Putin to Allow Mueller and Team into Russia

DrLove - Go to the 1:03 mark asshole


Putin did not say he was going to allow Mueller to come and question the 12 who have been indicted. You need to listen again.

Putin first mentioned a treaty which allows Russia and the US to REQUEST the extradition of suspects. Big whoop. He made no promises.

Then he said another option is that the Russian government can question the suspects for us. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then he said a third option is Russia can allow US official to come and question the suspects. But then Putin immediately said he would expect a quid pro quo which would allow Russian officials to come and question Americans.

So that you got "Putin to allow Muller and team into Russia" out of that exposes a lot of foolishness on your part.

No, Muller needs to put up or resign. We want these (12) prosecuted


You are making a really stupid assumption and a public fool of yourself.
DrLove - Go to the 1:03 mark asshole


Putin did not say he was going to allow Mueller to come and question the 12 who have been indicted. You need to listen again.

Putin first mentioned a treaty which allows Russia and the US to REQUEST the extradition of suspects. Big whoop. He made no promises.

Then he said another option is that the Russian government can question the suspects for us. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then he said a third option is Russia can allow US official to come and question the suspects. But then Putin immediately said he would expect a quid pro quo which would allow Russian officials to come and question Americans.

So that you got "Putin to allow Muller and team into Russia" out of that exposes a lot of foolishness on your part.

No that is essentially the deal. He can go there, but Mueller has to show his evidence, which he didn't with the other Russians who showed up in court, much to Mueller's surprise. They've seen the strongarm tactics used against Flynn and Manafort, they're not letting it happen anymore......Mueller has to prove something, rather than run people out of money...
DrLove - Go to the 1:03 mark asshole


Putin did not say he was going to allow Mueller to come and question the 12 who have been indicted. You need to listen again.

Putin first mentioned a treaty which allows Russia and the US to REQUEST the extradition of suspects. Big whoop. He made no promises.

Then he said another option is that the Russian government can question the suspects for us. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then he said a third option is Russia can allow US official to come and question the suspects. But then Putin immediately said he would expect a quid pro quo which would allow Russian officials to come and question Americans.

So that you got "Putin to allow Muller and team into Russia" out of that exposes a lot of foolishness on your part.

No, Muller needs to put up or resign. We want these (12) prosecuted


You are making a really stupid assumption and a public fool of yourself.

Thanks... I'll consider the source

DrLove - Go to the 1:03 mark asshole


Putin did not say he was going to allow Mueller to come and question the 12 who have been indicted. You need to listen again.

Putin first mentioned a treaty which allows Russia and the US to REQUEST the extradition of suspects. Big whoop. He made no promises.

Then he said another option is that the Russian government can question the suspects for us. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then he said a third option is Russia can allow US official to come and question the suspects. But then Putin immediately said he would expect a quid pro quo which would allow Russian officials to come and question Americans.

So that you got "Putin to allow Muller and team into Russia" out of that exposes a lot of foolishness on your part.

No that is essentially the deal.

No, and anyone who parrots that nonsense is a credulous rube.
"Comrade, did you meddle in the US election? [wink wink]"

"No, comrade!"

"I will inform the Americans and let them know this matter is concluded."
Which is why the question was stupid to begin with......
DrLove - Go to the 1:03 mark asshole


Putin did not say he was going to allow Mueller to come and question the 12 who have been indicted. You need to listen again.

Putin first mentioned a treaty which allows Russia and the US to REQUEST the extradition of suspects. Big whoop. He made no promises.

Then he said another option is that the Russian government can question the suspects for us. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then he said a third option is Russia can allow US official to come and question the suspects. But then Putin immediately said he would expect a quid pro quo which would allow Russian officials to come and question Americans.

So that you got "Putin to allow Muller and team into Russia" out of that exposes a lot of foolishness on your part.

No, Muller needs to put up or resign. We want these (12) prosecuted


You are making a really stupid assumption and a public fool of yourself.

Thanks... I'll consider the source


Oh, okay. You go ahead and hear what you want to hear from a KGB thug, and ignore reality. I would not expect anything else of you.
Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

Obviously, America will not disclose how or from whom they got t this intelligence. It's a non-starter.
How else with they convict them in court? I mean, thats what Mueller wants right?


It is detailed in thorough detail within the indictments - including more than he'd probably have liked to reveal regarding sources and methods.
You guys don't seem to be able to read - Sad
Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack[/QUOTE]
Nah he likes indicting people that can't fight back....like Russians or running them out of money on legal bills.
Mueller has to convince a jury of 12, that these Russians beyond a reasonable doubt, are guilty

Putin's voice is too loud and translators voice too soft. I'll see a better version later.
I must say however, that if you guys think Mueller is stupid enough to put himself and his team through questioning in a hostile foreign nation as to sources and methods .. I can't help.
A Putin dog and pony show would be even worse than a House Intel Committee dog and pony show. :rolleyes:

Nice to see you siding with Putin instead of the US Intelligence Community however.
Really you should pack up and move to Moscow - Asshole

The only dog and pony show is the mueller carnival.
Putin's voice is too loud and translators voice too soft. I'll see a better version later.
I must say however, that if you guys think Mueller is stupid enough to put himself and his team through questioning in a hostile foreign nation as to sources and methods .. I can't help.
A Putin dog and pony show would be even worse than a House Intel Committee dog and pony show. :rolleyes:

Nice to see you siding with Putin instead of the US Intelligence Community however.
Really you should pack up and move to Moscow - Asshole

The only dog and pony show is the mueller carnival.

Don't know about you but I would prefer some dogs and ponies to the usual collusion BS.
It gets deeper than that.

"utin replied that there is a Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaty between the US and Russia since 1999, and Russia WILL PERMIT Special Counsel Mueller and his team to travel to Russia to take part in any interrogation of the 12 men. BUT IN RETURN, Russia wants the same treatment under that Mutual Law Enforcement Treaty with regards to a man named Mr. Browder."

Putin said:

"Mr. Browder and his associates earned over $1.5 Billion in Russia and evacuated the money without paying any taxes. He paid no taxes in Russia or the United States.
$400 million was sent to Hillary Clinton. If the US wants Russia to cooperate on the 12 men, then Russia wants the same cooperation on Mr. Browder.""

BOOM! Russian President Reveals $400 Million sent to Hillary Campaign !

We'll see how it goes.
I suppose it is just a coincidence Putin's tit-for-tat request aligns perfectly with Trump's own deflections from the Mueller investigation...

Mueller has the same evidence against these Russians that he had against the previous Russians.


Go read the indictment Goober - The evidence is laid out in meticulous and thorough fashion.

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Read? Really?
You want Republicans to read?
What if they learn something?
They could have a stroke.

They have around the same attention span and penchant for reading as their orange overlord :wink:
Dayummmm....I love how people are calling the bluff........how confident is Mueller?

Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol
Dayummmm....I love how people are calling the bluff........how confident is Mueller?

Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol

Nope, he wants a Mr. Browder turned over for questioning.
There's not a chance in Hell that Mueller agrees to go to Russia.

Mueller is no Rocky

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