Question about Noah.

If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
Somewhere in our history, yes all our histories, there was an event which is described in the Bible. God wrote a description of the event in the terms he choose. So is the story of Noah and the flood literal? Yes. Does it describe elephants and giraffes and hippos, et. al., walking across a wooden plank in the rain? No. Unfortunately people who stop trying to understand God when the story does not make sense understand the word of God just as well as those who stop trying to understand God when the story does make sense. After all, the story of Noah makes no sense. God knew it would make no sense to us but put it in his book anyway.

(For Bible translations this page is very helpful for understanding differences between versions: Bible Translation Guide Mardel )
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Here's the answer to the question:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Two of EVERY FLESH, male and female.

Now that would have made more sense if Noah brought along 2 asians, 2 arabs, 2 greeks, 2 whites, 2 blacks etc.

Then you could say all the different variations of people we have today are because when their children eventually mated they mixed breeds.

They didn't think the Noah story out enough but back in those days the people were really gullible. Hell, some people today still believe it!
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?

That's the convenient thing about the bible and religion.

One can pick and choose to make it whatever suits their agenda.

Cool, huh?
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
Somewhere in our history, yes all our histories, there was an event which is described in the Bible. God wrote a description of the event in the terms he choose. So is the story of Noah and the flood literal? Yes. Does it describe elephants and giraffes and hippos, et. al., walking across a wooden plank in the rain? No. Unfortunately people who stop trying to understand God when the story does not make sense understand the word of God just as well as those who stop trying to understand God when the story does make sense. After all, the story of Noah makes no sense. God knew it would make no sense to us but put it in his book anyway.

(For Bible translations this page is very helpful for understanding differences between versions: Bible Translation Guide Mardel )

Believe whatever you need to believe but it was written by men, each with his own agenda. Then translated and re-translated until there is very little left of the original myths and fables.
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
Somewhere in our history, yes all our histories, there was an event which is described in the Bible. God wrote a description of the event in the terms he choose. So is the story of Noah and the flood literal? Yes. Does it describe elephants and giraffes and hippos, et. al., walking across a wooden plank in the rain? No. Unfortunately people who stop trying to understand God when the story does not make sense understand the word of God just as well as those who stop trying to understand God when the story does make sense. After all, the story of Noah makes no sense. God knew it would make no sense to us but put it in his book anyway.

(For Bible translations this page is very helpful for understanding differences between versions: Bible Translation Guide Mardel )

Believe whatever you need to believe but it was written by men, each with his own agenda. Then translated and re-translated until there is very little left of the original myths and fables.
This a relevant post. I am interested if you have any suggestions. Does The Bible Prove Itself Do Books Prove Themselves Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
Somewhere in our history, yes all our histories, there was an event which is described in the Bible. God wrote a description of the event in the terms he choose. So is the story of Noah and the flood literal? Yes. Does it describe elephants and giraffes and hippos, et. al., walking across a wooden plank in the rain? No. Unfortunately people who stop trying to understand God when the story does not make sense understand the word of God just as well as those who stop trying to understand God when the story does make sense. After all, the story of Noah makes no sense. God knew it would make no sense to us but put it in his book anyway.

(For Bible translations this page is very helpful for understanding differences between versions: Bible Translation Guide Mardel )

Isn't it amazing that the Noah story is a story adopted by many different cultures?
Think the problem with religion is while some of the commandments are good and sensible, confusing the book those are found in with a history or science book is frought with peril. Don't need gods to be real to know why killing's bad, but then going on to believe a human made boat could hold even 1 of every species is to require complete denial of reality.

Have you ever stopped to consider that the flood may have been a localized flood and that the animals Noah loaded onto the ark were only animals resident to the area affected by the flood? I'd even venture that most of the animals were of the domesticated kind.
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
BE SERIOUS!!!! :lol:
Evolution doesn't just make new species, it gives existing ones slight variations from each other. To say that black got black by being in the sun and cooking is ridiculous, the black skin is a defense against the sun, and how humans evolved to deal with the hot sun in Africa. Now you know. :D

Right. We're simply eaten up with half-bird - half-fish creatures and half-man - half apes. They're all around us. LOL!!
Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?
Actually, you have already identified you pick and choose the less contradictory, less absurd tales of the bibles in favor of your invention of Christianity lite. That's fine. Like most religionists, you simply reinvent the tales tales and fables as you go.
did I reinvent something?.......did anyone believe the universe was 6000 years old before Usscher made the claim?.....I have simply ignored his reinvention.....

