Putin takes charge, orders Russian troops to Syria after Obama’s plan flops

Putin eats Obama's lunch again and again. He has violated the Ukraine cease fire repeatedly with virtually no repercussions. He is moving arms and trioops into Syria with impunity, and will establish a zone of influence cutting out the US. He consistently out maneuvers Obama, who is simply hapless.

Liar. You are a fucking liar. I can't believe it has come to this but I guess we are going to butt heads.

Russia has not for one minute disrupted cease fires in the EAST. On the other hand the Nazi troop you seem to love the AZOV battalion has continued to do so.

You call yourself RABBI. But you love the Nazis. Very strange. Very strange. AZOV is NAZI.

Now to Syria. We had no business backing the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in ANY of these countries let alone Syria.

Russia has an ally with Iran and Syria. Putin is not moving jack shit with impunity. THEY ARE ALLIES ASSHOLE.
I had forgotten you were a plant by the FSB. That is the only explanation for your continued support of Putin against the Ukrainians. Either that or your meds have quit working.
The history is clear: Putin has violated every cease fire he signed and is using Russian paramilitaries to do his dirty work. See a shrink. You need help.

I'm Ukrainian asshole.

Half Irish. Half Uk.

Makes me lethal. Now argue your support of the Nazis who have taken over Kiev or fuck off so called Rabbi.

You ever seen what Bandera and his OUN did to Jews fuck face.

I'll not only square off against you I will put up the people you appear to love.

Let's dance so called Rabbi.
You're fucking mental is what you are.
Putin eats Obama's lunch again and again. He has violated the Ukraine cease fire repeatedly with virtually no repercussions. He is moving arms and trioops into Syria with impunity, and will establish a zone of influence cutting out the US. He consistently out maneuvers Obama, who is simply hapless.

Liar. You are a fucking liar. I can't believe it has come to this but I guess we are going to butt heads.

Russia has not for one minute disrupted cease fires in the EAST. On the other hand the Nazi troop you seem to love the AZOV battalion has continued to do so.

You call yourself RABBI. But you love the Nazis. Very strange. Very strange. AZOV is NAZI.

Now to Syria. We had no business backing the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in ANY of these countries let alone Syria.

Russia has an ally with Iran and Syria. Putin is not moving jack shit with impunity. THEY ARE ALLIES ASSHOLE.
I had forgotten you were a plant by the FSB. That is the only explanation for your continued support of Putin against the Ukrainians. Either that or your meds have quit working.
The history is clear: Putin has violated every cease fire he signed and is using Russian paramilitaries to do his dirty work. See a shrink. You need help.

I'm Ukrainian asshole.

Half Irish. Half Uk.

Makes me lethal. Now argue your support of the Nazis who have taken over Kiev or fuck off so called Rabbi.

You ever seen what Bandera and his OUN did to Jews fuck face.

I'll not only square off against you I will put up the people you appear to love.

Let's dance so called Rabbi.
You're fucking mental is what you are.

Really Rabbi?

For speaking the truth about my own peoples horrible past? The Kiev Nazis on the march again with western support?

Have you ever heard about the Holocaust of Bullets? You claim to be a jew. Surely you know about the atrocities in the Ukraine?

When I call Bandera out to be a Nazi and his supporters Nazis its because I am historically correct.
Putin eats Obama's lunch again and again. He has violated the Ukraine cease fire repeatedly with virtually no repercussions. He is moving arms and trioops into Syria with impunity, and will establish a zone of influence cutting out the US. He consistently out maneuvers Obama, who is simply hapless.

Liar. You are a fucking liar. I can't believe it has come to this but I guess we are going to butt heads.

Russia has not for one minute disrupted cease fires in the EAST. On the other hand the Nazi troop you seem to love the AZOV battalion has continued to do so.

You call yourself RABBI. But you love the Nazis. Very strange. Very strange. AZOV is NAZI.

Now to Syria. We had no business backing the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in ANY of these countries let alone Syria.

