Question about Shanksville crash

Awe only 7 times.... Lucky you. So how do you know that I have ever negged anyone else? Though I do believe i sent eots a present once or twice. Now that you have begun whining about rep, how about an honest answer. Did the FBI lie? They made a statement, you want proof, the proof is that they made the statement. Did they lie?

You see if you think they lied then the burdon of proof is on you. And since you cannot prove they lied you refuse to take a yes or no stand on the question.

I say they told us the truth. They had nothing to gain from lying. What do you say? Just a simple they led or they didn't lie.........Bitch.

All I did was point out you use the neg rep button a lot more that you want to admit to.

You say the fbi's claim is true so the burden of proof to support that is on you. Do you have any facts to support that claim? Of course not. If you did you would have posted it by now.
can you give a solid reason that the FBI would lie about the facts they uncovered in the investigation they were the LEAD INVESTIGATION BODY for?
given the fact that they had the assistance of the NTSB.
and would it have made a single bit of difference if they had only recovered 50% of the plane?
or even 25%?
wouldn't 25% be enough to say that plane had crashed at the location?

see, this is the typical MINUTIA that moronic troofers focus on
they ignore the MASSIVE evidence and make claims that are beyond rational belief

Keep proving you are obsessed with deflection when you can't provide facts to support a claim. It's amusing in a post turtle fashion.
All I did was point out you use the neg rep button a lot more that you want to admit to.

You say the fbi's claim is true so the burden of proof to support that is on you. Do you have any facts to support that claim? Of course not. If you did you would have posted it by now.

I don't need to prove that the investigating authority made a true statement. I believe them. Do you?

You love hypocrisy. If someone claims they lied then you would demand proof to back it up but if a shitball like you claims their statement is true then you don't have to provide any evidence to back it up. Damn you are sad.

No dumbass, that's the way the world works. You say your name is Dave, and if I believe you then I wouldn't look any further. But if someone else had told me your name was Bob and then you told me your name was Bill.....Well then I would question someone.

However since the authority told us what I believe to be factual and true, why would I then try to prove it?

Since you won't take a firm stand and want proof that their statement is true then we can only guess that you believe they are lying about it. So yes please provide us with any proof you may have that they lied.
All I did was point out you use the neg rep button a lot more that you want to admit to.

You say the fbi's claim is true so the burden of proof to support that is on you. Do you have any facts to support that claim? Of course not. If you did you would have posted it by now.
can you give a solid reason that the FBI would lie about the facts they uncovered in the investigation they were the LEAD INVESTIGATION BODY for?
given the fact that they had the assistance of the NTSB.
and would it have made a single bit of difference if they had only recovered 50% of the plane?
or even 25%?
wouldn't 25% be enough to say that plane had crashed at the location?

see, this is the typical MINUTIA that moronic troofers focus on
they ignore the MASSIVE evidence and make claims that are beyond rational belief

Keep proving you are obsessed with deflection when you can't provide facts to support a claim. It's amusing in a post turtle fashion.
yeah, i'm the one that deflects
what was all that bullshit about my phone then?
why even bother to fucking look it up, eh dipshit
you are PATHETIC
I don't need to prove that the investigating authority made a true statement. I believe them. Do you?

You love hypocrisy. If someone claims they lied then you would demand proof to back it up but if a shitball like you claims their statement is true then you don't have to provide any evidence to back it up. Damn you are sad.

No dumbass, that's the way the world works. You say your name is Dave, and if I believe you then I wouldn't look any further. But if someone else had told me your name was Bob and then you told me your name was Bill.....Well then I would question someone.

However since the authority told us what I believe to be factual and true, why would I then try to prove it?

Since you won't take a firm stand and want proof that their statement is true then we can only guess that you believe they are lying about it. So yes please provide us with any proof you may have that they lied.

