Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

New information.

Putin said - we have cooperated with the United States. We have given all the information when and where will our planes.
And in this place, at this time, we got hit in the back.
What does it mean?

It's some circus. Kindergarten. I can not believe that state leaders can not decide who the main.
And while they will solve the terrorists will kill.
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By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))
By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))
Obungle's coalition....whoever that is
The problem is that Russia, China and NATO, compete with each other.
Everyone understands that the Middle East - this swamp.

The war on the ground is heavy losses.

The leaders of the "civilized world" do not want to make such decisions, because worried about their political ratings.

For Obama, this is the last year.
Do you think he will give the order to send the American infantry in Syria?
And I do not think that the next US president will start from the war

Who else can start a war?
Europe? I remind you that in Europe, a lot of refugees from Syria. And no one knows how many terrorists.
You think someone from the politicians dare to say - I will lead the crusade? What would he, his family and his country became the target №1. For the terrorists that are already in his country.
By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))
Obungle's coalition....whoever that is
The problem is that Russia, China and NATO, compete with each other.
Everyone understands that the Middle East - this swamp.

The war on the ground is heavy losses.

The leaders of the "civilized world" do not want to make such decisions, because worried about their political ratings.

For Obama, this is the last year.
Do you think he will give the order to send the American infantry in Syria?
And I do not think that the next US president will start from the war

Who else can start a war?
Europe? I remind you that in Europe, a lot of refugees from Syria. And no one knows how many terrorists.
You think someone from the politicians dare to say - I will lead the crusade? What would he, his family and his country became the target №1. For the terrorists that are already in his country.

Obama is worried about his legacy, he'll stay on the bench
All of this began when the Arab Spring started which was just a covert operation to install the Muslim Brotherhood in key Arab States. The bloody fools we have for leaders in the west didn't think ahead.

Not one idiot thought to themselves "if we just give all these weapons and cash to the mercenaries and terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels "what could possibly go wrong?"

Morons. This is like state sponsored terrorism. How many people have died because our jerks in power wanted to reduce the Shia power that's more aligned with Iran and Russia and swing it to Sunni that would be more in line with the US and others?

What a mess!
CNN, TheGardian, Independent accusing Erdogan supporting ISIS:

The shift in focus is a significant drawback for Erdogan. Years of support for, and investment in, Islamic fundamentalist groups like Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria) and Ahrar al-Sham are about to go to waste. Ankara has played a significant role in allowing Isis and other jihadists to flourish in Syria and the region. Turkey has acquiesced to jihadist groups entering Syria via Turkey as well as their use of Turkey as a transit point for smuggling arms and funds into Syria.

In other words, Turkey has no interest in the peaceful settlement to the conflict in Syria that world powers are negotiating. As it gets desperate, Turkey will attempt to bring focus back on the Assad regime and reverse the losses it has made both in Syria and geopolitically. The decision to bring down the Russian jet is, therefore, likely to have had other political factors behind it - particularly since the jet, as far as we know, posed no immediate threat to Turkey’s national security.

Erdogan has never cared much for the EU and has only sought engagement with the West when under pressure at home. But Turkey is not an indispensable ally and should not be considered as such. Unless the West starts to seriously exert pressure, Erdogan will have little incentive to stop his damaging policies.
Beware Turkey's real reasons for shooting down a Russian plane

As ISIS fighters expand their control, it is in the border region, in villages like Besaslan, where the Islamic State group can make some of the money it needs to finance its wars. Oil-smuggling operations involving millions of barrels have recently been uncovered.

The oil comes from wells and refineries that ISIS has taken over inside northern Iraq and northern Syria, and until very recently it was easy to smuggle it into this quiet part of southern Turkey. One reason is that cheap, smuggled oil is a much-prized commodity in Turkey, where oil is so expensive that it almost doesn't matter who is selling it, even if it's your enemy.
How ISIS makes its millions - CNN.com

Since the earliest months of the Syrian war,Turkey has had more direct involvement and more at stake than any of the regional states lined up against Bashar al-Assad.

