Qualified immunity ends in NY.

Do they now have the right to sue the officer who arrested them?
Maybe. Need more details. Was the car reported stolen?
. Why would an officer pull over a potentially stolen car if the tag number did not match that of a reported stolen car?

Is that a diversion from the point at hand because you really don't know how to respond?
It's difficult to know how to respond if all the relevant facts are not laid out. If the person actually did borrow his brother's car, why would his brother have reported the car stolen? That being said, if the car had been reported stolen, I believe it would be reasonable to arrest the person driving the car that does not own the car. On the other hand, if a person got pulled over for a burned out tail light and it turned out that the person was not the owner per the driver's registration but the car had not be reported stolen, a simple explanation that "I borrowed the car from my brother" should be enough that that person is not arrested for stealing the vehicle.
This is good news, IMO

New York City Ends Qualified Immunity For Police Officers, Becoming 1st In Nation To Do So
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The New York City Council voted Thursday to end qualified immunity for police officers.

The decades-old protection has prevented officers from being sued or liable for misconduct.

Critics argued scrapping the protection will make officers less aggressive in fighting crime, if they have to worry about lawsuits.

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, however, said it “has been used to deny justice to victims of police abuse for decades.”
Good news for the insurance rackets for sure. A police officer would be a damn fool to head out to a call if he didn't have a high quality insurance company ready to pay for his expensive defense and pay off any judgments. Why risk his family's future, just to defend himself against the bullshit claims of some ne'er-do-well? Even if exonerated, the average working stiff would be subjected to financial assrapery by his lawyers without proper insurance.

Police union will be negotiating insurance coverage as a bennie for their members, and the taxpayers will pony up.
Rather than lose their homes, police officers will
1. Make sure they never arrive before the ambulance.
2. Only respond to calls, patrol as little as possible.
3. Always make an arrest at any neighbor or family dispute in order to prevent the .2% chance of later injury.
4. Arrest a driver that MAY or may not be intoxicated.
5. Strictly enforce certain laws with little or no discretion.
6. Call for and wait for a supervisor at calls in which a decision has to be made. Be prepared to sit there.

Police have an insurance plan, bought and paid for by their employers, who attorneys will get paid from, if they win. This one insurance company covers the city, county or state employee's (cops)
Without this insurance backed money supply, good luck getting an attorney to fight a case.

Case & point: A cop shoots & kills your unarmed, non violent kid, who was waving a cell phone at them. Since the cop doesn't have even $10,000 in his savings account, getting an attorney to take a case where he can only collect 30% of that $10K, isn't going to happen. Insurance and big money is the ONLY reason decent attorneys will take a case. At least the vast majority of them.
Good news for the insurance rackets for sure. A police officer would be a damn fool to head out to a call if he didn't have a high quality insurance company ready to pay for his expensive defense and pay off any judgments. Why risk his family's future, just to defend himself against the bullshit claims of some ne'er-do-well? Even if exonerated, the average working stiff would be subjected to financial assrapery by his lawyers without proper insurance.

Police union will be negotiating insurance coverage as a bennie for their members, and the taxpayers will pony up.
Insurance will cost many times the annual salary of an average officer. Frivolous lawsuits have driven medical malpractice insurance to more than a million dollars a year. Only the hardest core criminals will choose to take a badge.
Rather than lose their homes, police officers will
1. Make sure they never arrive before the ambulance.
2. Only respond to calls, patrol as little as possible.
3. Always make an arrest at any neighbor or family dispute in order to prevent the .2% chance of later injury.
4. Arrest a driver that MAY or may not be intoxicated.
5. Strictly enforce certain laws with little or no discretion.
6. Call for and wait for a supervisor at calls in which a decision has to be made. Be prepared to sit there.

Police have an insurance plan, bought and paid for by their employers, who attorneys will get paid from, if they win. This one insurance company covers the city, county or state employee's (cops)
Without this insurance backed money supply, good luck getting an attorney to fight a case.

