Quarter of Mexico's population is in America... yet such a focus on Middle East?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
Thanks, I had NO idea there were THAT many Mexican nationals living in our country. It does kind of make sense when you consider the large number that reside in California and Arizona alone.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
Thanks, I had NO idea there were THAT many Mexican nationals living in our country. It does kind of make sense when you consider the large number that reside in California and Arizona alone.

They come here and want to make the place a shithole that they escaped. Not the best arbiters of civilization.

And yet, we defend the borders of other nations.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
They wouldn't come to our country illegally
if there were no incentive to

Cut off all government assistance, kids or not
and see what happens

Can't work, can't rent, can't drive, no school
no healthcare, noooooo nothing
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
They wouldn't come to our country illegally
if there were no incentive to

Cut off all government assistance, kids or not
and see what happens

Can't work, can't rent, can't drive, no school
no healthcare, noooooo nothing
They're here. We need to treat the people who are here as well as we can. There's a basis for it in history.

"Leviticus 19:34 34The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Hebrews 13:1-2 1Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Matthew 25:35 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

Leviticus 25:35 35"'If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.
I don't like the situation, but we must reach out to those who come here and need a new start in life. Nighters, everybody. :bigbed: Praying for peace and reconciliation.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
They wouldn't come to our country illegally
if there were no incentive to

Cut off all government assistance, kids or not
and see what happens

Can't work, can't rent, can't drive, no school
no healthcare, noooooo nothing
They're here. We need to treat the people who are here as well as we can. There's a basis for it in history.

"Leviticus 19:34 34The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Hebrews 13:1-2 1Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Matthew 25:35 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

Leviticus 25:35 35"'If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.
I don't like the situation, but we must reach out to those who come here and need a new start in life. Nighters, everybody. :bigbed: Praying for peace and reconciliation.

Actually they are breaking the US law and I say we treat them as such. Of course first, the politicians are not following the will of the people and should be treated as such.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
They wouldn't come to our country illegally
if there were no incentive to

Cut off all government assistance, kids or not
and see what happens

Can't work, can't rent, can't drive, no school
no healthcare, noooooo nothing
They're here. We need to treat the people who are here as well as we can. There's a basis for it in history.

"Leviticus 19:34 34The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Hebrews 13:1-2 1Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Matthew 25:35 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

Leviticus 25:35 35"'If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.
I don't like the situation, but we must reach out to those who come here and need a new start in life. Nighters, everybody. :bigbed: Praying for peace and reconciliation.
The truth is the Progs have supported this but they are godless. So other reasons are for this support. People support Progs for their own reasons. What happens if you follow these Biblical rules and you become impoverished for doing it? We have set the conditions for this to happen. A disaster or and economic downturn including a stock market collapse will show you that we have removed foundation from our nation. Which is Biblical also.
There is no use in banging one's head against the wall.

We have passed the point of no return.

Here in California, for example, the Latinx are becoming the majority. They now are filling many important elective and appointive offices.

No matter how tall a wall, authorized and unauthorized immigration from the south will continue.

The United States of America is changing, and one has no choice but to accept the change.

Time to move on.
There is no use in banging one's head against the wall.

We have passed the point of no return.

Here in California, for example, the Latinx are becoming the majority. They now are filling many important elective and appointive offices.

No matter how tall a wall, authorized and unauthorized immigration from the south will continue.

The United States of America is changing, and one has no choice but to accept the change.

Time to move on.

You are one of the conservatives who failed to conserve even his pants when being called a racist?
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
They wouldn't come to our country illegally
if there were no incentive to

Cut off all government assistance, kids or not
and see what happens

Can't work, can't rent, can't drive, no school
no healthcare, noooooo nothing
They're here. We need to treat the people who are here as well as we can. There's a basis for it in history.

"Leviticus 19:34 34The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Hebrews 13:1-2 1Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Matthew 25:35 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

Leviticus 25:35 35"'If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.
I don't like the situation, but we must reach out to those who come here and need a new start in life. Nighters, everybody. :bigbed: Praying for peace and reconciliation.
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

For such is the will of God that by doing right
you may silence the ignorance of foolish men

Peter 2:13-15

They are here illegally

They are not strangers passing through our country
they are ignoring our laws and our sovereignty as a country

They are not looking for a new start on life
they are looking for an easier life at our expense

Some have been here 10, 20 years
and still don't speak even basic English...
a new start would be to learn English
Iran has been targeting, kidnapping, attacking, and killing Americans since 1979...

Soleimani was the leader of the largest terrorist organization in the Middle East, if not the world...

Soleimani is responsible for the deaths of over 500 US military members and civilians, for wounding many Americans, and for murdering over 3,000 men, women, and children through the Middle East.

Before he was targeted and killed he directed an attack on the US that wounded 4 and killed 1 US citizen and ordered the attack on a US Embassy that was stopped from becoming another 'Benghazi' by this President and his quick response.

After this butcher was targeted Anand killed Democrats called Iran to apologize for doing to him what we have been doing to terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/12/01...for Trump doing to him what Barry did to many more terrorists and US Citizens...

Democrats actually apologized to Iran and voiced their solidarity with the 'peace-loving' Iranian regime...despite the fact that WHILE they were voicing their support for the leading exporter of terrorism in the world Iran shot down ANOTHER airliner, murdering 176 innocent men, women, and children onboard the flight...

