QAnon Followers Begin To Ask: Who The Fuck Is Q??

"QAnon followers have become more divorced from reality since the Capitol riots as some prep for doomsday.....Liesa Norris got a panicked phone call Monday from her brother. He told her to buy a ham radio. The radio, he explained, would be one of the few ways they could communicate once President Donald Trump launched his plans to take permanent power. NBC News reviewed the social media accounts of Norris' brother, part of a sea of QAnon accounts that have become increasingly divorced from reality since the Capitol riot. Most of the accounts have expressed a belief that Trump will declare martial law and execute Democrats on Inauguration Day as part of the cult's long-awaited doomsday."

As of 11:00 am EST; there has been no blackouts, no martial law declarations and certainly no executions of Pelosi and other Democrats on the White House does this mean QAnon messengers were lying?? Well, there are more and more QAnon cultists beginning to make social media posts like the one below; coming to the conclusion that they have been duped and demanding to know, just who the fuck is Q anyway?

Is this whole QAnon thing just some elaborate troll just to see how easily manipulated and gullible a large swath of Trump supporters are?? And if you think the woman in the video is freaking out, you should see how people who made their living off of feeding QAnon conspiracies to people are handling having to explain that ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THE SHIT they said was true...Do they feel running out the passive, cuckish, weak excuse of "The Deep State wouldn't let us do X, Y and Z" is enough??

Hitler and the brown shirts which included their corrupt media---targeted one group after another in order to get their many enemies------they would first do a propaganda smear campaign putting out silly stories like yours before then rounding up their target.

We've had the discussion about what Q is really-------and when researched they are collection of many different people and groups but all seem to believe that our politicians have alot of pedophiles in their rank.

Biden and his son are definately two such people....but yet you spread a smear article about Q.

Hun, you would be better served trying to get rid of the pedophiles instead of attacking people pushing for HAM radios.

Nice way to try to minimize fragile minded unhinged fascists who tried to overturn an election based on bullshit....

And as I have said......not a SINGLE QANON PREDICTION CAME TRUE.......

Even Alex Jones had to concede that his bullshit could only go so far

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