Putin takes charge, orders Russian troops to Syria after Obama’s plan flops

Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Spot On. Russia has sat back and watched the Western Elites take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. But it looks like it's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. Time to go on offense.

The West has no moral high ground to stand on. That's especially true in Syria. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain created ISIS. They want Assad dead. Russia and Iran are gonna clean up our awful mess there.

What cracks me up is when I read that Putin in the aggressor when clearly our asshole leaders have been altogether too busy trying to bamboozle the masses with this fake Arab Spring "giving democracy" to the Middle East.

Hell's bells its outrageous what we've been witnessing. There's no civil war. There never was. Just our fools playing footsies with the SA's, Qatar and Turkey to put the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood into power.

The West isn't the 'Good Guy' in all this. That's just the propaganda it feeds its people. The West has been invading and pillaging all over the world for years. It owns and controls the UN. It's sanctioned all the aggression. So it's not a credible organization.

Russia has sat quietly on the sidelines for years watching the West invade and pillage. Now it looks like it wants back in the game. Time to go on offense. And in Syria's case, that's probably a good thing. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have created a horrific mess there. Russia and Iran will be the ones to bring peace back to Syria.

Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Spot On. Russia has sat back and watched the Western Elites take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. But it looks like it's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. Time to go on offense.

The West has no moral high ground to stand on. That's especially true in Syria. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain created ISIS. They want Assad dead. Russia and Iran are gonna clean up our awful mess there.

What cracks me up is when I read that Putin in the aggressor when clearly our asshole leaders have been altogether too busy trying to bamboozle the masses with this fake Arab Spring "giving democracy" to the Middle East.

Hell's bells its outrageous what we've been witnessing. There's no civil war. There never was. Just our fools playing footsies with the SA's, Qatar and Turkey to put the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood into power.

The West isn't the 'Good Guy' in all this. That's just the propaganda it feeds its people. The West has been invading and pillaging all over the world for years. It owns and controls the UN. It's sanctioned all the aggression. So it's not a credible organization.

Russia has sat quietly on the sidelines for years watching the West invade and pillage. Now it looks like it wants back in the game. Time to go on offense. And in Syria's case, that's probably a good thing. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have created a horrific mess there. Russia and Iran will be the ones to bring peace back to Syria.


Just the truth. The West isn't the 'Good Guy.' The West is doing all the invading and pillaging around the world. But it looks like Russia wants back in the game. It's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria.
Of course you dont see a problem. It's because you're stupid.
Stupidity is supporting a kleptocrat over your own country.
Of course you dont see a problem. It's because you're stupid.
Stupidity is supporting a kleptocrat over your own country.

In Syria and Ukraine especially, my country is wrong. It supported an illegal coup in Ukraine and created ISIS in Syria. Sometimes our country is wrong. I don't support Putin, but he hasn't been the aggressor.

The West and especially the U.S., has been invading and plundering all over the world for years. Russia and Iran are probably the only ones who can bring peace back to Syria at this point. Our meddling has created bloody misery over there.
Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Spot On. Russia has sat back and watched the Western Elites take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. But it looks like it's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. Time to go on offense.

The West has no moral high ground to stand on. That's especially true in Syria. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain created ISIS. They want Assad dead. Russia and Iran are gonna clean up our awful mess there.

What cracks me up is when I read that Putin in the aggressor when clearly our asshole leaders have been altogether too busy trying to bamboozle the masses with this fake Arab Spring "giving democracy" to the Middle East.

Hell's bells its outrageous what we've been witnessing. There's no civil war. There never was. Just our fools playing footsies with the SA's, Qatar and Turkey to put the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood into power.

The West isn't the 'Good Guy' in all this. That's just the propaganda it feeds its people. The West has been invading and pillaging all over the world for years. It owns and controls the UN. It's sanctioned all the aggression. So it's not a credible organization.

Russia has sat quietly on the sidelines for years watching the West invade and pillage. Now it looks like it wants back in the game. Time to go on offense. And in Syria's case, that's probably a good thing. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have created a horrific mess there. Russia and Iran will be the ones to bring peace back to Syria.

Can you even believe we are talking like this? I can't believe I am backing Russia over the Ukraine and Syria. I've been a political animal for most of my life and honestly I can't believe what I am witnessing.

I've watched an overthrow of a duly elected Uk government handed over to nazi lovers. I've watched our leaders take out Mubarak and give Egypt to the MB. They fucked up Libya. Yemen who knows these days .

AND the idiots have given us ISIS.

Holy freaking toledo!
Yanukovych was voted out by a duly elected Ukrainian Parliament because Ukrainians were fed-up with endemic corruption. Same thing just happened in Guatemala and has happened in other countries.

The Arab Spring on the other hand is Obama's crown jewel in a failed foreign policy.

I would love for Putin in a press conference look straight into the camera and declare that "moose and squirrel" need to get their shit wired tight.

Kerry is a perfect Bullwinkle to Obama's Rocky.


