Putin's New Year Address 2015: Reunification with Crimea landmark in national history

Whiny little twerp Pootin has run his country into bankruptcy while the president of the United States has made his country stronger, more jobs, US oil production, economic recovery, stock market setting records and he doesn't have to shoot endangered tigers to prove he's a Real Man.

No wonder the RW traitors love Pootin.

Move to Russia.
Obumble thought that sanctions would turn the Russians against President Putin and they would throw him out. What really happened is that President Putin is more popular than ever and America is hated so much that Russians would support any action against us.

Meanwhile the US is torn apart with factional violence led by the presidunce itself.
Whiny little twerp Pootin has run his country into bankruptcy while the president of the United States has made his country stronger, more jobs, US oil production, economic recovery, stock market setting records and he doesn't have to shoot endangered tigers to prove he's a Real Man.

No wonder the RW traitors love Pootin.

Move to Russia.
Move to Mexico.
Whiny little twerp Pootin has run his country into bankruptcy while the president of the United States has made his country stronger, more jobs, US oil production, economic recovery, stock market setting records and he doesn't have to shoot endangered tigers to prove he's a Real Man.

No wonder the RW traitors love Pootin.

Move to Russia.
Move to Mexico.

Post of the year so far :rolleyes:
Is that why there are demonstrations in Moscow right now against Putin? Got to love these 'Conservatives'. Siding with an unreconstructed communist against their own nation. What lovely patriots.
Given what we have seen in 2014 of the adherants of your religion, ISIS and Taliban, your kind is not very popular with anybody at present. And now you are swooning over Putin. Why don't you move to the middle East.
Kim Jong Un was reelected last year with 100% of the vote. Way better than Putin! He must be a great leader! And would be a Tea Party darling
Usually your posts are fairly decent in stating a rebuttal of the OP.

Sad to see you sink to such a bottom feeder level. ...... :cool:

Putin has raped his people to the tune of making him one of the richest men on the planet. His ruble is dying, the world has turned its back on his country, and Russia is as weak as it's been in years. But hey in invaded Crimea? Are you kidding???

His government is corrupt, he has to pay off the Mafia to host the Olympics, he's a communist bastard... my God do you want me to go on? Wtf is wrong with you and other republicans these days? If Obama yelled "FUCK THE WORLD" in the next State of the Union address and invaded Mexico would that make you like him?
From what the european media reported; the Crimean people voted 90% to leave the Ukraine and join with Russia.

So I fail to see how anyone can call this an invasion?

When in reality it was the will of the people and true Democracy in action. ..... :thup:
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I wish we had a strong leader like Pres. Putin who loves his country. .... :cool:
He's so strong...

I wish we had a strong leader like Pres. Putin who loves his country. .... :cool:
He's so strong...


There are Russians that are coming on USMB for no other purpose but to mock us! For heaven's sakes - wake up people! This man is no paragon of virtue! It is time to call a spade a spade! He is a thief, a murderer, a philanderer and a wife beater! Oh wait! I have already said that before! And I'm ultra conservative! Anyone who would approve of this man is lacking serious discernment!!!!!!
Kim Jong Un was reelected last year with 100% of the vote. Way better than Putin! He must be a great leader! And would be a Tea Party darling
Usually your posts are fairly decent in stating a rebuttal of the OP.

Sad to see you sink to such a bottom feeder level. ...... :cool:

He's right on the mark! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
From what the european media reported; the Crimean people voted 90% to leave the Ukraine and join with Russia.

So I fail to see how anyone can call this an invasion?

When in reality it was the will of the people and true Democracy in action. ..... :thup:
It was an invasion!

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