Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))

Obungle's coalition....whoever that is
Good question. From what I keep hearing, no-one wants to put boots on the ground. What about the Kurds :eusa_shifty:

We should be helping the Kurds

I don't get it at all and I'm really pissed about it why are our leaders allowing Turkey to bomb the Kurds?
Mr Putin said on Tuesday that Isil was "protected by the military of an entire nation", alluding to Turkey as he said Ankara had "stabbed Russia in the back".

“Isil has big money, hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, from selling oil. In addition they are protected by the military of an entire nation. One can understand why they are acting so boldly and blatantly.

"Why they kill people in such atrocious ways. Why they commit terrorist acts across the world, including in the heart of Europe,” the Russian president said.

The Turkish president refused to ignore such comments and fired back on Thursday, saying Mr Putin was a "slanderer".

Read more: Vladimir Putin refuses to speak to Turkish president over Ankara's lack of apology
Turkey is a loose canon, always has been, now they're going to start a war with Russia. What is the US going to do then?

What USA and other NATO countries should do is:
1. To admit and to condemn Turkey's aggression shooting down the Russian plane;
2. To put sanctions on Turkey for smuggling ISIS oil. "It's not just oil but it's filled with our citizens’ blood", Putin said yesterday.

That would sure ease the tension in the world. Also it would be pretty darn fair.
Will those countries do it? Personally I doubt it.
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By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))
Obungle's coalition....whoever that is
Good question. From what I keep hearing, no-one wants to put boots on the ground. What about the Kurds :eusa_shifty:
We should be helping the Kurds
By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))
Obungle's coalition....whoever that is
Good question. From what I keep hearing, no-one wants to put boots on the ground. What about the Kurds :eusa_shifty:
Turks killing Kurds for a long time.
Turkey - a NATO member.
I sometimes think that only Russia is fighting against terrorists.
Nationalist battalion "Azov" can send fighters to Syria to operate against Russia, said the commander of the nationalist battalion "Azov" and the national people's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Biletsky in broadcast television channel.

"taking into account the cooling of relations with the Russian Federation and taking into account the fact that there are clashes between Russian and Turkish interests in the Syrian Arab Republic, it is absolutely logical for Turkey to seek contacts with Ukraine, as Ukraine would be logical. I can assure you that, for example, "Azov" could perfectly fulfill this function, to collect their own foreign Legion and send him to fight for the Western coalition, relatively speaking, in Syria, " - said Biletsky.

The founder of Nabataean called it an opportunity " to work with the Russians ", while in the Donbas acts ceasefire.

Volunteer battalion "Azov" actively participated in punitive operations in the South-East of Ukraine. The military operation against dissatisfied with the coup d'etat of residents of Donbas lasts more than a year. On February 12, negotiations were consensus about stop fire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons, the introduction to the Constitution of Ukraine for change about the decentralization of power and consolidation of special status " of Donetsk and Lugansk regions "." Azov " is part of the National guard of Ukraine.
"The US government intends to continue assisting Ukraine on its path of transformation, and I think we will soon announce new, broader support," Pyatt was quoted as saying by PRP on Twitter.
Turkey confirms shelling Kurdish fighters in Syria
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

... I tried, but I just can't let this go. I hate being called a liar, and so vehemently and repeatedly...


That is my husband's West Point graduation ring at the bottom - after serving in the Cuba/Panama ...situation he left the Army. On my left monitor there; if you can explain how I got that brass sitting behind former President GW Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, in my renewal of vows and many other family pictures go for it... My father enlisted in 1972, earned three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, the Armed Forces Reserve Medal, the Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Ribbon, Alaska Commendation Medal, and the Alaska Domestic Emergency Ribbon. He served concurrently as the Director of the Military Youth Academy and Assistant Adjutant General for Space and Missile Defense, and he accepted a /second/ Governor's appointment as director of the Military Youth Academy (because he was doing such a great job with the program.) My Father's full military history:
  • Support Platoon Leader, HHC 5th Battalion (Arctic Recon), 297th Infantry, Anchorage, Alaska
  • Commander, HHC, 5th Battalion (arctic Recon), 297th Infantry, Anchorage, Alaska
  • 813th Engineer Battalion, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Force Development Officer, USAR Control Group, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Logistics Officer, HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Operations Officer, HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Liaison Officer, HHC, 207th Infantry Group (Scout), Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Force Development Officer (DPTM), HQ State Area Command- AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Commander, Company A, 5th Battalion (Arctic Recon), 297th Infantry, Anchorage, Alaska
  • Mobilization Officer, (DPTM) HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Assistant Inspector General, HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Chief, Plans, Operations & Military Support Office, HQ STARC-AK Fort Richardson , Alaska
  • Commander, 5th Battalion (Arctic Recon) 297th Infantry, Fort Richardson , Alaska (BN inactivated)
  • Deputy Director -Plans, Training, Mobilization (DPTM/G-3) (Overstrength), HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson , Alaska
  • Director Plans, Training, Mobilization (DPTM/G-3) HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Director Personnel and Administration (DPA/G-1) HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Deputy Commander , Alaska Army National Guard, HQ State Area Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Chief of Staff, Alaska Army National Guard, HQ StateArea Command-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Deputy STARC Commander, Alaska Army National Guard, HQ STARC-AK, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Commander, 207th Infantry Group (Scout)
  • STARC Commander, Alaska Army National Guard, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Commander of the Alaska Army National Guard/Assistant Adjutant General, Fort Richardson, Alaska
  • Director Military Youth Academy, Fort Richardson, Alaska