Russia has an ally with Iran and Syria. Putin is not moving jack shit with impunity. THEY ARE ALLIES ASSHOLE.
I had forgotten you were a plant by the FSB. That is the only explanation for your continued support of Putin against the Ukrainians. Either that or your meds have quit working.
The history is clear: Putin has violated every cease fire he signed and is using Russian paramilitaries to do his dirty work. See a shrink. You need help.

Here's who you back RABBI. You disgusting pigs who have backed the overthrow of a duly elected government in the Ukraine and installed nazi lovers. They adore Stepan do they not?

The nazi loving the nazi collaborater thug that Kiev adores. Stepan is even buried in Germany. You are a pig . Anyone who backs Kiev is a pig. Pffffffffffft. Bandera was a nazi. Ask any Pole. Ask any Ukrainian Jew. Lviv baby. It's history.

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites. You could see the pits move, some of them were still alive': The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' killing centre where 1.6million Jews were executed

  • Jews were humiliated and murdered one by one in Ukraine during WW2
  • Many of them were forced to stand in front of mass graves and shot dead
  • Women were stripped naked, beaten in the streets during 'organised riots'
  • Witnesses today have broken their silence to tell of Ukraine's killing centre

Secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'holocaust of bullets' killing centre
Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.
Stepan Bandera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine

he forbidden truth is that the West has engineered –through a carefully staged covert operation– the formation of a proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.

Confirmed by Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, key organizations in the Ukraine including the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda were generously supported by Washington: “We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. … We will continue to promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”

The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition. The word “Neo-Nazi” is a taboo. It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary. It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent. Journalists have been instructed not to use the term “Neo-Nazi” to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Please give more information Tinydancer.........I'm starting to see your point here.
Bandera was an aggressive and violent nationalist and not worth defending but there are some interesting facts surrounding his activities and present reputation.

"Some of Bandera’s supporters were enthusiastic Nazi collaborators, and some took part in the mass murder of Poles and Jews. Bandera was still imprisoned when most of the ethnic cleansing in Ukraine took place, which is not to say he would have stopped it. His relations with Nazi Germany were ambivalent and opportunistic. He was finally released by the Nazis in 1944 in order to foment Ukrainian resistance to the Soviet forces (with German support) after the Red Army drove the Germans out of Ukraine."

"The nationalists following Bandera fought a bitter and protracted partisan war against Soviet forces, with backing from the West. Kim Philby, the Soviet spy, was then working in MI6 and played a key role in infiltrating anti-communist insurgents behind the Iron Curtain. “The Ukrainian fascists of Stepan Bandera,” he wrote, were “the darlings of the British”."

"The Soviet Union finally prevailed, but not before thousands of Ukrainians had died, fighting what they saw as a Soviet occupation. In Soviet propaganda, these nationalist Ukrainians were demonised as “German-Ukrainian fascists”, much the same language that is being used by Russia today."

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Trying to claim that the majority of Ukrainians supporting the government in Kiev are Nazis is asinine. Yanukovych was one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history and Ukrainians tired of endemic corruption took to the streets protesting for several months. This resulted in the Ukraine's democratically elected parliament voting to remove Yanukovych from office.

"Ukraine's parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych after three months of street protests,..."

Ukraine parliament ousts president, former leader freed

Russians are the best when it comes to propaganda and Putin is a very skilled practitioner.


This is a biased video, but it shows the direct questioning of Nuland to funds going to Ukraine, and loans that they promise to pay back. LOL

The questioning is directly to the influence of Neo Nazi's in Ukraine...........I've been reading other articles saying the same thing..........That it is possible that 33% of the country of Ukraine could be tied to Neo Nazi influence, and that it was this sect that arranged the coup and new elections there.

Just posting some of the info on the subject............as Tinydancer has referred to............to dig deeper into the issue.
Getting back on track........now that the U.S. is sidelined in Syria, guess who has first dibs on Assads' gold when he falls.........Pooty!
Bandera was an aggressive and violent nationalist and not worth defending but there are some interesting facts surrounding his activities and present reputation.

