Quarantines are basically ineffective

We had a meeting this morning about not calling out unless we’re really sick because they have to report it to the CDC. That’s messed up.
The EMT's and Paramedics here are tested when they come on shift for a temp and once a week for the virus. Anyone with even the sniffles gets a thorough look see. My daughter is a laboratory technologist and she is also tested weekly. They are now wearing 0.1 micron masks when dealing with patients and taking level 3 precautions with everyone (gloves, gown, eye protection and masks)..... So far so good..
Are you in an area that’s seeing a lot of cases?
We have a quarantine area. So far all we have had are exposed potential cases. Zero infections so far.
Well that is a bit of good news...

Johnson and Johnson, among other manufactures, of quick testing kits has announced that the COVID-19 virus has just two primary RNA break points and that quick testing kits are now available for 4 million people.

It took them just three weeks to identify and place into production the test kits.

Just WOW... This is what a responsive capitalist market can do... Necessity is the mother of invention...
At this point the quarantine becomes simply a feel good measure that will have no actual results on the rate of contagion.
Self quarantine is pretty effective in containing the spread and in slowing it, which is just as important. But yes, a vaccine would make quarantines unnecessary.

The one consolation is that for most healthy adults it is little more than a 3 to 5 day bout with the flu...
The downside is that it is bad for those who are in poor health....and it's 14 day incubation period makes it
a pandemic nightmare.

Unless you place every individual
In a bubble for months at a time.

The mathematical potential for rate of increase works both ways. If you consider the inverse proportionality of the natural logarithm then you understand the massive efforts at isolation are effective up until just under three contacts per person. After that the exponential rate of decrease flat lines. What does this mean? It means that anyone who is contagious who has been in contact with at least four people has completely defeated the idea of quarantine. I'm guessing that's just about everyone who's caught the virus.

At this point the quarantine becomes simply a feel good measure that will have no actual results on the rate of contagion. The only real way to combat the spread is to develop an effective vaccine.

I agree. Because of the lack of available testing we have no idea how far this has spread already.

Any lab can test for this virus. The base COVID test kit can tell the presence of the virus as can any microbiologist looking at the slides. It is the RNA sequence that identifies the strain of virus in question and that takes a day or two to test for.

The rate this thing is mutating at makes specific strain identification hard. Simply knowing if your infected is rather simple and available at any basic hospital lab. In fact they test you for infection before they order further testing to stop wasting critical laboratory time.

yeah....the mutation rate....I was reading about that. It really makes this thing sound like it has been purposely weaponized by some Military Lab.

Every path to infection that you can cut off helps
Every path to infection that you can cut off helps

Sure...it's a matter of personal decision.
If you live in the rocky mountains, grow your own food, shoot your own meat and never go more than half a mile from your cabin....you're good....until a sick bird lands on your property that is.

Every path to infection that you can cut off helps

Sure...it's a matter of personal decision.
If you live in the rocky mountains, grow your own food, shoot your own meat and never go more than half a mile from your cabin....you're good....until a sick bird lands on your property that is.

Or if you live in a city where your odds of encountering the virus increase substantially
Unless you place every individual
In a bubble for months at a time.

The mathematical potential for rate of increase works both ways. If you consider the inverse proportionality of the natural logarithm then you understand the massive efforts at isolation are effective up until just under three contacts per person. After that the exponential rate of decrease flat lines. What does this mean? It means that anyone who is contagious who has been in contact with at least four people has completely defeated the idea of quarantine. I'm guessing that's just about everyone who's caught the virus.

At this point the quarantine becomes simply a feel good measure that will have no actual results on the rate of contagion. The only real way to combat the spread is to develop an effective vaccine.



My kids got all their vaccines and are now in their later teens. Wife an RN so I never said anything.

Told her yesterday....over my dead body will they receive any kind of vaccine for this virus.

Unless you place every individual
In a bubble for months at a time. The mathematical potential for rate of increase works both ways. If you consider the inverse proportionality of the natural logarithm then you understand the massive efforts at isolation are effective up until just under three contacts per person. After that the exponential rate of decrease flat lines. What does this mean? It means that anyone who is contagious who has been in contact with at least four people has completely defeated the idea of quarantine. I'm guessing that's just about everyone who's caught the virus. At this point the quarantine only becomes a feel good measure that will have no actual results on the rate of contagion. The only real way to combat the spread is to develop an effective vaccine.
I would agree. At this point, it is spread so widely, that it will be utterly impossible to quarantine enough people to prevent further spreading.
Trump gets a pass from his minions..., AGAIN. MASA!!!
What are you smoking? What does Trump have to do with this? This is how we know the left-wing is brain damaged. Every time something completely unrelated happens, somehow you tie it to Trump, as if Trump is running around the airport testing people getting off the plane by hand.
A taste of your own medicine isn't much fun, is it? Two words...Obama...Ebola.
Who blamed Obama for ebola?
Unless you place every individual
In a bubble for months at a time.

The mathematical potential for rate of increase works both ways. If you consider the inverse proportionality of the natural logarithm then you understand the massive efforts at isolation are effective up until just under three contacts per person. After that the exponential rate of decrease flat lines. What does this mean? It means that anyone who is contagious who has been in contact with at least four people has completely defeated the idea of quarantine. I'm guessing that's just about everyone who's caught the virus.

At this point the quarantine becomes simply a feel good measure that will have no actual results on the rate of contagion. The only real way to combat the spread is to develop an effective vaccine.


Interesting. I can't debate the math....however.....China has reported, as of yesterday, only 19 new daily infections in the whole country....after peaking at over 2000 daily new infections confirmed. The credit quarantine and lock down of cities.
In an area with a large number of cases, quarantine is the best defense until an effective vaccine is available.

Those who are old or have certain medical issues should also limit contact with outsiders.
In an area with a large number of cases, quarantine is the best defense until an effective vaccine is available.

Those who are old or have certain medical issues should also limit contact with outsiders.
In this era older people are the most mobile in human history. Not an easy task.

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