I grew up being [stupidly] told that diving under my desk would save me when [not if] the USSR nuked Alaska. Thing is, the Cold War ended and everyone moved on from Cold War; and it was pretty easy considering that USSR fell apart in 1991. Either you're misrepresenting those boys to support your personal hate for Russia, or your boys are not keeping up with the times. The latter would not surprising, especially if they have PTSD as you claim. My Grandfather served in WWII and never gave up on distrusting the Japanese, he died a couple years ago distrusting the Japanese even more for becoming so economically powerful while the US stagnated; oddly he never distrusted the German's, I can only guess because he had German roots himself - I believe his grandparents had come over to America. For those interested or curious, here's an informal interview we found that my Grandfather had done about his experiences; he joined the Army at the tail end of WWII ~ http://www.filedropper.com/noalrecordinga and http://www.filedropper.com/noalrecordingb )

I'm not sure what your problem is, but I highly suggest that you stop thinking you know everything. Neither, I, nor my family are traitors, we simply do not believe that Russia has /any/ interest in starting a war with the US. Putin is trying to bring his country back to it's former glory (before the USSR broke down), but he's not a full communist either, if you'd ever bothered to read anything about him, you'd realize that he's an actual human, albeit hungry for power and glory for his country. I'd rather join Canada than Russia if the US falls, but that doesn't mean I hate him, nor love him. All that matters to me is his relationship with the US, and frankly he's done /nothing/ to us and even the "questionable" shit he's done so far has been for his countrymen. Sure he's got an ego, like Obama doesn't, like Clinton didn't, like the Bush's didn't? It's part of being a leader, that ego and power hunger - without them you fail to lead as is the case with Obama and why we're "leading from behind." Obama has the charisma, but he doesn't have the lust that's needed to be a world power which is why we're failing in those areas; losing our grip on the global currency, lost our "strong" appearance on the global stage, etc.

The reason a lot of American's like Putin is because he is a "full package," its not that they necessarily support his style of government, or his actions, but he has that "it factor" - he is a strong leader and a patriot for his country, he wants to make his country great again. Sound familiar? It's also why Trump is leading the Republican nomination, Trump has that "it factor" too, which is why he is well liked, and his message of making America great again resonates with a lot of American's. Clinton is frankly a fool /not/ to bring that kind of upbeat AMERICAN message to her campaign, but she's all personal ego and lacks the drive for /national/ ego - just look at her slogan "Hillary for America" - like really? Jesus, even Trump who plasters his name all over his buildings, isn't /that/ vain. It's subtle but Trump is proud his /company/ - and there is a difference between the self ego and company and national ego's. While Obama talks /down/ to people, Hillary speaks /at/ people, Trump /lifts/ people when he speaks. Putin on the other hand commands people (which is befitting of his position's authority.)

Anyway, Putin is liked by many American's because he's all about his country - that's really all there is to it. You read /way/ more into it than you should.

Do you have expect me to believe that? Based from you posting bashing your own government aligning with traitors.....At the same time claiming to be a member of military families? Nah....
I am very impressed how much you admire and adore Putin... At the same time claiming to be a member of military families? Nah......
Yes we are not ( YET ) at war with Russia. We are spending $100s of billions toward military gears. Next year we are launching a new $13 billions aircraft carriers USS Ford. Who do you think that is for? Mexican, Vietcong? No. That is to counter Russian and Chinese aggression. If If you know a military personnel...... Ask them who is the biggest threat that can annihilate America?
I help injured and PTSD vets last 9 years in Miami. That includes housingS. I am opening another one here in San Diego. Scheduled to be completed by next summer. I know tons of vets and active military personnel far more than you can imagine. No matter how much they are pissed at Obama they are loyal to this country.
These soldiers served this country dedicatedly with their precious life. And here you are siding with Putin. Military families? Nah....
According to you....Putin is liked by many Americans. That is a clear Russian propaganda. Shame on you if you belong to military families. How did you come up with many Americans liked Putin? About 8 or 6 members of this site? Did you ask around... Hey do you like Putin? I seriously doubt that....I have the opportunity to do that. In Allentown, Pa I have total of 42 Russian employees. Every year we have summer company picnic where I have the chance to meet their family members. I casually asked them several kind of questions. Like food, customs, politics and.....What do you guys think of Putin? Just about every one laugh at me. Really? Several of them even expressed they want to shoot Putin thugs....On the side as an example. I have lots of Filipino employees here in California. We will have a Christmas party on Dec. 11 here in San Diego. I will ask them if they will vote for Bongbong Marcos son of the late dictator Marcos. Because next year they will have a presidential election in the Philippines.
I traveled to Russia at least 2 times in last 6 years both business and R & R. Just about every Russian I met are scared to talk about Putin. They are even scared to demonstrate publicly. God job Putin. So tell me.. How can anyone like yourself so impressed with Putin. Especially claiming to be a family of military? I understand these other traitors at least they are consistent. But you Nah.. You are NOT being honest. You can take it from here.
What is Adolf ( liar, racist, fascist) Trump got to do with this discussion?
Nice Rant.....................Now why the fuck are we allowing ISIS to get money. Why weren't these Oil fields hit before now.........Why is Turkey buying ISIS oil.......................Why is the FSA killing Christians................Who takes over when Assad falls................hmm............