"Some of Bandera’s supporters were enthusiastic Nazi collaborators, and some took part in the mass murder of Poles and Jews. Bandera was still imprisoned when most of the ethnic cleansing in Ukraine took place, which is not to say he would have stopped it. His relations with Nazi Germany were ambivalent and opportunistic. He was finally released by the Nazis in 1944 in order to foment Ukrainian resistance to the Soviet forces (with German support) after the Red Army drove the Germans out of Ukraine."

"The nationalists following Bandera fought a bitter and protracted partisan war against Soviet forces, with backing from the West. Kim Philby, the Soviet spy, was then working in MI6 and played a key role in infiltrating anti-communist insurgents behind the Iron Curtain. “The Ukrainian fascists of Stepan Bandera,” he wrote, were “the darlings of the British”."

"The Soviet Union finally prevailed, but not before thousands of Ukrainians had died, fighting what they saw as a Soviet occupation. In Soviet propaganda, these nationalist Ukrainians were demonised as “German-Ukrainian fascists”, much the same language that is being used by Russia today."

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Trying to claim that the majority of Ukrainians supporting the government in Kiev are Nazis is asinine. Yanukovych was one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history and Ukrainians tired of endemic corruption took to the streets protesting for several months. This resulted in the Ukraine's democratically elected parliament voting to remove Yanukovych from office.

"Ukraine's parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych after three months of street protests,..."

Ukraine parliament ousts president, former leader freed

Russians are the best when it comes to propaganda and Putin is a very skilled practitioner.

Bandera was assassinated by the KGB. Read article about that.........and the KGB admits killing him....................but to Bandera worked with Hitler until he was not needed, was imprisoned.......then later released to fight the Russians as Germany was losing the War...................

Bandera was a two timing SOB.............who actually assisted the Germans before they threw him in jail...............Basically a Traitor to his country in WWII, as the Germans slaughtered ethnic groups......................then later fought the Russians with German permission when Germany realized they were fucked........................

In modern times some called Bandera a HERO OF UKRAINE....................from what I'm reading...........that would be a joke............and the party in support of that has Neo Nazi roots......................hardly a group worth defending.
Street protests recently charged another president with corruption. People the world over are fed-up:

"Attorney General Thelma Aldana has accused the president and other top officials of participating in a kickback scheme known as “La Linea,” in which dozens of people allegedly received bribes in return for allowing businesses to avoid paying customs fees. The vice president, Roxana Baldetti, was arrested last month and accused of receiving $3.7 million in bribes. More than a dozen cabinet members have resigned, including the ministers of defense and interior, who have apparently left Guatemala."

Guatemalan Congress clears way for arrest of president in corruption case

Yanukovych is sadly not the only criminal to hold the office of president but he ranks among the most prolific thieves:

"The scale of the graft under the previous administration, if the allegations turn out to be true, is breathtaking. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has accused the Yanukovych regime of stealing $37 billion from the state—equal to one-fifth of Ukraine's GDP in 2013—during its four years in power."

Ukraine's Enemy Within

Another article worth a look:

Profile: Ukraine's ousted President Viktor Yanukovych - BBC News

Apologies for answering a post rather than staying on topic.

Putin's activities in Syria could lead to more violence and hardship resulting in more refugees heading to Europe. In one move Putin is pissing on Obama's shoes and could be putting additional strain on the EU in the form of continuing waves of refugees.

The downside for Russia is that they will lose soldiers in the process but this isn't something that Putin will be too concerned about. A law in Russia sees to that:

"Vladimir Putin has declared that all military deaths will be classified as state secrets not just in times of war but also in peace – a move that activists worry might further discourage the reporting of Russian soldiers’ deaths in Ukraine."

Vladimir Putin declares all Russian military deaths state secrets
Putin isn't bound by politics. Or anything else, for that matter.

He's a one-man show, and he's demonstrating how dangerous that can be for all involved.

What for not standing by anymore and watching the west fuck up the world one country at a time?

