Question about Noah.

I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. Not a dead one, not a water logged one. My Bible knowledge remains intact.

On the other hand,
Hollie, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, tutor me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
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I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????
No one said God didn't flood the whole earth. And I'd ask Him your question when I get there, but I have a feeling His ideas are so much above yours, that His actions were the correct ones and the question is moot. :)
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I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????

Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?

They used legs and feet and stretches of land to get around, and on board ships, the same way the people spread out.
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Has Hollie given up or are you her stand in until she gets over the fact that her perfect book, knew about Noah too? That must have stung, her thinking it was just a lying Christian "tale" and all.

If she is right about the Quran, then She has no choice than to accept Noah and the flood as the truth. Unless her perfect book lies.........
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"natural adaptation", you mean evolution? :disbelief:

Difference Between Adaptation and Evolution Difference Between Adaptation vs Evolution

1. All living things change through time in order to survive in their environment.
2. Adaptation involves short-term changes to suit the habitat and environment.
3. Evolution is a long-term process wherein changes occur in the genetic level for a better functioning and survival as a race.

Evolution is based upon circular reasoning and cannot be proven science.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Im sure it's a waste of time trying to educate religious zealots, but start here:

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

And here's my answer back at you: EVOLUTION The Evidence Says No
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????

Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?
They used legs and feet and stretches of land to get around, And on board ships, the same way the people spread out.
So someone brought the millions of species to the rest of the world on a boat? :lol:
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. Not a dead one, not a water logged one. My Bible knowledge remains intact.

On the other hand,
Hollie, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, tutor me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
I gave you the facts about the absurdity of bible flood tales. I understand your extremist beliefs require you to accept bible fables as literally true or you're forced into the position of pick and choose Christianity.

On the other hand, why don't you tell us why the gawds allowed your corrupted bibles to be supplanted by the Koran which corrects the errors and omissions?
Difference Between Adaptation and Evolution Difference Between Adaptation vs Evolution

1. All living things change through time in order to survive in their environment.
2. Adaptation involves short-term changes to suit the habitat and environment.
3. Evolution is a long-term process wherein changes occur in the genetic level for a better functioning and survival as a race.

Evolution is based upon circular reasoning and cannot be proven science.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Im sure it's a waste of time trying to educate religious zealots, but start here:

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

And here's my answer back at you: EVOLUTION The Evidence Says No
Well yeah. Your source includes the major charlatans representing the most notorious Christian fundamentalist hacks and dregs.
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????

Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?

They used legs and feet and stretches of land to get around, and on board ships, the same way the people spread out.
So basically, the Ark was just a larger Flintstone cartoon car, right?
Evolution is based upon circular reasoning and cannot be proven science.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Im sure it's a waste of time trying to educate religious zealots, but start here:

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

And here's my answer back at you: EVOLUTION The Evidence Says No
Well yeah. Your source includes the major charlatans representing the most notorious Christian fundamentalist hacks and dregs.

Yeah, they can't seem to be able to get the top evolutionist scientists to even debate them though.
Has Hollie given up or are you her stand in until she gets over the fact that her perfect book, knew about Noah too? That must have stung, her thinking it was just a lying Christian "tale" and all.

If she is right about the Quran, then She has no choice than to accept Noah and the flood as the truth. Unless her perfect book lies.........
Has Irish Ram really decided that the Koran is true and the perfection of the corrupted bibles?
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. Not a dead one, not a water logged one. My Bible knowledge remains intact.

On the other hand,
Hollie, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, tutor me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
I gave you the facts about the absurdity of bible flood tales. I understand your extremist beliefs require you to accept bible fables as literally true or you're forced into the position of pick and choose Christianity.

On the other hand, why don't you tell us why the gawds allowed your corrupted bibles to be supplanted by the Koran which corrects the errors and omissions?

Supplanted? As I understand it, the Bible continues to be the all-time best seller. You'd best double-check your figures.
It is proven science.

Prove it.
Im sure it's a waste of time trying to educate religious zealots, but start here:

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

And here's my answer back at you: EVOLUTION The Evidence Says No
Well yeah. Your source includes the major charlatans representing the most notorious Christian fundamentalist hacks and dregs.

Yeah, they can't seem to be able to get the top evolutionist scientists to even debate them though.
Well, they have. Although, the problem with the fundamentalist charlatans is that they have no viable arguments that don't rely on appeals to magic and supernaturalism .
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. Not a dead one, not a water logged one. My Bible knowledge remains intact.

On the other hand,
Hollie, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, tutor me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
I gave you the facts about the absurdity of bible flood tales. I understand your extremist beliefs require you to accept bible fables as literally true or you're forced into the position of pick and choose Christianity.

On the other hand, why don't you tell us why the gawds allowed your corrupted bibles to be supplanted by the Koran which corrects the errors and omissions?

Supplanted? As I understand it, the Bible continues to be the all-time best seller. You'd best double-check your figures.
All of Harry Potter must be true as those novels are best sellers, too.
Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????

Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?
They used legs and feet and stretches of land to get around, And on board ships, the same way the people spread out.
So someone brought the millions of species to the rest of the world on a boat? :lol:

Has Hollie given up or are you her stand in until she gets over the fact that her perfect book, knew about Noah too? That must have stung, her thinking it was just a lying Christian "tale" and all.

If she is right about the Quran, then She has no choice than to accept Noah and the flood as the truth. Unless her perfect book lies.........
Has Irish Ram really decided that the Koran is true and the perfection of the corrupted bibles?

You're done Hollie, No amount of twisting in the wind is going to save your uneducated blunder.
Did your Quran lie to you, or did Noah build an ark? ;)
I think the reference is to religious material Hollie. And as hard as you twist, You are the one who claimed Quran perfection, not I. So lets deal with your contention.
Did the Quran lie to you, or did Noah build an ark? :)
Please pay attention. It is the inventor of Islam that claims the Koran has corrected the errors and omissions in the various bibles,

If it's written in a "holy book", it must be true, right? That's exactly your claim for the many bibles.

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