Question about Noah.

Do your bibles lie about the truth or does the Koran correct the errors and falsehoods.

actually, that might be a valid formula, since "Hollie understanding" is a negative number......

I know! Right?:eusa_dance:
I noticed you have avoided addressing my pistol regarding your ignorant comments regarding evolution.
????....addressing your pistol?.....
????....forever pointless?.....
well if your pistol about evolution was mud puddles, I would say you're firing nothing but blanks......
Both you and the other fundie crank should learn about matters you know nothing of.

I'm afraid your YEC'ist indoctrination has left you dumbfounded regarding science.
You're forgetting that it was you who entered the thread attempting to threaten people with the wrath of your angry gods.

Do the gods approve of your silly threats on their behalf?

I didn't threaten anyone, you poor deluded nutbar.

When I tell you I think your rejection of God will land you in hell, that's not a threat. It's just my belief.

But being an ignorant and fearful yahoo, you can't distinguish between the two.
I thought lying for the sake of religion was an Islamist thing. But like much of Christian theology, that's been stolen too.
Are you Muslim?

No, she's just an anti-Christian bigot.
Just reacting to you and the collection of fundie cranks as you wallow in your own self-hate.
Are you a Muslim?
I know! Right?:eusa_dance:
I noticed you have avoided addressing my pistol regarding your ignorant comments regarding evolution.
????....addressing your pistol?.....
????....forever pointless?.....
well if your pistol about evolution was mud puddles, I would say you're firing nothing but blanks......
Both you and the other fundie crank should learn about matters you know nothing of.

I'm afraid your YEC'ist indoctrination has left you dumbfounded regarding science.
I'm you realize how stupid it makes you look to continue to call everyone young earthers, even when its obvious they don't believe in a young earth?........
Bible + Qu'ran = NOAH.
Quran + Hollie understanding = No Noah.
Quran truth or Hollie truth?
actually, that might be a valid formula, since "Hollie understanding" is a negative number......

Hollie can't help it. Hollie is a product of years and years of slavery and having to work in the fields all day before being beaten half to death by her slave master.

On a serious note, Hollie attended an all-Black school. Totally segregated. You all know how slow those Blacks read and forget about math. She was also in total fear she would be mugged or worse by the Black thug males in her classroom.
It seems all the angry xtians can offer Is spam.

At least I know what the talking snake is. You poor little "victim".
You're the victim of your own ineptitude.

But I protest. I still know who the snake was. So, who's the victim?
I noticed you have avoided addressing my pistol regarding your ignorant comments regarding evolution.
????....addressing your pistol?.....
????....forever pointless?.....
well if your pistol about evolution was mud puddles, I would say you're firing nothing but blanks......
Both you and the other fundie crank should learn about matters you know nothing of.

I'm afraid your YEC'ist indoctrination has left you dumbfounded regarding science.
I'm you realize how stupid it makes you look to continue to call everyone young earthers, even when its obvious they don't believe in a young earth?........
Do realize how stupid you look when you attempt to deny your YEC'ism while you rattle on with defending literal Ark tales.

I'll answer for you because you have difficulty answering with coherent sentences: you look pretty stupid.

Tell us about the dinosaurs that were on Noah's pleasure cruise.
actually, that might be a valid formula, since "Hollie understanding" is a negative number......

Hollie can't help it. Hollie is a product of years and years of slavery and having to work in the fields all day before being beaten half to death by her slave master.

On a serious note, Hollie attended an all-Black school. Totally segregated. You all know how slow those Blacks read and forget about math. She was also in total fear she would be mugged or worse by the Black thug males in her classroom.
It seems all the angry xtians can offer Is spam.

At least I know what the talking snake is. You poor little "victim".
You're the victim of your own ineptitude.

But I protest. I still know who the snake was. So, who's the victim?
You are your own victim.
It seems all the angry xtians can offer Is spam.

What is a "Zitian?"

Is this a special term Muzzie Beasts use? Like Kafir and Dhimmi? Can I find it in the infernal book of evil, the Koran?
Check your spelling, short stop.

Phonetically it would be "zytain" I suppose.

I've never heard of a Xtian. Is it like a Dhimmi?
With a historical and geographic perspective, yes.
Hollie can't help it. Hollie is a product of years and years of slavery and having to work in the fields all day before being beaten half to death by her slave master.

On a serious note, Hollie attended an all-Black school. Totally segregated. You all know how slow those Blacks read and forget about math. She was also in total fear she would be mugged or worse by the Black thug males in her classroom.
It seems all the angry xtians can offer Is spam.

At least I know what the talking snake is. You poor little "victim".
You're the victim of your own ineptitude.

But I protest. I still know who the snake was. So, who's the victim?
You are your own victim.

I thought you were preaching in the other thread how I had made you a victim because the whites owned everything and you had to attend an all-Black school where the only book you had to read was an old moth-eaten Koran.
Do your bibles lie about the truth or does the Koran correct the errors and falsehoods.

Do you follow the infernal book of evil? The filthy Koran?
No, short stop. I'm just explaining to the fundie cranks that a book self-proclaiming it's own inerrancy does not make the inerrant.

Just having a little fun with the xtian extremists.
So would you care to say what religion/spiritual being/none you follow?
Do your bibles lie about the truth or does the Koran correct the errors and falsehoods.

Do you follow the infernal book of evil? The filthy Koran?
No, short stop. I'm just explaining to the fundie cranks that a book self-proclaiming it's own inerrancy does not make the inerrant.

Just having a little fun with the xtian extremists.
So would you care to say what religion/spiritual being/none you follow?

The Babylonia mystery religion.
Do your bibles lie about the truth or does the Koran correct the errors and falsehoods.

Do you follow the infernal book of evil? The filthy Koran?
No, short stop. I'm just explaining to the fundie cranks that a book self-proclaiming it's own inerrancy does not make the inerrant.

Just having a little fun with the xtian extremists.

Well if that's the case then when you said No Noah, no flood, no such tall tale in the truth book, the Koran, you weren't telling us the truth? Which brings me to my next question.
Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
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Both you and the other fundie crank should learn about matters you know nothing of.

Like your expertise regarding the Qu'ran?

Hollie's Folly.....
I made no representation to being an expert. I just know a great deal more than you.

Not unlike your ignorant notions of biological evolution being a straight line from less to more complex. Do yourself a favor and stay away from your fundie Christian ministries when you need data on science matters.

Your fundie Christian ministries have an interest in keeping you ignorant. Don't be an accomplice.

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