You have a problem.......enemy recognition....................supporting the asshats of ISIS through proxy is BS...............and I'll continue to call our policy out for it.............

My concern...........KILL ISIS........and I don't give a shit who does it stands..............Turkey hit the Russian because they were killing the so called PEACEFUL REBELS...............aka those their to prolong the war and take out Assad.............Perhaps those rebels who get hit by Russia, will not get to RAPE and KILL CHRISTIANS there anymore........poor things................

Look Clown.... Read my post where did I say I support Turkey? I support my country. You've been saying the same thing over and over....get lost.
That the Turks shot down the jet and did so within 17 seconds – with the president,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, saying he gave the order to fire himself – suggests very strongly they were waiting for a Russian plane to come into or close enough to Turkish airspace with the aim of delivering a rather pyrotechnic message.

Why did it take Turkey just 17 seconds to shoot down Russian jet?

Nov, 27: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Moscow will halt the existing visa-free regime starting Jan. 1, saying that Turkey has become a conduit for terrorists and has been reluctant to share information with Moscow about Russian citizens accused of involvement in terrorist activities.

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That the Turks shot down the jet and did so within 17 seconds – with the president,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, saying he gave the order to fire himself – suggests very strongly they were waiting for a Russian plane to come into or close enough to Turkish airspace with the aim of delivering a rather pyrotechnic message.

Why did it take Turkey just 17 seconds to shoot down Russian jet?

Nov, 27: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Moscow will halt the existing visa-free regime starting Jan. 1, saying that Turkey has become a conduit for terrorists and has been reluctant to share information with Moscow about Russian citizens accused of involvement in terrorist activities.

Russia suspends visa-free travel with Turkey

To hit the Russian plane in Turkish air space, they had to fire before the plane entered the Turkey, which is already a violation, or if they fired while in Turkish air space, Russian plane would be long gone from Turkey before it was hit, which would still be a violation. From provided plane positions on the maps, it's impossible for the Turkish missile to fire and hit the Russian while in the Turkish air space.
Do you have expect me to believe that? Based from you posting bashing your own government aligning with traitors.....At the same time claiming to be a member of military families? Nah....
I am very impressed how much you admire and adore Putin... At the same time claiming to be a member of military families? Nah......
Yes we are not ( YET ) at war with Russia. We are spending $100s of billions toward military gears. Next year we are launching a new $13 billions aircraft carriers USS Ford. Who do you think that is for? Mexican, Vietcong? No. That is to counter Russian and Chinese aggression. If If you know a military personnel...... Ask them who is the biggest threat that can annihilate America?
I help injured and PTSD vets last 9 years in Miami. That includes housingS. I am opening another one here in San Diego. Scheduled to be completed by next summer. I know tons of vets and active military personnel far more than you can imagine. No matter how much they are pissed at Obama they are loyal to this country.
These soldiers served this country dedicatedly with their precious life. And here you are siding with Putin. Military families? Nah....
According to you....Putin is liked by many Americans. That is a clear Russian propaganda. Shame on you if you belong to military families. How did you come up with many Americans liked Putin? About 8 or 6 members of this site? Did you ask around... Hey do you like Putin? I seriously doubt that....I have the opportunity to do that. In Allentown, Pa I have total of 42 Russian employees. Every year we have summer company picnic where I have the chance to meet their family members. I casually asked them several kind of questions. Like food, customs, politics and.....What do you guys think of Putin? Just about every one laugh at me. Really? Several of them even expressed they want to shoot Putin thugs....On the side as an example. I have lots of Filipino employees here in California. We will have a Christmas party on Dec. 11 here in San Diego. I will ask them if they will vote for Bongbong Marcos son of the late dictator Marcos. Because next year they will have a presidential election in the Philippines.
I traveled to Russia at least 2 times in last 6 years both business and R & R. Just about every Russian I met are scared to talk about Putin. They are even scared to demonstrate publicly. God job Putin. So tell me.. How can anyone like yourself so impressed with Putin. Especially claiming to be a family of military? I understand these other traitors at least they are consistent. But you Nah.... I cannot imagine a military wife aligned with traitors....You are NOT being honest. You can take it from here.
What is Adolf ( liar, racist, fascist) Trump got to do with this discussion?
I do not claim that I know everything but I can claim that I know lots because of many interest and associated with several levels and lots of people in last 35 years.