Case & point: A cop shoots & kills your unarmed, non violent kid, who was waving a cell phone at them. Since the cop doesn't have even $10,000 in his savings account, getting an attorney to take a case where he can only collect 30% of that $10K, isn't going to happen. Insurance and big money is the ONLY reason decent attorneys will take a case. At least the vast majority of them.
You can still sue his employers, the department and the city.
Not to worry!

In 20 or 30 or 40 years from now, cop powers will come roaring back stronger than ever.

When African Americans and Hispanic Americans become the majority, they will scorn those bleeding-heart Caucasians in 2021 who handcuffed the cops and unleashed more violent crime throughout their cities.

In the meanwhile, however, pray for the 73,000,000 Americans who voted for President Trump if they (or their loved ones) are ever the victims of violent crime.
Don't get me wrong. I realize that qualified immunity has been a problem in many ways, but it's also a result of how the job ensures a large amount of confrontations with the public.
This is the aim of Defund the Police, aka Police Reform. When there are mental health emergencies let the mental health people take point. Spread some of their interactions out to other departments in government, lessening their burden of having to dal with situations they are not really trained for and worse, they don't want to do. And making a cop do shit they don't want to do makes for pissy cops.
I can agree with having social workers do some of the work of cops, but I think there are plenty of occasions where a social worker needs an armed cop as protection. A perfect example of this happened when some cops recently did a "wellness check" on someone's father, who attempted to shoot a female deputy in the head when he answered the door. Thankfully, she ducked and shot him to death, but a social worker would have been very dead in that situation.

I get the interest in having social workers do more work assigned to cops, but some of that will undoubtedly result in some dead social workers as well.
Don't get me wrong. I realize that qualified immunity has been a problem in many ways, but it's also a result of how the job ensures a large amount of confrontations with the public.
This is the aim of Defund the Police, aka Police Reform. When there are mental health emergencies let the mental health people take point. Spread some of their interactions out to other departments in government, lessening their burden of having to dal with situations they are not really trained for and worse, they don't want to do. And making a cop do shit they don't want to do makes for pissy cops.
I can agree with having social workers do some of the work of cops, but I think there are plenty of occasions where a social worker needs an armed cop as protection. A perfect example of this happened when some cops recently did a "wellness check" on someone's father, who attempted to shoot a female deputy in the head when he answered the door. Thankfully, she ducked and shot him to death, but a social worker would have been very dead in that situation.

I get the interest in having social workers do more work assigned to cops, but some of that will undoubtedly result in some dead social workers as well.
There is also the reform of practices. There’s rarely a time when you need to do a no-knock, bust the door down. Many suspects can be picked up going to a store or going to work. Unless the occupants are in imminent danger from a suspect it should be banned.
Don't get me wrong. I realize that qualified immunity has been a problem in many ways, but it's also a result of how the job ensures a large amount of confrontations with the public.
This is the aim of Defund the Police, aka Police Reform. When there are mental health emergencies let the mental health people take point. Spread some of their interactions out to other departments in government, lessening their burden of having to dal with situations they are not really trained for and worse, they don't want to do. And making a cop do shit they don't want to do makes for pissy cops.
I can agree with having social workers do some of the work of cops, but I think there are plenty of occasions where a social worker needs an armed cop as protection. A perfect example of this happened when some cops recently did a "wellness check" on someone's father, who attempted to shoot a female deputy in the head when he answered the door. Thankfully, she ducked and shot him to death, but a social worker would have been very dead in that situation.

I get the interest in having social workers do more work assigned to cops, but some of that will undoubtedly result in some dead social workers as well.
There is also the reform of practices. There’s rarely a time when you need to do a no-knock, bust the door down. Many suspects can be picked up going to a store or going to work. Unless the occupants are in imminent danger from a suspect it should be banned.
I'm down with that. I also would like to end civil asset forfeiture.
Oh yeah...way to go NEW YORK---------watch your city's crime rate soar------------------never mind all of you and your families becoming victims of criminals.

No wonder all the new yorkers are moving to florida.

Stop this stupid chit-------------govern with some common sense---We in florida don't want any more new yorkers.

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