Question about Noah.

Your silly "sun theory" does not work in timeframes of a 6,000 year old planet.
but only you and the Rev. Phelps believe in a 6000 year old planet.....
Actually, your silly "sun theory" timeline identifies your embrace of the 6,000 year old planet suggested in the bibles.
lol....I would love to see you lay that out as a logical does my theory that humans' skin darkens in relation to the effects of the sun in their geographical area demonstrate that I believe in a 6000 year old planet........
lol... try proof reading your comments before you post them on public discussion board.....
how does that keep people from lying about them?.....
No one is lying about them.... only you.....
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Is this your personal explanation or is it an answer you found from some published Apologist? If the latter could you identify the source? I would like to know how this could be justified because it seems to directly contradict other Bible testimony such as 1 Peter 3:20;

1 Peter 3:20
20) who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.

That doesn't seem to leave any wiggle room, Peter says 8 people were aboard the ark and were saved. And Genesis 7 is clear that other than these 8 people only "beasts" were aboard;

7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.

"Answers in Genesis" doesn't need any complicated apologetics to answer this question, in light of all the Biblical evidence they go with the simplest explanation here;

"Biologically speaking, humans (and just about everything else) went through a “bottleneck” at the Flood. This means that the human population was reduced from millions to just eight. Most of the genetic diversity from before the Flood was lost.
The new human race descended from Noah and his family, who carried all the genes that were eventually passed down to us today."

So if you have a source that more fully accounts for how your theory that other "races" were among the beasts that entered the ark two by two (or seven by seven) can be squared with the plain Biblical texts which seem to contradict it I would like to have a look.
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Is this your personal explanation or is it an answer you found from some published Apologist? If the latter could you identify the source? I would like to know how this could be justified because it seems to directly contradict other Bible testimony such as 1 Peter 3:20;

1 Peter 3:20
20) who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.

That doesn't seem to leave any wiggle room, Peter says 8 people were aboard the ark and were saved. And Genesis 7 is clear that other than these 8 people only "beasts" were aboard;

7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.

"Answers in Genesis" doesn't need any complicated apologetics to answer this question, in light of all the Biblical evidence they go with the simplest explanation here;

"Biologically speaking, humans (and just about everything else) went through a “bottleneck” at the Flood. This means that the human population was reduced from millions to just eight. Most of the genetic diversity from before the Flood was lost.
The new human race descended from Noah and his family, who carried all the genes that were eventually passed down to us today."

So if you have a source that more fully accounts for how your theory that other "races" were among the beasts that entered the ark two by two (or seven by seven) can be squared with the plain Biblical texts which seem to contradict it I would like to have a look.

I quoted the source -- Chapter and Verse.
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
Somewhere in our history, yes all our histories, there was an event which is described in the Bible. God wrote a description of the event in the terms he choose. So is the story of Noah and the flood literal? Yes. Does it describe elephants and giraffes and hippos, et. al., walking across a wooden plank in the rain? No. Unfortunately people who stop trying to understand God when the story does not make sense understand the word of God just as well as those who stop trying to understand God when the story does make sense. After all, the story of Noah makes no sense. God knew it would make no sense to us but put it in his book anyway.

(For Bible translations this page is very helpful for understanding differences between versions: Bible Translation Guide Mardel )

One thing's for sure, your post doesn't make any sense.
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Is this your personal explanation or is it an answer you found from some published Apologist? If the latter could you identify the source? I would like to know how this could be justified because it seems to directly contradict other Bible testimony such as 1 Peter 3:20;

1 Peter 3:20
20) who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.

That doesn't seem to leave any wiggle room, Peter says 8 people were aboard the ark and were saved. And Genesis 7 is clear that other than these 8 people only "beasts" were aboard;

7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.

"Answers in Genesis" doesn't need any complicated apologetics to answer this question, in light of all the Biblical evidence they go with the simplest explanation here;

"Biologically speaking, humans (and just about everything else) went through a “bottleneck” at the Flood. This means that the human population was reduced from millions to just eight. Most of the genetic diversity from before the Flood was lost.
The new human race descended from Noah and his family, who carried all the genes that were eventually passed down to us today."

So if you have a source that more fully accounts for how your theory that other "races" were among the beasts that entered the ark two by two (or seven by seven) can be squared with the plain Biblical texts which seem to contradict it I would like to have a look.

I quoted the source -- Chapter and Verse.

