Qanon, 2023

I was permabanned from the QAnon site for calling them out as fakes

I am sort of surprised, there are any folks that are still making threads about this Q. Maybe they wouldn't be, if there were no media leftists still talking about it. Meh, yesterday's news. I guess someone forgot to tell them? :dunno:

It reeks of desperation.

I am also sort of curious on the date of this meme;


I doubt it is current.

I distinctly remember, when Trump claimed, before that whole Jan6th debacle, he said he didn't know who Q was. . . . I have no doubt, he got up to speed with who they were before the election.

OTH? Is it possible it was a purposeful LARP - that his folks were in on? I can't really say. . . I posted an article by an author that is very vitriolic, and has some severe TDS, much like the person that posted this thread, who has that same POV.

That is this article;

I have read through it, and believe that this person is probably not got the narrative correct. I don't think these are the folks that originated the LARP, or continued it.

Here is my reasoning.

I regularly read, Consortium News. (Note, I don't usually give a rats ass about Media-bias-fact-check, but, since we are working with normie reasoning, it is important here.)

Now? Why is it important to know that they are considered far to the left, but have, HIGH CREDIBILITY?

Well, because, the person that wrote that attack piece, launched into the VIPS organization, as one of the key players.

Yet? Going all the way back into 2013, Robert Perry, one of the main folks that trusted these guys to give him quality intel on that Iran-Contra sleaze, among other topics? These are folks of integrity.

Nope, it just doesn't add up.

These VIPS folks, when they work with Robert Perry? Clearly have integrity, IMO, and have no political agenda. They might be politically to the right, but Perry was a lefty before he died in 2018.

Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence​

It is my considered opinion, that when this. . . Daniel Morrison, listed VIPS, in his list of suspects for LARPING the Q? It was a political witch hunt, with no proof. Sort of like Mac is doing with this whole thread. It lacks logic. And, it is an attempt to poison the well of discourse.

I suppose, the possibility exists that all federal politicians and national network corporate journos are all acting, and every national politician, are all on the same side. . . :tinfoil:

. . .. but who the hell knows?
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Trumpers like to have it both ways with QAnon....

On one hand, when they get called out on passing off bullshit QAnon rhetoric; they try to distance themselves or say you are wrong for paying attention......"Bro, nobody even cares about Qanon"

On the other hand....they will continue passing off those same BS conspiracies and will continue waving poms poms for all things QAnon.....because it damn sure ain't policies that are drawing those folks to their cause....
Trumpers like to have it both ways with QAnon....
On one hand, when they get called out on passing off bullshit QAnon, they try to distance themselves or say you are wrong for paying attention....
On the other hand....they will continue passing off those same BS conspiracies and will continue waving poms poms for all things QAnon.....because it damn sure ain't policies that are drawing those folks to their cause....
Yep. Many of them are in it, the rest enable it because it's all about their hero "saving" America. Same thing, as far as I'm concerned.

Their complaining is a nice identifier.
Conservative broadcaster Charlie Sykes runs a channel called "The Bulwark", and on his newest episode he interviews Will Sommer, who has a new book out on Qanon. The disturbing interview is linked below. While Qanon has been around for several years, the book and this interview offer an up-to-date look at this national conspiracy phenomenon.

If you take the time to listen to it, I'd respectfully suggest that you try to avoid dismissing what you're hearing as kook and crazy. Charlie lapses into that mode a few times and I think he's making a mistake. This is not a tiny segment of our society, and they are dead serious. And far worse, their direct and indirect influence is now in the halls of Congress.

I'm waiting for the day you ever post about the "fringe" elements of The Democrat Party. How long before hell freezes over?
Trumpers like to have it both ways with QAnon....

On one hand, when they get called out on passing off bullshit QAnon rhetoric; they try to distance themselves or say you are wrong for paying attention......"Bro, nobody even cares about Qanon"

On the other hand....they will continue passing off those same BS conspiracies and will continue waving poms poms for all things QAnon.....because it damn sure ain't policies that are drawing those folks to their cause....
QAnon doesn't exist. It's only an idea
Yep. Many of them are in it, the rest enable it because it's all about their hero "saving" America. Same thing, as far as I'm concerned.

Their complaining is a nice identifier.
It strikes a nerve when you get at the core of their fan worship for Trump....

It is never policy is the Conservative desire for a strong man to come and punish their perceived enemies...

Liberals, blacks, gays, education, etc....
QAnon doesn't exist. It's only an idea
but Antifa is an actual organization with corporate headquarters and stuff huh?

