Question about Noah.

"I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens". Not floodwaters in the whole galaxy, just this whole planet.
It says "under the heavens", which means not just Earth's heaven but all heavens, the entire galaxy.

Where did that water go?
"I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens". Not floodwaters in the whole galaxy, just this whole planet.
It says "under the heavens", which means not just Earth's heaven but all heavens, the entire galaxy.

Where did that water go?
No, it says "bring floodwaters on the earth", not in the galaxy. Please learn how to read.
if you don't know don't answer.

But YOU asked me. You want me to just ignore you? OK.
So tell us how kangaroos got to the boat and back to oz. :popcorn:

See, when Noah and sons let the animals out, the roos and koalas and dingoes and the abos and all the other down under animals walked to Australia and then God did some miracle stuff and then Oz just floated away from the Middle East, the same way possums and armadillos walked to Texas and then God miracle the Americas to where they are today. It's in the Bible, somewhere in the back.
start at the beginning......there was this mud puddle and it was struck by lightening.....and some of the charred mud turned into life and started reproducing......and eventually this animal climbed out and walked to Australia, turning into kangaroos and dingos and aboriginies along the gotta believe it, science has proved it......
So tell us how kangaroos got to the boat and back to oz. :popcorn:
you can simply read the answer I gave the last time you asked......its not my fault you didn't read it then.....
Like I said, you don't believe in the bible. Now shut up.
???...I'm required to shut up simply because you're ignorant?....that doesn't make any sense.....
Ignorant is saying that you believe in the bible when you know you don't believe it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......
You just quoted it yourself, it said "destroy all life under the heavens". That's your quote. Heaven means sky and Earth only has one sky so referring to multiple skys is to refer to more than one planet. In this case, ALL planets. All life under all of the heavens. says "bring floodwaters on the earth", not in the galaxy. Please learn how to read.
Lower case earth means land generically. It has to be a capitol letter in order to mean the planet. So you're saying your god brought the floodwatters on the earth to the whole galaxy. That's a nice theory you have there. Completely divorced from science and basic English reading comp but I suppose everyone needs a hobbie.
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So, does anyone know how kangaroos got from oz to the boat and back?
Like I said, you don't believe in the bible. Now shut up.
???...I'm required to shut up simply because you're ignorant?....that doesn't make any sense.....
Ignorant is saying that you believe in the bible when you know you don't believe it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.
???...I'm required to shut up simply because you're ignorant?....that doesn't make any sense.....
Ignorant is saying that you believe in the bible when you know you don't believe it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Ignorant is saying that you believe in the bible when you know you don't believe it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Thousands of credible scientists would tell you about evolution (it's the leading theory, not fact), if you bothered to search it. How about a 600 year old Noah? Got ANY credible scientists who believe that?
Ignorant is saying that you believe in the bible when you know you don't believe it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Actually, you would rather not address the absurdity of a 600 year old Noah and the lack of evidence for any of the biblical tales and fables,
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Thousands of credible scientists would tell you about evolution (it's the leading theory, not fact), if you bothered to search it. How about a 600 year old Noah? Got ANY credible scientists who believe that?

Of course. There are rather renown scientists on both sides of the issue were you to bother enough to check it out for yourself. That's what most of us do when we want to find out something. You should try it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Actually, you would rather not address the absurdity of a 600 year old Noah and the lack of evidence for any of the biblical tales and fables,

Not anymore. I figure over 1500 posts with nothing settled as of yet, is about 1400 too many wasted already.
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Actually, you would rather not address the absurdity of a 600 year old Noah and the lack of evidence for any of the biblical tales and fables,

Not anymore. I figure over 1500 posts with nothing settled as of yet, is about 1400 too many wasted already.
Lots of things are settled. It's settled that your partisan gawds are but one conception of gawds, none of which are any better supported than the other.

Ultimately, it will be the process of science that will explore and discover. Now, it's possible that science could be stymied and could hit the wall so-to-speak at finding a purely natural cause but that still wouldn't prove a supernatural causation. Not all the tools of science are in hand and scientific discoveries are on-going.

How do we discern the truth? By faith? By assertion and stepping away and accepting untested and anecdotal claims? Or do we assiduously test our truths, hold them up to scrutiny, demand they be accountable at some level?