You're a fruit loop son, you have no clue what I've said or done, even though the information on all my posts is searchable, but your so busy flying off the handle with your accusations based on nothing at all. The only "government bashing" I've ever done, is when they fuck something up; that is called prudent freedom of expression, most real American's not only care about that right, but utilize it regularly - and more so on political forums. Disloyal to my country? "Aligning" with traitors"... Really? I'm a traitor simply because I happen to think, (and it's not like I didn't make it abundantly clear in my posts,) that ally's don't fucking shoot down other ally's jets over 3second fucking border incursions? Is that all it takes to be a traitor in your book? What kind of America do you see, one where the people are not allowed to speak up about things they disagree with? This doesn't sound like /my/ America at all...

You've helped vets for 9 years, that's great, and what do they have to say about their government policies and activities? Are you really going to try to fly the /bullshit/ that not one of them has disagreed with /anything/ we're doing in the ME? I won't believe you, especially not with Obama's policies and inactions, even top brass in the country has spoke out publically against a number of his military/foreign policy decisions in the ME because some are /that/ fucking bad. Do you call /the/ vets "traitors" for disagreeing with your personal opinions about the ME too? You had better not be pushing this kind of closed minded bullshit on our boys who have served...

The biggest threat to global peace is ~drumroll~ the fucking USA and yet here you are trying to push a nuclear war with Russia for basically no reason... real smart, really makes me think you know what you're talking about... What is the US /actually/ concerned about? #1 Cyber attacks - usually this is in the form of economic undermining (oft from China as they want the global dollar. China is kind of on a weird plane, they're not really a military threat, basically the threat with them is more informational than physical.) #2 Iran nukes (their country really isn't stable enough to have nukes yet, and yea, on this one I am astounded that Obama jumped on board letting them have them.) Which ties into #3; The volatile ME situation (This is actually not so much a threat for the US directly, which is why it rates lower, but certainly for everyone in that area its a serious problem which then entangles us because of our various protection pacts; on the other side of that coin the mainland US really only has to worry about terrorists coming out of there.) #4 North Korea (here again this is mostly because of our support pacts South Korea, they're not really a physical threat to the US per say either.) Russia /might/ get #5 and I'll even get into a bit of why Russia is even on the list at all in my next couple paragraphs.

So why do we launch new ships? Because we fucking can, because we are going to maintain our superiority. The USS Ford will replace the aging and outdated 1961 USS Enterprise, she's a top class vessel with some of the latest and best technology we can stuff her with, including a new class of nuclear engines that boast more power and speed than anything we've gotten wet before; it's a beautiful air craft carrier. Has very little to do with any country in particular though, it has to do with upgrading our military hardware so we don't fall behind. You're an idiot if you think we designed an aircraft carrier to fight Russia. If we were truly concerned about Russia, as you claim, then we'd be pushing space defense big time because the only way Russia even comes close to equaling us militarily is if Putin deploys his nukes; we /already/ smoke everything else he's got, and I have no doubt Putin is well aware of that fact.

It's why he hasn't acted despite everything we have done; expanding NATO after we promised not to, the sanctions for Crimea, etc., if anything the fact that we're backing a stupid move like Turkey's here is merely going to irritate Putin, because reality is that there's not a hell of a lot he can do about it other than bitch. Turkey was wrong, regardless of anything else, a 3-5 second border breach absolutely does /not/ justify leaving your own borders to shoot down a jet in enemy territory, period. That is something you do if you are at war with a country, it is absolutely /not/ acceptable from a NATO member against another NATO member and I am absolutely baffled that NATO is okaying it - like I have repeatedly said, there has /got/ to be something else we're not privy to yet as to why Turkey isn't being bitch slapped for it. Then again, to be perfectly clear on it, I don't think Turkey should have been allowed into NATO in the first place, much less should they still be in it after the crap they've pulled, so I'm a bit biased on that for sure. The only reason they remain in NATO is because we happen to have a base there, if we didn't then I have little doubt Turkey would have been ousted a long time ago.

As for the rest of your dribble, you clearly didn't read what I posted, I'd rather go with Canada than Russia if the US falls - AKA I think I'd be better off under their political structure than Russia's. I realize that conditions for Russia's people may not be so great (comparatively speaking to the US and other western countries). So like I said, /you/ are reading far more into American's liking Putin than you should - and your bullshit response here, as well as your fucked up "knowledge," just hammers that point home. If one of the two of us is a traitor, it sure as fuck isn't me, regardless of how many Vets you happen to house. I also have a very strong feeling you get paid by Uncle Sam for that "service."