How's Libya working out for every one? You know. " We came , we saw, he died." One fifth of the worlds oil supply and jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Spot On. Russia has sat back and watched the Western Elites take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. But it looks like it's drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. Time to go on offense.

The West has no moral high ground to stand on. That's especially true in Syria. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain created ISIS. They want Assad dead. Russia and Iran are gonna clean up our awful mess there.
The Obama/U.S. plan brought the world ISIS. I seriously doubt Putin can do worse. If anything, he'll probably clean up our mess.
Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!


Good. Let Russians go back to dying in the Middle East for no good reason.
Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!


Good. Let Russians go back to dying in the Middle East for no good reason.

Well, some would say exterminating ISIS is a good reason.
Bandera was an aggressive and violent nationalist and not worth defending but there are some interesting facts surrounding his activities and present reputation.

"Some of Bandera’s supporters were enthusiastic Nazi collaborators, and some took part in the mass murder of Poles and Jews. Bandera was still imprisoned when most of the ethnic cleansing in Ukraine took place, which is not to say he would have stopped it. His relations with Nazi Germany were ambivalent and opportunistic. He was finally released by the Nazis in 1944 in order to foment Ukrainian resistance to the Soviet forces (with German support) after the Red Army drove the Germans out of Ukraine."

"The nationalists following Bandera fought a bitter and protracted partisan war against Soviet forces, with backing from the West. Kim Philby, the Soviet spy, was then working in MI6 and played a key role in infiltrating anti-communist insurgents behind the Iron Curtain. “The Ukrainian fascists of Stepan Bandera,” he wrote, were “the darlings of the British”."

"The Soviet Union finally prevailed, but not before thousands of Ukrainians had died, fighting what they saw as a Soviet occupation. In Soviet propaganda, these nationalist Ukrainians were demonised as “German-Ukrainian fascists”, much the same language that is being used by Russia today."

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Trying to claim that the majority of Ukrainians supporting the government in Kiev are Nazis is asinine. Yanukovych was one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history and Ukrainians tired of endemic corruption took to the streets protesting for several months. This resulted in the Ukraine's democratically elected parliament voting to remove Yanukovych from office.

"Ukraine's parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych after three months of street protests,..."

Ukraine parliament ousts president, former leader freed

Russians are the best when it comes to propaganda and Putin is a very skilled practitioner.

Bandera was assassinated by the KGB. Read article about that.........and the KGB admits killing him....................but to Bandera worked with Hitler until he was not needed, was imprisoned.......then later released to fight the Russians as Germany was losing the War...................

Bandera was a two timing SOB.............who actually assisted the Germans before they threw him in jail...............Basically a Traitor to his country in WWII, as the Germans slaughtered ethnic groups......................then later fought the Russians with German permission when Germany realized they were fucked........................

In modern times some called Bandera a HERO OF UKRAINE....................from what I'm reading...........that would be a joke............and the party in support of that has Neo Nazi roots......................hardly a group worth defending.

Not only have they called him "Hero of the Ukraine" but that son of a bitch Yushchenko awarded him that honor.With his grandson who was Canadian to accept the honor. I know my fellow nazi loving Uks very well.

It makes me want to bazooka barf. The European Parliament protested as did Poland of course and the honor was rescinded. Annulled.
Vladimir Putin views the Syrian army and its Iranian allies as incapable of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, prompting the Russian president to directly intervene in recent weeks by setting up an air base and sending in tanks, artillery and jet fighters, a report to Congress says.

Mr. Putin’s bold yet risky move of putting troops on the ground directly confronting a terrorist group contrasts sharply with the Obama administration’s strategy of an air campaign over Syria but little other military action in that country.

The Islamic State controls wide sections of territory in Iraq and in Syria, where it has proclaimed a capital of Raqqa in Syria’s east.

Vladimir Putin orders ground troops to Syria after Obama's use of moderate rebels flops - Washington Times

Wow, what a leader our affirmative action contrived kenyan community organizing is.


No really. Bravo!!!!


Good. Let Russians go back to dying in the Middle East for no good reason.

Ridding the world of ISIS is dying for one hell of a good reason.

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