Question about Noah.

Well, Irish Ram, now that you have been shown the errors and falsehoods of superstitious Ark tales, why would you expect others to accept such absurdities?

Your fundamentalist beliefs point out very clearly the dangers of religious extremism. According to you, rationally thinking people shouldn't come to any conclusions about whatever absurd, ludicrous, or outlandish nonsense a theist might choose to utter as a "fact". Sorry. Humanity can do better than that, and we are doing better -- except when we run into throwbacks who use precisely your ideas, that assertions are true without applying any standards to them.

If you want an objective view of the absurdities surrounding your biblical Ark tales and fables, start here:

Problems with a Global Flood 2nd edition

You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????

Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?
They used legs and feet and stretches of land to get around, And on board ships, the same way the people spread out.
So someone brought the millions of species to the rest of the world on a boat? :lol:

Has Hollie given up or are you her stand in until she gets over the fact that her perfect book, knew about Noah too? That must have stung, her thinking it was just a lying Christian "tale" and all.

If she is right about the Quran, then She has no choice than to accept Noah and the flood as the truth. Unless her perfect book lies.........
Has Irish Ram really decided that the Koran is true and the perfection of the corrupted bibles?

You're done Hollie, No amount of twisting in the wind is going to save your uneducated blunder.
Did your Quran lie to you, or did Noah build an ark? ;)
Oh, the melodrama is so cute.

There was no Ark so obviously the bibles need another revision.
Prove it.
Im sure it's a waste of time trying to educate religious zealots, but start here:

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

And here's my answer back at you: EVOLUTION The Evidence Says No
Well yeah. Your source includes the major charlatans representing the most notorious Christian fundamentalist hacks and dregs.

Yeah, they can't seem to be able to get the top evolutionist scientists to even debate them though.
Well, they have. Although, the problem with the fundamentalist charlatans is that they have no viable arguments that don't rely on appeals to magic and supernaturalism .

Yes they did and lost the debate big time.
But according to you Bible Noah is a lie. Is Quran Noah a lie too or did Noah build an ark?
Once we get past your blockage, maybe you can tell the OP how African Eve gave birth to blue eyed Norwegians...... You skirted that question too.
The biblical tale of Noah is a tale and fable, yes. Your fundamentalist beliefs are your own worst enemy when it comes to making reasoned conclusions. There was no Ark. Ark tales go beyond the absurd.

You never did address your Flintstone cartoon character version of the Ark. As absurdities go, you've plumbed new depths of the absurd.

In a historical timeline ( in your case, a hysterical timeline), I recall that Norway didn't exist 200,00 years ago. But then again, neither did this planet, at least according to you fundie types.
Im sure it's a waste of time trying to educate religious zealots, but start here:

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

And here's my answer back at you: EVOLUTION The Evidence Says No
Well yeah. Your source includes the major charlatans representing the most notorious Christian fundamentalist hacks and dregs.

Yeah, they can't seem to be able to get the top evolutionist scientists to even debate them though.
Well, they have. Although, the problem with the fundamentalist charlatans is that they have no viable arguments that don't rely on appeals to magic and supernaturalism .

Yes they did and lost the debate big time.
Yes, of course, dear.
The biblical tale of Noah is a tale and fable, yes.

And the Quran version you didn't know existed, is it a tale too?
You seem to have forgotten that I was the one who informed you of the biblical errors and omissions corrected by the Koran.

If your conversion to Islam is complete, you must acknowledge the Koran is true.
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
Sorry. Answers in genesis is a laughable joke.
See, you are confused. What you told us was that silly fable would never be found in your perfect true Quran. I corrected you. So, did Quran Noah build an ark or not? Quran Deluge, yes or no?
See, you're eternally confused. Did you realize your precious Koran treats hey'zeus as just another pedestrian "prophet", no return from the dead, no multi-Gods?
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.
Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.
Here in case you forget again what you said.
You came here to kick some Christian ass, and it bit you in yours. At the very least, now that you know better, you have to say that, Bible Noah is fake, but Quran Noah is the real deal. The flood happened because the Quran is true. :)

You can have the last word. I answered the OP and that's all I needed to do.
Peace to you, even if it isn't in the Quran. ;)
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
Sorry. Answers in genesis is a laughable joke.

It would be laughable if it wasn't taken seriously by so many.

The truly ironic thing is the internet has allowed unthought of levels of information to be at the fingertips of the common man, but has also given a voice to every idiot or person with an agenda. All he has to do is sound authoritative to the uneducated and suddenly he's an expert that legitimate experts have to continually debunk or else have their efforts undermined.
"Quoting" the bibles is pointless when it is the veracity of the bibles that is in question. The Koran had no such tales and fables of Arks. Because the Koran usus the perfection of your corrupted religion, we must dismiss the bibles as flawed inventions of man.
Why "quote" the bibles when the Koran has superseded them. The Koran is true because the Koran says it is true.
Here in case you forget again what you said.
You came here to kick some Christian ass, and it bit you in yours. At the very least, now that you know better, you have to say that, Bible Noah is fake, but Quran Noah is the real deal. The flood happened because the Quran is true. :)

You can have the last word. I answered the OP and that's all I needed to do.
Peace to you, even if it isn't in the Quran. ;)
You can believe whatever tales and fables you choose. :)

Your confusion arises from the fact that the Koran holds biblical characters and biblical tales and fables with nowhere near the idolatry that you do. ;) You should also know that the Koran claims to resolve the errors and omissions in the bibles. ;)

You may wish to consider staring a movement to further revise the bibles in order to get a bit of one-upsmanship on those Koran groupies. :)

If not a revised King James version, how about "King of Pain", Version. You know, add a bit of a contemporary feel to the tales and fables. :)
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.
The geography of Norway isn't the issue. Blue eyed genealogy is. You've babbled so much about anything but, that you have become confused about what the rest of were discussing. When did DNA Eve, stop having black children and switch to Asian and blue eyed babies, and red haired Irish?

