Question about Noah.

??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
Your silly "sun theory" does not work in timeframes of a 6,000 year old planet.
but only you and the Rev. Phelps believe in a 6000 year old planet.....
Actually, your silly "sun theory" timeline identifies your embrace of the 6,000 year old planet suggested in the bibles.
lol....I would love to see you lay that out as a logical does my theory that humans' skin darkens in relation to the effects of the sun in their geographical area demonstrate that I believe in a 6000 year old planet........
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Great question. The answer proves evolution.
I've never argued against evolution......I've argued against the silly things that folks like you pretend it proves, such as human beings and mushrooms having common ancestors......or life crawling out of mud puddles.....
Clearly, you should not argue against evolution because you understand nothing of. Your repeated "mud puddles" theory suggests you're spending way too much time at Harun Yahya.
tell me then, what do you believe life crawled out of?.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
Your silly "sun theory" does not work in timeframes of a 6,000 year old planet.
but only you and the Rev. Phelps believe in a 6000 year old planet.....
Actually, your silly "sun theory" timeline identifies your embrace of the 6,000 year old planet suggested in the bibles.
lol....I would love to see you lay that out as a logical does my theory that humans' skin darkens in relation to the effects of the sun in their geographical area demonstrate that I believe in a 6000 year old planet........
lol... try proof reading your comments before you post them on public discussion board.....
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Great question. The answer proves evolution.
I've never argued against evolution......I've argued against the silly things that folks like you pretend it proves, such as human beings and mushrooms having common ancestors......or life crawling out of mud puddles.....
Clearly, you should not argue against evolution because you understand nothing of. Your repeated "mud puddles" theory suggests you're spending way too much time at Harun Yahya.
tell me then, what do you believe life crawled out of?.....
Tell me, then. What are they telling you at Harun Yahya?
They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?
The different races came through time by natural adaptation from the three sons of Noah who went in different directions. The Bible explicitly states that all humanity are the descendants of Noah through his three sons.
Gen 9:18-19 “Now the sons of Noah who went out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And Ham was the father of Canaan. These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.
The account of Genesis 11 is found in Genesis 10. Gen 10:1 Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them after the flood.
Gen 10:5: “From these the coastland peoples of the Gentiles were separated into their lands, everyone according to his language, according to their families, into their nations.
Gen 10:20: “These were the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands and in their nations.
Gen 10:31-32: “These were the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands, according to their nations. These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood.”
We can trace the genealogies of all the numerous races back in time-- This is the genealogy of Shem: Shem was one hundred years old, and begot Arphaxad two years after the flood. (Gen 11:10)
Different racial skin tones did not originate at the Tower of Babel,
There were two different exodus,' one from Noah's family and the other from those at the Tower of Babel. So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. (Gen 11:8)
The event at the Tower of Babel caused humanity to be scattered throughout the world; and as they went to different parts of the world different factors came into place. Environmental adaptation and the passing on of acquired genetic characteristics effected different racial skin tones.
Acts 17:26:And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings”

The different races came through time by natural adaptation from thethree sons of Noah who went in different directions
They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
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They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Actually, the tales and fables of Noah, Arks and global floods have no substantiation beyond your need for them to be true.
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Great question. The answer proves evolution.
I've never argued against evolution......I've argued against the silly things that folks like you pretend it proves, such as human beings and mushrooms having common ancestors......or life crawling out of mud puddles.....

Well it is all true! Do you see those comets out in space? They believe that all life may have started when one of those amino acid filled comets crashed into earth. Those amino acids are the building blocks of life. So all life came from them. What was the first life form on earth and how did it branch off into all the different species we have today? I don't know. Ask a scientists. But don't ask a religion because they're going to tell you some made up creation story their ancestors came up with thousands of years ago. Grow up! Evolve.
They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Actually, the tales and fables of Noah, Arks and global floods have no substantiation beyond your need for them to be true.

yet he bolds the word THAT right next to the word fact as if the Noah story is a fact. Fucking stupid people.
Hollie, substantiation has nothing to do with the OP. The post is hypothetical. If there was a flood, and no blacks or Asians were on board.........
There is no way to tell whether or not those two ethnic groups were or were not on board except for the information we are given in the Bible.
If there was a flood, and the story is true, then this answers the question.

A point was made as to the skin color of Noah's children. Shem means "dusky". Japheth means "fair", Ham means "to be black".

Here is where their children settled according to the Bible:
Ham's children went to = Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Canaan, among others.
Shem's children settled in = Arabia, Syria, among others.
And these are the routes mapped out that Japheth's 7 son's took:
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)

If the flood happened, there is your answer.
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Hollie, substantiation has nothing to do with the OP. The post is hypothetical. If there was a flood, and no blacks or Asians were on board.........
There is no way to tell whether or not those two ethnic groups were or were not on board except for the information we are given in the Bible.
If there was a flood, and the story is true, then this answers the question.

A point was made as to the skin color of Noah's children. Shem means "dusky". Japheth means "fair", Ham means "to be black".

Here is where their children settled according to the Bible:
Ham's children went to = Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Canaan, among others.
Shem's children settled in = Arabia, Syria, among others.
And these are the routes mapped out that Japheth's 7 son's took:
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)

If the flood happened, there is your answer.
That's so silly. The flood didn't happen.

Ho do you explain Noah's rainbow coalition children unless he was boinking many different women of many different races, ethnicities?
They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Other than your "... because I say so", command, what causes you to affirmatively state that "All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted."