...and then the Democrats attempted to blame the President for Iran shooting down this civilian airliner that took off from and was shot down IN IRAN

...and this is after House Democrats rushed the fastest Impeachment t in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history then refusing to send articles of Impeachment to the Senate...

...these Democrats partisanly voted to Impeach the most successful President in 50 years - in some cases 'EVER' - after 3÷ years of attempting to manufacture crimes / Impeachable offenses...and after 2 House coup hearings that failed to present a crime, failed to present any evidence, failed to present any witnesses...

...and after their own 'witnesses' could not name a law broken or an Impeachable offense committed, testified the President committed no crime and abused no power, and testified the only ones who have abused their power are the DEMOCRATS.

THIS is the Democrats' 'Legacy', how History has already recorded their actions, & how they will be remembered in the history books...

...as corrupt, partisan, criminals who committed Conspiracy, Perjury, admittedly leaked classified / sensitive information, committed FISA Court abuses, falsified evidence, withheld information, collaborated with a known untrustworthy partisan foreign spy, used known Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to try to control the outcome of an election - as they did with their own 2016 DNC Primary, illegally spied on a President and his team, attempted to undermine the US President, engaged in Sedition, attempted to undo a Democratic election, attempted to affect a coup against the President, and openly sided with the leader of the largest terrorist organization in the world and an enemy of the United States that has attacked the United States since 197o and murdered over 50p Americans - part of the thousands of people they have murdered through the Middle East ...

Americans would do well to remember all of this at election time this fall and punish the Dems accordingly by voting them out of power / office, starting with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, & Jerry Nadler.

President Trump should do to the Democratic Party now what he did to the IRCG back in April 2019 - name them a criminal terrorist organization and an enemy of the state.

Iran has been targeting, kidnapping, attacking, and killing Americans since 1979...

Soleimani was the leader of the largest terrorist organization in the Middle East, if not the world...

Soleimani is responsible for the deaths of over 500 US military members and civilians, for wounding many Americans, and for murdering over 3,000 men, women, and children through the Middle East.

Before he was targeted and killed he directed an attack on the US that wounded 4 and killed 1 US citizen and ordered the attack on a US Embassy that was stopped from becoming another 'Benghazi' by this President and his quick response.

After this butcher was targeted Anand killed Democrats called Iran to apologize for doing to him what we have been doing to terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/12/01...for Trump doing to him what Barry did to many more terrorists and US Citizens...

Democrats actually apologized to Iran and voiced their solidarity with the 'peace-loving' Iranian regime...despite the fact that WHILE they were voicing their support for the leading exporter of terrorism in the world Iran shot down ANOTHER airliner, murdering 176 innocent men, women, and children onboard the flight...

...and then the Democrats attempted to blame the President for Iran shooting down this civilian airliner that took off from and was shot down IN IRAN

...and this is after House Democrats rushed the fastest Impeachment t in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history then refusing to send articles of Impeachment to the Senate...

...these Democrats partisanly voted to Impeach the most successful President in 50 years - in some cases 'EVER' - after 3÷ years of attempting to manufacture crimes / Impeachable offenses...and after 2 House coup hearings that failed to present a crime, failed to present any evidence, failed to present any witnesses...

...and after their own 'witnesses' could not name a law broken or an Impeachable offense committed, testified the President committed no crime and abused no power, and testified the only ones who have abused their power are the DEMOCRATS.

THIS is the Democrats' 'Legacy', how History has already recorded their actions, & how they will be remembered in the history books...

...as corrupt, partisan, criminals who committed Conspiracy, Perjury, admittedly leaked classified / sensitive information, committed FISA Court abuses, falsified evidence, withheld information, collaborated with a known untrustworthy partisan foreign spy, used known Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to try to control the outcome of an election - as they did with their own 2016 DNC Primary, illegally spied on a President and his team, attempted to undermine the US President, engaged in Sedition, attempted to undo a Democratic election, attempted to affect a coup against the President, and openly sided with the leader of the largest terrorist organization in the world and an enemy of the United States that has attacked the United States since 197o and murdered over 50p Americans - part of the thousands of people they have murdered through the Middle East ...

Americans would do well to remember all of this at election time this fall and punish the Dems accordingly by voting them out of power / office, starting with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, & Jerry Nadler.

President Trump should do to the Democratic Party now what he did to the IRCG back in April 2019 - name them a criminal terrorist organization and an enemy of the state.


Obviously, democrats hate America, and that's why they love Iran.

But fact is, Mexico is far greater threat than Iran will ever be. Iran is almost irrelevant, being an irrelevant nation far, far away.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

You don't even know what they are.

Let me list some of them:

Free speech, right to own guns, capitalism, meritocracy, facts over feelings, due process over lynch mobs, FREEDOM!

Which do you recognize? Not a lot of socialist anything going on in there.
Well, the Democrats might have a point in asking 'Who will pick our crops???"

Just round the illegals up, sentence them to a jail term, and put them on a chain gang before deporting them...

Well, the Democrats might have a point in asking 'Who will pick our crops???"

Just round the illegals up, sentence them to a jail term, and put them on a chain gang before deporting them...


Didn't they try to pull off the same shit before republicans freed their slaves?
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
Thanks, I had NO idea there were THAT many Mexican nationals living in our country. It does kind of make sense when you consider the large number that reside in California and Arizona alone.

We don’t
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
Thanks, I had NO idea there were THAT many Mexican nationals living in our country. It does kind of make sense when you consider the large number that reside in California and Arizona alone.

We don’t

We do, approximately. Remember, math is a tool of the patriarchy.

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