Question about Noah.

Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probably much larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probably much larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.
The fundamentalist Christian ministries have found another victim.
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probably much larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.
The fundamentalist Christian ministries have found another victim.

Hardly fundamentalist Dear. I'm UR
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probabch larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.
The fundamentalist Christian ministries have found another victim.

Hardly fundamentalist Dear. I'm UR
Well, dear. Your comically naive descriptions above mirrors the silliness that defines what the charlatans at any of the fundamentalist ministries promote. You folks are nothing if not predictable for your errors and falsehoods.
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probabch larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.
The fundamentalist Christian ministries have found another victim.

Hardly fundamentalist Dear. I'm UR
Well, dear. Your comically naive descriptions above mirrors the silliness that defines what the charlatans at any of the fundamentalist ministries promote. You folks are nothing if not predictable for your errors and falsehoods.

You one of the radical Islamists Dear? You worship the false god and his DEAD false prophet?
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probabch larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.
The fundamentalist Christian ministries have found another victim.

Hardly fundamentalist Dear. I'm UR
Well, dear. Your comically naive descriptions above mirrors the silliness that defines what the charlatans at any of the fundamentalist ministries promote. You folks are nothing if not predictable for your errors and falsehoods.

You one of the radical Islamists Dear? You worship the false god and his DEAD false prophet?
You've abandoned any attempt to prop up the bogus claims that ooze from your creation ministries.

Good for you.
after the last person drowned, was it necessary that it continue to rain until Mt. Everest was submerged?......
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
The biblical flood happened less than 6,000 years ago
/shrugs.....unlike you, I'm not a young earther......
1) Nonsense. Less than 6.000 years ago, the continents were clearly not one large landmass.
code for "I have nothing intelligent to add so I'll just say '6000 years' and hope no one notices"......
While it will conflict with your YEC'ist dogma, it's just foolish for you to believe that that there was only a single large land mass less than 6,000 years ago.

Don't let your hurt feelings prevent you from learning some factual earth history.'re worried about earth history when you can't even keep up with thread history?.....only in your faulty imagination will you find me believing in a single land mass within the last 6000 years.....of course, you know that....its just that you cannot bring yourself to engage honestly in any debate......
lol... you don't understand earth history which is why you're having difficulty with challenges to your biblical flood tales.... only in fundamentalist Christian apologetics are Ark tales looked upon as a true rendering of earth history.... yet you cannot bring yourself to actually try and refute the evidence dismissing such Ark tales as nonsense....
that's not have less earth history to remember than I only have to worry about 6000 years......
Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?
if all life crawled out of a mud puddle and evolved from the first single celled organism, how did the animals get to Australia and the Americas?.......
Has Hollie given up or are you her stand in until she gets over the fact that her perfect book, knew about Noah too? That must have stung, her thinking it was just a lying Christian "tale" and all.

If she is right about the Quran, then She has no choice than to accept Noah and the flood as the truth. Unless her perfect book lies.........
Has Irish Ram really decided that the Koran is true and the perfection of the corrupted bibles?
do you still think the Muslims didn't know about Noah?......
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
Sorry. Answers in genesis is a laughable joke.
gosh, you have something in common with AIG!........
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.
wow....did you just figure that out now?.....all by yourself? must be a genius!........
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And you just became smarter than Darwin. Different breeds, not different species.
A monkey will always be a monkey. A human will always be human. We adapt to our environment, evolve if you prefer. A blind cave fish adapted to the darkness and eyes were no longer necessary. They are now born with eye sockets sans eyes. They are still fish. We aren't as hairy as we used to be. We adapted. We will never evolve into a deer.
In fact, science has us devolving at this point and we are losing our social skills. We are adapting to social media instead of socializing. But we will never devolve into a monkey. Just less skilled humans.

Hey Hollie: NOAH. :)

What happened to the dinosaurs that frolicked with mankind a few thousand years ago?
wow, you believe that AND that the earth is 6000 years old?'re more of a fundamentalist than I thought!.......
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probably much larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.

keep in mind that Hollie is a literalist......there were what, 23 "generations" between Adam and best there were probably only about 5000 people that needed to drown.......
Anyone ever think of the rain. To have enough water to cover the entire earth (29,055 ft), the rate at which it would fall in 40 days and 40 nights would be so hard that it would kill every living thing. And what about the plants and trees that need photosynthesis. And what about the aquatic creatures, some can only survive in fresh water, some only in salt water. What about the food for the animals, do you know how much food each animal eats in a year. Some animals will only digest only certain types of "local" diets. The waste alone would keeps hundreds of people round the clock on poop scoop detail. Also the temperature at that level (29,055 ft) will be freezing and kill off most animals, the level of oygen will be at least 30% lower and if all trees are completely buried under the water say goodbye to all life on land. Also what about...???????

For entertainment purposes only

after the last person drowned, was it necessary that it continue to rain until Mt. Everest was submerged?......

Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.

well there's something we can agree on at least.....

There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........