"We" don't know any such thing. You're just making that up.
They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Actually, the tales and fables of Noah, Arks and global floods have no substantiation beyond your need for them to be true.

yet he bolds the word THAT right next to the word fact as if the Noah story is a fact. Fucking stupid people.

He is a she, Sealy, and that's a fact. What I provided is in the Bible. And do I believe the Bible is factual? Yes. And are we discussing what is in the Bible, yes.
That is not the question. The question is, "If it happened, then how". My answer is, "It did happen, and here is how. You have no answer.
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They teach you in evolution school that we all come from 1 mitochondrial Eve/female and she was from Africa. So tell me where did the Asians, and Norwegians and my blue eyes come from?
I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Actually, the tales and fables of Noah, Arks and global floods have no substantiation beyond your need for them to be true.

yet he bolds the word THAT right next to the word fact as if the Noah story is a fact. Fucking stupid people.

He is a she, and that fact is provided to us in the Bible. And do I believe the Bible is factual? Yes. Are we discussing what is in the Bible, yes.
That is not the question. The question is, If it happened then how. My answer is It did happen and here is how. You have no answer.
Biblical facts are not facts at all.

Biblical facts of talking snakes and global floods are not fact at all but ancient fears and superstitions that some folks still allow themselves to be subservient to.
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
Hollie, substantiation has nothing to do with the OP. The post is hypothetical. If there was a flood, and no blacks or Asians were on board.........
There is no way to tell whether or not those two ethnic groups were or were not on board except for the information we are given in the Bible.
If there was a flood, and the story is true, then this answers the question.

A point was made as to the skin color of Noah's children. Shem means "dusky". Japheth means "fair", Ham means "to be black".

Here is where their children settled according to the Bible:
Ham's children went to = Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Canaan, among others.
Shem's children settled in = Arabia, Syria, among others.
And these are the routes mapped out that Japheth's 7 son's took:
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)

If the flood happened, there is your answer.
That's so silly. The flood didn't happen.

Ho do you explain Noah's rainbow coalition children unless he was boinking many different women of many different races, ethnicities?

I've never heard of evolution school. Did you hear that term at your madrassah?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Actually, the tales and fables of Noah, Arks and global floods have no substantiation beyond your need for them to be true.

yet he bolds the word THAT right next to the word fact as if the Noah story is a fact. Fucking stupid people.

He is a she, and that fact is provided to us in the Bible. And do I believe the Bible is factual? Yes. Are we discussing what is in the Bible, yes.
That is not the question. The question is, If it happened then how. My answer is It did happen and here is how. You have no answer.
Biblical facts are not facts at all.

Biblical facts of talking snakes and global floods are not fact at all but ancient fears and superstitions that some folks still allow themselves to be subservient to.

In other words, you have no idea, and generalize to avoiding having to say so...
I made up nothing. I am quoting the Bible. They were perfect in their generations.
But let's get back to evolution. IF evolution is correct. If we all come from Mitochondrial Eve from Africa, why do I have blue eyes? When did she stop having black children and start having Chinese and Danish babies?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.

Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.
Hollie, substantiation has nothing to do with the OP. The post is hypothetical. If there was a flood, and no blacks or Asians were on board.........
There is no way to tell whether or not those two ethnic groups were or were not on board except for the information we are given in the Bible.
If there was a flood, and the story is true, then this answers the question.

A point was made as to the skin color of Noah's children. Shem means "dusky". Japheth means "fair", Ham means "to be black".

Here is where their children settled according to the Bible:
Ham's children went to = Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Canaan, among others.
Shem's children settled in = Arabia, Syria, among others.
And these are the routes mapped out that Japheth's 7 son's took:
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)

If the flood happened, there is your answer.
That's so silly. The flood didn't happen.

Ho do you explain Noah's rainbow coalition children unless he was boinking many different women of many different races, ethnicities?

lol, for the sake of moving to the question in my post, let's just say you were schooled in evolution where ever you went to school. Okay?
Now to the question:
If we all "evolved" from a common ancestor from Africa, how do you explain the Swedes?
You have more of a problem with the OP than Christians do.

What we know about Noah's sons is that one was fair skinned, and another one was darker.
That fact was important enough to be noted in the Bible. One may have taken after his dad. The other may have looked more like his mom. Because:
What we don't know about Noah's wife, and Noah's son's wives is their genealogy. All we know about them was that all of those lines of human DNA had never been corrupted.

Mitochondrial Eve, would had to have walked the globe and had sex with ?? every one she met ( except if she is the mother of all, where did ole blue eyed Swede come from to begin with and wouldn't that be incestuous and...)
and then she had all of their babies..... back in Africa, and they all fanned out from there.
Actually, the tales and fables of Noah, Arks and global floods have no substantiation beyond your need for them to be true.

yet he bolds the word THAT right next to the word fact as if the Noah story is a fact. Fucking stupid people.

He is a she, and that fact is provided to us in the Bible. And do I believe the Bible is factual? Yes. Are we discussing what is in the Bible, yes.
That is not the question. The question is, If it happened then how. My answer is It did happen and here is how. You have no answer.
Biblical facts are not facts at all.

Biblical facts of talking snakes and global floods are not fact at all but ancient fears and superstitions that some folks still allow themselves to be subservient to.

In other words, you have no idea, and generalize to avoiding having to say so...
Not so. In reality, you hurl fundamentalist dogma with the presumption it is true when the dogma is demonstrably false.

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