No government $ supporting me. I also help homeless people total 7 centers. You can explained however you want but you are one lying traitor. Show me where in my post that I'm a traitor shit head? Did I demonstrate anything against my country? Darn you never stop lying. But I can see how much you like sucking Putin dick.
Yes lots of vets and military families are pissed at Obama. But not a single vets and active soldiers patronizing adoring Putin like you. So tell me who is a fucking liar bullshiter. YOU.
The only reason Putin and only reason Putin thugs is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. Not because of fighting ISIS. Look at your previous post how much you adore Putin..,...then telling me you are a military family? You are LIAR and a disgrace to military families. I do want to hammer your head regarding your stupid fuck knowledge about Russia and your propaganda.
We launch new air craft carriers because we can....That's dumb. We have 19 trillions deficit and you tell me built one because we can? That's one of the most stupidest thing I ever heard. Russia has massive nuclear arsenals. What do you think what are those for? Cry me river. Cyber attacks byRussians? I'm sure you are not aware of that too.
China is aggressively building an island re-drawing sea territories. China is not a threat? Your dumb. What is Iran got to do with your fucking bullshit? Cupcake. You are probably on welfare that it's so bad that you throwing your support to Putin. Then blaming your miserable trash life against your government. I don't really give a rat ass where you live. You can move to Calcutta i could care less.
You never been to Russia, you don't even know any single Russians excepts here on the internet and yet you talk like you know Russia and Russian people. You are a hypocrite.
Do you have expect me to believe that? Based from you posting bashing your own government aligning with traitors.....
I always thought that democracy - is freedom of expression.
Since like you talked Communists =)
KGB killed people with this formulation - a traitor. dissident.
Just because they dont agree with all that said the Communist Party.

Communist Detected=))
Be careful. Obama has not closed Guantanamo=))

I traveled to Russia at least 2 times in last 6 years both business and R & R. Just about every Russian I met are scared to talk about Putin.
Do not lie =)
Regarding the propaganda, by the way is easy to prove.
Open the website of the RT and see there section Ino-TV.
There are translations of foreign news.
Somehow it's strange? For propaganda? No?

Putin is a dictator but in Russia, no one thinks to close foreign channels.
And in a free America in Parliament discussing the foreign channels.

The truth is that in Russia a lot more freedom than in America.
This shocking truth for amerkiantsev, but it is.

In America, more prisoners.
Police in the United States ... very cruel.
They kill unarmed people.
In prison, they torture people.

How do you explain this? It's a free country?

Oh cry me river. There are far more Russian want to migrate to US than people migrate to Russia. If US is so bad the way you compared US to Russia. How come there are millions of people wants to come and live here in US? At the beginning I never believe Russians live in fear under Putin. But after meeting people here and in Russia that proved me wrong.

'Putin is not forever', says daughter of slain opposition leader | NewsDaily
No government $ supporting me. I also help homeless people total 7 centers. You can explained however you want but you are one lying traitor. Show me where in my post that I'm a traitor shit head? Did I demonstrate anything against my country? Darn you never stop lying. But I can see how much you like sucking Putin dick.
Yes lots of vets and military families are pissed at Obama. But not a single vets and active soldiers patronizing adoring Putin like you. So tell me who is a fucking liar bullshiter. YOU.
The only reason Putin and only reason Putin thugs is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. Not because of fighting ISIS. Look at your previous post how much you adore Putin..,...then telling me you are a military family? You are LIAR and a disgrace to military families. I do want to hammer your head regarding your stupid fuck knowledge about Russia and your propaganda.
We launch new air craft carriers because we can....That's dumb. We have 19 trillions deficit and you tell me built one because we can? That's one of the most stupidest thing I ever heard. Russia has massive nuclear arsenals. What do you think what are those for? Cry me river. Cyber attacks byRussians? I'm sure you are not aware of that too.
China is aggressively building an island re-drawing sea territories. China is not a threat? Your dumb. What is Iran got to do with your fucking bullshit? Cupcake. You are probably on welfare that it's so bad that you throwing your support to Putin. Then blaming your miserable trash life against your government. I don't really give a rat ass where you live. You can move to Calcutta i could care less.
You never been to Russia, you don't even know any single Russians excepts here on the internet and yet you talk like you know Russia and Russian people. You are a hypocrite.

It seriously concerns me that you're taking care of Vet's with PTSD...

I'm not even sure where to start with your lunatic rant there. My "miserable trash life"? I'm a capitalist 1%er so my life is pretty great... I don't recall complaining about anything, but then again, it seems like you're having some kind of raging argument with the voices in your head, so you have fun with that fruit loop.

