Putin takes charge, orders Russian troops to Syria after Obama’s plan flops

Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!


Good. Let Russians go back to dying in the Middle East for no good reason.

Ridding the world of ISIS is dying for one hell of a good reason.

Even goats agree....

Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!

Good. Let Russians go back to dying in the Middle East for no good reason.

Ridding the world of ISIS is dying for one hell of a good reason.

Go and enlist then you old bag. They'll happily take mercenaries.
Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!


Good. Let Russians go back to dying in the Middle East for no good reason.

Ridding the world of ISIS is dying for one hell of a good reason.

Even goats agree....


Go enlist.
When both sides are evil you let them fight it out. You don't engage.
Assad's regime is evil. We can't take their side. But I see nothing wrong with letting Russia do it.
Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Spot On. Russia has sat back and watched the Western Elites take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. But it looks like it's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. Time to go on offense.

The West has no moral high ground to stand on. That's especially true in Syria. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain created ISIS. They want Assad dead. Russia and Iran are gonna clean up our awful mess there.

What cracks me up is when I read that Putin in the aggressor when clearly our asshole leaders have been altogether too busy trying to bamboozle the masses with this fake Arab Spring "giving democracy" to the Middle East.

Hell's bells its outrageous what we've been witnessing. There's no civil war. There never was. Just our fools playing footsies with the SA's, Qatar and Turkey to put the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood into power.
Apologies for answering a post rather than staying on topic.

Putin's activities in Syria could lead to more violence and hardship resulting in more refugees heading to Europe. In one move Putin is pissing on Obama's shoes and could be putting additional strain on the EU in the form of continuing waves of refugees.

The downside for Russia is that they will lose soldiers in the process but this isn't something that Putin will be too concerned about. A law in Russia sees to that:

"Vladimir Putin has declared that all military deaths will be classified as state secrets not just in times of war but also in peace – a move that activists worry might further discourage the reporting of Russian soldiers’ deaths in Ukraine."

Vladimir Putin declares all Russian military deaths state secrets

The EU helped cause this freaking mess thank you very much. Along with USA and Canada.
Apologies for answering a post rather than staying on topic.

Putin's activities in Syria could lead to more violence and hardship resulting in more refugees heading to Europe. In one move Putin is pissing on Obama's shoes and could be putting additional strain on the EU in the form of continuing waves of refugees.

The downside for Russia is that they will lose soldiers in the process but this isn't something that Putin will be too concerned about. A law in Russia sees to that:

"Vladimir Putin has declared that all military deaths will be classified as state secrets not just in times of war but also in peace – a move that activists worry might further discourage the reporting of Russian soldiers’ deaths in Ukraine."

Vladimir Putin declares all Russian military deaths state secrets

The EU helped cause this freaking mess thank you very much. Along with USA and Canada.
The EU and the World Bank are smack in the middle of it. They want Ukraine to join the EU and stop dealing with Russia. They had agreed years back to assist Ukraine if they would join the EU, both financial and militarily. They are willing to support some shady groups to get that done. To expand their power and continue the Sanctions and economic battle with Russia..............They also want Assad gone to get oil and gas directly via pipeline from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.......not to mention the giant gas fields in the Med that Israel and Egypt are now vying for................Israel has a big field and are negotiating with Noble Drilling to tap the gas field and sell to Europe, as Egypt has found a even larger Gas field that they want to sell in Europe as well.

This is about the big boys on the planet economically challenging each other, and at the same time arming proxies to challenge each other as well.

The world is now a HELL IN A HAND BASKET.
Turkey treads carefully on new gas pipeline with Russia - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

An official with knowledge of the Turkish-Russian negotiations and their international dimensions told Al-Monitor that Berlin is already trying to get the United States to put pressure on Greece and Turkey to scrap Turkish Stream. Meanwhile, he argues, Russia is signaling how it could strike a new transit deal with Ukraine to straighten up the capricious Germans and Turks. The official speaking to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity compared the complicated geopolitical games of Russian natural gas to a “raging orgy” because “it’s never clear who’s screwing who.”

Indeed, many experts are bearish about the fortunes of Turkish Stream. Edward Chow and Zachary Cuyler of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) wrote in a recent article on the CSIS website, “There are many reasons to doubt the feasibility of the third and fourth strings of Turkish Stream and the South European Pipeline” that would carry Russian gas into the EU. Chow and Cuyler pointed out that “Russia and Europe will continue to be tied together by the gas trade” and “it is foolhardy to attempt to supplant Russian gas in Europe with alternatives from the United States and elsewhere, as some who look at energy through a geopolitical lens have proposed.” It would be best, they say, for Russia to use existing infrastructure and focus on its established markets in Europe.

