Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

If it had been one of OUR jets, we would expect a significant response. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I side with Russia on this one.

Oh Russia will respond, count on it
How exactly? Turkey is a NATO member. We have assets in Turkey. If they retaliate, our F15C models will be in the fight. And I have seen Russian aircraft. They can't compete and we would wipe them out of the sky. I doubt any Russian pilot would willing go against an F15, we have 80x the training their pilots do, with reliable systems. They would try to launch 8 aircraft per day but only 1 or 2 would make the sortie. We would launch every single one of ours with limited equipment for repairs. Nope Russia is not going to do anything but saber rattle.

Russia is pounding that area as you drone on.
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Oh sweet Lord. Assad will always be better than the Muslim Brotherhood who dominate the "so called opposition".

Turkey should be thrown out of NATO for supplying arms and money to al Nusra let alone buying fucking ISIS oil. Helping ISIS and al Nusra in the smuggling out of Syria and Iraq antiquities. They let their border be porous for years so jihadists could come and go as they please.

Turkey has been bombing the shit out of the Kurds that have fighting ISIS for heaven's sake.

And that's the beginning of a long list of issues with Turkey.

Erdogan is the genocidal maniac along with the other countries who have been attempting to overthrow Assad to hand the country over to the Sunnis. And we're right in the thick of it.

There never was an Arab Spring. This is a trumped up civil war. There are no moderate rebels. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Assad is no angel, but hells bells he's better than ISIS or al Nusra (AQ in Syria) or FSA who work with both of them.

And last but not least, we have no freaking business trying to overthrow Assad.
If it had been one of OUR jets, we would expect a significant response. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I side with Russia on this one.

Oh Russia will respond, count on it
How exactly? Turkey is a NATO member. We have assets in Turkey. If they retaliate, our F15C models will be in the fight. And I have seen Russian aircraft. They can't compete and we would wipe them out of the sky. I doubt any Russian pilot would willing go against an F15, we have 80x the training their pilots do, with reliable systems. They would try to launch 8 aircraft per day but only 1 or 2 would make the sortie. We would launch every single one of ours with limited equipment for repairs. Nope Russia is not going to do anything but saber rattle.
Russia has a feature of being not so logical when it deals with their security. Despite the training of US pilots Russia could retaliate. Imagine if the things were happening not in hundreds km from russian borders, but, for example in Mexico. Would in this case US asses the training of russian pilots if american jet had been downed by russia-backed Cuba?
Russia is pounding that area as you drone on.
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

Well you have to read between the lines when you read American journalism because it is so biased and filled with rhetoric, so it is a habit made possible by the "media".

How did I fail? I simply stated Russia will not engage turkey while the we are there, our fighters are superior. So are our pilots. While they may engage, I think Putin is smarter then that.

My history? Lol whatever that means.

Posting history. Must I teach you everything?
The downing of a Russian warplane in Syria by Turkey appears to be a pre-planned provocation, the Russian Foreign Minister said. Ankara failed to communicate with Russia over the incident, he added.

We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much like a preplanned provocation,” Lavrov said, citing Turkey’s failure to maintain proper communication with Russia, the abundance of footage of the incident and other evidence.

The Russian diplomat criticized NATO for failing to express condolences to Russia over the loss of its troops lives.
Very strange statements were voiced after a NATO meeting called by the Turks, which didn’t express any regret or condolences and in effect were aimed at covering up what the Turkish Air Force did yesterday,” Lavrov said. “A similar reaction came from the European Union.

He added that even if Turkey’s words were taken on face value, its actions contradict its own position expressed in 2012, after Syria took down a Turkish military plane. At the time, then-Prime Minister Erdogan told the Turkish parliament that a short incursion into another nation’s airspace cannot justify an attack on it.

Downing of Russian Su-24 looks like a planned provocation - Lavrov

Stratford I truly believe this was a pre planned provocation.

Did you know the Turkish authorities had reporters IN FREAKING POSITION to capture this on film? And to interview rebels?

Check this out. It's solid from Reuters.

"A deputy commander of a Turkmen brigade told reporters on a trip organized by Turkish authorities that his forces had shot both pilots dead as they descended.

"Our comrades opened fire into the air and they died in the air," Alpaslan Celik said near the Syrian village of Yamadi, holding what he said was a piece of a pilot's parachute."

AND NOTE: Anadolu Agency is the state broadcaster.

"Footage from private Turkish broadcaster Haberturk TV showed the warplane going down in flames, a long plume of smoke trailing behind it as it crashed in a wooded part of an area the TV said was known by Turks as "Turkmen Mountain".

Separate footage from Turkey's Anadolu Agency showed two pilots parachuting out of the jet before it crashed."