So I actually knew a Russian "princess" - though as I understood it the "old nobles" are/were not so highly regarded over there anymore so being a "princess" was more akin to being a heiress over here, all the money without the fame kind of thing I guess. She was married to a friend of the family, but she passed away from cancer a few years ago. Her family was big in the ice skating/dancing world, but she had to retire from skating in like 2009 or 2010 to take care of her mother (apparently medical care was extremely hard to get, I think it was due to location, but her English w/accent was almost impossible for me to understand and I didn't want to be rude constantly asking her to repeat herself so the details are a bit fuzzy >.<) I mostly remember that after she'd passed away Mr. Nelson was extremely upset because there was some rule/tradition that said he couldn't go to the funeral because he wasn't "of pure blood," even though by some other law/tradition he's obligated to take care of the family financially "as if it were his own blood." Not that he wouldn't care for his/her family anyway, just that he was quite torn up and angry to be excluded from her funeral. He was an orphan turned a traveling preacher for most of his life, which was how he'd met and fell in love with her. He had to convert so they could get married and apparently he couldn't talk them into giving him an exclusion for the funeral because they considered those who converted to be less pure or something like that... I've actually not heard from Mr. Nelson since Christmas before last, I believe it was; he usually only makes it back home once a year for holiday's, but at that time he was going back to Russia to tend to his mother-in-law. I hope she's doing alright, but I fear she probably passed away given how ill she was before. :( Hopefully we'll get an update from him this Christmas, he didn't particularly like calling from Russia because all the calls are monitored.

That's the only Russian I think I know/knew personally. Might be some in my gaming circle, but most of the non-American's in my circle are Aussies because of my play times. I love Aussies, by far my favorite of the various foreigners I play with. I like the Asian's too though, they're more business which speaks to me, smart as a whip so we have amazing conversations. I've actually been in debate on which country I'd rather retire to for quite a few years. I fear Australia would get too hot for my polar blood, but I love how easily the people there break me out of my serious "fall back" mode. On the other hand, I think I'd really enjoy Japan, the blend of ancient and modern has always been kind of a "thing" for me and the history there is a serious draw. Then there's this little island in France a number of our social circle has retired to that's just beautiful, has all the modern amenities but is very much at one with nature - very tranquil and quiet. I love Alaska, but shoveling snow and icy roads get annoying after so many years, and I'm not sure I could deal with living in the lower 48; it's nothing like Alaska down there. I could deal with Hawaii, but it'd be boring for me as we've been there so many times... I want to go somewhere "exotic," preferably with a lot of history for me to explore. I thought about globe trotting like Mr. Nelson does, but I need a home base for all my stuff; I'm a bit of a collector. Meh, I'll figure it out eventually.

Sooo, that's what it's like in my head... Since we're having our own conversations and all.
Oh cry me river. There are far more Russian want to migrate to US than people migrate to Russia. If US is so bad the way you compared US to Russia. How come there are millions of people wants to come and live here in US? At the beginning I never believe Russians live in fear under Putin. But after meeting people here and in Russia that proved me wrong.'Putin is not forever', says daughter of slain opposition leader | NewsDaily
Many people emigrated from Russia in 1990-2000.
What relation to this is Putin?

Y must say thanks to Gorbachev.
Yeltsin. Yeltsin for me - a criminal.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that people have emigrated to the United States.
The US had a strong economy.
The United States had a program of economic development with the help of migrants.
Everything is logical.
But what does this have to Putin?

Putin became president in 2000. Take the Canadian statistics.
ARCHIVED – Facts and figures 2010 – Immigration overview: Permanent and temporary residents
Again, it turns out that your words - stupid.

You also must consider the American propaganda.

I also thought that in America there is freedom. There are human rights.
But when I began to learn the truth - I was shocked.
You live in a police state. It's obvious.
And the level of propaganda in your country is very high.
Much higher than in Russia.
Social services - millet terrible.
One simple fact - homeless veterans is a shame for the country №1.
Like the fact that the United States ranks first by number of prisoners.

Free country?
What freedom?
The fact that the US government is listened your conversations?
Police kill you like dogs and you just can not stop this horror?
In your prisons use torture and openly violate all human rights.
President promises to close the prison, but openly, do not hesitate to deceive you.

Her father was in the Yeltsin team.
They commit a lot of crimes.

For example Nemtsov said, "In the 90 years of actual citizens enjoy the right to elect their power"
I'll show you ... that Nemtsov called the free choice of the people))
No government $ supporting me. I also help homeless people total 7 centers. You can explained however you want but you are one lying traitor. Show me where in my post that I'm a traitor shit head? Did I demonstrate anything against my country? Darn you never stop lying. But I can see how much you like sucking Putin dick.
Yes lots of vets and military families are pissed at Obama. But not a single vets and active soldiers patronizing adoring Putin like you. So tell me who is a fucking liar bullshiter. YOU.
The only reason Putin and only reason Putin thugs is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. Not because of fighting ISIS. Look at your previous post how much you adore Putin..,...then telling me you are a military family? You are LIAR and a disgrace to military families. I do want to hammer your head regarding your stupid fuck knowledge about Russia and your propaganda.
We launch new air craft carriers because we can....That's dumb. We have 19 trillions deficit and you tell me built one because we can? That's one of the most stupidest thing I ever heard. Russia has massive nuclear arsenals. What do you think what are those for? Cry me river. Cyber attacks byRussians? I'm sure you are not aware of that too.
China is aggressively building an island re-drawing sea territories. China is not a threat? Your dumb. What is Iran got to do with your fucking bullshit? Cupcake. You are probably on welfare that it's so bad that you throwing your support to Putin. Then blaming your miserable trash life against your government. I don't really give a rat ass where you live. You can move to Calcutta i could care less.
You never been to Russia, you don't even know any single Russians excepts here on the internet and yet you talk like you know Russia and Russian people. You are a hypocrite.

