Qanon, 2023

I bet if you were around during the height of the John Birch society -- you would be defending that bullshit too......

You morons love to see conspiracies where there are none -- like a billionaire who became president is OPPRESSED.....therefore, we need to dismantle government and reinstall him as Supreme Leader as the only option....

Meawhile you goofy muthafucaks totally discount REAL INJUSTICE occurring in broad daylight.....especially if those on the wrong end of that injustice are people who don't look like you...fuck what you talking about
Wow. Between when I made my post, and the time you responded? Maybe three minutes?

That mini-documentary by Financial Times? Fifteen minutes long.

And that is an establishment source. It has nothing to do with alt-right or alt-left. . . it is in the hip pocket of the crown, and the global oligarchy.



Nice string of straw-men, ad homs, and disparagements. . . I didn't really even need to make a case. You lost this disagreement all on your own. Noice! :113:

So that whole thing about a child sex island epstien took democrats like Bill Clinton to visit many times is fake now?

Sounds like q was a larp to cover up for the pedos going to pedo Island.

If Democrats here had there way. Hillary Clinton would be president and Bill Clinton would be partying with epstien in the white house today.
Conservative broadcaster Charlie Sykes runs a channel called "The Bulwark", and on his newest episode he interviews Will Sommer, who has a new book out on Qanon. The disturbing interview is linked below. While Qanon has been around for several years, the book and this interview offer an up-to-date look at this national conspiracy phenomenon.

If you take the time to listen to it, I'd respectfully suggest that you try to avoid dismissing what you're hearing as kook and crazy. Charlie lapses into that mode a few times and I think he's making a mistake. This is not a tiny segment of our society, and they are dead serious. And far worse, their direct and indirect influence is now in the halls of Congress.

This is faker than your political affiliation, Mac1958.

Conservative broadcaster Charlie Sykes runs a channel called "The Bulwark", and on his newest episode he interviews Will Sommer, who has a new book out on Qanon. The disturbing interview is linked below. While Qanon has been around for several years, the book and this interview offer an up-to-date look at this national conspiracy phenomenon.

If you take the time to listen to it, I'd respectfully suggest that you try to avoid dismissing what you're hearing as kook and crazy. Charlie lapses into that mode a few times and I think he's making a mistake. This is not a tiny segment of our society, and they are dead serious. And far worse, their direct and indirect influence is now in the halls of Congress.

The Soi Boi being interviewed just stated that the woman heading the repub party in michigan believes that JFK jr is still alive

He says it and the guy hosting the podcast accepts it as fact

And worse yet Mac1958 accepts it as fact

Like most lies being told by the left if you search the internet there are plenty of libs telling us what “qanon” believes but never the mythical creature speaking for itself

Ask yourselves why?
The Soi Boi being interviewed just stated that the woman heading the repub party in michigan believes that JFK jr is still alive

He says it and the guy hosting the podcast accepts it as fact

And worse yet Mac1958 accepts it as fact

Like most lies being told by the left if you search the internet there are plenty of libs telling us what “qanon” believes but never the mythical creature speaking for itself

Ask yourselves why?

QAnon exists only in the DemoKKKrats' conspiracy-rotted minds.
QAnon exists only in the DemoKKKrats' conspiracy-rotted minds.
It seems that way

Mac1958 made a claim in the op that the chairman of the Michigan republican party believes that jfk jr is still alive

But if you search the internet I cant find Kristina Karano hersrlf saying anything like that

Yet libs such as Mac1958 seemingly believe every word they are told by any trump hater because they are knee jerk haters themselves

Its really insane
It seems that way

Mac1958 made a claim in the op that the chairman of the Michigan republican party believes that jfk jr is still alive

But if you search the internet I cant find Kristina Karano hersrlf saying anything like that

Yet libs such as Mac1958 seemingly believe every word they are told by any trump hater because they are knee jerk haters themselves

Its really insane

They eat it up and ask for more.

They think it scores them SJW brownie points.

Pretty sad.

The Trumpsters don't like this thread, for obvious reasons.

The rest of us prefer not to see our politics soiled by this insane conspiracy theory, any more than it already has been. We love our country.

LOL! ^^^The guy who believes men can get pregnant and vaccinated people can't get covid wants to talk about conspiracy theories.

You're a joke.
Conservative broadcaster Charlie Sykes runs a channel called "The Bulwark", and on his newest episode he interviews Will Sommer, who has a new book out on Qanon. The disturbing interview is linked below. While Qanon has been around for several years, the book and this interview offer an up-to-date look at this national conspiracy phenomenon.

If you take the time to listen to it, I'd respectfully suggest that you try to avoid dismissing what you're hearing as kook and crazy. Charlie lapses into that mode a few times and I think he's making a mistake. This is not a tiny segment of our society, and they are dead serious. And far worse, their direct and indirect influence is now in the halls of Congress.

I have a hard time believing this is a significant 'thing' or any kind of threat any more than is the white supremacy label a threat to minorities or the Flat Earth Society a threat to real science.

Qanon had legs for awhile but when pretty much zero of its predictions came to pass and it got nuttier and nuttier, everybody with a brain who explored it shrugged it off as just another nutty and unsupported theory thought up by somebody. The very few people I know who bought into for awhile have now rejected it. Extremely few tag it or put it in their profile names on social media these days and those who do are pretty much viewed as 'odd'.

And when it was mentioned that Q was behind the J6 intended peaceful rally/protest which is absurd on the face of it, I tend to think that the left is likely using Q now to further demonize anyone calling himself/herself Patriot. It's just another label along with their repetitious characterizations of 'racist' '-phobic' 'white supremacist' 'anti government' 'threat to democracy' 'fascist/Nazi' etc.

No doubt the new book will sell well with those who choose to hate/despise/accuse/blame the Patriot movement.
This thing has been wrecking families, relationships, taking over politics in pockets.

Just as with many other things, Qanon itself is not the problem. The problem is the demand for it. This is many millions of Americans. What does it say about us? What does it say about a society when so many are so empty inside that something like this is so attractive to them?

Did you get your monthly Rona booster?
The rage is with the left. Have you forgotten your "summer of love"???

Yeah, they got pretty frustrated when they realized their corn wasn't growing.


And Seattle taxpayers are now going to have to pay buttloads of money to the merchants who are suing the city for allowing the terrorists to destroy their businesses.

There's some rage for you.


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