How could it be remembered by every culture when in the bible it killed everyone. We have written history all over the world from 4000 to 6000 with no written account of a worldwide flood.
The different races came through time by natural adaptation from the three sons of Noah who went in different directions. The Bible explicitly states that all humanity are the descendants of Noah through his three sons.
Gen 9:18-19 “Now the sons of Noah who went out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And Ham was the father of Canaan. These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.
The account of Genesis 11 is found in Genesis 10. Gen 10:1 Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them after the flood.
Gen 10:5: “From these the coastland peoples of the Gentiles were separated into their lands, everyone according to his language, according to their families, into their nations.
Gen 10:20: “These were the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands and in their nations.
Gen 10:31-32: “These were the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands, according to their nations. These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood.”
We can trace the genealogies of all the numerous races back in time-- This is the genealogy of Shem: Shem was one hundred years old, and begot Arphaxad two years after the flood. (Gen 11:10)
Different racial skin tones did not originate at the Tower of Babel,
There were two different exodus,' one from Noah's family and the other from those at the Tower of Babel. So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. (Gen 11:8)
The event at the Tower of Babel caused humanity to be scattered throughout the world; and as they went to different parts of the world different factors came into place. Environmental adaptation and the passing on of acquired genetic characteristics effected different racial skin tones.
Acts 17:26:And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings”

The different races came through time by natural adaptation from thethree sons of Noah who went in different directions
"natural adaptation", you mean evolution? :disbelief:

Difference Between Adaptation and Evolution Difference Between Adaptation vs Evolution

1. All living things change through time in order to survive in their environment.
2. Adaptation involves short-term changes to suit the habitat and environment.
3. Evolution is a long-term process wherein changes occur in the genetic level for a better functioning and survival as a race.

Evolution is based upon circular reasoning and cannot be proven science.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Are you serious? Besides millions of peer tested papers and observations within the scientic community you are asking for information that is being put out there quicker than we can read it. Here is 265 pages on Evolution of the Genetic Code.
Recent evidence for evolution of the genetic code.

For a more general read, try this book.
The Ancestor s Tale A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution Richard Dawkins Yan Wong 9780618619160 Books -

There are pdf versions all over the internet. Get back to me once you've read it. Take notes.
Mt. Everest was never submerged by the biblical flood.
well there's something we can agree on at least.....
There was no biblical flood. Kick, scream, stomp your feet all you want. The biblical flood tale, like so many tales and fables, "miracles", etc., are utterly absent substantiation.

and yet, it is remembered by nearly every culture in the world, regardless of religion.....does that not strike you as odd, given your denial?.........
The biblical flood happened less than 6,000 years ago
/shrugs.....unlike you, I'm not a young earther......
/shrugs.....denial of your YEC'ist proclivities will anger the gods.
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And you just became smarter than Darwin. Different breeds, not different species.
A monkey will always be a monkey. A human will always be human. We adapt to our environment, evolve if you prefer. A blind cave fish adapted to the darkness and eyes were no longer necessary. They are now born with eye sockets sans eyes. They are still fish. We aren't as hairy as we used to be. We adapted. We will never evolve into a deer.
In fact, science has us devolving at this point and we are losing our social skills. We are adapting to social media instead of socializing. But we will never devolve into a monkey. Just less skilled humans.

Hey Hollie: NOAH. :)

What happened to the dinosaurs that frolicked with mankind a few thousand years ago?
wow, you believe that AND that the earth is 6000 years old?'re more of a fundamentalist than I thought!.......
It is curious how you fundies tend to scatter when you're charged with actually offering a coherent explanation of your flood tales.
Let's see. What can we surmise about the world before the flood? Noah and his sons were probably much larger than the largest man alive today. They also lived longer. The earth had a firmament of water or ice in the upper atmosphere which blocked the uv and xrays from the sun. The air pressure and oxygen content was much greater which accounts for the growth of everything as well as the longevity and stamina of everything. Both the people and the animals (including the dinosaurs) were vegetarians. Footprints of human beings walking alongside dinosaurs have been found imbedded in limestone.

Now for the flood itself: It rained 40 days but the waters beneath the surface of the earth sprang forth for 150 days and is what contributed to the flood the most. The flood is what caused the formation of the tremendous amounts of coal for the earth was like a hot house and trees and vegetation extended from pole to pole. The Grand Canyon was the result of the flood, not the Colorado River. Plant life has been found in Antarctica.

The world before the flood was totally different than the world today and so were the people.

keep in mind that Hollie is a literalist......there were what, 23 "generations" between Adam and best there were probably only about 5000 people that needed to drown.......
What's interesting is that you fundies will insist on a literal Adam, Noah and other characters of the bibles. The problem you YEC'ists can't resolve is that the planet and mankind have existed far longer than biblical timelines allow for.

Your literal, fundamentalist views surround the biblical absurdities of Ark tales, Adam and Eve and fruit theft, talking snakes, etc., leave you with many unresolvable dilemmas. Of course, you can do what fundies usually do to resolve these absurdities: Denial.

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