Qualities of manhood under siege in the USA- sit down with Andrew Tate/Michael Franzese


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Many great points in this interview. Andrew Tate and Michael are talking about the downfall of the nuclear family in America.

Some of the points these two men make include The rise of the feminized society in the west. In the rare case that A man and a woman gets married yet today They’re not able to afford a house. Many sexless males and top 1 percent men who are dating 10 or 20 women with the women knowing about it or not.. Not as many meaningful relationships today compared to, what our parents and grandparents had

The media and Hollywood doesn’t represent the American population. A media and Hollywood that represents the ultra feminist view where a woman can do everything that a man can, which is of course false. Men are more stronger compared to women. Sure there are some outliers like UFC female fighters, but the rule is the rule.

men don’t want to marry a woman because he might feel feel that she is more financially powerful than him. Much of this due to DEI not merit. These are new things in western Society. For thousands of years this is not how things were practiced. And perhaps this is what has led to mass school shootings, so many young men and growing up without a male role model. Perhaps this modern society has led to a record number of young people being depressed and suicidal. Young Men are four times likely to commit suicide compared to young women.

Young men are 12 times more likely to go to jail compared to young women.

^OK, that is some of the information that these two gentlemen talk about in the video above

As for my thoughts . I’m not saying that women should not work. I’ve always respected the strong women of society like Catherine of Aragon, for example. But this current status quo is obviously a failure really it is a despicable thing that we have mass school shootings, and gang violence in America. We have problems in this country that did not exist in our past, and that do not exist in the eastern part of the world. IE repeat criminal offenders is a clear result of a feminized of left-wing criminal justice system.
If young men are 12 times more likely to go to prison, they are committing crimes to get sent there.

My first wife made more money than I did. It amazes me that men have an issue with that. We had more money! How is that a problem? I was proud of my wife's success.
Personally, I respect the strong women of history. I’ve already stated that.

Whatever the case the current status quo is unacceptable. Too many problems today, especially among young men like mass school shootings which did not occur in the past. And we had just as many guns if not more per capita in the American past.

Way too many sexless young men today. Too high of a drug addiction and depression rate among young men and women in this country compared to our past.
Personally, I respect the strong women of history. I’ve already stated that.

Whatever the case the current status quo is unacceptable. Too many problems today, especially among young men like mass school shootings which did not occur in the past. And we had just as many guns if not more per capita in the American past.

Way too many sexless young men today. Too high of a drug addiction and depression rate among young men and women in this country compared to our past.

There are some serious problems with today's society.

But blaming women is ridiculous.
Personally, I respect the strong women of history. I’ve already stated that.

Whatever the case the current status quo is unacceptable. Too many problems today, especially among young men like mass school shootings which did not occur in the past. And we had just as many guns if not more per capita in the American past.

Way too many sexless young men today. Too high of a drug addiction and depression rate among young men and women in this country compared to our past.

You say you respect strong women. And yet, you blame them for society's ills, because they do not choose to spend their lives in the home.

How about a strong male in the boys life? Father would be best. But step-father works well too.
Personally, I respect the strong women of history. I’ve already stated that.

Whatever the case the current status quo is unacceptable. Too many problems today, especially among young men like mass school shootings which did not occur in the past. And we had just as many guns if not more per capita in the American past.
Ridiculous accusation.
Way too many sexless young men today.
Well, look at their behavior. Don't blame the shopper when the product is garbage. See any one of your posts for proof.
Too high of a drug addiction and depression rate among young men and women in this country compared to our past.
Yeah, it's pretty depressing that so many give their lives away to drugs.

I want to applaud you on your first post that didn't blame black people for whatever you're upset about today.
You say you respect strong women. And yet, you blame them for society's ills, because they do not choose to spend their lives in the home.

How about a strong male in the boys life? Father would be best. But step-father works well too.
That’s not how I feel… let me explain my position as I have done many times because you have misread me, my friend

It is left-wing fanaticism, radical feminism which is preached by left-wing men and women which is responsible for many young boys growing up without a male role model. DEI which is a left-wing phenomenon which includes giving people jobs based on their sexuality and skin color…. not their merit. That is creating a problem. In schools across the USA Young boys are being confused when it comes to things like sexuality and American history …they are being confused by radical left-wing teachers.

Well especially in black majority communities where the child born out of wedlock rate is at its highest. Where the divorce rate is at its highest. Many of these black children are growing up in homes where the father figure is in jail or completely gone from their life. That issue exists among white communities, but it is the most notable among black majority families. In response Left-wingers engage in name calling w/o offering a solution to this issue, and conservatives don’t do enough about it. They’re preoccupied with foreign war that have zero effect on America. And so the vicious cycle continues. Solutions are not offered up at least you’re talking about the right remedy which are more fathers or stepfather to be present.

The media , Hollywood and politicians (especially the left wing) are poor role models for young boys in the modern day west.
Many great points in this interview. Andrew Tate and Michael are talking about the downfall of the nuclear family in America.
How could that have happened?
How could that have happened?
The American experiment is going through a rough time. People are saying men can get pregnant. Even one of the Supreme Court justices will not give a direct answer if she believes there are two genders.

I don’t know why these things are acceptable in the country. I don’t have the perfect answer. But we do live in a age where there are positive and negative effects of the new technology. The negative would be the constant use of social media, pornography, video games maybe that is what is weakening people.
Many great points in this interview. Andrew Tate and Michael are talking about the downfall of the nuclear family in America.

