Question about Noah.

So, does anyone know after all this how kangaroos got to the boat and back to Australia?

Oh goody!! Taz must have the ship's manifest. Please share it with all of us.
Well, if kangaroos are alive today, they had to be on Noah's boat. pretty simple really. If you don't know the answer, just say so.

It was not my question. It was your question. If I wanted an answer to it, I would research it.
if you don't know don't answer.

But YOU asked me. You want me to just ignore you? OK.
I've already provided the archeological proof you asked for and I have repeatedly researched and shot down Hollie's false claims. You atheists really do need to provide some data on your own that is somewhat accurate and refrain from making intentionally false claims as to dates, etc. I am not here to constantly correct your false claims nor to research for you.
A story isn't proof, give me tangible geological proof. If there was a global flood, there should be a sediment layer recording it.

First, I don't have to give you anything. Second, I have stated that seashells have been found atop almost every mountain range in the world. You claimed this was because of the shifts in the earth's plates. I guess this works regardless of how far the mountains are from the ocean? I even asked you for the name of an ocean to which you never responded. Provide your own research.

When I provide information to you folks, you attack the source of the information as being something from a right-wing Christian creationist website. Even with that being so, the honorable thing would be to attack and disprove the information provided, not the source of the information as you always do. That approach proves nothing. I am onto your games and will not fall for it any longer. You want to ask questions and provide little proof yourselves but attack whatever source I provide. I have never attacked your sources.
So you have no geological proof of a global flood. Got it.
Does anyone?

Don't know how to do a search?
Show us what you got, if anything.
Here is what your science has often called its proof of evolution: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.

No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
I noticed as usual that you rattle on with non-specific claims which you don't / can't support.

You've been beaten so bad on here that you're beginning to act punch drunk.
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.
A story isn't proof, give me tangible geological proof. If there was a global flood, there should be a sediment layer recording it.

First, I don't have to give you anything. Second, I have stated that seashells have been found atop almost every mountain range in the world. You claimed this was because of the shifts in the earth's plates. I guess this works regardless of how far the mountains are from the ocean? I even asked you for the name of an ocean to which you never responded. Provide your own research.

When I provide information to you folks, you attack the source of the information as being something from a right-wing Christian creationist website. Even with that being so, the honorable thing would be to attack and disprove the information provided, not the source of the information as you always do. That approach proves nothing. I am onto your games and will not fall for it any longer. You want to ask questions and provide little proof yourselves but attack whatever source I provide. I have never attacked your sources.
So you have no geological proof of a global flood. Got it.
Does anyone?

Don't know how to do a search?
Show us what you got, if anything.
Here is what your science has often called its proof of evolution: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.

No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
I noticed as usual that you rattle on with non-specific claims which you don't / can't support.

You've been beaten so bad on here that you're beginning to act punch drunk.
Beaten how?

What's interesting is that, in typical creationist fashion, nothing in your argument is supportive of magical, supernatural gawds. The entirety of the creationist argument is to attack and vilify science. The problem with such an approach is that you're forced to invent and maintain conspiracy theories about science.
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.

Your creationist websites refute themselves. For all your appeals to fear and ignorance revolving around Arks and global floods, you haven't presented a single bit of verifiable evidence for either.

No Arks, no global floods, nothing.
So, does anyone know after all this how kangaroos got to the boat and back to Australia?

Oh goody!! Taz must have the ship's manifest. Please share it with all of us.
Well, if kangaroos are alive today, they had to be on Noah's boat. pretty simple really. If you don't know the answer, just say so.

It was not my question. It was your question. If I wanted an answer to it, I would research it.
if you don't know don't answer.

But YOU asked me. You want me to just ignore you? OK.
So tell us how kangaroos got to the boat and back to oz. :popcorn:
Oh goody!! Taz must have the ship's manifest. Please share it with all of us.
Well, if kangaroos are alive today, they had to be on Noah's boat. pretty simple really. If you don't know the answer, just say so.

