Queers For Palestine Post Pride Messages On Iranian Instagram Page

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
How stupid can these people get!! You just can't make this stuff up and these people obviously don't have a clue who and what they're actually supporting and why. 🙄

You can't fix the ignorant. Maybe the education systems in the West shouldn't be influenced by those who don't share are values.

I recall a double agent named Popov who warned the U.S about the impending attack on Pearl Harbor and he was ignored by the FBI because he loved to gamble and chase women. You don't disregard facts because of some imperfections. Hoover didn't even pass on this information the military or the White House, even when evidence was shown. The world has seen the evidence between Israel and their enemies systems for the last nearly 80 years.

Israel is the only friend in the Middle East for people who are gay or believers of any faith. If they don't stand with Israel, though free to criticize and debate where warranted; they are undermining human rights and civil liberties that good men have fought and died for. These very same human rights that they rely on to be free citizens to love who they choose.

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