Quarter of Mexico's population is in America... yet such a focus on Middle East?

Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

The December number of border apprehensions was just posted (red line). It looks like Trump's new improved wall is working very well.

There is no use in banging one's head against the wall.

We have passed the point of no return.

Here in California, for example, the Latinx are becoming the majority. They now are filling many important elective and appointive offices.

No matter how tall a wall, authorized and unauthorized immigration from the south will continue.

The United States of America is changing, and one has no choice but to accept the change.

Time to move on.

A predominantly brown America is a severely degraded America headed for ruin...look at any brown city, state or nation..it’s no secret.
It’s time for Operation Wetback 2.0.....I’m sure you’d support such an action...right?
Revealed: Things You Really Didn't Know About Operation Wetback
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

The December number of border apprehensions was just posted (red line). It looks like Trump's new improved wall is working very well.


It is not an "invasion." These people are not armed nor doing battle.They are families fleeing from countries mostly south of Mexico due to dire conditions and potentially fatal circumstances in their home countries. Why else would anyone leave their own homes with nothing to depend on the kindness of strangers?

Remember that the U.S. has been meddling in the politics, economics, and social policies in these countries at least since the 1950s, with a total disregard for the people who actually lived there. My father, who died in his 80s some 20 years ago, warned of the population explosion done there as early as the 1960s and was worried that U.S. and religious authorities were contributing to the coming explosion. He was right. The chickens are coming home to roost.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.

Republicans love cheap labor as much as the Democrats. Why do you people keep believing they are going to do anything about this?
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

The December number of border apprehensions was just posted (red line). It looks like Trump's new improved wall is working very well.


It is not an "invasion." These people are not armed nor doing battle.They are families fleeing from countries mostly south of Mexico due to dire conditions and potentially fatal circumstances in their home countries. Why else would anyone leave their own homes with nothing to depend on the kindness of strangers?

Remember that the U.S. has been meddling in the politics, economics, and social policies in these countries at least since the 1950s, with a total disregard for the people who actually lived there. My father, who died in his 80s some 20 years ago, warned of the population explosion done there as early as the 1960s and was worried that U.S. and religious authorities were contributing to the coming explosion. He was right. The chickens are coming home to roost.

What exactly did the U.S. do to make these savages so fucking stupid that they can’t change their mating habits and curb their fertility rate? Animals in wild are smart enough to do so when resources are scarce.
They have literally fucked themselves into dire conditions and you assert the U.S. is responsible for their ignorance?
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

You don't even know what they are.

Let me list some of them:

Free speech, right to own guns, capitalism, meritocracy, facts over feelings, due process over lynch mobs, FREEDOM!

Which do you recognize? Not a lot of socialist anything going on in there.

I recognize freedom of speech, the right to own guns, but not weapons of war capable of massive loss of life in seconds, due process over lynch mobs. Capitalism is not a "value," it is an economic system. Meritocracy is fine when based on a level playing field. Facts over feelings is fine, so long as the facts are true and made clear in context. Nobody doubts this.

I also believe in the right to privacy, the right to religious freedom free from any imposition by any level of government, including the right not to practice a religion, the right to equal treatment under the law for all persons, the right to associate freely with whom one chooses. I also believe in the American spirit of kindness and generosity.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
Illegal Immigrants cost America $150 Billion a year. Oddly enough that is the same amount of money Obama gave Iran in Obama Bucks to buy Obama Bombs from Russia.
The country is under invasion and we obsess over some total nonsense regarding middle east, while lying to ourselves that a 80 IQ population known for cousin marriages can have a western style democracy and turn into an utopia. It doesn't even work here and we are not a democracy.

We have built walls all around middle east, yet can not secure our own border. Finally after winning a court case one man (president Donald J. Trump) has been able to direct 0.0% of the military budget to our border. This my friends, is complete nonsense.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
Well it didn't say England had the right to stomp all over us.

Go find a dirty street in San FanShitsco to shoot up heroin. Don't do it here.

The Constitution clearly lays out America's right to defend it's borders and define and enforce immigration law.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
Well it didn't say England had the right to stomp all over us.

Go find a dirty street in San FanShitsco to shoot up heroin. Don't do it here.

The Constitution clearly lays out America's right to defend it's borders and define and enforce immigration law.

It's a long stretch to interpret 'Provide for the common defense' as meaning defending against poverty stricken immigrants.

Here are some more American values:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
Well it didn't say England had the right to stomp all over us.

Go find a dirty street in San FanShitsco to shoot up heroin. Don't do it here.

The Constitution clearly lays out America's right to defend it's borders and define and enforce immigration law.

It's a long stretch to interpret 'Provide for the common defense' as meaning defending against poverty stricken immigrants.

Here are some more American values:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
So you are a Geigh Poet, posting Poetry in here?

I thought this thread was about THE LAW?
You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
Well it didn't say England had the right to stomp all over us.

Go find a dirty street in San FanShitsco to shoot up heroin. Don't do it here.

The Constitution clearly lays out America's right to defend it's borders and define and enforce immigration law.

It's a long stretch to interpret 'Provide for the common defense' as meaning defending against poverty stricken immigrants.

Here are some more American values:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
So you are a Geigh Poet, posting Poetry in here?

I thought this thread was about THE LAW?

Our conversation was about values.....

A topic that I doubt you can comprehend!
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.

There you have it folks...an easy way to identify unAmerican pieces of shit..there is nothing more unAmerican than rejecting the fact that America is an independent nation and that an independent nation has borders and a right to sovereignty.
See, the "Declaration Of Independence" in itself is self descriptive; it is a clear proclamation of our right to sovereignty, as much as it pains you it simply means we are INDEPENDENT of other nations.