Okay, so it's your personal opinion and I take it you think Peter and the folks over at got it wrong. That's all right, everybody's entitled to their opinion.
If you ask me...
No one's asking you........
But my daily walk with our Father isn't altered one bit by your lack of one.

And most Christians believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. And God does not lie. Christ himself said that the OT is God's word. Therefore a Christian can believe with confidence that if God said it happened there is no reason to believe otherwise. For those Christians that aren't sure, read and believe what it says, and leave the conjecture to the non-readers.

And don't tell Hollie the Quran is a knock off. She'll have a stroke.
Actually, you seem the one with stroke symptoms. You reacted with typical fear and loathing at the suggestion that the Koran was the perfection of corruption within Christianity.

You should consider converting to the religion that has superseded yours.

No, I reacted calmly and corrected your belief that the Qur'an makes no mention of Noah.
And with my last breath, I'll praise Christ's name. Nothing 'supersedes' The Lord.
Anyone ever think of the rain. To have enough water to cover the entire earth (29,055 ft), the rate at which it would fall in 40 days and 40 nights would be so hard that it would kill every living thing. And what about the plants and trees that need photosynthesis. And what about the aquatic creatures, some can only survive in fresh water, some only in salt water. What about the food for the animals, do you know how much food each animal eats in a year. Some animals will only digest only certain types of "local" diets. The waste alone would keeps hundreds of people round the clock on poop scoop detail. Also the temperature at that level (29,055 ft) will be freezing and kill off most animals, the level of oygen will be at least 30% lower and if all trees are completely buried under the water say goodbye to all life on land. Also what about...???????

For entertainment purposes only
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
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Anyone ever think of the rain. To have enough water to cover the entire earth (29,055 ft), the rate at which it would fall in 40 days and 40 nights would be so hard that it would kill every living thing. And what about the plants and trees that need photosynthesis. And what about the aquatic creatures, some can only survive in fresh water, some only in salt water. What about the food for the animals, do you know how much food each animal eats in a year. Some animals will only digest only certain types of "local" diets. The waste alone would keeps hundreds of people round the clock on poop scoop detail. Also the temperature at that level (29,055 ft) will be freezing and kill off most animals, the level of oygen will be at least 30% lower and if all trees are completely buried under the water say goodbye to all life on land. Also what about...???????

For entertainment purposes only

The water didn't all come from above. Some came up from the earth. Grains were gathered for food and planting. Some seeds float and not all plants would succumb in a month and 10 days under water. :)
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Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

The question is how do you? Because it's also all there in your book of perfection. Are you saying the Quran is a fake? The Quran's absurdities about Noah are the same as the Bibles'. What now?
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Anyone ever think of the rain. To have enough water to cover the entire earth (29,055 ft), the rate at which it would fall in 40 days and 40 nights would be so hard that it would kill every living thing. And what about the plants and trees that need photosynthesis. And what about the aquatic creatures, some can only survive in fresh water, some only in salt water. What about the food for the animals, do you know how much food each animal eats in a year. Some animals will only digest only certain types of "local" diets. The waste alone would keeps hundreds of people round the clock on poop scoop detail. Also the temperature at that level (29,055 ft) will be freezing and kill off most animals, the level of oygen will be at least 30% lower and if all trees are completely buried under the water say goodbye to all life on land. Also what about...???????

For entertainment purposes only

The water didn't all come from above. Some came up from the earth. Grains were gathered for food and planting. Some seeds float and not all plants would succumb in a month and 10 days under water. :)

You all got some serious problems if you believe all that horsehockey.
A month and 10 days. Did you actually read the story?
The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days, and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out. As the waters receded, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family continued to wait for almost eight more months while the surface of the earth dried out.
posibly it was the flooding of the black sea by the Medditeranean following the Ice age, as sea levels rose. Its about in the right place.
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.

Well Hollie, now that you know better, does that make the Bible flawed and the Koran of "perfection" flawed too? Or are they both "true" now? Which Noah "tale"can we "quote" because we know it's true. And because you believe the Quran is true, then you must believe that the "story" about Noah and the deluge is true as well, correct? Is your Quran lying, or did Noah build an ark......
Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

The question is how do you? Because it's also all there in your book of perfection. Are you saying the Quran is a fake? The Quran's absurdities about Noah are the same as the Bibles'. What now?
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

The question is how do you? Because it's also all there in your book of perfection. Are you saying the Quran is a fake? The Quran's absurdities about Noah are the same as the Bibles'. What now?
Your question is confused and irrelevant.