I never said they lied. Your attempts to deflect are futile. The burden of proof is on those who make the claim and you know this but you are a sniveling **** so you create fantasies where you try and squirm out of supporting a claim. Keep whining bitch because we both know you don't have the integrity to just straight up admit you cannot provide any evidence supporting the fbi's claim.
can you give a solid reason that the FBI would lie about the facts they uncovered in the investigation they were the LEAD INVESTIGATION BODY for?
given the fact that they had the assistance of the NTSB.
and would it have made a single bit of difference if they had only recovered 50% of the plane?
or even 25%?
wouldn't 25% be enough to say that plane had crashed at the location?

see, this is the typical MINUTIA that moronic troofers focus on
they ignore the MASSIVE evidence and make claims that are beyond rational belief

Keep proving you are obsessed with deflection when you can't provide facts to support a claim. It's amusing in a post turtle fashion.
yeah, i'm the one that deflects
what was all that bullshit about my phone then?
why even bother to fucking look it up, eh dipshit
you are PATHETIC

All of your whining doesn't hide your inability to provide evidence you dumfuk.
Keep proving you are obsessed with deflection when you can't provide facts to support a claim. It's amusing in a post turtle fashion.
yeah, i'm the one that deflects
what was all that bullshit about my phone then?
why even bother to fucking look it up, eh dipshit
you are PATHETIC

All of your whining doesn't hide your inability to provide evidence you dumfuk.
still waiting for YOU to for the first fucking time
Funny shit. You can ALWAYS count on the Divecon to turn a thread into an endless mindless trip into a black hole.

[ame=]YouTube - dog chasing tail & catchin it![/ame]

Funny shit. You can ALWAYS count on the Divecon to turn a thread into an endless mindless trip into a black hole.

YouTube - dog chasing tail & catchin it!

hey fucktard, this thread was a blackhole when the first troofer asshole like you posted in it

I may be a fucktard but I'm not a stupid fucktard!:lol::lol:And...I'm not a troofer whatever the fuck THAT is. I don't give a flying fuck about conspirtracies. Most of what seems to draw YOUR attention is all about having useless pissing matches over crap that is impossible to verify independantly. I have a pretty well rounded field of experience in the sciences regarding some of the occurances of 9/11. Your attempt at bullying your way through an argument with insults and sidestepping is commendable if only in it's mindless endurance.
Funny shit. You can ALWAYS count on the Divecon to turn a thread into an endless mindless trip into a black hole.

YouTube - dog chasing tail & catchin it!

hey fucktard, this thread was a blackhole when the first troofer asshole like you posted in it

I may be a fucktard but I'm not a stupid fucktard!:lol::lol:And...I'm not a troofer whatever the fuck THAT is. I don't give a flying fuck about conspirtracies. Most of what seems to draw YOUR attention is all about having useless pissing matches over crap that is impossible to verify independantly. I have a pretty well rounded field of experience in the sciences regarding some of the occurances of 9/11. Your attempt at bullying your way through an argument with insults and sidestepping is commendable if only in it's mindless endurance.
'you have claimed expertise in SOO many areas it would be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to take any claim you make seriously
must be wonderful in your online persona world
hey fucktard, this thread was a blackhole when the first troofer asshole like you posted in it

I may be a fucktard but I'm not a stupid fucktard!:lol::lol:And...I'm not a troofer whatever the fuck THAT is. I don't give a flying fuck about conspirtracies. Most of what seems to draw YOUR attention is all about having useless pissing matches over crap that is impossible to verify independantly. I have a pretty well rounded field of experience in the sciences regarding some of the occurances of 9/11. Your attempt at bullying your way through an argument with insults and sidestepping is commendable if only in it's mindless endurance.
'you have claimed expertise in SOO many areas it would be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to take any claim you make seriously
must be wonderful in your online persona world

In a way you have been right all along...not in the truthfulness or the factual aspects of what I've shared about "me".. but that it is really no big deal. Succeeding in living ones dreams and fantasies is really about commiting yourself to the task at hand...and thats about it. Why you hate it when someone else has an exciting or maybe even a wastefull and ego centrical and selfish existance is beyond me. If you can believe even half of what I claimed as true life gotta admitt...I had some fuckin big time fun. I pity you and hate whoever killed your joy in living.
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Funny shit. You can ALWAYS count on the Divecon to turn a thread into an endless mindless trip into a black hole.