Turkey downs Russian warplane near Syria border, Putin warns of 'serious consequences'

Thanks, Tiny, you'been a real friend!!
Russians have already noticed that and mentioned that. In fact, same strange cases of "having cameras ready before something major happens" occurred a lot of times during and after the coup in Ukraine. No doubt, Turkey has done it on purpose.
If it had been one of OUR jets, we would expect a significant response. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I side with Russia on this one.

Oh Russia will respond, count on it
How exactly? Turkey is a NATO member. We have assets in Turkey. If they retaliate, our F15C models will be in the fight. And I have seen Russian aircraft. They can't compete and we would wipe them out of the sky. I doubt any Russian pilot would willing go against an F15, we have 80x the training their pilots do, with reliable systems. They would try to launch 8 aircraft per day but only 1 or 2 would make the sortie. We would launch every single one of ours with limited equipment for repairs. Nope Russia is not going to do anything but saber rattle.
Russia has a feature of being not so logical when it deals with their security. Despite the training of US pilots Russia could retaliate. Imagine if the things were happening not in hundreds km from russian borders, but, for example in Mexico. Would in this case US asses the training of russian pilots if american jet had been downed by russia-backed Cuba?
Ummm the difference is we are there, they are an ally. Our planes will not sit on the ground if their is an incursion into the airspace, I am sure they are on alert. and will be in the air at a moments notice. These scenarios are all planned out, and we will engage if they do not leave the airspace. this happens with Russia when they test our airspace in Alaska, so we are used to it. I can just speculate on your Cuban scenario but I do know we would launch aircraft to gain air superiority with the helicopters behind them to rescue the down pilot. All the while being escorted, if another country interviened we would tell them to leave the airspace and they would.
MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov after talks with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Moscow isn't planning any war on Turkey.

"We are not planning to wage a war against Turkey, our attitude towards the Turkish people has not changed," the minister said. "We have questions only to the Turkish leadership."

Sergey Lavrov also noted that the attack on Russia’s Su-24M plane looks like a planned provocation.

"We have serious doubts that it was unintentional, it looks like a planned provocation," Lavrov said, adding that some Russian partners call the downing incident "an obvious ambush."

Oh, have no doubt....Russia knows well all that is going on.....but cooler heads are prevailing. They are smart.

Russia planning no war with Turkey — FM
If it had been one of OUR jets, we would expect a significant response. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I side with Russia on this one.

Oh Russia will respond, count on it
How exactly? Turkey is a NATO member. We have assets in Turkey. If they retaliate, our F15C models will be in the fight. And I have seen Russian aircraft. They can't compete and we would wipe them out of the sky. I doubt any Russian pilot would willing go against an F15, we have 80x the training their pilots do, with reliable systems. They would try to launch 8 aircraft per day but only 1 or 2 would make the sortie. We would launch every single one of ours with limited equipment for repairs. Nope Russia is not going to do anything but saber rattle.

Oh really? Interesting comparisons here.

"The Su-35 is a genuinely dangerous war machine, and in many metrics, it matches or even exceeds the capabilities of the latest upgrades for the F-15. In terms of pure kinematic performance, the Su-35 is slightly slower than the F-15C in terms of max speed but it can out accelerate the Eagle with its powerful twin Saturn Izdeliye 117S engines, which put out 31,900lbs of thrust each. Further, when the jet is relatively lightly loaded, it can maintain supersonic speeds without the use of its afterburners.

While excellent acceleration at high altitude to supersonic speeds is a huge advantage, the F-15C is no slouch—and it wouldn’t be a decisive edge for the Russian jet. However, where the Su-35 does have an insurmountable edge is at low speeds. The Flanker-E has three-dimensional thrust vectoring and is unbelievably maneuverable at low speeds. However, given the advent of helmet mounted cuing systems and high off-boresight missiles like the AIM-9X and Russian R-73, more often than not, close in visual encounters tend to be “mutual kill” situations as many pilots can attest. A lot of it is going to come down to pilot skill and, frankly, luck.

At longer ranges, the F-15C and the F-15E still have the advantage over the Su-35 with their active electronically scanned array radars. The Raytheon APG-63 (v) 3 and APG-82 (v)1 on the two Eagle variants are still considerably superior to the Su-35S’ Tikhomirov IRBIS-E phased array radar. The Su-35 does hold a fleeting advantage for now for passive sensors since it has a built-in infrared search and track system (IRST), but the F-15 fleet will receive a very capable IRST in the near future—nullifying the Flanker’s edge.

