Question about Noah.

after the last person drowned, was it necessary that it continue to rain until Mt. Everest was submerged?......
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
The biblical flood happened less than 6,000 years ago
/shrugs.....unlike you, I'm not a young earther......
/shrugs.....denial of your YEC'ist proclivities will anger the gods.
unlike you, I don't insist on a 6000 year old earth.......
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And you just became smarter than Darwin. Different breeds, not different species.
A monkey will always be a monkey. A human will always be human. We adapt to our environment, evolve if you prefer. A blind cave fish adapted to the darkness and eyes were no longer necessary. They are now born with eye sockets sans eyes. They are still fish. We aren't as hairy as we used to be. We adapted. We will never evolve into a deer.
In fact, science has us devolving at this point and we are losing our social skills. We are adapting to social media instead of socializing. But we will never devolve into a monkey. Just less skilled humans.

Hey Hollie: NOAH. :)

What happened to the dinosaurs that frolicked with mankind a few thousand years ago?
wow, you believe that AND that the earth is 6000 years old?'re more of a fundamentalist than I thought!.......
It is curious how you fundies tend to scatter when you're charged with actually offering a coherent explanation of your flood tales.
what don't you understand about the flood, Hollie?......does it conflict with your insistence on a young earth?......
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probably much larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.

keep in mind that Hollie is a literalist......there were what, 23 "generations" between Adam and best there were probably only about 5000 people that needed to drown.......
What's interesting is that you fundies will insist on a literal Adam, Noah and other characters of the bibles. The problem you YEC'ists can't resolve is that the planet and mankind have existed far longer than biblical timelines allow for.

Your literal, fundamentalist views surround the biblical absurdities of Ark tales, Adam and Eve and fruit theft, talking snakes, etc., leave you with many unresolvable dilemmas. Of course, you can do what fundies usually do to resolve these absurdities: Denial.
but you're the young earther, Hollie.......not me......
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
The biblical flood happened less than 6,000 years ago
/shrugs.....unlike you, I'm not a young earther......
/shrugs.....denial of your YEC'ist proclivities will anger the gods.
unlike you, I don't insist on a 6000 year old earth.......
its ok to embrace your YEC'ist views. There are even groups of people just like you who will invent all sorts of fantastic excuses to support their literalist biblical views.
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And you just became smarter than Darwin. Different breeds, not different species.
A monkey will always be a monkey. A human will always be human. We adapt to our environment, evolve if you prefer. A blind cave fish adapted to the darkness and eyes were no longer necessary. They are now born with eye sockets sans eyes. They are still fish. We aren't as hairy as we used to be. We adapted. We will never evolve into a deer.
In fact, science has us devolving at this point and we are losing our social skills. We are adapting to social media instead of socializing. But we will never devolve into a monkey. Just less skilled humans.

Hey Hollie: NOAH. :)

What happened to the dinosaurs that frolicked with mankind a few thousand years ago?
wow, you believe that AND that the earth is 6000 years old?'re more of a fundamentalist than I thought!.......
It is curious how you fundies tend to scatter when you're charged with actually offering a coherent explanation of your flood tales.
what don't you understand about the flood, Hollie?......does it conflict with your insistence on a young earth?......
While it will conflict with you YEC'ist views, there are myriad problems with your insistence on a 6,000 year old earth.

Foe example:

CH542 Plant survival in the Flood
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
While you YEC'ists insist on a literal rendering of biblical tales and fables, if you had ever read you bible tales, you could have discovered the many errors and inconsistencies in the flood tale.

For example:

How many animals did Noah take aboard the ark - The Panda s Thumb

Unfortunately, while you religious extremists continue to rattle on with your literal Young Earth worldview, the absurdities of such beliefs are impossible to deny.
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
Actually, you don't remember correctly. The problem you science loathing YEC'ists face is that your science comes from trolling fundamentalist Christian creation ministries. They have an interest in keeping you ignorant about science. Your fears and superstitions that are derived from literal reading of bible tales and fables don't withstand scrutiny under the harsh light of objective evidence.
after the last person drowned, was it necessary that it continue to rain until Mt. Everest was submerged?......
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.

Do some research. Even the American Indians had a flood story. Even the Babylonians.
"natural adaptation", you mean evolution? :disbelief:

Difference Between Adaptation and Evolution Difference Between Adaptation vs Evolution

1. All living things change through time in order to survive in their environment.
2. Adaptation involves short-term changes to suit the habitat and environment.
3. Evolution is a long-term process wherein changes occur in the genetic level for a better functioning and survival as a race.

Evolution is based upon circular reasoning and cannot be proven science.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Are you serious? Besides millions of peer tested papers and observations within the scientic community you are asking for information that is being put out there quicker than we can read it. Here is 265 pages on Evolution of the Genetic Code.
Recent evidence for evolution of the genetic code.

For a more general read, try this book.
The Ancestor s Tale A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution Richard Dawkins Yan Wong 9780618619160 Books -

There are pdf versions all over the internet. Get back to me once you've read it. Take notes.