Why do so many of you Trump sycophants parrot the same bullshit conspiracies QAnon followers originate??

When folks in the Trump campaign were literally claiming Italian satellites, North Korean submarines and Hugo Chavez were involved in stealing the 2020 election...all of that bullshit came from QAnon message boards.....and it was parroted by your cult leader....

"He’s published dozens of recent Q-related posts, in contrast to 2020, when he claimed that while he didn’t know much about QAnon - By using their own language to directly address QAnon supporters, Trump is telling them that they’ve been right all along and that he shares their secret mission -- it also allows Trump to endorse their beliefs and their hope for a violent uprising without expressly saying so, she said, citing his recent post about “the storm” as a particularly frightening example."

And whenever you bring up shit like this to a Trump sycophant, their immediate deflection is..."Bro, Trump was just trolling're so triggered.."

But if some random Democrat announces they want to expand Medicare coverage.....these same folks clutch their pearls and pretend it's the end of civilization...these folks are clowns....fuck em...all they have left is gaslighting and lying...
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It strikes a nerve when you get at the core of their fan worship for Trump....

It is never policy is the Conservative desire for a strong man to come and punish their perceived enemies...

Liberals, blacks, gays, education, etc....
Talk radio -- and then FOX and the internet -- have spent the last few decades filling them with rage, conspiracy and grievance. This is the perfect outlet.
Trumpers like to have it both ways with QAnon....

On one hand, when they get called out on passing off bullshit QAnon rhetoric; they try to distance themselves or say you are wrong for paying attention......"Bro, nobody even cares about Qanon"

On the other hand....they will continue passing off those same BS conspiracies and will continue waving poms poms for all things QAnon.....because it damn sure ain't policies that are drawing those folks to their cause....
First of all, you know I am not a "Trumper," and I don't give a shit.

Second, you are speaking out yer ass, b/c you didn't even look at, or engage with any of the media I posted to deprogram you.

Of course that is what they are saying.

As I already posted. . . the Financial Times mini-documentary already pointed out, in a good disinformation, cyber-warfare, gaming operation, in order to be effective in its end goal, must contain at least, 80% truthful information.


So naturally, some of it is absolutely true, but not all things. Then? When called to the mat. . . folks like you, can conveniently use the term, conspiracy theorist, or racist, or. . . heaven forbid, if this lack of willingness to engage honestly continues, tools of the establishment, will, yes, just start classifying folks as, "terrorists."

It isn't hard to see the writing on the wall. Why? Because folks that have studied history have seen what authoritarian regimes have done in the past. And we are now in the process of seeing them do these same things again.

Next you are going to try to gaslight me to believe that Epstein killed himself. :rolleyes:

Ghislaine Maxwell Says She Believes Sex Trafficking Partner Jeffrey Epstein Was Murdered​

First of all, you know I am not a "Trumper," and I don't give a shit.

Second, you are speaking out yer ass, b/c you didn't even look at, or engage with any of the media I posted to deprogram you.

OF COURSE that is what they are saying.

As I already posted. . . the Financial Times mini-documentary already pointed out, in a good disinformation, cyber-warfare, gaming operation, in order to be effective in its end goal, must contain at least, 80% truthful information.


So naturally, some of it is absolutely true, but not all things. Then? When called to the mat. . . folks like you, can conveniently use the term, conspiracy theorist, or racist, or. . . heaven forbid, if this lack of willingness to engage honestly continues, tools of the establishment, will, yes, just start classifying folks as, "terrorists."

It isn't hard to see the writing on the wall. Why? Because folks that have studied history have seen what authoritarian regimes have done in the past. And we are now in the process of seeing them do these same things again.

Next you are going to try to gaslight me to believe that Epstein killed himself. :rolleyes:

Ghislaine Maxwell Says She Believes Sex Trafficking Partner Jeffrey Epstein Was Murdered​

I bet if you were around during the height of the John Birch society -- you would be defending that bullshit too......

You morons love to see conspiracies where there are none -- like a billionaire who became president is OPPRESSED.....therefore, we need to dismantle government and reinstall him as Supreme Leader as the only option....

Meawhile you goofy muthafucaks totally discount REAL INJUSTICE occurring in broad daylight.....especially if those on the wrong end of that injustice are people who don't look like you...fuck what you talking about
Have you seen a teacher grooming a child and forcing them to be a transgender rapist while taking a college course on CRT?


Well, that damn doesn't stop you morons from panicking about it huh?
Where did I say that? I was speaking specifically about Mac. The CRT, the transgenders being rapist, grooming aren’t things I think are happening. Do you believe the left or right conspiracy theories?

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