Have you ever actually read any of the bibles?
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
BE SERIOUS!!!! :lol:
Evolution doesn't just make new species, it gives existing ones slight variations from each other. To say that black got black by being in the sun and cooking is ridiculous, the black skin is a defense against the sun, and how humans evolved to deal with the hot sun in Africa. Now you know. :D
???....curious.....I say the same thing as you and you claim I said they were would almost think you were smoking.....
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
Your silly "sun theory" does not work in timeframes of a 6,000 year old planet.
Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?
Actually, you have already identified you pick and choose the less contradictory, less absurd tales of the bibles in favor of your invention of Christianity lite. That's fine. Like most religionists, you simply reinvent the tales tales and fables as you go.
did I reinvent something?.......did anyone believe the universe was 6000 years old before Usscher made the claim?.....I have simply ignored his reinvention.....

Have you ever actually read any of the bibles?
But you understood none of it.
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Great question. The answer proves evolution.
I've never argued against evolution......I've argued against the silly things that folks like you pretend it proves, such as human beings and mushrooms having common ancestors......or life crawling out of mud puddles.....
Actually, you have already identified you pick and choose the less contradictory, less absurd tales of the bibles in favor of your invention of Christianity lite. That's fine. Like most religionists, you simply reinvent the tales tales and fables as you go.
did I reinvent something?.......did anyone believe the universe was 6000 years old before Usscher made the claim?.....I have simply ignored his reinvention.....

Have you ever actually read any of the bibles?
But you understood none of it.
to the contrary......I understand the things you don't......
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
Your silly "sun theory" does not work in timeframes of a 6,000 year old planet.
but only you and the Rev. Phelps believe in a 6000 year old planet.....
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
Somewhere in our history, yes all our histories, there was an event which is described in the Bible. God wrote a description of the event in the terms he choose. So is the story of Noah and the flood literal? Yes. Does it describe elephants and giraffes and hippos, et. al., walking across a wooden plank in the rain? No. Unfortunately people who stop trying to understand God when the story does not make sense understand the word of God just as well as those who stop trying to understand God when the story does make sense. After all, the story of Noah makes no sense. God knew it would make no sense to us but put it in his book anyway.

(For Bible translations this page is very helpful for understanding differences between versions: Bible Translation Guide Mardel )

Isn't it amazing that the Noah story is a story adopted by many different cultures?

One of the greatest books I read was Campbell's "Hero With A Thousand Faces". He points out that pretty much every culture just keeps telling the same stories with the same basic plots points and events. It's just the way our hopes and fears and needs are universal and so are the tales we tell to fulfill those hopes and fears and needs.
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Great question. The answer proves evolution.
I've never argued against evolution......I've argued against the silly things that folks like you pretend it proves, such as human beings and mushrooms having common ancestors......or life crawling out of mud puddles.....
Clearly, you should not argue against evolution because you understand nothing of. Your repeated "mud puddles" theory suggests you're spending way too much time at Harun Yahya.
Since the bible thumpers don't believe in evolution, they can't say they just evolved.
??? you believe blacks and asians are a different species than Aryans?.......there were some folks who agreed with you that governed Germany once.....
They are different races that weren't on Noah's boat. So how did they get here? Evolution? :eek:
it would appear its a result of the effect the sun has upon human skin over many generations.......evolution is a theory that explains the development of new species.....I don't believe that Africans are a different species than Caucasians........
Your silly "sun theory" does not work in timeframes of a 6,000 year old planet.
but only you and the Rev. Phelps believe in a 6000 year old planet.....
Actually, your silly "sun theory" timeline identifies your embrace of the 6,000 year old planet suggested in the bibles.

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