Putin to Allow Mueller and Team into Russia

Let it play out, were I like one of our crazed Prog nuts I'd already have her guilty.
So you are betting the president would allow Browder to be interviewed? Seems to me if it really would get to clear up if the GRU officials indicted did something wrong and get his political foe in hot water he would be for it. Or are you aware that the argument in this OP that Mueller is now free to interview the 12 Russians indicted is false, and that Putin conceded nothing, and that Trump has ZERO interest in the truth coming out? And with the truth I don't mean necessarily that Trump somehow was involved with Russia, (although that's not inconceivable) but the truth that Russia interfered with the elections. And that finding out the scope, the means and the probability they will do it again is in the public interest to find out.

Technically it would be Browder's employees. Surely you want to know if the Hillary Campaign received laundered Russian money, right? You realize that we've been through this once, he indicted the Russian's and when they showed up he backed out of it. It's all just a show son.
Let it play out, were I like one of our crazed Prog nuts I'd already have her guilty.
So you are betting the president would allow Browder to be interviewed? Seems to me if it really would get to clear up if the GRU officials indicted did something wrong and get his political foe in hot water he would be for it. Or are you aware that the argument in this OP that Mueller is now free to interview the 12 Russians indicted is false, and that Putin conceded nothing, and that Trump has ZERO interest in the truth coming out? And with the truth I don't mean necessarily that Trump somehow was involved with Russia, (although that's not inconceivable) but the truth that Russia interfered with the elections. And that finding out the scope, the means and the probability they will do it again is in the public interest to find out.

Technically it would be Browder's employees. Surely you want to know if the Hillary Campaign received laundered Russian money, right? You realize that we've been through this once, he indicted the Russian's and when they showed up he backed out of it. It's all just a show son.
Sure I'd like to know, at least it would be something actually criminal that Hilary did. Lord knows you guys have tried to pin something on her long enough. It would at least be an end to all the Hilary threads claiming she did this or that. You of course can show Mueller refusing to follow through on indictments?
So about my assertion, do you think Trump will give Putin access to Browder in exchange for Mueller being allowed to interview the Russians?
Let it play out, were I like one of our crazed Prog nuts I'd already have her guilty.
So you are betting the president would allow Browder to be interviewed? Seems to me if it really would get to clear up if the GRU officials indicted did something wrong and get his political foe in hot water he would be for it. Or are you aware that the argument in this OP that Mueller is now free to interview the 12 Russians indicted is false, and that Putin conceded nothing, and that Trump has ZERO interest in the truth coming out? And with the truth I don't mean necessarily that Trump somehow was involved with Russia, (although that's not inconceivable) but the truth that Russia interfered with the elections. And that finding out the scope, the means and the probability they will do it again is in the public interest to find out.

Technically it would be Browder's employees. Surely you want to know if the Hillary Campaign received laundered Russian money, right? You realize that we've been through this once, he indicted the Russian's and when they showed up he backed out of it. It's all just a show son.

One company he indicted didn't even exist during the campaign. :lol: The defense attorney was quite right when he claimed that Mueller actually did indict the proverbial "ham sandwich".

Mueller's a clown. Sadly a dangerous clown.
It gets deeper than that.

"utin replied that there is a Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaty between the US and Russia since 1999, and Russia WILL PERMIT Special Counsel Mueller and his team to travel to Russia to take part in any interrogation of the 12 men. BUT IN RETURN, Russia wants the same treatment under that Mutual Law Enforcement Treaty with regards to a man named Mr. Browder."

Putin said:

"Mr. Browder and his associates earned over $1.5 Billion in Russia and evacuated the money without paying any taxes. He paid no taxes in Russia or the United States.
$400 million was sent to Hillary Clinton. If the US wants Russia to cooperate on the 12 men, then Russia wants the same cooperation on Mr. Browder.""

BOOM! Russian President Reveals $400 Million sent to Hillary Campaign !

We'll see how it goes.
Putin tells the same lies as Tramp and Russia Limbaugh, now we know where they both get their scripts from!!! Both America-hating Russian moles!!!!!
So in return for cooperation Putin wants the right to question someone who even interpol says is persecuted for political reasons. A wish that by the way Mueller doesn't have the authority to grant. That would be a matter for the state department and ultimately the President, so I'm willing to bet you. That the President will not grant Russia the right to interview Browder although this would supposedly mean Hillary would be in hot water. Willing to take it?
That is NOT a safe bet! Donnie Dirt Bag would want to jump on the opportunity to send Browder to his BFF Putin so he can be tortured into saying he gave money to Hillary and then poisoned to shut him up if Tramp thought he could get away with it politically. Watch for GOP hate radio trashing Browder as a cue to Tramp extraditing Browder to Russia.
Let it play out, were I like one of our crazed Prog nuts I'd already have her guilty.
So you are betting the president would allow Browder to be interviewed? Seems to me if it really would get to clear up if the GRU officials indicted did something wrong and get his political foe in hot water he would be for it. Or are you aware that the argument in this OP that Mueller is now free to interview the 12 Russians indicted is false, and that Putin conceded nothing, and that Trump has ZERO interest in the truth coming out? And with the truth I don't mean necessarily that Trump somehow was involved with Russia, (although that's not inconceivable) but the truth that Russia interfered with the elections. And that finding out the scope, the means and the probability they will do it again is in the public interest to find out.