In fact, the only model I see that opens up the possibility of nature gone awry is the theistic one. How often does nature simply allow a sea to part, or a dead man to rise? How many natural pillars of fire, burning bushes, or global floods are there? How often do virgins spontaneously impregnate? Where else do angels and demons fly about with abandon or 600 year old men build Arks as your gawds prepare to wipe out most of humanity.

Yet again, we're left to question If everyone simply accepts as the answer to existence that one or more conceptions of gawds are the primal cause we would condemn humanity to never probing the answers to the deeper questions. And in fact during the dark ages this thought held sway -- do not seek the answers to the mysteries of life, because you cannot answer them because you cannot know the mind or character of the gawds.
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Thousands of credible scientists would tell you about evolution (it's the leading theory, not fact), if you bothered to search it. How about a 600 year old Noah? Got ANY credible scientists who believe that?

Of course. There are rather renown scientists on both sides of the issue were you to bother enough to check it out for yourself. That's what most of us do when we want to find out something. You should try it.
Please identify the "renown' scientists who advance the notion of a 600 year old Noah.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Actually, you would rather not address the absurdity of a 600 year old Noah and the lack of evidence for any of the biblical tales and fables,

Not anymore. I figure over 1500 posts with nothing settled as of yet, is about 1400 too many wasted already.
Lots of things are settled. It's settled that your partisan gawds are but one conception of gawds, none of which are any better supported than the other.

Ultimately, it will be the process of science that will explore and discover. Now, it's possible that science could be stymied and could hit the wall so-to-speak at finding a purely natural cause but that still wouldn't prove a supernatural causation. Not all the tools of science are in hand and scientific discoveries are on-going.

How do we discern the truth? By faith? By assertion and stepping away and accepting untested and anecdotal claims? Or do we assiduously test our truths, hold them up to scrutiny, demand they be accountable at some level?

In fact, the only model I see that opens up the possibility of nature gone awry is the theistic one. How often does nature simply allow a sea to part, or a dead man to rise? How many natural pillars of fire, burning bushes, or global floods are there? How often do virgins spontaneously impregnate? Where else do angels and demons fly about with abandon or 600 year old men build Arks as your gawds prepare to wipe out most of humanity.

Yet again, we're left to question If everyone simply accepts as the answer to existence that one or more conceptions of gawds are the primal cause we would condemn humanity to never probing the answers to the deeper questions. And in fact during the dark ages this thought held sway -- do not seek the answers to the mysteries of life, because you cannot answer them because you cannot know the mind or character of the gawds.

You continue to do exactly as you have been doing. You come on a public forum and declare that you are a superior intellect and that everyone else is ignorant. You keep repeating that claim until you believe it.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Thousands of credible scientists would tell you about evolution (it's the leading theory, not fact), if you bothered to search it. How about a 600 year old Noah? Got ANY credible scientists who believe that?

Of course. There are rather renown scientists on both sides of the issue were you to bother enough to check it out for yourself. That's what most of us do when we want to find out something. You should try it.
Please identify the "renown' scientists who advance the notion of a 600 year old Noah.

I will as soon a you identify the scientist who claimed Taylor Swift sprang forth from a cesspool soup of slime 100 million years ago.
if you don't know don't answer.

But YOU asked me. You want me to just ignore you? OK.
So tell us how kangaroos got to the boat and back to oz. :popcorn:

See, when Noah and sons let the animals out, the roos and koalas and dingoes and the abos and all the other down under animals walked to Australia and then God did some miracle stuff and then Oz just floated away from the Middle East, the same way possums and armadillos walked to Texas and then God miracle the Americas to where they are today. It's in the Bible, somewhere in the back.
start at the beginning......there was this mud puddle and it was struck by lightening.....and some of the charred mud turned into life and started reproducing......and eventually this animal climbed out and walked to Australia, turning into kangaroos and dingos and aboriginies along the gotta believe it, science has proved it......
So tell us how kangaroos got to the boat and back to oz. :popcorn:

OK Taz. You seem to have a thing for Australia and for kangaroos. I'll tell you something which you will deny of course.

Before the flood, there was no Australia. There was no United States. There was no Europe. There was just one big piece of land. The climate over all this land was the same. It was a tropical greenhouse kind of climate all over the earth at that time. The animals (including your kangaroos) were free to roam wherever they so desired over this tropical earth.