Did you know they have built the ark to spec, and it works? To answer some Flintstones remark I didn't make, 2 of each species were saved. Not 2 poodles, and 2 beagles and two great Danes and 2 Cockers and 2 Newfi's and 2 Irish setters and 2 labs etc. 2 canines were aboard.

Age of earth? Answer in Genesis. Timeline:
Created. An unnatural darkness..., earth reestablished for human habitation, humans. There ya go, not that that has ANYTHING germane to the OP question. You are up the creek with no paddle. Maybe Noah can help......
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And if your extremist beliefs weren't so comically tragic, this might be funny.
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And you just became smarter than Darwin. Different breeds, not different species.
A monkey will always be a monkey. A human will always be human. We adapt to our environment, evolve if you prefer. A blind cave fish adapted to the darkness and eyes were no longer necessary. They are now born with eye sockets sans eyes. They are still fish. We aren't as hairy as we used to be. We adapted. We will never evolve into a deer.
In fact, science has us devolving at this point and we are losing our social skills. We are adapting to social media instead of socializing. But we will never devolve into a monkey. Just less skilled humans.

Hey Hollie: NOAH. :)
If only 2 canines were on board, then they had to evolve into all the different breeds.

And you just became smarter than Darwin. Different breeds, not different species.
A monkey will always be a monkey. A human will always be human. We adapt to our environment, evolve if you prefer. A blind cave fish adapted to the darkness and eyes were no longer necessary. They are now born with eye sockets sans eyes. They are still fish. We aren't as hairy as we used to be. We adapted. We will never evolve into a deer.
In fact, science has us devolving at this point and we are losing our social skills. We are adapting to social media instead of socializing. But we will never devolve into a monkey. Just less skilled humans.

Hey Hollie: NOAH. :)

None of that hysterical rant does anything to support silly Ark tales.

What happened to the dinosaurs that frolicked with mankind a few thousand years ago?

Hey, Irish Ram: John Morris.

Encyclopedia of American Loons 288 John D. Morris

John D. Morris is the son of the original modern young earth creationist, Henry Morris, the first one to try to construe science as “just another religion”, and hence on equal footing with respect to truth-aptness as Biblical literalism. John D. has followed in his father’s footsteps as president of the Institute for Creation Research (he is also an engineer). Most of his time is spent touring churches to misrepresent the fossil record (some of it is actually covered here; see also this and this).

His general tactic is to contrast the “harmful philosophies” and “evil practices” that are “fruits” of the evolutionary tree (including promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, atheism & abortion), with the “genuine Christianity” and “correct practices” of the creationist tree (including “true history”, “true Americanism”, “true science”, and “true government”). Relatively standard fare, discussed nicely in this three part series (John features prominently): Part I, Part II, and Part III.

Together with Ken Ham he has written what seems to pass for a science textbook among creationists.

He’s not the only spawn of Henry Morris running around creating havoc. Henry Morris III is the CEO of the Institute for Creation Research (and ol’ Henry’s grandson, apparently). He was the guy who was most involved in the institute’s attempt to be given the authority to pass out graduate degrees in science. While their attempts found some support (see Leo Berman), it eventually failed, fortunately.
You have a long way to go in showing me my errors. We were discussing the rain. It rained for 40 days. That is a month and 10 days.
What didn't survive was everything that breathed on dry land. Of what survived, according to the Bible, was vegetation. A dove that Noah released returned with A FRESH OLIVE LEAF. My reputation remains intact. On the other hand, how bout that perfect book you know so much about? You know, the Quran?
If it's perfect, like you insist, school me again on what it doesn't say about Noah... so I can correct you again.
So if god didn't flood the whole earth, why did Noah need to build a boat for the animals? Why didn't god just save the fucking animals HIMSELF???????

Oh and God set that boat down on Ararat for a reason. Ararat means, 'curse reversed'.
So if god set the boat on Ararat, how did all the animals get to Australia and the Americas?
They used legs and feet and stretches of land to get around, And on board ships, the same way the people spread out.
So someone brought the millions of species to the rest of the world on a boat? :lol:

Has Hollie given up or are you her stand in until she gets over the fact that her perfect book, knew about Noah too? That must have stung, her thinking it was just a lying Christian "tale" and all.

If she is right about the Quran, then She has no choice than to accept Noah and the flood as the truth. Unless her perfect book lies.........
Has Irish Ram really decided that the Koran is true and the perfection of the corrupted bibles?

You're done Hollie, No amount of twisting in the wind is going to save your uneducated blunder.
Did your Quran lie to you, or did Noah build an ark? ;)
Oh, the melodrama is so cute.

There was no Ark so obviously the bibles need another revision.
The Story of Noah 8217 s Ark in the Holy Qur 8217 an SIMERG 8211 Insights from Around the World
‘O my son! embark with us and be not with the unbelievers’. The son replied: ‘I will betake myself to some mountain, it will save me from the flood’. And Noah said: ‘This day nothing can save you from what God has decreed, for only those on whom He has Mercy will be saved’. And the waves came between them and the son was among the drowned ones.” — Holy Qur’an, 11:42-43

Finally, when all the unbelievers were drowned in the flood, God commanded:

“O Earth! swallow up your water, and O Sky! withhold your rain! and the water abated and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi.” [6] — Holy Qur’an, 11:44

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