Qualified immunity ends in NY.

Based upon the gung ho attitude towards Stop and Frisk, they did not care. Now people can sue the city and the officer for violating their civil rights.

You couldn't sue an individual officer for Stop and Frisk as long as it was Departmental Policy (sanctioned by The Mayor's Office)

You can now with it being ruled unconstitutional.
but every day cops violate completely innocent peoples Rights

Be specific. In what way do police daily violate civil rights? Police act within the powers given them by legislation. If you have a problem with legislation, you need to start suing the legislators who wrote it.

So we should sue the Legislature because they have not properly legislated penalties for police officers who enforce non existent laws?

cops are not above the law.
So you would rather do everything to hamstring them from doing their frigging job?

wow - you got THAT outa what i said? silly comprehension deficient *you*.

believe it or not - some cops fuck up & knowingly go beyond what is standard procedure & they shouldn't have the cloak of that 'immunity' to give them permission to do it.
You know what else happens a lot? Liberal DA's go after cops who DIDNT fuck up. Good policemen will avoid any place that lets them gets sued by you left wingers that are hell bent on destroying cops.
I understand the reasoning and concept behind this, but it will make it that much harder to draw people to want a career in LE.


Your argument is that we can't have police unless we are willing to allow them to violate people's civil rights. I completely disagree.

Never said we cannot have police.

I’m just pointing out the potential cause and effect of such a policy.

Yes the cops now will care.

Correct, and by that same line of reasoning less people will likely join LE. Very few people are going to want the job if being sued personally becomes that much easier.

I don't see why.

Anyone else can be sued on the job.

I think that the law should be applied to everyone equally. If other people can be sued at work why can't a cop?
I understand the reasoning and concept behind this, but it will make it that much harder to draw people to want a career in LE.


Your argument is that we can't have police unless we are willing to allow them to violate people's civil rights. I completely disagree.
How is that? Police can be prosecuted for violating the law, and if someone's rights are violated they can sue....at the very least if they violate someone's rights, such as an illegal search, the evidence is excluded from any prosecution of them.

So, not sure how you get to this conclusion

Police are instructed in not violating a person's civil rights. They aren't all that concerned because in the past nothing happened to them.

In some cases the taxpayers would get sued. Now the cop can be sued. Now they are going to care.
sure things could happen...they’d blow the case...cops don’t want people they arrest going free.

yes the tax payer or govt would be sued because they were acting on their behalf. they can. still be sued. this just allows the arrestee to be sued directly as well, instead of having the immunity shield to get over first...the one the dem lawmakers left for themselves

to suggest police didn’t care in NYC is just hogwash

Based upon the gung ho attitude towards Stop and Frisk, they did not care. Now people can sue the city and the officer for violating their civil rights.
People have always been allowed to sue. I don't disagree the stop and frisk policy of Dem Bloomberg was wrong. People actually sued over it as well...and won...prior to Dem lawmakers doing this
cops are not above the law.
So you would rather do everything to hamstring them from doing their frigging job?

wow - you got THAT outa what i said? silly comprehension deficient *you*.

believe it or not - some cops fuck up & knowingly go beyond what is standard procedure & they shouldn't have the cloak of that 'immunity' to give them permission to do it.
You know what else happens a lot? Liberal DA's go after cops who DIDNT fuck up. Good policemen will avoid any place that lets them gets sued by you left wingers that are hell bent on destroying cops.

well - perhaps if them thar po po actually turn their little body or dash cams on it might cut down on that, 'eh?
is anyone at all surprised these Dem lawmakers took qualified immunity from police officers....but keep it for themselves....typical of the left...straight out of Animal Farm
cops are not above the law.
So you would rather do everything to hamstring them from doing their frigging job?

wow - you got THAT outa what i said? silly comprehension deficient *you*.

believe it or not - some cops fuck up & knowingly go beyond what is standard procedure & they shouldn't have the cloak of that 'immunity' to give them permission to do it.
You know what else happens a lot? Liberal DA's go after cops who DIDNT fuck up. Good policemen will avoid any place that lets them gets sued by you left wingers that are hell bent on destroying cops.

well - perhaps if them thar po po actually turn their little body or dash cams on it might cut down on that, 'eh?
If the city doesnt want cops to turn them off, then they can make body cams that cant be turned off.
but every day cops violate completely innocent peoples Rights

Be specific. In what way do police daily violate civil rights? Police act within the powers given them by legislation. If you have a problem with legislation, you need to start suing the legislators who wrote it.