Read more: Turkey treads carefully on new gas pipeline with Russia - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Do these ignorant Republicans think Russia is going to control Syria? Really? I say let them have it. It can be their headache. They will be as successful as they were in Afghanistan.
Bandera was an aggressive and violent nationalist and not worth defending but there are some interesting facts surrounding his activities and present reputation.

"Some of Bandera’s supporters were enthusiastic Nazi collaborators, and some took part in the mass murder of Poles and Jews. Bandera was still imprisoned when most of the ethnic cleansing in Ukraine took place, which is not to say he would have stopped it. His relations with Nazi Germany were ambivalent and opportunistic. He was finally released by the Nazis in 1944 in order to foment Ukrainian resistance to the Soviet forces (with German support) after the Red Army drove the Germans out of Ukraine."

"The nationalists following Bandera fought a bitter and protracted partisan war against Soviet forces, with backing from the West. Kim Philby, the Soviet spy, was then working in MI6 and played a key role in infiltrating anti-communist insurgents behind the Iron Curtain. “The Ukrainian fascists of Stepan Bandera,” he wrote, were “the darlings of the British”."

"The Soviet Union finally prevailed, but not before thousands of Ukrainians had died, fighting what they saw as a Soviet occupation. In Soviet propaganda, these nationalist Ukrainians were demonised as “German-Ukrainian fascists”, much the same language that is being used by Russia today."

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Trying to claim that the majority of Ukrainians supporting the government in Kiev are Nazis is asinine. Yanukovych was one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history and Ukrainians tired of endemic corruption took to the streets protesting for several months. This resulted in the Ukraine's democratically elected parliament voting to remove Yanukovych from office.

"Ukraine's parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych after three months of street protests,..."

Ukraine parliament ousts president, former leader freed

Russians are the best when it comes to propaganda and Putin is a very skilled practitioner.

Bandera was assassinated by the KGB. Read article about that.........and the KGB admits killing him....................but to Bandera worked with Hitler until he was not needed, was imprisoned.......then later released to fight the Russians as Germany was losing the War...................

Bandera was a two timing SOB.............who actually assisted the Germans before they threw him in jail...............Basically a Traitor to his country in WWII, as the Germans slaughtered ethnic groups......................then later fought the Russians with German permission when Germany realized they were fucked........................

In modern times some called Bandera a HERO OF UKRAINE....................from what I'm reading...........that would be a joke............and the party in support of that has Neo Nazi roots......................hardly a group worth defending.

Why we are backing the Nazi lovers in Kiev is just beyond my comprehension. And the fools actually think that by saying this is just Putin propaganda it will erase Bandera's true legacy.

This is the man they idolize.

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev by Timothy Snyder
One always has to remember the Chechen factor. Many Chechens have not only joined ISIS but hold high ranking positions.

Putin has witnessed the wet noodle attacks on ISIS. I think he's had it with our leaders bullshit. Russia appears poised to kick ass. They won't want these Chechen bastards coming back home.
Important news that explains Russia's moves.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa

    ISIS opens a new front on Putin's doorstep
"Putin takes charge, orders Russian troops to Syria after Obama’s plan flops"

Conservatives enamored of an authoritarian war-mongering dictator comes as no surprise.

Oh give it up on Putin being the bad guy on the planet. At this point it's like you're trying to make out Putin as Boris Badenov.

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"Putin takes charge, orders Russian troops to Syria after Obama’s plan flops"

Conservatives enamored of an authoritarian war-mongering dictator comes as no surprise.

Sorry, this is supposed to be an argument in support of Obama? Are you serious? You want an authoritarian war-mongering dictator, you just need to go to Pennsylvania Avenue
I would love for Putin in a press conference look straight into the camera and declare that "moose and squirrel" need to get their shit wired tight.

Kerry is a perfect Bullwinkle to Obama's Rocky.

Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Spot On. Russia has sat back and watched the Western Elites take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. But it looks like it's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. Time to go on offense.

The West has no moral high ground to stand on. That's especially true in Syria. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain created ISIS. They want Assad dead. Russia and Iran are gonna clean up our awful mess there.

What cracks me up is when I read that Putin in the aggressor when clearly our asshole leaders have been altogether too busy trying to bamboozle the masses with this fake Arab Spring "giving democracy" to the Middle East.

Hell's bells its outrageous what we've been witnessing. There's no civil war. There never was. Just our fools playing footsies with the SA's, Qatar and Turkey to put the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood into power.

The West isn't the 'Good Guy' in all this. That's just the propaganda it feeds its people. The West has been invading and pillaging all over the world for years. It owns and controls the UN. It's sanctioned all the aggression. So it's not a credible organization.

Russia has sat quietly on the sidelines for years watching the West invade and pillage. Now it looks like it wants back in the game. Time to go on offense. And in Syria's case, that's probably a good thing. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have created a horrific mess there. Russia and Iran will be the ones to bring peace back to Syria.

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