It seriously concerns me that you're taking care of Vet's with PTSD...

I'm not even sure where to start with your lunatic rant there. My "miserable trash life"? I'm a capitalist 1%er so my life is pretty great... I don't recall complaining about anything, but then again, it seems like you're having some kind of raging argument with the voices in your head, so you have fun with that fruit loop.

So I actually knew a Russian "princess" - though as I understood it the "old nobles" are/were not so highly regarded over there anymore so being a "princess" was more akin to being a heiress over here, all the money without the fame kind of thing I guess. She was married to a friend of the family, but she passed away from cancer a few years ago. Her family was big in the ice skating/dancing world, but she had to retire from skating in like 2009 or 2010 to take care of her mother (apparently medical care was extremely hard to get, I think it was due to location, but her English w/accent was almost impossible for me to understand and I didn't want to be rude constantly asking her to repeat herself so the details are a bit fuzzy >.<) I mostly remember that after she'd passed away Mr. Nelson was extremely upset because there was some rule/tradition that said he couldn't go to the funeral because he wasn't "of pure blood," even though by some other law/tradition he's obligated to take care of the family financially "as if it were his own blood." Not that he wouldn't care for his/her family anyway, just that he was quite torn up and angry to be excluded from her funeral. He was an orphan turned a traveling preacher for most of his life, which was how he'd met and fell in love with her. He had to convert so they could get married and apparently he couldn't talk them into giving him an exclusion for the funeral because they considered those who converted to be less pure or something like that... I've actually not heard from Mr. Nelson since Christmas before last, I believe it was; he usually only makes it back home once a year for holiday's, but at that time he was going back to Russia to tend to his mother-in-law. I hope she's doing alright, but I fear she probably passed away given how ill she was before. :( Hopefully we'll get an update from him this Christmas, he didn't particularly like calling from Russia because all the calls are monitored.

That's the only Russian I think I know/knew personally. Might be some in my gaming circle, but most of the non-American's in my circle are Aussies because of my play times. I love Aussies, by far my favorite of the various foreigners I play with. I like the Asian's too though, they're more business which speaks to me, smart as a whip so we have amazing conversations. I've actually been in debate on which country I'd rather retire to for quite a few years. I fear Australia would get too hot for my polar blood, but I love how easily the people there break me out of my serious "fall back" mode. On the other hand, I think I'd really enjoy Japan, the blend of ancient and modern has always been kind of a "thing" for me and the history there is a serious draw. Then there's this little island in France a number of our social circle has retired to that's just beautiful, has all the modern amenities but is very much at one with nature - very tranquil and quiet. I love Alaska, but shoveling snow and icy roads get annoying after so many years, and I'm not sure I could deal with living in the lower 48; it's nothing like Alaska down there. I could deal with Hawaii, but it'd be boring for me as we've been there so many times... I want to go somewhere "exotic," preferably with a lot of history for me to explore. I thought about globe trotting like Mr. Nelson does, but I need a home base for all my stuff; I'm a bit of a collector. Meh, I'll figure it out eventually.

Sooo, that's what it's like in my head... Since we're having our own conversations and all.

I do not personally or directly handle injured vets and with PTSD. I hired doctors, therapist, nurses and managers and accountant that handle these for me. I also own the buildings for these centers. If that what you mean. I'm not sure how you can call that my lunatic rant. Cupcake.
Look at your previous post. Do you want me to love you when you are talking trash foul language?
Lunatic? Read your post how lunatic are you. You are talking how much you like and love Putin this and that. That's insane coming from a military family. Since I help and dedicated my life helping soldiers and poor homeless people that bother me very much when people like you especially when claiming that you belong to a military family. Then trashing your own government in support of foreign president aligning with these racist traitors. Since you are within the same group glorifying each other. Then their complain, voices and bitchin are the same as you.
I'm not sure why you bother to talk about princess. I stop reading the first 5 sentences. Then pick it up the last 4 sentences.
Uhm no I wasn't taking about how much I loved Putin, I also didn't put that many swear words in my posts. You're unhinged and arguing with yourself here.

Thank goodness you don't work with the poor Vet's...
Oh cry me river. There are far more Russian want to migrate to US than people migrate to Russia. If US is so bad the way you compared US to Russia. How come there are millions of people wants to come and live here in US? At the beginning I never believe Russians live in fear under Putin. But after meeting people here and in Russia that proved me wrong.'Putin is not forever', says daughter of slain opposition leader | NewsDaily
Many people emigrated from Russia in 1990-2000.
What relation to this is Putin?