Although, I do see a glimmer of hope in your statement: "The Quran's absurdities about Noah are the same as the Bibles'. Are you now coming to the realization that the writers of books, self-proclaiming their absolute authority doesn't require you to accept tales and fables as true and inerrant?

You supernaturalists/book worshippers have to assume a lot more than just your illogical frame of reference in connection with gods and your claims to magic. You're required to postulate contingent reality is also evidence of the supernatural (thereby hopelessly blurring what is meant by "natural" and "supernatural"). Further, you also has to assume a written text we know was authored by men (various bibles, korans, etc) is somehow accurate in its perception of the metaphysical. This assumption is based purely on the texts (and the men who wrote them), self-proclaiming themselves this authority, and upon nothing else. You supernaturalists are further burdened by appealing to an alternate reality which isn't cohesive-- an alternate reality in which absurdities of nature are commonplace: seas part, dead men rise and "ascend to heaven" and so on.
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??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Is this your personal explanation or is it an answer you found from some published Apologist? If the latter could you identify the source? I would like to know how this could be justified because it seems to directly contradict other Bible testimony such as 1 Peter 3:20;

1 Peter 3:20
20) who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.

That doesn't seem to leave any wiggle room, Peter says 8 people were aboard the ark and were saved. And Genesis 7 is clear that other than these 8 people only "beasts" were aboard;

7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.

"Answers in Genesis" doesn't need any complicated apologetics to answer this question, in light of all the Biblical evidence they go with the simplest explanation here;

"Biologically speaking, humans (and just about everything else) went through a “bottleneck” at the Flood. This means that the human population was reduced from millions to just eight. Most of the genetic diversity from before the Flood was lost.
The new human race descended from Noah and his family, who carried all the genes that were eventually passed down to us today."

So if you have a source that more fully accounts for how your theory that other "races" were among the beasts that entered the ark two by two (or seven by seven) can be squared with the plain Biblical texts which seem to contradict it I would like to have a look.

I quoted the source -- Chapter and Verse.

Okay, so it's your personal opinion and I take it you think Peter and the folks over at got it wrong. That's all right, everybody's entitled to their opinion.

??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Is this your personal explanation or is it an answer you found from some published Apologist? If the latter could you identify the source? I would like to know how this could be justified because it seems to directly contradict other Bible testimony such as 1 Peter 3:20;

1 Peter 3:20
20) who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.

That doesn't seem to leave any wiggle room, Peter says 8 people were aboard the ark and were saved. And Genesis 7 is clear that other than these 8 people only "beasts" were aboard;

7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.

"Answers in Genesis" doesn't need any complicated apologetics to answer this question, in light of all the Biblical evidence they go with the simplest explanation here;

"Biologically speaking, humans (and just about everything else) went through a “bottleneck” at the Flood. This means that the human population was reduced from millions to just eight. Most of the genetic diversity from before the Flood was lost.
The new human race descended from Noah and his family, who carried all the genes that were eventually passed down to us today."

So if you have a source that more fully accounts for how your theory that other "races" were among the beasts that entered the ark two by two (or seven by seven) can be squared with the plain Biblical texts which seem to contradict it I would like to have a look.

I quoted the source -- Chapter and Verse.

Okay, so it's your personal opinion and I take it you think Peter and the folks over at got it wrong. That's all right, everybody's entitled to their opinion.

Whether we like it or not the Bible shows preferential treatment towards some folks over others. Look at what Christ instructs His Apostles to do in the following verses then read what Christ says to a non-Israelite woman (it may help explain your 1 Peter 3:20 reference):

Matthew 10:5-6, "These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Matthew 15:22-26, "And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs."

Apparently, God/Christ considers folks in Eve's genetic line (posterity) as "persons." He specifically told His Apostles to avoid certain peoples and told them to seek out lost Israelites, only. And then He specifically called a woman of Canaan a "dog." His ways are not our ways. Nevertheless, Noah was commanded to take "two of every flesh" so I must assume that he obeyed that command.
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

List those things that you believe are "absurd."

1) Prior to the flood what we know of as "continents" today were connected as one, large landmass. The overall climate was mild and evenly distributed so all animals were accessible and likely local.
2) God is considered supernatural and all powerful. He could easily have aided Noah in locating "two of every living flesh."
3) Noah likely collected very young animals that didn't require as much to eat and took up less space on the ark.
4) Many animals hibernate so it's possible that many hibernated during the massive storm which would have required less food storage.

