Question about Shanksville crash

State the post # * * *'ll keep on whining....

It would be impossible to "keep on whining" since as you know, I haven't whined at all, PussyPuddle.

Your lies are boring and, as always with you, very unpersuasive.

I will do better than merely post the post number, PussyPuddle, you lying sack of menstrual blood leaking onto your skirt. I will just quote the post.
At 500 mph, a military jet hitting solid concrete wall (akin to those protecting nuclear power plants) "atomizes."

YouTube - F4 Phantom Vs. Wall

So why should we believe that a passenger jet, quite probably under full throttle, crashing into the reclaimed mining surface at the Shanksville PA crash site not have a likelihood of breaking the craft up into very small pieces?

The point, as I rationally noted in that post, was that if a military jet traveling at 500 mph into a concrete wall (akin to the ones used to protect nuclear reactors) essentially "atomizes" on impact, then why is it so difficult for you Troofer pussies to grasp the notion that a passenger jet flying under full throttle (which some believe it was) into reclaimed strip mining ground might, at least, break apart into lots of pieces?

You see, MenstrualMess, despite your feeble efforts to distort what I did say, the purpose of the analogy was not to suggest a one on one correlation. It was just another way of trying to get at least one of you incredibly loathsome liars to admit that you could be wrong. [It is truly ineffective of you to be so obvious in your stupid lies when they are so easily rebuffed by the RECORD of what was said, you retard. :lol:]

Intelligent people can easily grasp the meaning of what I posted. Honest ones wouldn't try to attribute to me something I never did suggest. But you, we all see, are neither intelligent nor honest.

You are a Troofer. All Troofers eat the corn out of the shit of syphilitic Troofers.

ROTFL!!!!! Thass it? That is what you consider a successfully qualified analogy? You have an unconfirmed speed, no comparative analysis of volume and types of materials, no comparison for the angle of impact, no comparison for surface of impact, are trying to compare a two seater jet to a commercial airliner with over 200 seats! Holy shit * * *'ve unearthed new levels of complete stoopidity!

You ***** have absolutely no valid explanation for your "vaporized" theory so you jump on anything, regardless of how fuxxing stoopid, just so you can try and say you know what happened.

You are indeed deeply and tragically retarded. You yourself, asshole, just noted that the speed at which the craft was traveling at impact was undetermined. Thus, for all you know (or can know) it was under full throttle. This presents at least one rational explanation for why the craft got destroyed as it did into so many tiny pieces.

[EDIT: In the next post, I provide very high quality evidence that the plane WAS traveling at more than 500 mph at the time of impact.]

You, by the way, for all your transparently fraudulent posturing (yeah yeah, sure; you're "just asking questions," you fucking lying jerk-off), you have yet to offer ANY evidence along the lines you are presently bellyaching about.

And I have already offered some evidence (it's science so of course you could never acknowledge any part of it) that aluminum can vaporize, dickweed.

And the word is still not "fuxxing." You've yet to explain how a scumbag pussy like you can use the word "****" but pearl clutch over the proper spelling of the word "fucking," you stupid leaky twat.
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The speed estimates come from the NTSB review of the recovered FDR from Flight 93.

They indicate, in relevant part (meaning at the time of the crash), the following:
* * * * From 10:00 to 10:02 there were four distinct control column inputs that caused the airplane to pitch nose-up (climb) and nose-down (dive) aggressively. During this time the airplane climbed to about 10,000 feet while turning to the right. The airplane then pitched nose-down and rolled to the right in response to flight control inputs, and impacted the ground at about 490 knots (563 mph) in a 40 degree nose-down, inverted attitude. The time of impact was 10:03:11. _Path_ Study_UA93.pdf

Agenda-driven, dishonest, scumbag Troofers will, of course, focus on the fact that there is some discrepancy as to the moment of the crash (10:06 EDT vs 10:03 EDT) or on other trivialities, but rational people will conclude that the plane was traveling at a truly high rate of speed, not just at free fall speeds. The passenger effort to fight back may have prevented a larger tragedy, but it couldn't prevent the al qaeda bastards from at least taking the plane down.
but wittinesses and the crash site say a 90 degree angle ?

Flight Data Recorder Analysis

January 5, 2008 - We now have the additional Flight Data Recorder information in full which we obtained May 2007. We have analyzed this newly obtained csv file data (excel spread sheet) and animation provided by the National Transportation Safety Board thoroughly in our new documentary recently released, Pandora's Black Box - Chapter Three - Flight Of United 93. The associated press release can be viewed here.