I've already posted a rebuttal.
Actually, I don't waste any sleep worrying about a few dinosaurs. If I remember correctly, dinos are reptiles. Also if my memory serves me they have found intact dino eggs. It is no stretch of my own imagination to realize that many eggs of alligators, snakes, frogs, and even dinosaurs could have easily survived the flood and hatched out after the land dried.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
The biblical flood happened less than 6,000 years ago
/shrugs.....unlike you, I'm not a young earther......
/shrugs.....denial of your YEC'ist proclivities will anger the gods.
unlike you, I don't insist on a 6000 year old earth.......
its ok to embrace your YEC'ist views. There are even groups of people just like you who will invent all sorts of fantastic excuses to support their literalist biblical views.
obviously you think its okay to embrace young earther views......that's why you have.......
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
Actually, you don't remember correctly. The problem you science loathing YEC'ists face is that your science comes from trolling fundamentalist Christian creation ministries. They have an interest in keeping you ignorant about science. Your fears and superstitions that are derived from literal reading of bible tales and fables don't withstand scrutiny under the harsh light of objective evidence.
why do you hate science?

Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson estimated the mutation rate by looking at the mtDNA of groups of people whose ancestors migrated to areas at known times. One group was Australian aborigines, whose ancestors moved to the island-continent a then-calculated 30,000 years ago.[4] Since the three then knew how long it took for that group's mtDNA to diverge as well as how much it diverged, they determined the mutation rate. Using this rate, they determined that the most recent common ancestor lived 140,000 to 290,000 years ago (which they roughly averaged to 200,000 years ago). That was back in 1987. Since then, researchers have updated the estimate to 120,000 to 150,000 years ago. However, the margin for error for this estimate and the previous one are significant—when all of the variables are taken into account, the current range is more like 50,000 to 500,000.
NOVA Online Neanderthals on Trial Tracing Ancestry with MtDNA
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
The biblical flood happened less than 6,000 years ago
/shrugs.....unlike you, I'm not a young earther......
/shrugs.....denial of your YEC'ist proclivities will anger the gods.
unlike you, I don't insist on a 6000 year old earth.......
its ok to embrace your YEC'ist views. There are even groups of people just like you who will invent all sorts of fantastic excuses to support their literalist biblical views.
obviously you think its okay to embrace young earther views......that's why you have.......
You fundies do get angry when your Ark stories are shown to be only tales and fables.

As you have chosen to carefully avoid any attempt at addressing the absurdity of biblical Ark tales, here's another critique of the silliness that defines Arks and your 6,000 year old timeframe for the biblical flood that never happened:

CH512 Fitting animals aboard the Ark
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
was that a challenging concept for didn't kill everyone.....Noah's family was not killed.....everyone alive today had ancestors who survived the for 6000 years, don't let young earthers like Hollie mislead you.......if I remember correctly the mitochondrial Eve was around 40,000 - 50,000 years ago......
I asked in another forum when the flood occured and the only answer I got was around 4000 years ago. If you have another date I have yet to see you post it. So you are implying that the whole human race is a product if direct incest... twice? Hollie is not a young earth believer but most of those who believe in a world wide flood are.
Who cares? Believe what you want, why does it keep you up at night that there are a lot of people who think you're sadly misled, and doomed to an eternity in hell if you don't open your eyes? It shouldn't bother you as much as it does.

Unless you have a niggling concern that they just might be right....
Difference Between Adaptation and Evolution Difference Between Adaptation vs Evolution

1. All living things change through time in order to survive in their environment.
2. Adaptation involves short-term changes to suit the habitat and environment.
3. Evolution is a long-term process wherein changes occur in the genetic level for a better functioning and survival as a race.

Evolution is based upon circular reasoning and cannot be proven science.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Are you serious? Besides millions of peer tested papers and observations within the scientic community you are asking for information that is being put out there quicker than we can read it. Here is 265 pages on Evolution of the Genetic Code.
Recent evidence for evolution of the genetic code.

For a more general read, try this book.
The Ancestor s Tale A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution Richard Dawkins Yan Wong 9780618619160 Books -

There are pdf versions all over the internet. Get back to me once you've read it. Take notes.

I've already posted a rebuttal.
That rebuttal you posted is from Keith Mason. He has a degree in Information Systems, whatever that is. He is not a scientists. Who would you believe on matters of science, the millions of scientists or a guy with a Informations Degree?
Actually, I don't waste any sleep worrying about a few dinosaurs. If I remember correctly, dinos are reptiles. Also if my memory serves me they have found intact dino eggs. It is no stretch of my own imagination to realize that many eggs of alligators, snakes, frogs, and even dinosaurs could have easily survived the flood and hatched out after the land dried.
Holy shit you are an idiot. Dinosaurs are not reptiles. Some dinosaurs have chacteristics of reptiles just as other dinosaurs have characteristics of birds and mammals. Not only is your presumption that dinosaurs were actually alive athe same time as humans is so laughable, so didn't put into account the gestation period of most animals is less than a year and how was Noah going to feed the millions of spieces of dinosaurs. I don't believe I'm arguing this. I guess the old joke "The last time I heard this, I fell off my dinosaur" is a reality to you.

Just because you don't understand science, don't side with those who also don't understand it either.
Who cares? Believe what you want, why does it keep you up at night that there are a lot of people who think you're sadly misled, and doomed to an eternity in hell if you don't open your eyes? It shouldn't bother you as much as it does.

Unless you have a niggling concern that they just might be right....
You thumpers and your limp threats are a joke.
The guy who makes the most sense. Science has been proven wrong time and again. Evolution is unproven theory.

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