What the Declaration of independence says is:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Pay attention folks...another simple way to spot unAmerican pieces of shits...they like to pretend the U.S. Constitution is an international document that reaches to those whom are not party to "WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES" ...they like to pretend the Constitution was framed to benefit those of other nations, those willing to invade our territory...they like to pretend our founders would have framed it in such a way that REAL Americans would and could be fucked over while foreigners benefit from its construct.
“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
Well it didn't say England had the right to stomp all over us.

Go find a dirty street in San FanShitsco to shoot up heroin. Don't do it here.

The Constitution clearly lays out America's right to defend it's borders and define and enforce immigration law.

It's a long stretch to interpret 'Provide for the common defense' as meaning defending against poverty stricken immigrants.

Here are some more American values:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
So you are a Geigh Poet, posting Poetry in here?

I thought this thread was about THE LAW?

Our conversation was about values.....

A topic that I doubt you can comprehend!
You don't have enough ethical currency to discuss moral values.
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

You talk about "American values," yet you don't represent them.

“American Values”
You mean like respect and desire for law and order?
Like respecting our Declaration Of Independence and right to sovereignty?

Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.

There you have it folks...an easy way to identify unAmerican pieces of shit..there is nothing more unAmerican than rejecting the fact that America is an independent nation and that an independent nation has borders and a right to sovereignty.
See, the "Declaration Of Independence" in itself is self descriptive; it is a clear proclamation of our right to sovereignty, as much as it pains you it simply means we are INDEPENDENT of other nations.

What the Declaration of independence says is:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Pay attention folks...another simple way to spot unAmerican pieces of shits...they like to pretend the U.S. Constitution is an international document that reaches to those whom are not party to "WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES" ...they like to pretend the Constitution was framed to benefit those of other nations, those willing to invade our territory...they like to pretend our founders would have framed it in such a way that REAL Americans would and could be fucked over while foreigners benefit from its construct.

Pay Attention folks!

A way to spot a complete unAmerican idiot is when they can't tell the difference between the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and American values.

Another way to spot a complete unAmerican idiot is when they intentionally misinterpret and twist everything they read to fit their sick UnAmerican ideology!
Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

The December number of border apprehensions was just posted (red line). It looks like Trump's new improved wall is working very well.

It is not an "invasion." These people are not armed nor doing battle.They are families fleeing from countries mostly south of Mexico due to dire conditions and potentially fatal circumstances in their home countries. Why else would anyone leave their own homes with nothing to depend on the kindness of strangers?

Remember that the U.S. has been meddling in the politics, economics, and social policies in these countries at least since the 1950s, with a total disregard for the people who actually lived there. My father, who died in his 80s some 20 years ago, warned of the population explosion done there as early as the 1960s and was worried that U.S. and religious authorities were contributing to the coming explosion. He was right. The chickens are coming home to roost.

1. It is an invasion, some of the people are armed gang members, some have drugs, some have diseases, and some are foreign terrorists.
2. We have legal immigration policies, if anyone wants to enter the US do so legally, or you get sent back.
3. The US sends too much foreign aid to those countries, or they fuck things up themselves like Venezuela. Finally Trump is setting things right for US taxpayers.
Where does the Declaration of Independence say anything about the "Right to Sovereignty"?

What the Declaration of independence says is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Those are the greatest of American Values, not the jibberish that you make up.
Well it didn't say England had the right to stomp all over us.

Go find a dirty street in San FanShitsco to shoot up heroin. Don't do it here.

The Constitution clearly lays out America's right to defend it's borders and define and enforce immigration law.

It's a long stretch to interpret 'Provide for the common defense' as meaning defending against poverty stricken immigrants.

Here are some more American values:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
So you are a Geigh Poet, posting Poetry in here?

I thought this thread was about THE LAW?

Our conversation was about values.....

A topic that I doubt you can comprehend!
You don't have enough ethical currency to discuss moral values.

You have no 'Ethical Currency' whatsoever.

Hell, you can't even distinguish between American values, Moral values and the law.

Stupid headline. Most of the immigrants I've met come from countries south of Mexico. And what has all of this bible-babble have anything to do with this?

By stupid, do you mean accurate?

The fact that there are even more from even more backward countries with even less American values... that makes the situation even worse.

But of course, a moron like yourself is celebrating this invasion of America.

The December number of border apprehensions was just posted (red line). It looks like Trump's new improved wall is working very well.

It is not an "invasion." These people are not armed nor doing battle.They are families fleeing from countries mostly south of Mexico due to dire conditions and potentially fatal circumstances in their home countries. Why else would anyone leave their own homes with nothing to depend on the kindness of strangers?

Remember that the U.S. has been meddling in the politics, economics, and social policies in these countries at least since the 1950s, with a total disregard for the people who actually lived there. My father, who died in his 80s some 20 years ago, warned of the population explosion done there as early as the 1960s and was worried that U.S. and religious authorities were contributing to the coming explosion. He was right. The chickens are coming home to roost.

1. It is an invasion, some of the people are armed gang members, some have drugs, some have diseases, and some are foreign terrorists.
2. We have legal immigration policies, if anyone wants to enter the US do so legally, or you get sent back.
3. The US sends too much foreign aid to those countries, or they fuck things up themselves like Venezuela. Finally Trump is setting things right for US taxpayers.

1. It is not an invasion (that's just plain silly!).

2. We have an extremely outdated immigration system that Democrats have wanted to reform since the 1990s. Republican have refused to reform the system so that they can have a political issue to run on.

3. We send aid to countries to prop up the people we choose to rule over the people and make sure that these countries are run in the best interests of the U.S., not in the best interests of the people of that country.

4. When we stop sending aid these country's governments get overthrown quickly...usually by some form of communist dictators.

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