Technically it would be Browder's employees. Surely you want to know if the Hillary Campaign received laundered Russian money, right? You realize that we've been through this once, he indicted the Russian's and when they showed up he backed out of it. It's all just a show son.
Sure I'd like to know, at least it would be something actually criminal that Hilary did. Lord knows you guys have tried to pin something on her long enough. It would at least be an end to all the Hilary threads claiming she did this or that. You of course can show Mueller refusing to follow through on indictments?
So about my assertion, do you think Trump will give Putin access to Browder in exchange for Mueller being allowed to interview the Russians?

Let's set the record straight, I'm not one "you guys", I'm neither Republican or a Trump voter. You not being up to speed on what Mueller is or isn't doing or hasn't done isn't my problem. Look it up your self. Browder gave up his citizenship, so no. But then you didn't read the links so again, you are simply uniformed. I have very little tolerance for lazy, uniformed people. You get up to speed and we can talk, otherwise pound sand kid.
It gets deeper than that.

"utin replied that there is a Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaty between the US and Russia since 1999, and Russia WILL PERMIT Special Counsel Mueller and his team to travel to Russia to take part in any interrogation of the 12 men. BUT IN RETURN, Russia wants the same treatment under that Mutual Law Enforcement Treaty with regards to a man named Mr. Browder."

Putin said:

"Mr. Browder and his associates earned over $1.5 Billion in Russia and evacuated the money without paying any taxes. He paid no taxes in Russia or the United States.
$400 million was sent to Hillary Clinton. If the US wants Russia to cooperate on the 12 men, then Russia wants the same cooperation on Mr. Browder.""

BOOM! Russian President Reveals $400 Million sent to Hillary Campaign !

We'll see how it goes.
Putin tells the same lies as Tramp and Russia Limbaugh, now we know where they both get their scripts from!!! Both America-hating Russian moles!!!!!

Prove it chimp.
to be present during questioning of the (12) Russian agents. Its in your court Herman Munster Mueller


This is why the leftists are suddenly freaking out.

The left is going down. Putin is throwing them under the bus.
It gets deeper than that.

"utin replied that there is a Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaty between the US and Russia since 1999, and Russia WILL PERMIT Special Counsel Mueller and his team to travel to Russia to take part in any interrogation of the 12 men. BUT IN RETURN, Russia wants the same treatment under that Mutual Law Enforcement Treaty with regards to a man named Mr. Browder."

Putin said:

"Mr. Browder and his associates earned over $1.5 Billion in Russia and evacuated the money without paying any taxes. He paid no taxes in Russia or the United States.
$400 million was sent to Hillary Clinton. If the US wants Russia to cooperate on the 12 men, then Russia wants the same cooperation on Mr. Browder.""

BOOM! Russian President Reveals $400 Million sent to Hillary Campaign !

We'll see how it goes.
Putin tells the same lies as Tramp and Russia Limbaugh, now we know where they both get their scripts from!!! Both America-hating Russian moles!!!!!

Prove it chimp.
Take the wax out of your ears, Trump Chump!
Let it play out, were I like one of our crazed Prog nuts I'd already have her guilty.
So you are betting the president would allow Browder to be interviewed? Seems to me if it really would get to clear up if the GRU officials indicted did something wrong and get his political foe in hot water he would be for it. Or are you aware that the argument in this OP that Mueller is now free to interview the 12 Russians indicted is false, and that Putin conceded nothing, and that Trump has ZERO interest in the truth coming out? And with the truth I don't mean necessarily that Trump somehow was involved with Russia, (although that's not inconceivable) but the truth that Russia interfered with the elections. And that finding out the scope, the means and the probability they will do it again is in the public interest to find out.

Technically it would be Browder's employees. Surely you want to know if the Hillary Campaign received laundered Russian money, right? You realize that we've been through this once, he indicted the Russian's and when they showed up he backed out of it. It's all just a show son.
Sure I'd like to know, at least it would be something actually criminal that Hilary did. Lord knows you guys have tried to pin something on her long enough. It would at least be an end to all the Hilary threads claiming she did this or that. You of course can show Mueller refusing to follow through on indictments?
So about my assertion, do you think Trump will give Putin access to Browder in exchange for Mueller being allowed to interview the Russians?

Let's set the record straight, I'm not one "you guys", I'm neither Republican or a Trump voter. You not being up to speed on what Mueller is or isn't doing or hasn't done isn't my problem. Look it up your self. Browder gave up his citizenship, so no. But then you didn't read the links so again, you are simply uniformed. I have very little tolerance for lazy, uniformed people. You get up to speed and we can talk, otherwise pound sand kid.
I see. So when you claim something it's my responsibility to find out what you are talking about? That's how debates work? One side makes claims and the other side just has to figure out the meaning of them? As to the rest. Well I assumed Browder was a US citizen because Wikipedia gave him as a dual citizen and Putin just asked the US government the right to question him. This strongly suggest he is, or at the very least resides there since that's the only way that request could even be granted. But since you clearly have zero interest in showing the honesty to even engage my premise that it wouldn't even be Mueller's call to grant Putin's request I'll just leave you.
to be present during questioning of the (12) Russian agents. Its in your court Herman Munster Mueller

YeaH, any day now Mueller and Rosenstein will board a plane for Russia, will he granted the right to interrogate these guys, then extradite them back to the US...


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