National Transportation Safety Board PDF Documents

Sept 23, 2006 - We have the pdf's for UA93 FDR via NTSB. I noticed the FDR shows UA93 at 40 degrees pitch down and -5 degrees Angle of Attack at impact (FDR shows -15 as level throughout flight, -20 at impact). If that was the case, it would seem UA93 would be making a long ditch along the flight path while impacting the ground and spreading wreckage at close to a 35 degree flight path. The pictures of UAL93 impact crater shows a vertical, straight down crater (~90 degrees vertical), not a 35 degree impact creating a long ditch. Remember, the ground here is reported to be very soft.

Also interesting to note, GPWS, "Sink Rate", and "Pull Up" was not activated at any time during approach to impact according to the Flight Data Recorder pdf.

United 93 (Shanksville, PA) @
but wittinesses and the crash site say a 90 degree angle ?

Flight Data Recorder Analysis

January 5, 2008 - We now have the additional Flight Data Recorder information in full which we obtained May 2007. We have analyzed this newly obtained csv file data (excel spread sheet) and animation provided by the National Transportation Safety Board thoroughly in our new documentary recently released, Pandora's Black Box - Chapter Three - Flight Of United 93. The associated press release can be viewed here.

National Transportation Safety Board PDF Documents

Sept 23, 2006 - We have the pdf's for UA93 FDR via NTSB. I noticed the FDR shows UA93 at 40 degrees pitch down and -5 degrees Angle of Attack at impact (FDR shows -15 as level throughout flight, -20 at impact). If that was the case, it would seem UA93 would be making a long ditch along the flight path while impacting the ground and spreading wreckage at close to a 35 degree flight path. The pictures of UAL93 impact crater shows a vertical, straight down crater (~90 degrees vertical), not a 35 degree impact creating a long ditch. Remember, the ground here is reported to be very soft.

Also interesting to note, GPWS, "Sink Rate", and "Pull Up" was not activated at any time during approach to impact according to the Flight Data Recorder pdf.

United 93 (Shanksville, PA) @


"Val" couldn't possibly be mistaken about where she thought the flight came in from? Not even when based on SOUND?


You are too funny.

And you think a plane crash coming in at over 550 mph at an angle of about 40 degrees into soft dirt of a reclaimed strip mine would have to leave a gaping ditch and not plow right the fuck on in?

Your grasp of physics is even weaker than your dedication to honesty.

You are still just an assclown, id-eots.

Also, for future reference, when QUOTING a piece, just providing a linkie is insufficient. One should make an effort to put a quote box or at least quotation marks around the quoted excerpts, assbreath.

Finally, with the terrorists still trying to fend off the rebelling passengers, and yanking hard on the controls to shake them loose (which we know happened, asshole) why the FUCK would anybody not expect to see no effort to come out of the dive, you moron?

You are dumber than a box of shit.
Just wondering, how we went from 95% recovered to vaporized?

By the way Bentdick, did the FBI lie about that statement? A simple yes or no would be fine....

You OCTAs are the ones coming up with the contradictory and laughable explanations.

I guess we'll have to take that as "I don't know, stop asking me simple questions, my brain hurts"
The speed estimates come from the NTSB review of the recovered FDR from Flight 93.

They indicate, in relevant part (meaning at the time of the crash), the following:
* * * * From 10:00 to 10:02 there were four distinct control column inputs that caused the airplane to pitch nose-up (climb) and nose-down (dive) aggressively. During this time the airplane climbed to about 10,000 feet while turning to the right. The airplane then pitched nose-down and rolled to the right in response to flight control inputs, and impacted the ground at about 490 knots (563 mph) in a 40 degree nose-down, inverted attitude. The time of impact was 10:03:11. _Path_ Study_UA93.pdf

Agenda-driven, dishonest, scumbag Troofers will, of course, focus on the fact that there is some discrepancy as to the moment of the crash (10:06 EDT vs 10:03 EDT) or on other trivialities, but rational people will conclude that the plane was traveling at a truly high rate of speed, not just at free fall speeds. The passenger effort to fight back may have prevented a larger tragedy, but it couldn't prevent the al qaeda bastards from at least taking the plane down.

Congrats on posting a link to support your claim about speed Snitch Bitch. Now that you've established speed how about explaining how you can compare a two seater fighter jet to a 757 with over 200 seats? (this oughta be good for some laughs.....the Snitch Bitch will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)
Just wondering, how we went from 95% recovered to vaporized?

By the way Bentdick, did the FBI lie about that statement? A simple yes or no would be fine....

You OCTAs are the ones coming up with the contradictory and laughable explanations.

I guess we'll have to take that as "I don't know, stop asking me simple questions, my brain hurts"

You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.
You OCTAs are the ones coming up with the contradictory and laughable explanations.

I guess we'll have to take that as "I don't know, stop asking me simple questions, my brain hurts"

You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.

Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol:
I guess we'll have to take that as "I don't know, stop asking me simple questions, my brain hurts"

You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.

Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol:

It's simple, this bentdick has avoided taking a direct stand for as long as I've seen her name. I ask a simple yes or no question and the bitch refuses to answer it. A valid yes or no question. When she refuses and I have rep available She gets negged for being a worthless bitch. And I don't thing I've used the neg rep more than 10 times. mostly for bentdick and always for stupidity. She'll probably get more negs today sometime.

And the question? The FBI stated that 95% of flight 93 was recovered. Did they lie?
The speed estimates come from the NTSB review of the recovered FDR from Flight 93.

They indicate, in relevant part (meaning at the time of the crash), the following:
* * * * From 10:00 to 10:02 there were four distinct control column inputs that caused the airplane to pitch nose-up (climb) and nose-down (dive) aggressively. During this time the airplane climbed to about 10,000 feet while turning to the right. The airplane then pitched nose-down and rolled to the right in response to flight control inputs, and impacted the ground at about 490 knots (563 mph) in a 40 degree nose-down, inverted attitude. The time of impact was 10:03:11. _Path_ Study_UA93.pdf

Agenda-driven, dishonest, scumbag Troofers will, of course, focus on the fact that there is some discrepancy as to the moment of the crash (10:06 EDT vs 10:03 EDT) or on other trivialities, but rational people will conclude that the plane was traveling at a truly high rate of speed, not just at free fall speeds. The passenger effort to fight back may have prevented a larger tragedy, but it couldn't prevent the al qaeda bastards from at least taking the plane down.

Congrats on posting a link to support your claim about speed * * * . Now that you've established speed how about explaining how you can compare a two seater fighter jet to a 757 with over 200 seats? (this oughta be good for some laughs.....the * * * will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)

Since, as you knew when you "asked" that "question," AGAIN, I have already answered it, it appears that even your "questions" are merely demonstrations of your fundamental dishonesty, PussyPuddle.

Why are scumbag lying Troofer pussies like you so vehemently opposed to honesty? Does truth cause you physical pain or sumpin'? :lol:

I don't care that you either don't buy the analogy or that you are too retarded to grasp it in the first place. Either way, you again establish that you have zero to offer.
I guess we'll have to take that as "I don't know, stop asking me simple questions, my brain hurts"

You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.

Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol: should see the's funny as hell they think throwing in jabs in a one way fashion gives them some type of advantage.
You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.

Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol: should see the's funny as hell they think throwing in jabs in a one way fashion gives them some type of advantage.

PussyPuddle, you lie about everything. So why would anybody take seriously anything you say to your present Knight in shining Armor, Huggy?

P.S. Your panty-liner has failed. Go change your knickers and your skirt, bitch.
You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.

Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol:

It's simple, this bentdick has avoided taking a direct stand for as long as I've seen her name. I ask a simple yes or no question and the bitch refuses to answer it. A valid yes or no question. When she refuses and I have rep available She gets negged for being a worthless bitch. And I don't thing I've used the neg rep more than 10 times. mostly for bentdick and always for stupidity. She'll probably get more negs today sometime.

And the question? The FBI stated that 95% of flight 93 was recovered. Did they lie?

Allow me....Ya they friggin lie. 95%??? How the fuck is anyone going to prove or disprove THAT? On personal experience they lie. I was caught withy a stolen plane a few years ago but because I seduced one of thier female special agents while in possesion of the plane they changed the information in thier case so they could lose and spare thier dumb tramp having to testify why she was fucking the accused. True story.
The speed estimates come from the NTSB review of the recovered FDR from Flight 93.

They indicate, in relevant part (meaning at the time of the crash), the following: _Path_ Study_UA93.pdf

Agenda-driven, dishonest, scumbag Troofers will, of course, focus on the fact that there is some discrepancy as to the moment of the crash (10:06 EDT vs 10:03 EDT) or on other trivialities, but rational people will conclude that the plane was traveling at a truly high rate of speed, not just at free fall speeds. The passenger effort to fight back may have prevented a larger tragedy, but it couldn't prevent the al qaeda bastards from at least taking the plane down.

Congrats on posting a link to support your claim about speed Snitch Bitch. Now that you've established speed how about explaining how you can compare a two seater fighter jet to a 757 with over 200 seats? (this oughta be good for some laughs.....the Snitch Bitch will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)

Since, as you knew when you "asked" that "question," AGAIN, I have already answered it, it appears that even your "questions" are merely demonstrations of your fundamental dishonesty, PussyPuddle.

Why are scumbag lying Troofer pussies like you so vehemently opposed to honesty? Does truth cause you physical pain or sumpin'? :lol:

I don't care that you either don't buy the analogy or that you are too retarded to grasp it in the first place. Either way, you again establish that you have zero to offer.

(this oughta be good for some laughs.....the Snitch Bitch will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)
Congrats on posting a link to support your claim about speed Snitch Bitch. Now that you've established speed how about explaining how you can compare a two seater fighter jet to a 757 with over 200 seats? (this oughta be good for some laughs.....the Snitch Bitch will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)

Since, as you knew when you "asked" that "question," AGAIN, I have already answered it, it appears that even your "questions" are merely demonstrations of your fundamental dishonesty, PussyPuddle.