Like I say, you will deny this but at least maybe you will get of the subject of kangaroos once and for all. I hope.

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Actually, you would rather not address the absurdity of a 600 year old Noah and the lack of evidence for any of the biblical tales and fables,

Not anymore. I figure over 1500 posts with nothing settled as of yet, is about 1400 too many wasted already.
Lots of things are settled. It's settled that your partisan gawds are but one conception of gawds, none of which are any better supported than the other.

Ultimately, it will be the process of science that will explore and discover. Now, it's possible that science could be stymied and could hit the wall so-to-speak at finding a purely natural cause but that still wouldn't prove a supernatural causation. Not all the tools of science are in hand and scientific discoveries are on-going.

How do we discern the truth? By faith? By assertion and stepping away and accepting untested and anecdotal claims? Or do we assiduously test our truths, hold them up to scrutiny, demand they be accountable at some level?

In fact, the only model I see that opens up the possibility of nature gone awry is the theistic one. How often does nature simply allow a sea to part, or a dead man to rise? How many natural pillars of fire, burning bushes, or global floods are there? How often do virgins spontaneously impregnate? Where else do angels and demons fly about with abandon or 600 year old men build Arks as your gawds prepare to wipe out most of humanity.

Yet again, we're left to question If everyone simply accepts as the answer to existence that one or more conceptions of gawds are the primal cause we would condemn humanity to never probing the answers to the deeper questions. And in fact during the dark ages this thought held sway -- do not seek the answers to the mysteries of life, because you cannot answer them because you cannot know the mind or character of the gawds.

You continue to do exactly as you have been doing. You come on a public forum and declare that you are a superior intellect and that everyone else is ignorant. You keep repeating that claim until you believe it.
I've never made any such declaration as you claim.

If you're not emotionally prepared to have others challenge your opinions, you may wish to reconsider your participation in these threads.

You insist that your conceptions of partisan gawds are true and extant yet you recoil when your opinions surrounding those gawds are challenged with demands that opinions meet a standard of demonstration. The entire worldview of the religionist is asserting something outside the realm of what science considers SCIENCE. While the evidence, (lack thereof), you've posted in support of your gawds is viciously circular, (knowing that you have a bias toward a particular sectarian belief), "substandard" leaps out at me and it's a simple matter to know why it's substandard: your fundamentalist belief begins by firmly placing itself out of the realm of science and into the supernatural realm.

It's very easy for creationists or IDists or religionists to pursue this matter in the proper way.

First, establish a solid theory for the idea of something outside of the "materialist" realm (i.e., the "supernatural"). Then, establish a theory that relies on the established theory and shows a correlation. Then the IDists and creationists and supernaturalists will have something worth reviewing.

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.

I'd rather hear about that tadpole that climbed out of that cesspool of slime and turned into Taylor Swift.
Thousands of credible scientists would tell you about evolution (it's the leading theory, not fact), if you bothered to search it. How about a 600 year old Noah? Got ANY credible scientists who believe that?

Of course. There are rather renown scientists on both sides of the issue were you to bother enough to check it out for yourself. That's what most of us do when we want to find out something. You should try it.
Please identify the "renown' scientists who advance the notion of a 600 year old Noah.

I will as soon a you identify the scientist who claimed Taylor Swift sprang forth from a cesspool soup of slime 100 million years ago.
That's quite a sidestep.

Let that be a lesson to you: don't make outrageous, nonsensical claims that you later have to retreat from.
???...I'm required to shut up simply because you're ignorant?....that doesn't make any sense.....
Ignorant is saying that you believe in the bible when you know you don't believe it.
????.....ignorant is claiming you know what someone else believes.......I am certainly prepared to admit you've demonstrated ignorance repeatedly in this thread......however, I am not going to admit not believing something I believe......I consider your arguments, and your knowledge of the Bible to be quite are nearly as bad as Holly......
I can see that you're angry and, well, pissy, but you're failure to present an argument that relies solely upon the intervention of magic and supernaturalism is no one's fault but yours.
if you want more attention from me instead of ridicule, you'll have to come up with an argument that doesn't hinge upon pretending I'm a young earther......

So..... tell us about a 600 hundred year old Noah and the Ark tale....... all of which took place just a few thousand years ago.
so you opted out on the intelligent argument gamble?.....

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