One area the Flanker-E probably holds the edge is with its electronic warfare suite. The Su-35S boasts a potent digital radio frequency memory jamming suite that can wreck havoc with the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile. While American missiles are likely to eventually make it through, it will take many more missiles to achieve a kill than planners were counting on. The Su-35, meanwhile, carries a huge arsenal of air-to-air missiles versus the F-15 fleet’s obsolete defensive electronics. The U.S. Air Force is keenly aware of the problem, which is why it places such emphasis of on the $7.6 billion Eagle Passive/Active Warning and Survivability System upgrade.

The real dilemma is that the Su-35 and the current day F-15 Eagle are comparable—and that’s what is worrisome for the U.S. Air Force. The service is used to fighting adversaries where it has a huge technological advantage—against the Su-35 that deficit does not exist and the Flanker-E even has some advantages over the Eagle. Overall, if all things were equal, even a fully upgraded F-15C with the latest AESA upgrades would have its hands full versus the Su-35. But that would mean the United States would be fighting a war against Russia or some other great power—like China. That’s not likely to happen."

America's F-15 Eagle vs. Russia's Su-35 Fighter: Who Wins?
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None of this matters..............My aircraft is better than your aircraft........and so on.................Russia doesn't want a War with us nor do we.......................If that it wouldn't be good for anybody.............and Turkey taking out one of their aircraft was stupid...............

Turkey has been buying the oil from ISIS.............

We have been supplying the FSA who aren't are friends and have allied with groups like El Nusra, AQ, and ISIS...........They have been killing Christians as well.................As an American, I'm pissed about these alliances...........and the fact our weapons are getting into enemy hands all in an effort to get rid of Assad.

You don't make a pact with devils to oust another devil................BS policy and under that guise I don't want any involvement at all.

Our mission should be the destruction of ISIS...........PERIOD..........Not targeting their money makers for well over a year amounts to aiding an abetting the enemy we have vowed to destroy. We need to up the anti and END THE CALIPHATE..........Is Assad takes back over I simply don't care..........as one Tyrant is better than many..............

Finally, Look at the Leader of Turkey's campaign promises...........were he made promises to eventually take Jerusalem................aka he wants a Muslim alliance to kill Israel and bring back the Ottoman domain.............That dog don't hunt with me, and I question why we still have him as an Ally under that type of BS rhetoric..................

Another point............Turkey has hit the Kurds who are supposed to be our Allies as well.........and we turn a blind eye...................

All of this STINKS TO THE HIGH HEAVENS................

None of this matters..............My aircraft is better than your aircraft........and so on.................Russia doesn't want a War with us nor do we.......................If that it wouldn't be good for anybody.............and Turkey taking out one of their aircraft was stupid...............

Turkey has been buying the oil from ISIS.............

We have been supplying the FSA who aren't are friends and have allied with groups like El Nusra, AQ, and ISIS...........They have been killing Christians as well.................As an American, I'm pissed about these alliances...........and the fact our weapons are getting into enemy hands all in an effort to get rid of Assad.

You don't make a pact with devils to oust another devil................BS policy and under that guise I don't want any involvement at all.

Our mission should be the destruction of ISIS...........PERIOD..........Not targeting their money makers for well over a year amounts to aiding an abetting the enemy we have vowed to destroy. We need to up the anti and END THE CALIPHATE..........Is Assad takes back over I simply don't care..........as one Tyrant is better than many..............

Finally, Look at the Leader of Turkey's campaign promises...........were he made promises to eventually take Jerusalem................aka he wants a Muslim alliance to kill Israel and bring back the Ottoman domain.............That dog don't hunt with me, and I question why we still have him as an Ally under that type of BS rhetoric..................

Another point............Turkey has hit the Kurds who are supposed to be our Allies as well.........and we turn a blind eye...................

All of this STINKS TO THE HIGH HEAVENS................


Well said. Somehow or another Assad would simply be replaced by another despot and more chaos and murder. Get Isis then leave them to it.
How exactly? Turkey is a NATO member. We have assets in Turkey. If they retaliate, our F15C models will be in the fight. And I have seen Russian aircraft. They can't compete and we would wipe them out of the sky. I doubt any Russian pilot would willing go against an F15, we have 80x the training their pilots do, with reliable systems. They would try to launch 8 aircraft per day but only 1 or 2 would make the sortie. We would launch every single one of ours with limited equipment for repairs. Nope Russia is not going to do anything but saber rattle.

Russia is pounding that area as you drone on.
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.
You are too emotional and
Russia is pounding that area as you drone on.
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.
This may come as some surprise to you, but some people are successful and have accomplished families, with members who have studied, passed exams, joined professions and become lawyers, doctors, military folk etc. Sometimes, a single family even has members in more than one profession. Doesn't that happen in your village?
Russia is pounding that area as you drone on.
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.