Despite that, links to some aspects of Isis continued to develop. Turkish businessmen struck lucrative deals with Isis oil smugglers, adding at least $10m (£6.6m) per week to the terror group’s coffers, and replacing the Syrian regime as its main client.
Is Vladimir Putin right to label Turkey ‘accomplices of terrorists’?
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Do you have expect me to believe that? Based from you posting bashing your own government aligning with traitors.....At the same time claiming to be a member of military families? Nah....
I am very impressed how much you admire and adore Putin... At the same time claiming to be a member of military families? Nah......
Yes we are not ( YET ) at war with Russia. We are spending $100s of billions toward military gears. Next year we are launching a new $13 billions aircraft carriers USS Ford. Who do you think that is for? Mexican, Vietcong? No. That is to counter Russian and Chinese aggression. If If you know a military personnel...... Ask them who is the biggest threat that can annihilate America?
I help injured and PTSD vets last 9 years in Miami. That includes housingS. I am opening another one here in San Diego. Scheduled to be completed by next summer. I know tons of vets and active military personnel far more than you can imagine. No matter how much they are pissed at Obama they are loyal to this country.
These soldiers served this country dedicatedly with their precious life. And here you are siding with Putin. Military families? Nah....
According to you....Putin is liked by many Americans. That is a clear Russian propaganda. Shame on you if you belong to military families. How did you come up with many Americans liked Putin? About 8 or 6 members of this site? Did you ask around... Hey do you like Putin? I seriously doubt that....I have the opportunity to do that. In Allentown, Pa I have total of 42 Russian employees. Every year we have summer company picnic where I have the chance to meet their family members. I casually asked them several kind of questions. Like food, customs, politics and.....What do you guys think of Putin? Just about every one laugh at me. Really? Several of them even expressed they want to shoot Putin thugs....On the side as an example. I have lots of Filipino employees here in California. We will have a Christmas party on Dec. 11 here in San Diego. I will ask them if they will vote for Bongbong Marcos son of the late dictator Marcos. Because next year they will have a presidential election in the Philippines.
I traveled to Russia at least 2 times in last 6 years both business and R & R. Just about every Russian I met are scared to talk about Putin. They are even scared to demonstrate publicly. God job Putin. So tell me.. How can anyone like yourself so impressed with Putin. Especially claiming to be a family of military? I understand these other traitors at least they are consistent. But you Nah.... I cannot imagine a military wife aligned with traitors....You are NOT being honest. You can take it from here.
What is Adolf ( liar, racist, fascist) Trump got to do with this discussion?
I do not claim that I know everything but I can claim that I know lots because of many interest and associated with several levels and lots of people in last 35 years.

You're a fruit loop son, you have no clue what I've said or done, even though the information on all my posts is searchable, but your so busy flying off the handle with your accusations based on nothing at all. The only "government bashing" I've ever done, is when they fuck something up; that is called prudent freedom of expression, most real American's not only care about that right, but utilize it regularly - and more so on political forums. Disloyal to my country? "Aligning" with traitors"... Really? I'm a traitor simply because I happen to think, (and it's not like I didn't make it abundantly clear in my posts,) that ally's don't fucking shoot down other ally's jets over 3second fucking border incursions? Is that all it takes to be a traitor in your book? What kind of America do you see, one where the people are not allowed to speak up about things they disagree with? This doesn't sound like /my/ America at all...

You've helped vets for 9 years, that's great, and what do they have to say about their government policies and activities? Are you really going to try to fly the /bullshit/ that not one of them has disagreed with /anything/ we're doing in the ME? I won't believe you, especially not with Obama's policies and inactions, even top brass in the country has spoke out publically against a number of his military/foreign policy decisions in the ME because some are /that/ fucking bad. Do you call /the/ vets "traitors" for disagreeing with your personal opinions about the ME too? You had better not be pushing this kind of closed minded bullshit on our boys who have served...

The biggest threat to global peace is ~drumroll~ the fucking USA and yet here you are trying to push a nuclear war with Russia for basically no reason... real smart, really makes me think you know what you're talking about... What is the US /actually/ concerned about? #1 Cyber attacks - usually this is in the form of economic undermining (oft from China as they want the global dollar. China is kind of on a weird plane, they're not really a military threat, basically the threat with them is more informational than physical.) #2 Iran nukes (their country really isn't stable enough to have nukes yet, and yea, on this one I am astounded that Obama jumped on board letting them have them.) Which ties into #3; The volatile ME situation (This is actually not so much a threat for the US directly, which is why it rates lower, but certainly for everyone in that area its a serious problem which then entangles us because of our various protection pacts; on the other side of that coin the mainland US really only has to worry about terrorists coming out of there.) #4 North Korea (here again this is mostly because of our support pacts South Korea, they're not really a physical threat to the US per say either.) Russia /might/ get #5 and I'll even get into a bit of why Russia is even on the list at all in my next couple paragraphs.

So why do we launch new ships? Because we fucking can, because we are going to maintain our superiority. The USS Ford will replace the aging and outdated 1961 USS Enterprise, she's a top class vessel with some of the latest and best technology we can stuff her with, including a new class of nuclear engines that boast more power and speed than anything we've gotten wet before; it's a beautiful air craft carrier. Has very little to do with any country in particular though, it has to do with upgrading our military hardware so we don't fall behind. You're an idiot if you think we designed an aircraft carrier to fight Russia. If we were truly concerned about Russia, as you claim, then we'd be pushing space defense big time because the only way Russia even comes close to equaling us militarily is if Putin deploys his nukes; we /already/ smoke everything else he's got, and I have no doubt Putin is well aware of that fact.

