots on the ground” in Syria, Bush responded emphatically.

“Absolutely. And it ought to be designed by our military without their hands tied,” he said, adding that he would also push for a no-fly zone over Syria and arm the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Iraq.

“This is a threat to Western civilization. There's no way to deny this,” Bush said. “And containing ISIS isn't going to work.”

Lindsey Graham;
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham was even more direct with his policy prescription, warning of another “9/11 … coming from Syria” if the U.S. doesn’t take significant new military action in the region.

“You’re only going to win this war if you go on offense,” the Republican lawmaker said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “There’s a 9/11 coming and it’s coming from Syria if we don’t disrupt their operations coming from Syria.”

“Without American boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq, we’re going to be hit at home,” Graham warned before suggesting that France lead the fight.

“I hope the French will invoke Article 5,” Graham said on Sunday. “They should — the world should be at war with ISIL.”

I could go on and on but you know the score, and the danger.

Scare tactics. Nothing has changed for US since the French terror attacks. Why everyone seems to want to jump into a war over this, I can't say. Obviously, this is what the terrorists want. They want us to go over there and fight them. I say, we ignore them. Just put a nix on anyone immigrating from that part of the world, at least for the time being. The threat is real, and I think we should take it seriously but I don't see any justification for the United States to act any more except for a supportive role to our allies who happen to be involved.

As far as the Turkey/Russia situation, we should just stay out of it, IMO. :)
We can't stay out of that as we have a base their and are conducting air strikes from various bases in Turkey.......

A long while back I stated we need to rethink having bases in Turkey......primarily because of Turkey moving towards the Dark Side of Islam.......Their current leader made campaign promises to retake Jerusalem.......................and said he wanted to unite the Muslims into his version of the Caliphate..........aka the return of the Ottoman Empire................

With this going on............we need to get our people out of that country.........and decide whether they should be part of NATO anymore.
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

Commandant of Marine Corps speaks his ind about Syria

I have suggested to friends that I felt our general and flag officers are speaking their minds more loudly in public. This is Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller talking to his Marines in Okinawa. Here he is responding to a Marine who asked about U.S. policy regarding the Islamic State. General Neller's answer follows:

“I’m going to do what the president tells me. “That wasn’t the answer you were looking for, was it? ... If we went there, is there any doubt in your mind, if we got a force together on the Syrian border and we drove into Raqqa, we would beat them into the ground like tent pegs? ... So we’re in Raqqa and they’re all dead or captured or killed or wounded, and were standing in Raqqa and we’re like, ‘Now what?’ So before we go do that I thinks its fair we ask our political leadership... when we’re done, what’s next?”

“Rebuilding, sir,” a Marine shouted from the audience.

“I don’t want to rebuild anything in Syria ... I’ve been to this movie once before. It was called Iraq. I’ve been to this movie and it didn’t end the way we wanted it to end.”
Erdoğan: What now, Barry? Any more great ideas?

Obama: Let's us choom, perhaps an answer will come
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)
I don't really see this "global community" idea working out very well. :) Perhaps the United States should claim a "neutral" status and we should just start worrying about ourselves and the problems we are facing here at home. I'm sorry to say that I think the Middle East is a lost cause.
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)

Praise Allah, ISIS is contained
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)

Praise Allah, ISIS is contained
Please continue with your meaning there.............
Military News Briefs | Talking Proud

The Russians said they were not sending ground forces to Syria. They lied. Anyone who saw the tanks and artillery come in weeks ago knew those weapons required ground forces. The Wall Street Journal now reports that the Russians have sent in a battalion-size force to handle these weapons. I expect Russia has already inserted ground infantry forces as well, but we need to get some confirmation. If they have not yet arrived, I would bet they will soon. Russia also launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles from ships on the Caspian Sea in support of an Assad Army push in the north (photo applies). The missiles flew through Iraqi airspace without approvals. However, US defense officials have said as many as four of the missiles crashed in Iran. The Russians dispute this claim. Russian air attacks continue, some against ISS, most against anti-Assad forces or in support of Assad forces on the move. Furthermore, Fox News has reported Russian fighters have intercepted and shadowed US drones over Syria on at least three occasions. The fighters practiced intercept tactics though they did not attempt a shoot-down. Russia has also sent Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters to Homs along with rocket launchers and Russian marines. Fox News suggests the Russians are forming a protective ring around their air base at Latakia which also serves as an Assad stronghold. (100715)

Iranian forces pouring into Syria

Iranian forces are pouring into Syria, landing in Damascus, being transported to Latakia, and then deploying to the field to fight against anti-Assad forces, using Russian air cover. Experts estimate there have been about 1,500 Iranian fighters already there, and the rate of arrivals is rising. The Iranian-supported Hezbollah has also been sending in the fresh troops for the same purpose. Look for a major offensive in Aleppo province soon. Such an offensive will come dangerously close to Turkey. A host of groups, pro and anti Assad along with ISIS are in various pockets of Aleppo City, but anti-Assad forces hold much of the province. One Iranian general has already been killed advising government forces in Aleppo. (101415)

Praise Allah, ISIS is contained
Please continue with your meaning there.............

