Question about Noah.

That's not a genealogical record. I'm speaking of the record of a family. I didn't say geological.
That certainly is a genealogical record. Do you know what the term means?

Yes I certainly do. I have about 2500 individuals in my own family tree that I have documented as ancestors. That Dear, is a genealogical record.
That, dear is quite a sidestep.

The link gave you can be denied but not ignored or refuted.

I neither denied or refuted the link. I simply said it was not a genealogical record and it isn't. It is no one's family tree.
Pointless. The chemistry of DNA has common attributes that connect humans and our distant ancestors.

CB621 Mitochondrial Eve

The "mitochondrial Eve," to which this claim refers, is the most recent common female ancestor, not the original female ancestor. There would have been other humans living earlier and at the same time. The mtDNA lineages of other women contemporary with her eventually died out. Mitochondrial Eve was merely the youngest common ancestor of all today's mtDNA. She may not even have been human.

Actually, I appreciate this guy's take on the subject:

Lewin says this about the theory of human evolution:

In the physical realm, any theory of human evolution must explain how it was that an apelike ancestor, equipped with powerful jaws and long, daggerlike canine teeth and able to run at speed on four limbs, became transformed into a slow, bipedal animal whose natural means of defense were at best puny. Add to this the power of intellect, speech, and morality, upon which we “stand raised as upon the mountain top” as Huxley put it, and one has the complete challenge to the evolutionary theory.ii

I guess he was totally unaware of the Chaos Theory of Evolution. The Chaos theory explains that evolution leads only to death, decay, rot, weak species, inferior life forms, etc.
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.
what if the flood happened and the survivors ended up in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time?......
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
you see, this is why you have no are not smart enough to realize there IS no timeframe for the biblical flood.......if you weren't handicapped by your ignorance we could advance the discussion......
That's convenient. No timeframe for the biblical flood allows you to make-up the tales and fables to revise history as you go.

Sorry, but your re-writing of the bibles to escape your inability to re-write contingent history is a laughable joke.
it remains for you to show I am rewriting "history"......there is actually nothing in the text itself which identifies any timetable......that comes not from the Bible but from a man named it your belief the Bible is history?.......
Your argument regarding no timeline for "Noah's Adventures on The Ark" is safe in the sense you can make-up any timeline you wish.

However, others actually have put a date on Noah's pleasure cruise.

The Date of Noah s Flood -

Not surprisingly, that date directly conflicts with the archeological data of existing cultures / civilizations at the time which have no record of a global flood.
I am not concerned that you and others have put a timeline on the flood.....since none of you can prove that your timeline is binding on the rest of us.......
The waters certainly threatened the mountains for they were covered. It was a global flood.
The mountains were not covered.


Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

actually, I think that would only cover "mountains" of fifteen cubits and below......
The waters certainly threatened the mountains for they were covered. It was a global flood.
The mountains were not covered.


Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

actually, I think that would only cover "mountains" of fifteen cubits and below......

Well, suit yourself. The scriptures plainly state that the flood covered the mountains. I will agree the scriptures make no mention as to the heights of those mountains.
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
you see, this is why you have no are not smart enough to realize there IS no timeframe for the biblical flood.......if you weren't handicapped by your ignorance we could advance the discussion......
That's convenient. No timeframe for the biblical flood allows you to make-up the tales and fables to revise history as you go.

Sorry, but your re-writing of the bibles to escape your inability to re-write contingent history is a laughable joke.
it remains for you to show I am rewriting "history"......there is actually nothing in the text itself which identifies any timetable......that comes not from the Bible but from a man named it your belief the Bible is history?.......
Your argument regarding no timeline for "Noah's Adventures on The Ark" is safe in the sense you can make-up any timeline you wish.

However, others actually have put a date on Noah's pleasure cruise.

The Date of Noah s Flood -

Not surprisingly, that date directly conflicts with the archeological data of existing cultures / civilizations at the time which have no record of a global flood.
I am not concerned that you and others have put a timeline on the flood.....since none of you can prove that your timeline is binding on the rest of us.......
I'm not the one putting a timeline on the biblical flood tale. Your fundie creation ministries have done that.

You hope to avoid timelines for Noah's pleasure cruise because to do so exposes you to historical and archeological data that refutes your claims.

Your position is cowardly and obtuse but in a very real sense, you don't have a choice.
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.
Here is what your science has often called its proof of evolution: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Here is what your science has often called its proof of evolution: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.

No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax
Here is what your science has often called its proof of evolution: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Well, yeah. A fundamentalist Christian ministry would naturally find that evolutionary science is wrong, duh!

Unfortunately, your link exposes the fraud that is fundamentalist Christianity and its science loathing agenda. It's just unfortunate for you and those like you that the charlatans who run these ministries reinforce a host of negative stereotypes aimed at the hyper-religious.

No, they're not the ones who caught you guys in fraud. They just posted it on their website. I noticed as usual, you don't refute their posted references.
I noticed as usual that you rattle on with non-specific claims which you don't / can't support.
I used the wrong term, I meant geological proof. A story isn't proof. Even written in stone.

I've already provided the archeological proof you asked for and I have repeatedly researched and shot down Hollie's false claims. You atheists really do need to provide some data on your own that is somewhat accurate and refrain from making intentionally false claims as to dates, etc. I am not here to constantly correct your false claims nor to research for you.
A story isn't proof, give me tangible geological proof. If there was a global flood, there should be a sediment layer recording it.

First, I don't have to give you anything. Second, I have stated that seashells have been found atop almost every mountain range in the world. You claimed this was because of the shifts in the earth's plates. I guess this works regardless of how far the mountains are from the ocean? I even asked you for the name of an ocean to which you never responded. Provide your own research.

When I provide information to you folks, you attack the source of the information as being something from a right-wing Christian creationist website. Even with that being so, the honorable thing would be to attack and disprove the information provided, not the source of the information as you always do. That approach proves nothing. I am onto your games and will not fall for it any longer. You want to ask questions and provide little proof yourselves but attack whatever source I provide. I have never attacked your sources.
So you have no geological proof of a global flood. Got it.
Does anyone?

Don't know how to do a search?
Show us what you got, if anything.
So, does anyone know after all this how kangaroos got to the boat and back to Australia?

Oh goody!! Taz must have the ship's manifest. Please share it with all of us.
Well, if kangaroos are alive today, they had to be on Noah's boat. pretty simple really. If you don't know the answer, just say so.

It was not my question. It was your question. If I wanted an answer to it, I would research it.
if you don't know don't answer.
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.
what if the flood happened and the survivors ended up in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time?......
Too bad that's not what happened. Even you know that.
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.

Actually that idea has been updated. There were a couple of camps. One camp argued that life began in Africa and dispersed out from there. Another camp held that life began in China and dispersed out to cover the earth from there. Guess from where they now pretty much agree that post-flood civilization started and dispersed from. Prepare to be amazed. Mount Arafat!! That's right. Right from where Noah's Ark is supposed to be.
Umm. My. Ararat is not in China. Your Ark'ists have repeatedly failed to find any Ark.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "post flood" civilization. Prepare to be amazed: humans and our ancient ancestors are much older than 6,000 years.

Hey Turkey, mine is in Turkey. You're lost and rambling on again. LOL!
Sorry, but you've been duped by fraudsters and charlatans who have made grandiose claims of finding Noah's Ark.

Here's one of the more notorious frauds:

Sun Pictures and the Noah s Ark Hoax

Actually my study on the dispersal of civilization made no mention at all about Noah's Ark.

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