My husband is an attorney, my father was US Navy, my sister was US Navy, my grandfather is USAF retired, my deceased grandfather was US Navy, my step father is USMC Rtd. My best friend fell in Iraq. You were saying you emotional fruit loop?
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.
You are too emotional and
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.
This may come as some surprise to you, but some people are successful and have accomplished families, with members who have studied, passed exams, joined professions and become lawyers, doctors, military folk etc. Sometimes, a single family even has members in more than one profession. Doesn't that happen in your village?

This guy is all over the map with his nonsense....that and he can't grasp the English language
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.
You are too emotional and
Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.
This may come as some surprise to you, but some people are successful and have accomplished families, with members who have studied, passed exams, joined professions and become lawyers, doctors, military folk etc. Sometimes, a single family even has members in more than one profession. Doesn't that happen in your village?

This guy is all over the map with his nonsense....that and he can't grasp the English language
Isn't he just. Lol.
1. EU&US create ISIS.
2. EU&US did their best in crashing Russian economy.
3. Russia is spending a lot (!!!) of money, energy and taking a huge of loosing its pilots/planes to fight against Western creation of ISIS.

And on the top of everything a NATO member shoots down a Russian plane, unbelievable!

PRAGUE, November 24. /TASS/. Czech President Milos Zeman denounced on Tuesday Turkey’s actions over the situation around the Russian Sukhoi Su-34 bomber that crashed in Syria.

"Sometimes, a suspicion is voiced that Turkey is informally interacting with the Islamic State. Considering that the Russian air group is fighting against the IS, then, of course, the attack [which caused the aircraft’s crash] is an extremely radical measure. It will only make the atmosphere worse," the head of the Czech Republic said.

Czech president denounces Turkey’s actions over Russian bomber crash
payback for the Sandinista's ....
MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov after talks with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Moscow isn't planning any war on Turkey.

"We are not planning to wage a war against Turkey, our attitude towards the Turkish people has not changed," the minister said. "We have questions only to the Turkish leadership."

Sergey Lavrov also noted that the attack on Russia’s Su-24M plane looks like a planned provocation.

"We have serious doubts that it was unintentional, it looks like a planned provocation," Lavrov said, adding that some Russian partners call the downing incident "an obvious ambush."

Oh, have no doubt....Russia knows well all that is going on.....but cooler heads are prevailing. They are smart.

Russia planning no war with Turkey — FM
Turkey has good reasons to not like the Kurds. The Kurds want to carve out a chunk of Turkey and turn it into Kurdistan.
They still won't mess with turkey again while we are there. And Assad is genocidal maniac your support of Russia when our own troops could be in harms way is astounding, are you sure you are not a member of daesh? Assad is bad and daesh is bad. Incredible how you would wish harm on our troops. Now turkey has done shady things especially to the Kurds. If Russia wants to really get into it then they have their chance.

Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.

My husband is an attorney, my father was US Navy, my sister was US Navy, my grandfather is USAF retired, my deceased grandfather was US Navy, my step father is USMC Rtd. My best friend fell in Iraq. You were saying you emotional fruit loop?

You are lying. That is not what you told me. Liar.
Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.

My husband is an attorney, my father was US Navy, my sister was US Navy, my grandfather is USAF retired, my deceased grandfather was US Navy, my step father is USMC Rtd. My best friend fell in Iraq. You were saying you emotional fruit loop?

You are lying. That is not what you told me. Liar.

Well you are welcome to prove I am lying. Look, toad. It's obvious you're not playing with a full deck. Now why don't you take a Xanax and relax?
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.
You are too emotional and
Where did I wish harm on our troops? You're obviously another slow witted one. Now cease bothering me with your BS
You seem very excited for Putin to attack turkey. That would put our troops in harms way. But as I said I am not worried because we are more then capable of eliminating the threat. Want me to link the articles of our F15C models arriving in turkey?

I "seem" Because I said Russia won't sit still? Do yourself a favor, stop trying to read things that people are not saying. Nearly my entire family is military. You lose sparky. By the way I read your history, get past I'll buy into it just because you type it. You failed out of the gate

You are a big LIAR.....Didn't we arguing about drug test that your entire family was lawyers? Now your entire family are in military? You have history of lying.
This may come as some surprise to you, but some people are successful and have accomplished families, with members who have studied, passed exams, joined professions and become lawyers, doctors, military folk etc. Sometimes, a single family even has members in more than one profession. Doesn't that happen in your village?

This guy is all over the map with his nonsense....that and he can't grasp the English language

Look Dick breath...... Removed your mouth from Putin dick. You started the insult.
Didn't I challenge you if you want to speak 5 different languages? If you want to about Quantum Physics/ DNA, Genome counting, chemistry. But you avoided me because you are a fucking coward. Mother fucking liar.

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