Queer DNA isolated. Now they just need to work on a cure.

Actually, because the DNA is what determines the structure of the brain, and brain structure has an awful lot to do with sexual identity, you'd have to figure out how to rewire their brain as well.
Not if it was addressed at or before birth.

We don't have the capabilities do do that right now. It would have to be done as soon as the egg is fertilized, and you would have to have gene screening to find it, followed by gene replacement therapy BEFORE the egg started to divide.

Not as easy as you are trying to make it sound.
That's why I said they need to work on it.
I have always maintained that these things are a mental disorder that need medical attention & research paid to them.
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

Uh...just because you admit that you are a puke doesn't mean calling you a puke is not an insult.

Every gay person I know is twice the person, morally and intellectually, that you are. Fortunately, in what the rest of us like to call "reality", there actually IS a cure for fossil bigots like you. It's called "death", and I figure society will enjoy relative eradication within about 30 to 40 years.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

Uh...just because you admit that you are a puke doesn't mean calling you a puke is not an insult.

Every gay person I know is twice the person, morally and intellectually, that you are. Fortunately, in what the rest of us like to call "reality", there actually IS a cure for fossil bigots like you. It's called "death", and I figure society will enjoy relative eradication within about 30 to 40 years.
A swing and a miss.

Shall I put the ball on a t for you? You're trying so hard it's almost embarrassing

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.
You have nothing to fear from the test if you're really straight, but if you have concerns about your sexuality, I'd avoid that test.
Since nature has made it abundantly clear what our bodies are meant to do, my guess is that homosexuality is some kind of regularly-occuring genetic or physiological or psychological misfire.

And, if you want to argue that "regularly-occurring" equates to "normal", okay, I'll drink to that.

And since homosexuals are no more likely to hurt people than are straights, since they are clearly fully-functioning and fully-contributing members of our society, I personally think we should all just get the fuck over it and get on with our lives.
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

Uh...just because you admit that you are a puke doesn't mean calling you a puke is not an insult.

Every gay person I know is twice the person, morally and intellectually, that you are. Fortunately, in what the rest of us like to call "reality", there actually IS a cure for fossil bigots like you. It's called "death", and I figure society will enjoy relative eradication within about 30 to 40 years.
A swing and a miss.

Shall I put the ball on a t for you? You're trying so hard it's almost embarrassing
Yep, better get the self-soothing barbs in while you can, grandpa....tick tock...
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

Uh...just because you admit that you are a puke doesn't mean calling you a puke is not an insult.

Every gay person I know is twice the person, morally and intellectually, that you are. Fortunately, in what the rest of us like to call "reality", there actually IS a cure for fossil bigots like you. It's called "death", and I figure society will enjoy relative eradication within about 30 to 40 years.
I have zero problems with gay people, but if it's fixable at birth, then it should be. It would be unfair to put your child through needless hardships.
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

Uh...just because you admit that you are a puke doesn't mean calling you a puke is not an insult.

Every gay person I know is twice the person, morally and intellectually, that you are. Fortunately, in what the rest of us like to call "reality", there actually IS a cure for fossil bigots like you. It's called "death", and I figure society will enjoy relative eradication within about 30 to 40 years.
I have zero problems with gay people, but if it's fixable at birth, then it should be. It would be unfair to put your child through needless hardships.
It soon wont present any kind of hardship, and barely does now.. But I will forward your message to the year 1950.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.

Gay is a mental disorder and can be cured.....when my sister was doing her rotations two different queer men came in the ER....one with a light bulb and the other had a cucumber rammed in his ass.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.

Gay is a mental disorder and can be cured.....when my sister was doing her rotations two different queer men came in the ER....one with a light bulb and the other had a cucumber rammed in his ass.
We're you able to "choose" to be attracted to men yet? Let me know if you are able to pull that off. Until then, it's a fact that you are born with your sexuality.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.
You have nothing to fear from the test if you're really straight, but if you have concerns about your sexuality, I'd avoid that test.
I'll get right on that after you watch some bestiality. You have nothing to fear afterall right?
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
If you truly had high moral character, you wouldn't have to announce it or spend so much effort trying to convince yourself of it.
I never said I did. In fact I've been quite open about being an asshole.

So you can just run along now and stop pretending that you have any skills at insulting others.

Uh...just because you admit that you are a puke doesn't mean calling you a puke is not an insult.

Every gay person I know is twice the person, morally and intellectually, that you are. Fortunately, in what the rest of us like to call "reality", there actually IS a cure for fossil bigots like you. It's called "death", and I figure society will enjoy relative eradication within about 30 to 40 years.
I have zero problems with gay people, but if it's fixable at birth, then it should be. It would be unfair to put your child through needless hardships.
It soon wont present any kind of hardship, and barely does now.. But I will forward your message to the year 1950.
Quit being naive. You let me know if you find a gay person who grew up without hardships over his sexuality.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.

Gay is a mental disorder and can be cured.....when my sister was doing her rotations two different queer men came in the ER....one with a light bulb and the other had a cucumber rammed in his ass.
We're you able to "choose" to be attracted to men yet? Let me know if you are able to pull that off. Until then, it's a fact that you are born with your sexuality.
I see TomParks thought it was funny when I suggested that he should make himself attracted to men. Clearly he doesn't believe in his stated position.

one, your link made it clear that we are not talking about a "gay gene".

two, why would they want to "cure" it? to make some bigots happy?
How many homosexuals are truly happy being that way and would not prefer to be heterosexual? Why not find the cure and let them choose to take it or not?

IOW, no, not make bigots happy, make homosexuals happy. Or do you have standing to tell them what they are and are not allowed to do with their lives? I thought the whole point was we are not supposed to judge. Maybe we're only supposed to not make one judgement while others are okay.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way

Actually, people ARE born that way. Scientists a few years back discovered the thing about brain structure determining sexual identity, and now there is genetic structure in a person's DNA that correlates to that.

Nope, sorry, it's nature, not nurture in this case.

Brain structures change with behavior and even just regular thinking patterns. That there are some brain structures unique to men who like to bugger other men shouldnt surprise anyone.

There is no determinism in human behavior, whether it is alcoholism or gambling addiction or buggery.

Being Queer is a choice...your not born that way
It's not a choice, but don't take my word for it. Assuming you are a heterosexual, all you have to do is go find some gay porn and "choose" to get a boner from watching it. If it doesn't sexually excite you after you "choose" to get excited, you'll know your theory is wrong.

It's a very simple test people. You should all give it a try.
Not a chance. I won't even watch midget porn.
You have nothing to fear from the test if you're really straight, but if you have concerns about your sexuality, I'd avoid that test.
I'll get right on that after you watch some bestiality. You have nothing to fear afterall right?
Ok, I did it. No boner. Now your turn.

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