It was not my question. It was your question. If I wanted an answer to it, I would research it.
if you don't know don't answer.

But YOU asked me. You want me to just ignore you? OK.
So tell us how kangaroos got to the boat and back to oz. :popcorn:

See, when Noah and sons let the animals out, the roos and koalas and dingoes and the abos and all the other down under animals walked to Australia and then God did some miracle stuff and then Oz just floated away from the Middle East, the same way possums and armadillos walked to Texas and then God miracle the Americas to where they are today. It's in the Bible, somewhere in the back.
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.
Actually, you should review Kitzmiller vs. Dover for an instructive lesson in creationist hacks suffering a humiliating defeat.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Decision of the Court

The loss for fundie Christians and the ID'iot industry was absolutely devastating. The ID'iots were literally run out of town with a scathing decision written by judge Jones, unfalteringly critical of the hoped-for fraud perpetrated by the ID'iot christian fundies.
I've been wondering. Would one of you atheists explain to me just how the d
First, I don't have to give you anything. Second, I have stated that seashells have been found atop almost every mountain range in the world. You claimed this was because of the shifts in the earth's plates. I guess this works regardless of how far the mountains are from the ocean? I even asked you for the name of an ocean to which you never responded. Provide your own research.

When I provide information to you folks, you attack the source of the information as being something from a right-wing Christian creationist website. Even with that being so, the honorable thing would be to attack and disprove the information provided, not the source of the information as you always do. That approach proves nothing. I am onto your games and will not fall for it any longer. You want to ask questions and provide little proof yourselves but attack whatever source I provide. I have never attacked your sources.
So you have no geological proof of a global flood. Got it.
Does anyone?

Don't know how to do a search?
Show us what you got, if anything.
Here is what your science has often called its proof of evolution: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.

No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
I noticed as usual that you rattle on with non-specific claims which you don't / can't support.

You've been beaten so bad on here that you're beginning to act punch drunk.
Beaten how?

What's interesting is that, in typical creationist fashion, nothing in your argument is supportive of magical, supernatural gawds. The entirety of the creationist argument is to attack and vilify science. The problem with such an approach is that you're forced to invent and maintain conspiracy theories about science.

Are you talking about the Kennedy/Oswald/Mob/Cuban/Russian deal in Dallas?
Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.
Actually, you should review Kitzmiller vs. Dover for an instructive lesson in creationist hacks suffering a humiliating defeat.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Decision of the Court

The loss for fundie Christians and the ID'iot industry was absolutely devastating. The ID'iots were literally run out of town with a scathing decision written by judge Jones, unfalteringly critical of the hoped-for fraud perpetrated by the ID'iot christian fundies.

Actually, I've rather enjoyed your humiliating defeat right here.
Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.

Your creationist websites refute themselves. For all your appeals to fear and ignorance revolving around Arks and global floods, you haven't presented a single bit of verifiable evidence for either.

No Arks, no global floods, nothing.

But . . . I protest. When dealing with you, one is dealing with fear and ignorance.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.

Your creationist websites refute themselves. For all your appeals to fear and ignorance revolving around Arks and global floods, you haven't presented a single bit of verifiable evidence for either.

No Arks, no global floods, nothing.

But . . . I protest. When dealing with you, one is dealing with fear and ignorance.
I can see you're angry and frustrated but that's a condition of your own making.

Honestly, how “reasonable” is it to assert your world of magic and supernaturalism? It's not about our personal beliefs or desires -- it's about a standard of demonstration and supporting corroboration that establishes something true as opposed to it being mere assertion.

The litany of exceptions regarding irrational religious assertions is effectively endless. These are excuses, couched in terms of the supernatural to allow you to embrace your desires for existence to be more than what is right here and now.

I think you pre-define the supernatural as excused from any verifiable standard and then proceed calmly and "reasonably" inside that paradigm. At your level, it's "religious belief". At another level, it's utter delusion.

