Q: How important is politics?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
I guess politics is not as important as most people think - but inevitable. The real problem is to find always good ideas, which really work.
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
A lot of people -- and the number appears to be climbing -- really allow politics to consume their lives. They see and inject politics into virtually everything. Apparently belonging to a tribe and following a leader are very important and soothing for their self esteem in some way. They somehow attach their self-worth to their positions on politics.

I do wonder if that contributes to America's high usage of anti-depressants.

Anyway, the old term "all politics is local" does apply. Many local issues affect an individual more, and you can also have more say in local politics as an individual.
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A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:

In 2006, I had private health insurance that was $67 a month. After Obama Care, the cheapest insurance was over $300.

This month, I had to go to Urgent Care, and I didn't have insurance, because I couldn't afford insurance.

In the 1990s, with all of it's problems, Venezuela was the most wealthy Latin American country, with the most oil wealth of any country in the world.

Today, people are digging through trash cans, and burying children who starved to death.

I don't think you need to make politics the only thing, or most important thing in your life. I don't think you should end friendship, or break of relations with family, like idiots such as Don Lemon have suggested.

But, I do think that politics matters.
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:

In 2006, I had private health insurance that was $67 a month. After Obama Care, the cheapest insurance was over $300.

This month, I had to go to Urgent Care, and I didn't have insurance, because I couldn't afford insurance.

In the 1990s, with all of it's problems, Venezuela was the most wealthy Latin American country, with the most oil wealth of any country in the world.

Today, people are digging through trash cans, and burying children who starved to death.

I don't think you need to make politics the only thing, or most important thing in your life. I don't think you should end friendship, or break of relations with family, like idiots such as Don Lemon have suggested.

But, I do think that politics matters.

private health insurance that was $67 a month.

What did it cover??
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:

I do agree with you, in theory and appreciate you injecting some grounded words. However, this one is too important. I know it's been said of other elections, but the differences between the two is stark. This to me is the Reagan vs. Carter of 1980 in terms of dictating what direction a generation will pursue. How much damage or recoil communism will experience.

Even if you went back to the 1980 election, Reagan vs Carter. They had major differences clearly, but Carters idea of liberalism did not include socialism or embracing socialists. It was important to stop the communist expansion, which is now even more rapid, but it's economic, which ensures it's success if allowed to continue.

It's been 30 years of China First, Trump is confronting this and was forcing change. If his work isn't continued to put America First, there is no doubt in my mind that the West is on borrowed time.

This isn't hyperbole, this is facing the grim reality of the Communist Party of China dictating to the world. This is about their actions, and what history tells us the end result will be.

I'm not 65, but, I don't want to reach that age (God willing) and see the West turned into the dystopia we all feared and read about in tales of fiction, or, knew existed in the former Eastern Bloc.
Its very important as we shall soon see if tramp gets re-elected.
I'm not 65, but, I don't want to reach that age (God willing) and see the West turned into the dystopia we all feared and read about in tales of fiction,
Being around that age, that's all i've come to realize we are now

We live under the illusion of freedom , choice , liberty, all of which insidiously withered away

We the People are no more than a facade worn by They The GubMit to perpetuate the socially engineered cognitive dissonance we exist in

Proof? well look and listen to what i call the 'national identity' crisis . There are some stark and rather scary opinions of what America should be ,that are quite far and distant from what America really is

Unfortunately, politics is very important in a democracy.

Just ask the people in Germany in the early 1930s as their aged president decided to hand power over to an upstart named A. Hitler.
If the Democrats win this election and do what they said they are going to do the US will make substantial headway towards becoming a Socialist shithole. All of us will be poorer and have less Liberty if that happens.
I'm one wish in politics and thats the Democrats win the election campaign ... ;)
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A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:

In 2006, I had private health insurance that was $67 a month. After Obama Care, the cheapest insurance was over $300.

This month, I had to go to Urgent Care, and I didn't have insurance, because I couldn't afford insurance.

In the 1990s, with all of it's problems, Venezuela was the most wealthy Latin American country, with the most oil wealth of any country in the world.