False accusations of being pro-Russian by Obamabots on anyone who does not support this administrations' Syrian policy (do they even have one?.....wait, yes they do, training 4 rebels to fight against ISIS at a cost of $500K to American taxpayers) is a pitiful false meme.
They never pause to think that we are more anti-bullshit than pro-Russian, as bullshit seems to be this administrations' chief export!
Yanukovych was voted out by a duly elected Ukrainian Parliament because Ukrainians were fed-up with endemic corruption. Same thing just happened in Guatemala and has happened in other countries.

The Arab Spring on the other hand is Obama's crown jewel in a failed foreign policy.


For crying out loud Decus. The Rada did not follow the constitution.
Yanukovych was voted out by a duly elected Ukrainian Parliament because Ukrainians were fed-up with endemic corruption. Same thing just happened in Guatemala and has happened in other countries.

The Arab Spring on the other hand is Obama's crown jewel in a failed foreign policy.


Decus dearheart. If you do not follow your own constitution all of this is blasphemy.

Now others may not understand this but Bandera's grandson is Canadian. Would you like me to continue with the Honor of the Ukraine for Stepan?

I'm ready to go full tilt when the election is over here. I'm keeping this out of the mainstream because I need the Conservative Party to win the election. Then I'll go for it.
Many of you will not understand this. It truly is peeling an onion. Layer by layer.

But my rants on the Ukraine are true. And solid. I have no idea why we are backing nazis. That will be for someone to explain this to me.

I've cried so many nights. So many nights.

After this election I will be seeking answers.
Yanukovych was voted out by a duly elected Ukrainian Parliament because Ukrainians were fed-up with endemic corruption. Same thing just happened in Guatemala and has happened in other countries.

The Arab Spring on the other hand is Obama's crown jewel in a failed foreign policy.


Aye carumba! Decus give it up. Please. At this point please give it up.

Tell the world who gave Bandera the title and honor of "Hero of the Ukraine" and we can maybe move forward from there.

Nazi lovers in Kiev Decus.

My heart breaks at this. I know Lviv. I know the pogroms. I know who my Prime Minister gave the country to. Nazi lovers. When my elections are over you are going to watch me destroy people over this.
For those that might not understand.

Those we just gave power to in the Ukraine. They are nazis. They are nazi lovers. This is not something from Putin. Western Ukrainians were nazi collaborators. OUN. They believed in ethnic cleansing.

Their war crimes are on record.

They still believe in "purity" to this day. My heart breaks at this because I have had to battle so many on this board to try to make them understand it is not Putin propaganda.

We're talking real time. Real nazis.

His name is Bandera. This is who they love. This is who they overthrew the duly elected government for. And we back Nazis.
In this area, I will call it Lviv. Almost one quarter of the deaths occurred. I am so ashamed that everyone lies about this. But this is true.

The atrocities of the nazis became full blown on the frontier with the assistance of Ukrainians. The Ukrainians who ran with Bandera.

I'm crying so hard. This is difficult.

Jews were fair game. Lord help me. I'm sobbing. I don't know how you can do this to someone else.


Now the western Ukrainians that we have given power to are responsible for almost two million jews being killed.

Death might have been better than what the Uks in Lviv did to the Jews.


Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!

OK, let the Russians put their pecker into that meat grinder.
Yanukovych was voted out by a duly elected Ukrainian Parliament because Ukrainians were fed-up with endemic corruption. Same thing just happened in Guatemala and has happened in other countries.

The Arab Spring on the other hand is Obama's crown jewel in a failed foreign policy.


Aye carumba! Decus give it up. Please. At this point please give it up.

Tell the world who gave Bandera the title and honor of "Hero of the Ukraine" and we can maybe move forward from there.

Nazi lovers in Kiev Decus.

My heart breaks at this. I know Lviv. I know the pogroms. I know who my Prime Minister gave the country to. Nazi lovers. When my elections are over you are going to watch me destroy people over this.

The Ukrainian political party often described as neo-nazi is the Right Sector. In the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary elections they received 1.8% (one point eight percent) of the popular vote and won 1 (one) seat in the Ukrainian parliament. The extreme right wing parties in countries like France are polling at 28% (twenty-eight percent) and a number other European countries are also polling extreme right wing parties much higher than the Ukraine's Right Sector.

WWII was filled with horrific events and every country has a dirty story to tell. Sad that Russian propaganda would use a past tragedy to try and justify their invasion of the Ukraine. Sadly Russia did the same thing in Georgia and given Putin's predilection for military incursion, will certainly do it again in another country.

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Bandera was a Nazi lover. You cannot wash the blood off your hands Decus loving a man like this.

You and others want to hide the nazi loving truth of today.

If this is all "WWII" Russian propaganda why did the President award him "HERO OF THE UKRAINE" before he left office?

Why did the European Parliament denounce this act?

Nazi lovers in western Ukraine. They are real. It should come as no surprise that the east want nothing to do with Kiev. I know what happened in the west.

Almost one quarter of deaths of Jews happened in the west. At the hands of Ukrainians. Bandera's Ukrainians. They gleefully assisted the Nazis.

Geeze louise we are talking how many Poles they killed too?

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