Watch the police auditing videos on YouTube. There are thousands of them.

There are millions of police interactions with the public on a daily basis. Even if you have a thousand cases of explicit violations of established civil rights doctrine, that still represents a very small fraction of police interactions. There is no statistical case to support that most, or even many, police knowingly violate civil rights on a daily basis.

Yes, what you say is true, however, some of those cases are egregious. So long as they are protected by qualified immunity those bad officers continue to destroy lives.

When the law is corrupt at its very core, the only recourse is violence. There have been many good cops assassinated because that is the natural result of continued abuse of civil rights.
So long as they are protected by qualified immunity those bad officers continue to destroy lives

No one is protected by qualified immunity for legitimate civil rights violations. They are protected from frivolous lawsuits.

It the legal principle of qualified immunity is abolished, police officers association and police departments will have to find another method of protection.

One method will be seeking harsh, punitive judgements against frivolous plaintiff's.

A method that will surely bankrupt many civil rights organisations.
So long as they are protected by qualified immunity those bad officers continue to destroy lives

No one is protected by qualified immunity for legitimate civil rights violations. They are protected from frivolous lawsuits.

It the legal principle of qualified immunity is abolished, police officers association and police departments will have to find another method of protection.

One method will be seeking harsh, punitive judgements against frivolous plaintiff's.

A method that will surely bankrupt many civil rights organisations.

Yes, they actually are. Thousands of people have had their life savings stolen by corrupt cops. Lives have been taken.

In LA county several years ago a rich guy owned some property and a corrupt deputy decided he wanted to confiscate the property so he lied about the guy being a drug dealer, they raided his home, and killed him.

The warrant was proven to be baseless but the corrupt deputy never went to prison.
So long as they are protected by qualified immunity those bad officers continue to destroy lives

No one is protected by qualified immunity for legitimate civil rights violations. They are protected from frivolous lawsuits.

It the legal principle of qualified immunity is abolished, police officers association and police departments will have to find another method of protection.

One method will be seeking harsh, punitive judgements against frivolous plaintiff's.

A method that will surely bankrupt many civil rights organisations.

Yes, they actually are. Thousands of people have had their life savings stolen by corrupt cops. Lives have been taken.

In LA county several years ago a rich guy owned some property and a corrupt deputy decided he wanted to confiscate the property so he lied about the guy being a drug dealer, they raided his home, and killed him.

The warrant was proven to be baseless but the corrupt deputy never went to prison.

County, date, and name of deputy, please.
I don't see why.

Anyone else can be sued on the job.

I think that the law should be applied to everyone equally. If other people can be sued at work why can't a cop?

No Dana too many can't be sued, not particular sectors anyway >>>. State, local, fed govt workers are all protected, immune. Right down to the building inspector in a 1 horse town. So take immunity away Cops?? from "one class/sector"? Can't do that.
Don't get me wrong. I realize that qualified immunity has been a problem in many ways, but it's also a result of how the job ensures a large amount of confrontations with the public.
This is the aim of Defund the Police, aka Police Reform. When there are mental health emergencies let the mental health people take point. Spread some of their interactions out to other departments in government, lessening their burden of having to dal with situations they are not really trained for and worse, they don't want to do. And making a cop do shit they don't want to do makes for pissy cops.
Organized crime will take total control of the police department. It will be like Mexico. File a complaint against a cop, your head is delivered to your family. No nice guy will become a cop and risk his financial life on the next frivolous lawsuit. Most lawsuits against police are frivolous as it is. New York was on the downhill slide as it is. This is just the burial detail.

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