Tell me, what is the difference between your asserted magical / supernatural realms and a certifiably insane person's claim that he is Napoleon? Both are equally demonstrable and reasonable claims, (according to your standards), and why should I believe your claims of magical gawds are real, but the individual with cognitive impairment (claiming to be Napolean) is uttering a false claim?
I've been wondering. Would one of you atheists explain to me just how the d
So you have no geological proof of a global flood. Got it.
Does anyone?

Don't know how to do a search?
Show us what you got, if anything.
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.

No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
I noticed as usual that you rattle on with non-specific claims which you don't / can't support.

You've been beaten so bad on here that you're beginning to act punch drunk.
Beaten how?

What's interesting is that, in typical creationist fashion, nothing in your argument is supportive of magical, supernatural gawds. The entirety of the creationist argument is to attack and vilify science. The problem with such an approach is that you're forced to invent and maintain conspiracy theories about science.

Are you talking about the Kennedy/Oswald/Mob/Cuban/Russian deal in Dallas?
Nope. I'm talking about your conspiracy theories wherein the global science community has conspired to employ the methods of science to explain existence as opposed to belief in magic and supernaturalism.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.
Actually, you should review Kitzmiller vs. Dover for an instructive lesson in creationist hacks suffering a humiliating defeat.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Decision of the Court

The loss for fundie Christians and the ID'iot industry was absolutely devastating. The ID'iots were literally run out of town with a scathing decision written by judge Jones, unfalteringly critical of the hoped-for fraud perpetrated by the ID'iot christian fundies.

Actually, I've rather enjoyed your humiliating defeat right here.
What defeat?

I provided evidence to show the falsehood of your biblical global flood. I gave you timelines of existing cultures / civilizations that existed both before and after your Ark tales. These cultures / civilizations left no archeological or historic data of the biblical flood.

I provided evidence that shows ID'iot creationism is nothing more than fundamentalist Christianity with a new name. I provided that shows the humiliating defeat of fundie Christians hoping to install their dogma into the public schools.

I've refuted your claims to magic and supernaturalism as having completely natural origins.

My experience is that you hyper-religious types who make bellicose claims to "humiliating defeats" do so in failed attempts to excuse their inability to present a defendable argument.

Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
15 cubits = 22.5 feet. Now that's one hell of a flood, but it's not going to cover a mountain.

The far-off mountains appeared to be covered by the observer due to the curvature of the earth, but they weren't actually covered.

It's the difference between a witness's perspective and objective reality as supported by the evidence. I suggest you put your bible down and look for a better church.

I suggest you pick up your Bible and read it instead of denying it in order to promote your ego. It was a totally different world than the world of today. You cannot superimpose this present world onto the world of the flood era. Yes, 22.5 feet above the hills should cover even one man standing on top of the hill upon another's shoulders.
The bible doesn't say 15 cubits *above the hills*. It says the watter rose 15 cubits. That's not high enough to cover the mountan, not even close.
Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.

Your creationist websites refute themselves. For all your appeals to fear and ignorance revolving around Arks and global floods, you haven't presented a single bit of verifiable evidence for either.

No Arks, no global floods, nothing.

But . . . I protest. When dealing with you, one is dealing with fear and ignorance.
I can see you're angry and frustrated but that's a condition of your own making.

Honestly, how “reasonable” is it to assert your world of magic and supernaturalism? It's not about our personal beliefs or desires -- it's about a standard of demonstration and supporting corroboration that establishes something true as opposed to it being mere assertion.

The litany of exceptions regarding irrational religious assertions is effectively endless. These are excuses, couched in terms of the supernatural to allow you to embrace your desires for existence to be more than what is right here and now.

I think you pre-define the supernatural as excused from any verifiable standard and then proceed calmly and "reasonably" inside that paradigm. At your level, it's "religious belief". At another level, it's utter delusion.

Tell me, what is the difference between your asserted magical / supernatural realms and a certifiably insane person's claim that he is Napoleon? Both are equally demonstrable and reasonable claims, (according to your standards), and why should I believe your claims of magical gawds are real, but the individual with cognitive impairment (claiming to be Napolean) is uttering a false claim?