Also, please explain how Mammoths have been found in the arctic regions with buttercups in their mouths and why sharks' teeth have been found atop high mountains.
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

List those things that you believe are "absurd."

1) Prior to the flood what we know of as "continents" today were connected as one, large landmass. The overall climate was mild and evenly distributed so all animals were accessible and likely local.
2) God is considered supernatural and all powerful. He could easily have aided Noah in locating "two of every living flesh."
3) Noah likely collected very young animals that didn't require as much to eat and took up less space on the ark.
4) Many animals hibernate so it's possible that many hibernated during the massive storm which would have required less food storage.

Also, please explain how Mammoths have been found in the arctic regions with buttercups in their mouths and why sharks' teeth have been found atop high mountains.
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

List those things that you believe are "absurd."

1) Prior to the flood what we know of as "continents" today were connected as one, large landmass. The overall climate was mild and evenly distributed so all animals were accessible and likely local.
2) God is considered supernatural and all powerful. He could easily have aided Noah in locating "two of every living flesh."
3) Noah likely collected very young animals that didn't require as much to eat and took up less space on the ark.
4) Many animals hibernate so it's possible that many hibernated during the massive storm which would have required less food storage.

Also, please explain how Mammoths have been found in the arctic regions with buttercups in their mouths and why sharks' teeth have been found atop high mountains.

1) Nonsense. Less than 6.000 years ago, the continents were clearly not one large landmass.

2) Well yeah, when your arguments are resolve to unsupportable conclusions deriving from "it's magic", it's convenient to invoke supernaturalism.

3) Nonsense. AIG preys upon the gullible and the ignorant. Don't assume that others will accept such appeals to fear and ignorance.

4) Nonsense. The cult of AIG has an interest in promoting those absurdities but don't expect others to blindly accept such cult propaganda.

If you had ever taken a 7th grade course in geology/earth science, you would understand why, for example, sea shells are found in the desert.

You fundamentalists are a scary lot.
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

List those things that you believe are "absurd."

1) Prior to the flood what we know of as "continents" today were connected as one, large landmass. The overall climate was mild and evenly distributed so all animals were accessible and likely local.
2) God is considered supernatural and all powerful. He could easily have aided Noah in locating "two of every living flesh."
3) Noah likely collected very young animals that didn't require as much to eat and took up less space on the ark.
4) Many animals hibernate so it's possible that many hibernated during the massive storm which would have required less food storage.

Also, please explain how Mammoths have been found in the arctic regions with buttercups in their mouths and why sharks' teeth have been found atop high mountains.
Focus Hollie. How did I get blue eyes from the African, DNA Eve?
Concentrate, dear. How do you address the absurdities of Ark tales?

List those things that you believe are "absurd."

1) Prior to the flood what we know of as "continents" today were connected as one, large landmass. The overall climate was mild and evenly distributed so all animals were accessible and likely local.
2) God is considered supernatural and all powerful. He could easily have aided Noah in locating "two of every living flesh."
3) Noah likely collected very young animals that didn't require as much to eat and took up less space on the ark.
4) Many animals hibernate so it's possible that many hibernated during the massive storm which would have required less food storage.

Also, please explain how Mammoths have been found in the arctic regions with buttercups in their mouths and why sharks' teeth have been found atop high mountains.

1) Nonsense. Less than 6.000 years ago, the continents were clearly not one large landmass.

2) Well yeah, when your arguments are resolve to unsupportable conclusions deriving from "it's magic", it's convenient to invoke supernaturalism.

3) Nonsense. AIG preys upon the gullible and the ignorant. Don't assume that others will accept such appeals to fear and ignorance.

4) Nonsense. The cult of AIG has an interest in promoting those absurdities but don't expect others to blindly accept such cult propaganda.

If you had ever taken a 7th grade course in geology/earth science, you would understand why, for example, sea shells are found in the desert.

You fundamentalists are a scary lot.

So no viable arguments. Thanks for trying.
Whether we like it or not the Bible shows preferential treatment towards some folks over others. Look at what Christ instructs His Apostles to do in the following verses then read what Christ says to a non-Israelite woman (it may help explain your 1 Peter 3:20 reference):
Cults/religions typically promote dogma that separates the cult members from the "out-group". They promote a potent sociopolitical ideology with consummate hostility toward the out-group of unbelievers as one among their principal tenets.

That precisely defines how religions have propagated over time; through war conquest and rapine.
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