It's why he hasn't acted despite everything we have done; expanding NATO after we promised not to, the sanctions for Crimea, etc., if anything the fact that we're backing a stupid move like Turkey's here is merely going to irritate Putin, because reality is that there's not a hell of a lot he can do about it other than bitch. Turkey was wrong, regardless of anything else, a 3-5 second border breach absolutely does /not/ justify leaving your own borders to shoot down a jet in enemy territory, period. That is something you do if you are at war with a country, it is absolutely /not/ acceptable from a NATO member against another NATO member and I am absolutely baffled that NATO is okaying it - like I have repeatedly said, there has /got/ to be something else we're not privy to yet as to why Turkey isn't being bitch slapped for it. Then again, to be perfectly clear on it, I don't think Turkey should have been allowed into NATO in the first place, much less should they still be in it after the crap they've pulled, so I'm a bit biased on that for sure. The only reason they remain in NATO is because we happen to have a base there, if we didn't then I have little doubt Turkey would have been ousted a long time ago.

As for the rest of your dribble, you clearly didn't read what I posted, I'd rather go with Canada than Russia if the US falls - AKA I think I'd be better off under their political structure than Russia's. I realize that conditions for Russia's people may not be so great (comparatively speaking to the US and other western countries). So like I said, /you/ are reading far more into American's liking Putin than you should - and your bullshit response here, as well as your fucked up "knowledge," just hammers that point home. If one of the two of us is a traitor, it sure as fuck isn't me, regardless of how many Vets you happen to house. I also have a very strong feeling you get paid by Uncle Sam for that "service."
Do you have expect me to believe that? Based from you posting bashing your own government aligning with traitors.....
I always thought that democracy - is freedom of expression.
Since like you talked Communists =)
KGB killed people with this formulation - a traitor. dissident.
Just because they dont agree with all that said the Communist Party.

Communist Detected=))
Be careful. Obama has not closed Guantanamo=))

I traveled to Russia at least 2 times in last 6 years both business and R & R. Just about every Russian I met are scared to talk about Putin.
Do not lie =)
Regarding the propaganda, by the way is easy to prove.
Open the website of the RT and see there section Ino-TV.
There are translations of foreign news.
Somehow it's strange? For propaganda? No?

Putin is a dictator but in Russia, no one thinks to close foreign channels.
And in a free America in Parliament discussing the foreign channels.

The truth is that in Russia a lot more freedom than in America.
This shocking truth for amerkiantsev, but it is.

In America, more prisoners.
Police in the United States ... very cruel.
They kill unarmed people.
In prison, they torture people.

How do you explain this? It's a free country?
Press statements and answers to journalists’ questions following meeting with President of France Francois Hollande

Nov, 26.
Putin: Just look: we warned our US partners in advance about where our pilots would be operating, when, and at what flight levels. The American side, which heads the coalition that includes Turkey, knew about the location and time of the flights. And that is precisely where and when we were hit.

So I ask you: why did we provide this information to the Americans? Either they cannot control what their allies are doing, or they are handing out the information left and right, without understanding the consequences. Naturally, we will need to have some serious consultations with our partners on this matter. But the air defence system is not in any way directed against our partners, with whom we are fighting terrorists in Syria.

Incidents such as the destruction of our plane and the death of our servicemen – the pilot, and a marine who was attempting to rescue his brothers in arms – are completely unacceptable. Our position is that this must not happen again. If this is not the case, we do not need such cooperation, with anyone, any coalition or country.
The UN Security Council passed a special resolution that bans direct purchase of oil from terrorists, because these barrels coming in are filled not just with oil but with our citizens’ blood, and because terrorists use the money from this trade to buy arms and munitions and then carry out bloody attacks such as those against our plane in the Sinai, and the attacks in Paris and other cities and countries.

But there is absolutely no question that the oil is heading for Turkey. We see this from the air. We see that loaded vehicles are heading there in a constant stream and returning empty. These vehicles are loaded in Syria, in territory controlled by the terrorists, and they go to Turkey and return to Syria empty. We see this every day.

Press statements and answers to journalists’ questions following meeting with President of France Francois Hollande
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Turkey is a loose canon, always has been, now they're going to start a war with Russia. What is the US going to do then?
By the way. Putin asked - imagine that Assad is gone. Who will be fight against ISIS on the ground?
And really. Who? =))

Obungle's coalition....whoever that is
Good question. From what I keep hearing, no-one wants to put boots on the ground. What about the Kurds :eusa_shifty:

One man really really wants to put boots on the ground. His name is Kadyrov. If there is anyone you as a world leader would want in your corner this is the man. Putin's man.

One hell of a bad ass.

He desperately wants to fight the Chechen who has handed ISIS all their military conquests. Baghdadi's right hand man Abu Omar al-Shishani .

I love this guy. If Putin gives him the go ahead? He will unleash the hounds of war. Erdogan will need extra strength immodium AD.

Russia Airstrikes In Syria: Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Commits Troops To Fight Islamic State Group On The Ground


Russia Airstrikes In Syria: Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Commits Troops To Fight Islamic State Group On The Ground

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