Question about Noah.

Hollie, I have nothing to resolve. According to MY holy book, and YOURS, my answer to the OP is the correct answer. Your answer was to believe the Quran. The Quran supports my view, not yours.
So, Did Noah build an ark or did you lie to us about the validity of the Quran? You said I could trust the Quran and it says Noah did indeed need that ark. Why don't you trust it?
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
I asked in another forum when the flood occured and the only answer I got was around 4000 years ago. If you have another date I have yet to see you post it. So you are implying that the whole human race is a product if direct incest... twice? Hollie is not a young earth believer but most of those who believe in a world wide flood are.

Science is in dispute over the flood as it is with almost everything else. Science refuses to take the Bible's word for the date, With carbon dating and it's known and proven faults, science has determined the flood to have occurred 5000 years ago. Science disputes the Bible record and claims the flood was a tsunami caused by a comet hitting the earth. In any case, science has pretty much accepted that a flood did occur.
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
I asked in another forum when the flood occured and the only answer I got was around 4000 years ago. If you have another date I have yet to see you post it. So you are implying that the whole human race is a product if direct incest... twice? Hollie is not a young earth believer but most of those who believe in a world wide flood are.

Science is in dispute over the flood as it is with almost everything else. Science refuses to take the Bible's word for the date, With carbon dating and it's known and proven faults, science has determined the flood to have occurred 5000 years ago. Science disputes the Bible record and claims the flood was a tsunami caused by a comet hitting the earth. In any case, science has pretty much accepted that a flood did occur.
It's pretty much accepted you're clueless.
Hollie, I have nothing to resolve. According to MY holy book, and YOURS, my answer to the OP is the correct answer. Your answer was to believe the Quran. The Quran supports my view, not yours.
So, Did Noah build an ark or did you lie to us about the validity of the Quran? You said I could trust the Quran and it says Noah did indeed need that ark. Why don't you trust it?
You have your eternal salvation to resolve. Your corrupted bibles are leading you astray.
and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
I asked in another forum when the flood occured and the only answer I got was around 4000 years ago. If you have another date I have yet to see you post it. So you are implying that the whole human race is a product if direct incest... twice? Hollie is not a young earth believer but most of those who believe in a world wide flood are.

Science is in dispute over the flood as it is with almost everything else. Science refuses to take the Bible's word for the date, With carbon dating and it's known and proven faults, science has determined the flood to have occurred 5000 years ago. Science disputes the Bible record and claims the flood was a tsunami caused by a comet hitting the earth. In any case, science has pretty much accepted that a flood did occur.
It's pretty much accepted you're clueless.

Accepted by who? You? LOL!! Why not do some research on the subject?
Who cares? Believe what you want, why does it keep you up at night that there are a lot of people who think you're sadly misled, and doomed to an eternity in hell if you don't open your eyes? It shouldn't bother you as much as it does.

Unless you have a niggling concern that they just might be right....
You thumpers and your limp threats are a joke.

You sound jealous.

So if you don't believe, why do you care? That's a lot of obsessing about something that you don't care about.

And is TAZ a thumper?

Maybe you should try actually reading the thread, honey.
Jealous that you live in trembling fear of angry, serial killer gawds?

Thanks, sweetie, you can keep those.

I'm not in fear at all, darling.

Sounds like you are. Sounds like you see a spook in every thought that other people have...maybe you should stop worrying about it.
You're forgetting that it was you who entered the thread attempting to threaten people with the wrath of your angry gods.

Do the gods approve of your silly threats on their behalf?

I didn't threaten anyone, you poor deluded nutbar.

When I tell you I think your rejection of God will land you in hell, that's not a threat. It's just my belief.

But being an ignorant and fearful yahoo, you can't distinguish between the two.
Complex DNA put evolution in it's place. Single celled amoeba's have complex DNA. Evolution forbids that. Evolution calls for simple to complex. And since the discovery of DNA we have found out that DNA by design works to correct mutations, not reproduce it. For one species to become another, the same mutation would have to occur without fail over and over. A mutation is a mistake. DNA would have to make perfect mistakes to end up a different species.
Google the maturing of an eye in the womb. Note how many strands have to find their match in the brain and attach to it's counterpart for sight to occur. There is no simple to complex eye.
An eye is extremely complex from the beginning. No chance sight. No simple form of sight to become complex. Even that one celled organism that crawled out of primordial soup was complex by design.
If Darwin had heard about DNA we would have never heard about Darwin.
Well, sorry, but that pathetically inept attempt to discredit evolutionary science is boilerplate Answers in Genesis nonsense.

Haven't you discovered by now that your fundie creation ministries have been so thoroughly discredited that to reiterate their nonsense discredits you?

I liked the one where the reporter's little son's snail died and the reporter put the dead snail into some mud, let the mud dry and took it to the lab. The lab took the snail and scientifically dated it. The reporter thanked the lab technician, smiled to himself and left with the lab's official document attesting that the snail had lived from 25000 to 35000 years ago.
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

The Koran does have Noah and the ark.
Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement
YUSUFALI: But they rejected him, and We delivered him, and those with him, in the Ark: but We overwhelmed in the flood those who rejected Our signs. They were indeed a blind people!
PICKTHAL: But they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the ship, and We drowned those who denied Our tokens. Lo! they were blind folk.
SHAKIR: But they called him a liar, so We delivered him and those with him in the ark, and We drowned those who rejected Our communications; surely they were a blind people
What holy book?
Why the one you speak so highly of here:

"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed ns of man.
Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

So does the Quran lie about Noah, or did you lie about the Quran?
What holy book?
Why the one you speak so highly of here:

"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed ns of man.
Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

So does the Quran lie about Noah, or did you lie about the Quran?
Do your bibles lie about the truth or does the Koran correct the errors and falsehoods.
Complex DNA put evolution in it's place. Single celled amoeba's have complex DNA. Evolution forbids that. Evolution calls for simple to complex. And since the discovery of DNA we have found out that DNA by design works to correct mutations, not reproduce it. For one species to become another, the same mutation would have to occur without fail over and over. A mutation is a mistake. DNA would have to make perfect mistakes to end up a different species.
Google the maturing of an eye in the womb. Note how many strands have to find their match in the brain and attach to it's counterpart for sight to occur. There is no simple to complex eye.
An eye is extremely complex from the beginning. No chance sight. No simple form of sight to become complex. Even that one celled organism that crawled out of primordial soup was complex by design.
If Darwin had heard about DNA we would have never heard about Darwin.
Well, sorry, but that pathetically inept attempt to discredit evolutionary science is boilerplate Answers in Genesis nonsense.

Haven't you discovered by now that your fundie creation ministries have been so thoroughly discredited that to reiterate their nonsense discredits you?

I liked the one where the reporter's little son's snail died and the reporter put the dead snail into some mud, let the mud dry and took it to the lab. The lab took the snail and scientifically dated it. The reporter thanked the lab technician, smiled to himself and left with the lab's official document attesting that the snail had lived from 25000 to 35000 years ago.
I like the one about talking snakes, 350 year old men, dinosaurs on Arks and a 6,000 year old earth.
You thumpers and your limp threats are a joke.

You sound jealous.

So if you don't believe, why do you care? That's a lot of obsessing about something that you don't care about.

And is TAZ a thumper?

Maybe you should try actually reading the thread, honey.
Jealous that you live in trembling fear of angry, serial killer gawds?

Thanks, sweetie, you can keep those.

I'm not in fear at all, darling.

Sounds like you are. Sounds like you see a spook in every thought that other people have...maybe you should stop worrying about it.
You're forgetting that it was you who entered the thread attempting to threaten people with the wrath of your angry gods.

Do the gods approve of your silly threats on their behalf?

I didn't threaten anyone, you poor deluded nutbar.

When I tell you I think your rejection of God will land you in hell, that's not a threat. It's just my belief.

But being an ignorant and fearful yahoo, you can't distinguish between the two.
I thought lying for the sake of religion was an Islamist thing. But like much of Christian theology, that's been stolen too.
Complex DNA put evolution in it's place. Single celled amoeba's have complex DNA. Evolution forbids that. Evolution calls for simple to complex. And since the discovery of DNA we have found out that DNA by design works to correct mutations, not reproduce them. For one species to become another, the same mutation would have to occur without fail over and over. A mutation is a mistake. DNA would have to make perfect mistakes perfectly, and consistently, to end up a different species. The missing links would litter the earth.
Google the maturing of an eye in the womb. Note how many strands have to find their match in the brain and attach to it's counterpart for sight to occur. There is no simple to complex eye.
An eye is extremely complex from the beginning. No chance sight. No simple form of sight to become complex. Even that one celled organism that crawled out of primordial soup was complex by design. The first eye was complex to the extreme.
If Darwin had heard about DNA we would have never heard about Darwin.
I Wanted to address this post of yours because it displays a basic, fundamental and grossly incorrect presentation of evolutionary theory. As is so typical for fundamentalist Christian hacks, your revulsion for science is typically connected with a complete lack of schooling on the subject.

Evolution is not directional. It does not advance linearly or directionally from dumb to smart or from simple to complex. The impression you have that it does so literally reeks of something you read on a creationist website. If that is the case, you are promoting falsehoods on their behalf. Lay off the fundie creation ministries. They’'re a joke and you are simply a stooge who promotes their lies and falsehoods.

Sometimes evolution does makes things more complex (bacteria to annelid worm, for example). But sometimes it makes things less complex (free living organisms to degenerate parasites, for thousands of examples). Most of the time it does neither. The only direction evolution always moves is towards “more fit.” And since the definition of fitness is dependent on and changes with the environment, it is a constantly moving target.
You sound jealous.

So if you don't believe, why do you care? That's a lot of obsessing about something that you don't care about.

And is TAZ a thumper?

Maybe you should try actually reading the thread, honey.
Jealous that you live in trembling fear of angry, serial killer gawds?

Thanks, sweetie, you can keep those.

I'm not in fear at all, darling.

Sounds like you are. Sounds like you see a spook in every thought that other people have...maybe you should stop worrying about it.
You're forgetting that it was you who entered the thread attempting to threaten people with the wrath of your angry gods.

Do the gods approve of your silly threats on their behalf?

I didn't threaten anyone, you poor deluded nutbar.

When I tell you I think your rejection of God will land you in hell, that's not a threat. It's just my belief.

But being an ignorant and fearful yahoo, you can't distinguish between the two.
I thought lying for the sake of religion was an Islamist thing. But like much of Christian theology, that's been stolen too.
Are you Muslim?
Bible + Qu'ran = NOAH.
Quran + Hollie understanding = No Noah.
Quran truth or Hollie truth?
actually, that might be a valid formula, since "Hollie understanding" is a negative number......

Hollie can't help it. Hollie is a product of years and years of slavery and having to work in the fields all day before being beaten half to death by her slave master.

On a serious note, Hollie attended an all-Black school. Totally segregated. You all know how slow those Blacks read and forget about math. She was also in total fear she would be mugged or worse by the Black thug males in her classroom.

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