Question about Noah.

The Babylonia mystery religion.

Shit, after watching Algore and the AGW thingy, I'm starting a cult.

That mutherfucker raked in a forture, close to a billion dollars. Stupid people and crooks can make you filthy rich! :thup:

Yeah. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have really milked the Black folks. You did mention something about "stupid" didn't you?
Hollie, you think your smarter than everyone and you have no humility. Someday someone is going to use kindness to get close to you and burn you to the wick. Please stop playing such games.
Do your bibles lie about the truth or does the Koran correct the errors and falsehoods.

Do you follow the infernal book of evil? The filthy Koran?
No, short stop. I'm just explaining to the fundie cranks that a book self-proclaiming it's own inerrancy does not make the inerrant.

Just having a little fun with the xtian extremists.

Well if that's the case then when you said No Noah, no flood, no such tall tale in the truth book, the Koran, you weren't telling us the truth? Which brings me to my next question.
Were you lying then, or all you lying now?
There was no biblical flood.

Your fundie Christian creation ministries will coach you otherwise but why would you choose to be an accomplice to fraud and ignorance?
Hollie, you think your smarter than everyone and you have no humility. Someday someone is going to use kindness to get close to you and burn you to the wick. Please stop playing such games.
Both you and the other fundie crank should learn about matters you know nothing of.

Like your expertise regarding the Qu'ran?

Hollie's Folly.....
You're befuddled, you're "speechless", and left to spam the thread.
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed ns of man.
Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

How is the Qu'ran true, if it forgot to correct the Bible on the whole Noah, flood thing? And instead usurpeth the story? Or did the Qu'ran say that just to mess with ya? ;)
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed ns of man.
Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

How is the Qu'ran true, if it forgot to correct the Bible on the whole Noah, flood thing? And instead usurpeth the story? Or did the Qu'ran say that just to mess with ya? ;)
How are the various bibles to be accepted as true when the tales and fables are demonstrably false?

Do you have a specific need and desire to promote the biblical errors and falsehoods as true when you have been given the knowledge of the errors and falsehoods?

Do your various gods approve of your promotion of errors and falsehoods.
I made no representation to being an expert. I just know a great deal more than you.

Odd that, considering I was the one that enlightened you about what was in the Bible and the Qu'ran..........
Odd that, considering you accept the biblical errors and falsehoods which have been corrected in the Koran.
Except for Noah. Apparently, they both agree on that subject. Out of our little foursome here, the only one that isn't in agreement is you.
You didn't know that Noah was in the Qur'an when you used the Qur'an as an example of the stupidity of the Bible and the "truth" of the Qur'an. And your ego won't let you admit that.
And I am getting uncomfortable in reminding you of it. So, I am going to take your word for it, that you knew that all along what is in the Qur'an, and was just messing with the fundy. Good one. You got me.
Peace to you.
What if the earth had two historical realities. One with dinosaurs and one with a flood. Both are true and both place us in this point in time and space. And what if the Bible is explaining one past and non-religious is explaining the other and what if the future has two realities one where people are saved and one where everyone dies and the Bible is here to tell us how to get to the reality in which we live, those of us who choose it. I do not know any of this but I am tried of reading hundreds and hundreds of posts about stuff people are so sure of because they know everything. Only uncensored2008 really knows everything. ;)
Actually, dimensions would make both realities possible, but not in the same dimension at the same time.
I really don't think this distance between what the Bible says and what the scientists discover exists.

If the Bible relates an incident such as Christ appearing out of nowhere at will, or walking through a wall, then the Bible has told me that at least six dimensions must exist. Science tells me there are only 4. That tells me one of them is wrong. Then science tells me that there are probably 10 dimensions and maybe an infinite # of dimensions, and that tells me science is getting closer to discovering God. I like science and physics. God used both to create our environment.
Actually, dimensions would make both realities possible, but not in the same dimension at the same time.
I really don't think this distance between what the Bible says and what the scientists discover exists.

If the Bible relates an incident such as Christ appearing out of nowhere at will, or walking through a wall, then the Bible has told me that at least six dimensions must exist. Science tells me there are only 4. That tells me one of them is wrong. Then science tells me that there are probably 10 dimensions and maybe an infinite # of dimensions, and that tells me science is getting closer to discovering God. I like science and physics. God used both to create our environment.
The many world theory would presumably allow the flood/dinosaur coexistence. There is also the parallel universe theory but I am not sure if this works. I have not given these any real consideration however since I am of the flood reality only. Having spoken to God I am pretty sure I know which history I came from.
Actually, I don't waste any sleep worrying about a few dinosaurs. If I remember correctly, dinos are reptiles. Also if my memory serves me they have found intact dino eggs. It is no stretch of my own imagination to realize that many eggs of alligators, snakes, frogs, and even dinosaurs could have easily survived the flood and hatched out after the land dried.
Holy shit you are an idiot. Dinosaurs are not reptiles. Some dinosaurs have chacteristics of reptiles just as other dinosaurs have characteristics of birds and mammals. Not only is your presumption that dinosaurs were actually alive athe same time as humans is so laughable, so didn't put into account the gestation period of most animals is less than a year and how was Noah going to feed the millions of spieces of dinosaurs. I don't believe I'm arguing this. I guess the old joke "The last time I heard this, I fell off my dinosaur" is a reality to you.

Just because you don't understand science, don't side with those who also don't understand it either.

How the ignorant do rave. It's amazing that the ignorant holler the loudest to drown out their own lack of knowledge.

Dinosaur - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Did you actually read your own link. Go back and read it all.
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
So you are implying that the whole human race is a product if direct incest... twice?
no more so than you are.....
I'm not. I believe in evolution which is demonstrably true. If one were to believe in the story of Noah and the ark then the only way to populate the earth was the way of incest.
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.

Do some research. Even the American Indians had a flood story. Even the Babylonians.
Floods happen all over the world. Of course you are going to get flood stories. But not worldwide floods. You have a better chance of seeing a dinosaur in your backyard.

Still haven't researched it yet have you?
Researched what. The biblical account of Noah's Ark was taken directly from Mespotamian flood stories in the Epic of Gilgamesh & the Epic of Atrahasis. The Lac Courte Oreilles flood story does not involve the entire world. The area in which they lived (Wisconsin and Minnesota) flooded all the time.
I heard this anecdote once where the professor says, "I can teach you to do a particular surgery in one semester. It will take the rest of the three score -edit 6 - and a half years to learn what to do when something goes wrong." You can read the story of Noah but it will take you the rest of the Bible to understand it.

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