Putin to Allow Mueller and Team into Russia

Mueller has the same evidence against these Russians that he had against the previous Russians.


Go read the indictment Goober - The evidence is laid out in meticulous and thorough fashion.

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack
I read it. Nope. No evidence. Just allegations. Which is to be expected in an indictment. No evidence need be presented at this stage.
For a lawyer, you don't seem to know much. A Grand Jury's job is to determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial. They said yes.
How Does a Grand Jury Work? - FindLaw
I suppose it is just a coincidence Putin's tit-for-tat request aligns perfectly with Trump's own deflections from the Mueller investigation...


Did you miss the part where Hillary received another $400MM?
It gets deeper than that.

"utin replied that there is a Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaty between the US and Russia since 1999, and Russia WILL PERMIT Special Counsel Mueller and his team to travel to Russia to take part in any interrogation of the 12 men. BUT IN RETURN, Russia wants the same treatment under that Mutual Law Enforcement Treaty with regards to a man named Mr. Browder."

Putin said:

"Mr. Browder and his associates earned over $1.5 Billion in Russia and evacuated the money without paying any taxes. He paid no taxes in Russia or the United States.
$400 million was sent to Hillary Clinton. If the US wants Russia to cooperate on the 12 men, then Russia wants the same cooperation on Mr. Browder.""

BOOM! Russian President Reveals $400 Million sent to Hillary Campaign !

We'll see how it goes.
And it goes even deeper then that.
Mr Browder is widely credited with the creation of the Magnitsky Act - a 2012 range of sanctions from the United States on top Russian officials accused of corruption.

The act was named after his former lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged tax fraud in Moscow - and died in a Russian prison in 2009.

Since then, Mr Browder has campaigned for investigations into the alleged fraud.

Kremlin critic freed after Spain arrest
So in return for cooperation Putin wants the right to question someone who even interpol says is persecuted for political reasons. A wish that by the way Mueller doesn't have the authority to grant. That would be a matter for the state department and ultimately the President, so I'm willing to bet you. That the President will not grant Russia the right to interview Browder although this would supposedly mean Hillary would be in hot water. Willing to take it?
Dayummmm....I love how people are calling the bluff........how confident is Mueller?

Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol

Nope, he wants a Mr. Browder turned over for questioning.
Who's that? I don't know who you mean.
Mueller has the same evidence against these Russians that he had against the previous Russians.


Go read the indictment Goober - The evidence is laid out in meticulous and thorough fashion.

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack
You can't expect Trumpies to read anything longer than a tweet! That's not fair!

Their propagandists read the indictments for them, and have told them what to parrot.

Yep - 280 characters written at 4th grad level ;)

Verified account 12h ago
President Obama thought that Crooked Hillary was going to win the election, so when he was informed by the FBI about Russian Meddling, he said it couldn’t happen, was no big deal, & did NOTHING about it. When I won it became a big deal and the Rigged Witch Hunt headed by Strzok!

Verified account 12h ago
Received many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together and to get them focused on financial obligations, both present & future. We had a truly great Summit that was inaccurately covered by much of the media. NATO is now strong & rich!
Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol

Nope, he wants a Mr. Browder turned over for questioning.
Who's that? I don't know who you mean.

And it goes even deeper then that.
Mr Browder is widely credited with the creation of the Magnitsky Act - a 2012 range of sanctions from the United States on top Russian officials accused of corruption.

The act was named after his former lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged tax fraud in Moscow - and died in a Russian prison in 2009.

Since then, Mr Browder has campaigned for investigations into the alleged fraud.

Kremlin critic freed after Spain arrest
So in return for cooperation Putin wants the right to question someone who even interpol says is persecuted for political reasons. A wish that by the way Mueller doesn't have the authority to grant. That would be a matter for the state department and ultimately the President, so I'm willing to bet you. That the President will not grant Russia the right to interview Browder although this would supposedly mean Hillary would be in hot water. Willing to take it?
Dayummmm....I love how people are calling the bluff........how confident is Mueller?

Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol
Well you are supposed to share you evidence with the defendants......pretty normal.
I'd love to know who told, because they didn't see the servers, so I don't know how they could prove it forensically.
Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol

Nope, he wants a Mr. Browder turned over for questioning.
Who's that? I don't know who you mean.

And it goes even deeper then that.
Mr Browder is widely credited with the creation of the Magnitsky Act - a 2012 range of sanctions from the United States on top Russian officials accused of corruption.

The act was named after his former lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged tax fraud in Moscow - and died in a Russian prison in 2009.

Since then, Mr Browder has campaigned for investigations into the alleged fraud.

Kremlin critic freed after Spain arrest
So in return for cooperation Putin wants the right to question someone who even interpol says is persecuted for political reasons. A wish that by the way Mueller doesn't have the authority to grant. That would be a matter for the state department and ultimately the President, so I'm willing to bet you. That the President will not grant Russia the right to interview Browder although this would supposedly mean Hillary would be in hot water. Willing to take it?
Browder is a British citizen. Why would our President or state department have anything to do with that?
Dayummmm....I love how people are calling the bluff........how confident is Mueller?

Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol
Well you are supposed to share you evidence with the defendants......pretty normal.
I'd love to know who told, because they didn't see the servers, so I don't know how they could prove it forensically.
You're going to use that same old argument your side has been using about the DNC hack, aren't you? It's pretty amazing what a computer expert can do, buckeye. You'd be surprised.
Wait this is true?

Yeah, Trump said Putin made the offer during the press conference..

Yes, Putin said there is a process for Mueller to request extradition. He said he would also allow Mueller and team into Russia for the questioning of the (12) agents accused. Bring your evidence. He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence

Mueller's bluff is being called

He also said in return, intelligence and law enforcement for the US must be questioned on the evidence
In other words, Putin wants to know who told Mueller/US Intelligence about the 12 Russian officers?
He ain't gonna find out. I'll bet he's ripped, though. lol
Well you are supposed to share you evidence with the defendants......pretty normal.
I'd love to know who told, because they didn't see the servers, so I don't know how they could prove it forensically.
You're going to use that same old argument your side has been using about the DNC hack, aren't you? It's pretty amazing what a computer expert can do, buckeye. You'd be surprised.
I work in IT, and yes, they can do stuff, but to find out who is hacking into a computer, you need info from that computer.
Let it play out, were I like one of our crazed Prog nuts I'd already have her guilty.
So you are betting the president would allow Browder to be interviewed? Seems to me if it really would get to clear up if the GRU officials indicted did something wrong and get his political foe in hot water he would be for it. Or are you aware that the argument in this OP that Mueller is now free to interview the 12 Russians indicted is false, and that Putin conceded nothing, and that Trump has ZERO interest in the truth coming out? And with the truth I don't mean necessarily that Trump somehow was involved with Russia, (although that's not inconceivable) but the truth that Russia interfered with the elections. And that finding out the scope, the means and the probability they will do it again is in the public interest to find out.
There's not a chance in Hell that Mueller agrees to go to Russia.

Mueller is no Rocky

This is great news, now we can call Mueller a pussy from here on out..because he won't go..... Putin called his bluff.

And it goes even deeper then that.
Mr Browder is widely credited with the creation of the Magnitsky Act - a 2012 range of sanctions from the United States on top Russian officials accused of corruption.

The act was named after his former lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged tax fraud in Moscow - and died in a Russian prison in 2009.

Since then, Mr Browder has campaigned for investigations into the alleged fraud.

Kremlin critic freed after Spain arrest
So in return for cooperation Putin wants the right to question someone who even interpol says is persecuted for political reasons. A wish that by the way Mueller doesn't have the authority to grant. That would be a matter for the state department and ultimately the President, so I'm willing to bet you. That the President will not grant Russia the right to interview Browder although this would supposedly mean Hillary would be in hot water. Willing to take it?
I'm sure Mullet Face Mueller is drawing up the extradition papers as we speak. He wants to see these (12) meme bots have their day in court

So do I

I thought it was interesting a reporter asked Putin if he had information on TRUMP, but didn't ask about if he had information on Democrats from the DNC hack that has not been released?
Putin did comment how the 400 million donated to the DNC was not illegal, but how the money was obtained, was


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