Some of the points these two men make include The rise of the feminized society in the west. In the rare case that A man and a woman gets married yet today They’re not able to afford a house. Many sexless males and top 1 percent men who are dating 10 or 20 women with the women knowing about it or not.. Not as many meaningful relationships today compared to, what our parents and grandparents had

The media and Hollywood doesn’t represent the American population. A media and Hollywood that represents the ultra feminist view where a woman can do everything that a man can, which is of course false. Men are more stronger compared to women. Sure there are some outliers like UFC female fighters, but the rule is the rule.

men don’t want to marry a woman because he might feel feel that she is more financially powerful than him. Much of this due to DEI not merit. These are new things in western Society. For thousands of years this is not how things were practiced. And perhaps this is what has led to mass school shootings, so many young men and growing up without a male role model. Perhaps this modern society has led to a record number of young people being depressed and suicidal. Young Men are four times likely to commit suicide compared to young women.

Young men are 12 times more likely to go to jail compared to young women.

^OK, that is some of the information that these two gentlemen talk about in the video above

As for my thoughts . I’m not saying that women should not work. I’ve always respected the strong women of society like Catherine of Aragon, for example. But this current status quo is obviously a failure really it is a despicable thing that we have mass school shootings, and gang violence in America. We have problems in this country that did not exist in our past, and that do not exist in the eastern part of the world. IE repeat criminal offenders is a clear result of a feminized of left-wing criminal justice system.

Aside from the fact that Andrew Tate is "the king of toxic masculinity" and a misogynist (he was on the British Big Brother and got kicked off for hitting a woman with a belt), he also sent messages to someone saying "I love raping you" and he has a warrant out for his arrest in the UK for sexual violence.

He kidnapped 4 women and held them in Romania, and is accused of human trafficking, he pretends to want to date these women, then uses them for porn videos.

This is NOT the sort of guy you want telling you about how to have a nice family.

The guy is the sort of person the world would be better of executing.
There are some serious problems with today's society.

But blaming women is ridiculous.
The nature of humans is what it is. We are artificially changing it. Technology increase has made different types of employment easier. And there are many types of intertwining ways of sexuality involved with arrogance, obnoxiousness, and threats over it even if accusations have no merit. And that has helped to cause the modern reformation. There is not enough good employment for all. And some are overpaid while others are underpaid with many not earning their wages compared to others and many better employees doing the work covering for others and getting no respect for it.
Many great points in this interview. Andrew Tate and Michael are talking about the downfall of the nuclear family in America.

Some of the points these two men make include The rise of the feminized society in the west. In the rare case that A man and a woman gets married yet today They’re not able to afford a house. Many sexless males and top 1 percent men who are dating 10 or 20 women with the women knowing about it or not.. Not as many meaningful relationships today compared to, what our parents and grandparents had

The media and Hollywood doesn’t represent the American population. A media and Hollywood that represents the ultra feminist view where a woman can do everything that a man can, which is of course false. Men are more stronger compared to women. Sure there are some outliers like UFC female fighters, but the rule is the rule.

men don’t want to marry a woman because he might feel feel that she is more financially powerful than him. Much of this due to DEI not merit. These are new things in western Society. For thousands of years this is not how things were practiced. And perhaps this is what has led to mass school shootings, so many young men and growing up without a male role model. Perhaps this modern society has led to a record number of young people being depressed and suicidal. Young Men are four times likely to commit suicide compared to young women.

Young men are 12 times more likely to go to jail compared to young women.

^OK, that is some of the information that these two gentlemen talk about in the video above

As for my thoughts . I’m not saying that women should not work. I’ve always respected the strong women of society like Catherine of Aragon, for example. But this current status quo is obviously a failure really it is a despicable thing that we have mass school shootings, and gang violence in America. We have problems in this country that did not exist in our past, and that do not exist in the eastern part of the world. IE repeat criminal offenders is a clear result of a feminized of left-wing criminal justice system.

What a load of garbage.
That’s not how I feel… let me explain my position as I have done many times because you have misread me, my friend

It is left-wing fanaticism, radical feminism which is preached by left-wing men and women which is responsible for many young boys growing up without a male role model. DEI which is a left-wing phenomenon which includes giving people jobs based on their sexuality and skin color…. not their merit. That is creating a problem. In schools across the USA Young boys are being confused when it comes to things like sexuality and American history …they are being confused by radical left-wing teachers.

Well especially in black majority communities where the child born out of wedlock rate is at its highest. Where the divorce rate is at its highest. Many of these black children are growing up in homes where the father figure is in jail or completely gone from their life. That issue exists among white communities, but it is the most notable among black majority families. In response Left-wingers engage in name calling w/o offering a solution to this issue, and conservatives don’t do enough about it. They’re preoccupied with foreign war that have zero effect on America. And so the vicious cycle continues. Solutions are not offered up at least you’re talking about the right remedy which are more fathers or stepfather to be present.

The media , Hollywood and politicians (especially the left wing) are poor role models for young boys in the modern day west.

Do you think the mob that attacked the Capitol are good role models going forward?
Maybe they should replace queer month with man appreciation month. Your house, the water you drink, the energy you consume, your heat in the winter and AC in the summer and your nicely kept property are just some of the byproducts of a man's work. What have queers done to better peoples lives? MAGA
Maybe they should replace queer month with man appreciation month. Your house, the water you drink, the energy you consume, your heat in the winter and AC in the summer and your nicely kept property are just some of the byproducts of a man's work. What have queers done to better peoples lives? MAGA

They have worked to provide water, the energy, your heat in the winter and AC in the summer, and help provide emergency services to the public.

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