Today, people are digging through trash cans, and burying children who starved to death.

I don't think you need to make politics the only thing, or most important thing in your life. I don't think you should end friendship, or break of relations with family, like idiots such as Don Lemon have suggested.

But, I do think that politics matters.

private health insurance that was $67 a month.

What did it cover??
Everything he wanted it to.
Tyranny is always one generation away.
Today's Dimm Party has delivered that generation!
Politics is more important than ever, if you value liberty.
Politics can be defined as the act of gathering support for something you want to do. In that sense it is vital to progress, defense or emergency response. What people have a problem with is callous partisanship and corruption. Politics can be as clean and noble or as nasty and destructive as we want it to be. Americans expect and even demand politics be a horrible pile of bullshit and partisan histrionics otherwise we are just not interested.
Politics, in our "Republic", (the US is NOT a fucking democracy) are in every facet of our lives- I'll be 73 in December- I'm more cognizant than I was as a kid or even a young man- ignoring the fact that Empty Suits (politicians) demand they are better suited to make decisions for those other than themselves is proof via Public Education that is NOT a granted authority in the constitution- shaming we the stinky tourist by tourist who stink worse is a daily happening promoted by those who believe they have something to gain by being publicly stupid and used by Empty Suits to validate their positions like they believe they have moral authority and wouldn't know moral if it was tattooed on their forehead-

Politics is life- ignoring them has what has brought us this far this direction- a lack of involvement perpetuates the trend- just keeping up with, even vaguely, should piss people off at the absolute ignorant arrogance and encourage them to be more cognizant- but, it doesn't- they turn off an tune out- as long as they can make their monthly installments with a little left over for discretionary spending they're good to go-
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
Tell that to the people in Venezuela who enjoyed the best economy in South America before Chavez was put into office and established sociailsm, but now eat out of garbage cans and hunted down and murdered if they are seen as a political threat in any way.

Politics, they do matter and today the DNC is more extremist than ever before.
While I agree with Bill718 it matters for others a lot. We too are set for life, and the winner will have no impact on our lives. Covid of course is anther story. But many Americans need the ACA and they need a fair wage as well as a job under these trying times. Hopefully Biden / Harris win as Trump is a failure.

"Of all forms of government and society, those of free men and women are in many respects the most brittle. They give the fullest freedom for activities of private persons and groups who often identify their own interests, essentially selfish, with the general welfare." Dorothy Thompson

OMG from Fox yet!

'Richard Fowler: Americans are tired of Trump’s lies, incompetence, ignorance and failures'

While I agree with Bill718 it matters for others a lot. We too are set for life, and the winner will have no impact on our lives. Covid of course is anther story. But many Americans need the ACA and they need a fair wage as well as a job under these trying times. Hopefully Biden / Harris win as Trump is a failure.

"Of all forms of government and society, those of free men and women are in many respects the most brittle. They give the fullest freedom for activities of private persons and groups who often identify their own interests, essentially selfish, with the general welfare." Dorothy Thompson

OMG from Fox yet!

'Richard Fowler: Americans are tired of Trump’s lies, incompetence, ignorance and failures'

Richard Fowler is a gay black liberal paid Fox analyst.
Surprise! Surprise! You live under a rock?
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
Tell that to the people in Venezuela who enjoyed the best economy in South America before Chavez was put into office and established sociailsm, but now eat out of garbage cans and hunted down and murdered if they are seen as a political threat in any way.

Politics, they do matter and today the DNC is more extremist than ever before.

So you don't remember Reaganonmics , the Bushs tax cuts, and the tramp tax cuts, well it may seem like socialism to you right wing freaks, but to most its income inequality that is not sustainable to the general population of the US.

The indictment of a putative head of state was highly unusual and a major escalation of the Trump administration’s campaign to pressure Mr. Maduro to leave office after his widely disputed re-election in 2018. The State Department also announced a $15 million reward for information leading to the arrest of Mr. Maduro, who has led Venezuela’s economy into shambles and prompted an exodus of millions of people.
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