Why are scumbag lying Troofer pussies like you so vehemently opposed to honesty? Does truth cause you physical pain or sumpin'? :lol:

I don't care that you either don't buy the analogy or that you are too retarded to grasp it in the first place. Either way, you again establish that you have zero to offer.

(this oughta be good for some laughs.....the Snitch Bitch will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)

Zzz. You are not even man enough to admit that you did ask the question before and that it was answered.

Is that a menstrual hemorrhage you are suffering from? Go get thee to thine gynecologist, bitch. Seriously, you are a walking biohazard.
Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol:

It's simple, this bentdick has avoided taking a direct stand for as long as I've seen her name. I ask a simple yes or no question and the bitch refuses to answer it. A valid yes or no question. When she refuses and I have rep available She gets negged for being a worthless bitch. And I don't thing I've used the neg rep more than 10 times. mostly for bentdick and always for stupidity. She'll probably get more negs today sometime.

And the question? The FBI stated that 95% of flight 93 was recovered. Did they lie?

Allow me....Ya they friggin lie. 95%??? How the fuck is anyone going to prove or disprove THAT? On personal experience they lie. I was caught withy a stolen plane a few years ago but because I seduced one of thier female special agents while in possesion of the plane they changed the information in thier case so they could lose and spare thier dumb tramp having to testify why she was fucking the accused. True story.

We believe you.
You really are obsessed....repeatedly asking in threads....using the neg rep button etc. If you think I'm so stoopid why do you care so much about what I think? The answer is simple: you don't care what I think. Your obsession is about control and not dialogue. You OCTAs control each other with socialist style precision so when you interact with people you cannot control it drives you absofuxxinglutely insane.

Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol:

It's simple, this bentdick has avoided taking a direct stand for as long as I've seen her name. I ask a simple yes or no question and the bitch refuses to answer it. A valid yes or no question. When she refuses and I have rep available She gets negged for being a worthless bitch. And I don't thing I've used the neg rep more than 10 times. mostly for bentdick and always for stupidity. She'll probably get more negs today sometime.

And the question? The FBI stated that 95% of flight 93 was recovered. Did they lie?

Like I's all about control. You can't provide a single fact supporting the fbi's claim so you try to deflect by creating false dilemmas. As for your neg button usage....I'll give you an opportunity to edit your number before I prove how many times you've used it on me.
Since, as you knew when you "asked" that "question," AGAIN, I have already answered it, it appears that even your "questions" are merely demonstrations of your fundamental dishonesty, PussyPuddle.

Why are scumbag lying Troofer pussies like you so vehemently opposed to honesty? Does truth cause you physical pain or sumpin'? :lol:

I don't care that you either don't buy the analogy or that you are too retarded to grasp it in the first place. Either way, you again establish that you have zero to offer.

(this oughta be good for some laughs.....the Snitch Bitch will call me names and stab himself with a shrimp fork.....anything to avoid addressing facts he can't handle)

Zzz. You are not even man enough to admit that you did ask the question before and that it was answered.

Is that a menstrual hemorrhage you are suffering from? Go get thee to thine gynecologist, bitch. Seriously, you are a walking biohazard.

You've never even begin attempting to explain how you can compare a two seater fighter jet to a fuxxing 757 with over two hundred seats. All you did was state the stoopid analogy then say anyone who disagrees is just too dumb to get. Without a doubt it is one of the most laughable comparisons in the history of 9E debates.
Ollie still layin heavy on the neg rep button? Pathetic. Hey! Ollie! The neg button is for worthless bitches. If some body has the stamina to hang in a thread this gay with all the back bytin and vitriol...they deserve a friggin medal. You are friggin lucky someone gives you this much attention:lol::lol::lol:

It's simple, this bentdick has avoided taking a direct stand for as long as I've seen her name. I ask a simple yes or no question and the bitch refuses to answer it. A valid yes or no question. When she refuses and I have rep available She gets negged for being a worthless bitch. And I don't thing I've used the neg rep more than 10 times. mostly for bentdick and always for stupidity. She'll probably get more negs today sometime.

And the question? The FBI stated that 95% of flight 93 was recovered. Did they lie?

Like I's all about control. You can't provide a single fact supporting the fbi's claim so you try to deflect by creating false dilemmas. As for your neg button usage....I'll give you an opportunity to edit your number before I prove how many times you've used it on me.

Prove anything you like. I don't really keep track, nor do i actually care. But I do know that I will continue to use it because as long as you refuse to answer questions and take a stand. You should have no positive reputation, except as someone who refuses to actually take a stand. In other words a little mommies girl.

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