The difference Hollie is that I acknowledge both my God and your god. You acknowledge neither, which is perfectly fine with your god. Your god is satisfied to remain obscure and hidden from you as long as you serve his agenda. While in your delusion, a lie that you readily bought into, you serve his purpose. It is your god's genius that he stroked your ego into believing that you are simply too intelligent to believe in either himself or in my God. Though you deny your god, he acknowledges his servant. Since you deny my God, He will deny you too.

Revel in your self-proclaimed intelligence Hollie. That's all you have.

Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
15 cubits = 22.5 feet. Now that's one hell of a flood, but it's not going to cover a mountain.

The far-off mountains appeared to be covered by the observer due to the curvature of the earth, but they weren't actually covered.

It's the difference between a witness's perspective and objective reality as supported by the evidence. I suggest you put your bible down and look for a better church.

I suggest you pick up your Bible and read it instead of denying it in order to promote your ego. It was a totally different world than the world of today. You cannot superimpose this present world onto the world of the flood era. Yes, 22.5 feet above the hills should cover even one man standing on top of the hill upon another's shoulders.
The bible doesn't say 15 cubits *above the hills*. It says the watter rose 15 cubits. That's not high enough to cover the mountan, not even close.

But it does say it covered the mountains. Says it plain enough for a sixth grader to understand.
Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

You still haven't disputed anything at all that old right-wing Christian Conservative Creationist website said though, have you? Were all you self-proclaimed genius atheists and evolutionists to take your case before the Supreme Court, they would toss your case and have you all lodged in cages at the funny farm.
Actually, you should review Kitzmiller vs. Dover for an instructive lesson in creationist hacks suffering a humiliating defeat.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Decision of the Court

The loss for fundie Christians and the ID'iot industry was absolutely devastating. The ID'iots were literally run out of town with a scathing decision written by judge Jones, unfalteringly critical of the hoped-for fraud perpetrated by the ID'iot christian fundies.

Actually, I've rather enjoyed your humiliating defeat right here.
What defeat?

I provided evidence to show the falsehood of your biblical global flood. I gave you timelines of existing cultures / civilizations that existed both before and after your Ark tales. These cultures / civilizations left no archeological or historic data of the biblical flood.

I provided evidence that shows ID'iot creationism is nothing more than fundamentalist Christianity with a new name. I provided that shows the humiliating defeat of fundie Christians hoping to install their dogma into the public schools.

I've refuted your claims to magic and supernaturalism as having completely natural origins.

My experience is that you hyper-religious types who make bellicose claims to "humiliating defeats" do so in failed attempts to excuse their inability to present a defendable argument.

Anyone honest is free to go back and read the posts and make their own determination. I have nothing to sell. I have no super ego to feed.
I've been wondering. Would one of you atheists explain to me just how the d
Don't know how to do a search?
Show us what you got, if anything.
No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
I noticed as usual that you rattle on with non-specific claims which you don't / can't support.

You've been beaten so bad on here that you're beginning to act punch drunk.
Beaten how?

What's interesting is that, in typical creationist fashion, nothing in your argument is supportive of magical, supernatural gawds. The entirety of the creationist argument is to attack and vilify science. The problem with such an approach is that you're forced to invent and maintain conspiracy theories about science.

Are you talking about the Kennedy/Oswald/Mob/Cuban/Russian deal in Dallas?
Nope. I'm talking about your conspiracy theories wherein the global science community has conspired to employ the methods of science to explain existence as opposed to belief in magic and supernaturalism.

You onto the wine a bit too much again? You into that "Where is James Hoffa" thing?
But it does say it covered the mountains. Says it plain enough for a sixth grader to understand.
It does say that, and I think that's exactly how it would have appeared to an observer on a boat in the middle of the flood.

That doesn't mean Noah took satellite readings and confirmed an objective measurement. It just means Noah couldn't see the hills anymore, and that's perfectly explainable through natural causes like the curvature of the earth, something Noah had no concept of.

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