Obama contained ISIS, the JV team. We have no worries
I don't really see this "global community" idea working out very well. :) Perhaps the United States should claim a "neutral" status and we should just start worrying about ourselves and the problems we are facing here at home. I'm sorry to say that I think the Middle East is a lost cause.
Our policy is a failure because it's primary goal is to get rid of Assad.................and we have been in bed with dangerous bed fellows..............
Our ROE's have limited our targets and allowed funding of ISIS.................Giving the economic engine of Raqqa the ability to make a lot of money used by ISIS......

If our true Strategic Objective was to kill ISIS, and we got rid of the ROE's...........then they would already be a pile of rubble...............

That is not our true objective under this administration................the true objective is the removal of Assad..........

Russia now has Ground Forces in Syria..........they are deploying anti air defense systems there.....Have fighter aircraft conducting combat operations directly out of Syria...................They are targeting the Rebel forces, mainly coming out of Turkey............Turkey's main goal is Assad..............and killing Kurds when given the opportunity......................Russia has stepped between the red lines...................and said no mas......................pun intended.
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.
Make Obama's job more difficult????? While your kissing his ass today, please show him a compass and explain to him which direction is North.............ISIS is in NORTHERN SYRIA..................while we have limited hits in the North............he thinks the main problem is in the South........

Perhaps you could teach him which way is up and which way is down........That would be appreciated........
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.
Make Obama's job more difficult????? While your kissing his ass today, please show him a compass and explain to him which direction is North.............ISIS is in NORTHERN SYRIA..................while we have limited hits in the North............he thinks the main problem is in the South........

Perhaps you could teach him which way is up and which way is down........That would be appreciated........

Fuck off, Dummy. You'd sit quietly in a corner of any national security meeting that Obama was involved in. You know nothing that he doesn't know and you'd have zero input worth hearing.

.......................blah blah..............blah............blah.........blah.........blah.....
Good morning, nutbags.

Barack Obama occupies a very important quadrant of your collective brain, doesn't he.

Why hasn't the international news media confirmed the claim made in the OP? Why is the OP seemingly so excited about the idea that war could erupt between Turkey and Russia? Could it be because it would make Obama's job more difficult? Does the OP think this is somehow embarrassing to Obama?

Fucking losers.
Make Obama's job more difficult????? While your kissing his ass today, please show him a compass and explain to him which direction is North.............ISIS is in NORTHERN SYRIA..................while we have limited hits in the North............he thinks the main problem is in the South........

Perhaps you could teach him which way is up and which way is down........That would be appreciated........

Fuck off, Dummy. You'd sit quietly in a corner of any national security meeting that Obama was involved in. You know nothing that he doesn't know and you'd have zero input worth hearing.

.......................blah blah..............blah............blah.........blah.........blah.....

Are you on your knees praying to the Obama doll when you say that.............


Again, tell him the real enemy is in the North.........thankyou.
This is why Obama needs to stop listening to Republicans and just leave. No matter who wins, it will end up being a religious Muslim states.

Look at what Republicans let Iraqi's write into their constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

In fact, I suspect it was Republicans who told them to put it into the constitution. I bet they want to blame that on Obama too. Well, too late. It was in there before Bush left office.

I wonder why tyroneweaver finds this funny?
Since when has obam listen to republicans. The guy likes nothing more than to stick his thumb in their eye at every opportunity.
And the fact that rdean said, would indicate he's trying to protect obama by creating a false narrative about repubs.
Remember, I'm the defacto head of the far far right on this forum, I'm a conservative first and a gop'r 2nd. And I don't want us in syria for a number of reasons.
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When the plant gets so high, just take a string and tie it to the ground. It gets watered, and fertilized and goes undetected.
You can do the same in a corn field.
Does it still get sun amongst those tall corn stalks?
I guess??? Since the new epa mandate that 20 pct of corn go to ethanol. There's a lot more corn grown and marijuana plants according to the local news is increasing.
The Sun part??? I guess the corn growing so high is more of a advantage than the sunlight.

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