Y must say thanks to Gorbachev.
Yeltsin. Yeltsin for me - a criminal.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that people have emigrated to the United States.
The US had a strong economy.
The United States had a program of economic development with the help of migrants.
Everything is logical.
But what does this have to Putin?

Putin became president in 2000. Take the Canadian statistics.
ARCHIVED – Facts and figures 2010 – Immigration overview: Permanent and temporary residents
Again, it turns out that your words - stupid.

You also must consider the American propaganda.

I also thought that in America there is freedom. There are human rights.
But when I began to learn the truth - I was shocked.
You live in a police state. It's obvious.
And the level of propaganda in your country is very high.
Much higher than in Russia.
Social services - millet terrible.
One simple fact - homeless veterans is a shame for the country №1.
Like the fact that the United States ranks first by number of prisoners.

Free country?
What freedom?
The fact that the US government is listened your conversations?
Police kill you like dogs and you just can not stop this horror?
In your prisons use torture and openly violate all human rights.
President promises to close the prison, but openly, do not hesitate to deceive you.

Her father was in the Yeltsin team.
They commit a lot of crimes.

For example Nemtsov said, "In the 90 years of actual citizens enjoy the right to elect their power"
I'll show you ... that Nemtsov called the free choice of the people))

You deleted previous post to fit your agenda..... That's stupid.
You made a comparison not me. What has this to do with Putin? Everything. I compare Putin no better than Mao tse tung...
Russian population in 2010 was 143,617 millions then by 2015 went down 142,098. Dude....Russian population is steadily decreasing that's awful. What do you think causes it? Don't tell me people wants to migrate to Russia.
US population in 2010 was 309,35 today it's 321,86 millions.
Putin political opponents are all scared. And so most of the people I met in Russia are scared. You call that freedom? They are even scared and prohibited to demonstrate to voice their opinions. You call that freedom? Russian people that I know here in US are also pissed. Yeltsin clan has been roaming around Russia for decades... Then suddenly one emerge as an opposition... Got assassinated. Cry me river. Because goons and Putin cartels will be out of business as soon as Putin is out of the office.,
Below is a crime rate comparison of between US and Russia 2015. Remember US population is more than doubled that of Russian population. What in the world are you talking about? US has the most complex mixtures of races and ethnic group compared to any countries in this world.
Police shooting of unarmed civilians here and around the world is nothing new. It just happened that US is more advance and can freely record just about anything in public. Do you think police shooting of unarmed civilians in Russia is not happening? Then you are ignorant.
Try to record that in Russia or most countries and see what happen to you and your phone. There are far more police shooting in other part of the world compared to US. That I can guarantee you. If you ran from the police they will shoot you automatically and it's acceptable. No question ask. Death sentence and execution is high in US because it's being recorded and published. In other part of the world...... Heck no......they will just execute you to avoid any trials and feeding inmates. And if US is so awful to you.... Why do you live here? Why not just move to Russia?

Russia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
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Uhm no I wasn't taking about how much I loved Putin, I also didn't put that many swear words in my posts. You're unhinged and arguing with yourself here.

Thank goodness you don't work with the poor Vet's...

Your post #155 showed how much you love and adore Putin. Your post #172 foul language......Lord don't you ever stop lying.

"love for Putin" #155: "Putin is trying to bring his country back to it's former glory (before the USSR broke down), but he's not a full communist either, if you'd ever bothered to read anything about him, you'd realize that he's an actual human, albeit hungry for power and glory for his country. I'd rather join Canada than Russia if the US falls, but that doesn't mean I hate him, nor love him. All that matters to me is his relationship with the US, and frankly he's done /nothing/ to us and even the "questionable" shit he's done so far has been for his countrymen. "
"The reason a lot of American's like Putin is because he is a "full package," its not that they necessarily support his style of government, or his actions, but he has that "it factor" - he is a strong leader and a patriot for his country, he wants to make his country great again."
"Anyway, Putin is liked by many American's because he's all about his country - that's really all there is to it. You read /way/ more into it than you should."

Foul Language #172: ooooo eleven swears in 1060 words, I'm such a sailor. lol

"love for Putin" #155: "Putin is trying to bring his country back to it's former glory (before the USSR broke down), but he's not a full communist either, if you'd ever bothered to read anything about him, you'd realize that he's an actual human, albeit hungry for power and glory for his country. I'd rather join Canada than Russia if the US falls, but that doesn't mean I hate him, nor love him. All that matters to me is his relationship with the US, and frankly he's done /nothing/ to us and even the "questionable" shit he's done so far has been for his countrymen. "
"The reason a lot of American's like Putin is because he is a "full package," its not that they necessarily support his style of government, or his actions, but he has that "it factor" - he is a strong leader and a patriot for his country, he wants to make his country great again."
"Anyway, Putin is liked by many American's because he's all about his country - that's really all there is to it. You read /way/ more into it than you should."

Foul Language #172: ooooo eleven swears in 1060 words, I'm such a sailor. lol

That is correct.... you are sailor... Working for sea merchant. Not a military family.

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