Queen's Funeral Invitations

of course the president is getting an invite…normally they can bring a delagation…which includes former presidents

but due to xiden’s contemptuous behavior the UK won’t allow him…now all the former presidents…from clinton, bush, obama and trump can’t come…or any other officials.

it’s a black eye to america…from our oldest ally…
Your oldest ally is France, which helped you fight the UK, your oldest enemy.

You guys are a hoot.
Anyone got a translation or explanation of that?


UK Parliament Holds Biden in Contempt for Afghanistan Withdrawal​

The United Kingdom's Parliament on Wednesday held President Joe Biden in contempt for his withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, calling the move "catastrophic" and "shameful."

Members of Parliament, including some who served alongside U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, accused Biden of "throwing us and everybody else to the fire" with his decision to withdraw. They also attacked Biden for his "shameful" criticism of the Afghan National Army and said it was "dishonourable" to blame Afghanistan's fighting force for the Taliban's takeover.
Did Potatohead shit all over himself at the funeral?

He has a habit of doing that around the Royal Family.

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