YouTube - dog chasing tail & catchin it!

hey fucktard, this thread was a blackhole when the first troofer asshole like you posted in it

I may be a fucktard but I'm not a stupid fucktard!:lol::lol:And...I'm not a troofer whatever the fuck THAT is. I don't give a flying fuck about conspirtracies. Most of what seems to draw YOUR attention is all about having useless pissing matches over crap that is impossible to verify independantly. I have a pretty well rounded field of experience in the sciences regarding some of the occurances of 9/11. Your attempt at bullying your way through an argument with insults and sidestepping is commendable if only in it's mindless endurance.

I think divey is stuck in a wheelchair constantly marinading in his own shit so his only comfort in the world is to make fun of others even when it makes no sense.
hey fucktard, this thread was a blackhole when the first troofer asshole like you posted in it

I may be a fucktard but I'm not a stupid fucktard!:lol::lol:And...I'm not a troofer whatever the fuck THAT is. I don't give a flying fuck about conspirtracies. Most of what seems to draw YOUR attention is all about having useless pissing matches over crap that is impossible to verify independantly. I have a pretty well rounded field of experience in the sciences regarding some of the occurances of 9/11. Your attempt at bullying your way through an argument with insults and sidestepping is commendable if only in it's mindless endurance.

I think divey is stuck in a wheelchair constantly marinading in his own shit so his only comfort in the world is to make fun of others even when it makes no sense.

Ya it is kinda sad. There is some evidence of a decent person there but his jealousy streak is disturbing. I don't know what he expected on the internet but eventually you get to see slices of enough lives that even the stories of old pirates and smugglers will eventually surface. Me I'd maybe take em with a grin of salt but at least try to keep up and enjoy the stories.. If only for the amusement. Sorry divecon...there are people out here that have lived more interesting lives than you or me...
I may be a fucktard but I'm not a stupid fucktard!:lol::lol:And...I'm not a troofer whatever the fuck THAT is. I don't give a flying fuck about conspirtracies. Most of what seems to draw YOUR attention is all about having useless pissing matches over crap that is impossible to verify independantly. I have a pretty well rounded field of experience in the sciences regarding some of the occurances of 9/11. Your attempt at bullying your way through an argument with insults and sidestepping is commendable if only in it's mindless endurance.
'you have claimed expertise in SOO many areas it would be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to take any claim you make seriously
must be wonderful in your online persona world

I an way you have been right all along...not in the truthfulness or the factual aspects of what I've shared about "me".. but that it is really no big deal.Succeeding in living ones dreams and fantasies is really about commiting yourself to the task at hand...and thats about it. Why you hate it when someone else has an exciting or maybe even a wastefull and ego centrical and selfish existance is beyond me. If you can believe even half of what I claimed as true life gotta admitt...I had some fuckin big time fun. I pity you and hate whoever killed your joy in living.

I an way you have been right all along Well said.


(WTF is this guy babbling about?)
I think divey is stuck in a wheelchair constantly marinading in his own shit so his only comfort in the world is to make fun of others even when it makes no sense.

nothing like making fun of the physically handicapped. :cuckoo:

Nothing like lying to score points.

If you truly believe DiveCon is disabled, you made fun of the handicapped. Just like Fizz said.

If you don't believe that, then you just lied.

Hows it feel to paint yourself in a corner on that one?
I think divey is stuck in a wheelchair constantly marinading in his own shit so his only comfort in the world is to make fun of others even when it makes no sense.

nothing like making fun of the physically handicapped. :cuckoo:

Good point. As RadiomanATL just correctly noted,

EITHER MenstrualMess thinks Divey is handicapped, in which case the fucking PussyPuddle is making fun of a person's physical disability (confirming that PussyPuddle is a scumbag lowlife piece of shit)

OR MenstrualMess lied when he made the reference to Divey being in a wheelchair in the first place (confirming that PussyPuddle is hostile to truth).

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