Question about Shanksville crash

clownlite lives up to his name once again, and proves his dumbassery by his insults and his inability to admit that once again, clownlite has been PWNED!!!:muahaha:

Somebody help me count the times in just this thread.........

Every time you cannot respond you ignore the info and raise your cotton candy victory flag.
clownlite lives up to his name once again, and proves his dumbassery by his insults and his inability to admit that once again, clownlite has been PWNED!!!:muahaha:

Somebody help me count the times in just this thread.........

Every time you cannot respond you ignore the info and raise your cotton candy victory flag.

You NEVER respionded DUMBASS!!!

Thaqt's how you got PWNED!


Maybe I should start a poll in another thread and let the "public" decide.
How do you think that would go?
last time you were in one of my polls, the "public" voted you a "wanna be twoofer".

The thing is, you are really such a dumbass you don't even recognize your inability to engage logic or have a conversation.

Like I said, DUMBASS, all you deserve is ridicule.
clownlite lives up to his name once again, and proves his dumbassery by his insults and his inability to admit that once again, clownlite has been PWNED!!!:muahaha:

Somebody help me count the times in just this thread.........

Every time you cannot respond you ignore the info and raise your cotton candy victory flag.

You NEVER respionded DUMBASS!!!

Thaqt's how you got PWNED!


Maybe I should start a poll in another thread and let the "public" decide.
How do you think that would go?
last time you were in one of my polls, the "public" voted you a "wanna be twoofer".

The thing is, you are really such a dumbass you don't even recognize your inability to engage logic or have a conversation.

Like I said, DUMBASS, all you deserve is ridicule.

Maybe post #1019 only shows up on my screen and not yours?
Lol.....there is no such thing as "islamofascism" you dumfuk. You can't combine contradictory terms.

No facts? I have the fact you have no evidence to support the fbi's claim.

Several disagree with your dumbass statement ;
"there is no such thing as "islamofascism"
some get to the point where after trying to discuss something with you, and finding you are too lacking mentally to have a discussion, simply give up on you.

Several experts use the term, even CBS had a report last night and used the term. they had a guy who used to be al qaida and reformed, and he used the term dumbass.

there is no such thing as "islamofascism"

hahahahahahahah this proves your too stupid to engage in a discussion. the name calling for no reason that comes afterwards just proves your a mindless tool that has only the name calling to fall back on, as your mental capacity only allows you to understand cartoons and youtube videos promoting "the narrative.

I proved agent chri$$y to be a "truther for profit". I proved 911insidenutsack to simply be a USA hating tresonous low life.

Now it looks as though I have, once again, proven you to be mentally deficient and lacking in any kind of social skills.

Complain and whine all you want curvey, don't expect anything less than ridicule from me. i find you entertaining enough to watch, but have given up trying to engage in reasonable conversation with you, dumbass!


Extra: What Is The Narrative? - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Ex Extremist Fights Jihadist Ideology - 60 Minutes - CBS News

""How many of you believe it is U.S. policy to be at war with Islam and to destroy Islam?" Stahl asked.

About a third of them believed it.

When a student got up to ask her a question about the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center, Stahl got a feel for how much we can talk past each other.

"So you're telling me that al Qaeda didn't do 9/11? Is that what you're saying?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah," the student replied. "We all know that al Qaeda was created by the CIA."

He was saying it was the CIA that told Osama bin Laden to attack on 9/11.

"Now we attacked our own Pentagon and the World Trade Center to have a justification to go into Afghanistan? Do you really believe that?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," the student said.

They believe we attacked ourselves so we could go to Afghanistan and kill Muslims. "What I’m sensing is that there is an enormous amount of anti-Americanism. Am I right?" Stahl asked.

"Give us one single reason to love America and we will forget about the rest of the millions of reasons to hate America," the student replied.

After a statement like that, you begin to question whether even a former extremist can uproot the idea in places like Peshawar that the West is out to destroy Islam. "

There is more, here is a video of a former extremist who is working to spread the truth to counteract the lies he spread for years.

That's what you get when you rely on the msm for your education. The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously. While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim.

There it is DUMBASS, post 1019. This is the another one where you refuse to actully engage in any discussion, just attack the source.

I call that method 3 in the DUMBASS bag of tricks.

Since POST #2, you have dodged, avoided and attacked instaed of engaginmg in actual discussion.

I know why, its because you don't have the mental capicity to do so, that clownlite, is why your a DUMBASS!
Every time you cannot respond you ignore the info and raise your cotton candy victory flag.

You NEVER respionded DUMBASS!!!

Thaqt's how you got PWNED!


Maybe I should start a poll in another thread and let the "public" decide.
How do you think that would go?
last time you were in one of my polls, the "public" voted you a "wanna be twoofer".

The thing is, you are really such a dumbass you don't even recognize your inability to engage logic or have a conversation.

Like I said, DUMBASS, all you deserve is ridicule.

Maybe post #1019 only shows up on my screen and not yours?

And this post proves you have mastered "DUMBASSERY" and are now trying to master "ASSHATERY"!
Several disagree with your dumbass statement ;
"there is no such thing as "islamofascism"
some get to the point where after trying to discuss something with you, and finding you are too lacking mentally to have a discussion, simply give up on you.

Several experts use the term, even CBS had a report last night and used the term. they had a guy who used to be al qaida and reformed, and he used the term dumbass.

there is no such thing as "islamofascism"

hahahahahahahah this proves your too stupid to engage in a discussion. the name calling for no reason that comes afterwards just proves your a mindless tool that has only the name calling to fall back on, as your mental capacity only allows you to understand cartoons and youtube videos promoting "the narrative.

I proved agent chri$$y to be a "truther for profit". I proved 911insidenutsack to simply be a USA hating tresonous low life.

Now it looks as though I have, once again, proven you to be mentally deficient and lacking in any kind of social skills.

Complain and whine all you want curvey, don't expect anything less than ridicule from me. i find you entertaining enough to watch, but have given up trying to engage in reasonable conversation with you, dumbass!


Extra: What Is The Narrative? - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Ex Extremist Fights Jihadist Ideology - 60 Minutes - CBS News

""How many of you believe it is U.S. policy to be at war with Islam and to destroy Islam?" Stahl asked.

About a third of them believed it.

When a student got up to ask her a question about the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center, Stahl got a feel for how much we can talk past each other.

"So you're telling me that al Qaeda didn't do 9/11? Is that what you're saying?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah," the student replied. "We all know that al Qaeda was created by the CIA."

He was saying it was the CIA that told Osama bin Laden to attack on 9/11.

"Now we attacked our own Pentagon and the World Trade Center to have a justification to go into Afghanistan? Do you really believe that?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," the student said.

They believe we attacked ourselves so we could go to Afghanistan and kill Muslims. "What I’m sensing is that there is an enormous amount of anti-Americanism. Am I right?" Stahl asked.

"Give us one single reason to love America and we will forget about the rest of the millions of reasons to hate America," the student replied.

After a statement like that, you begin to question whether even a former extremist can uproot the idea in places like Peshawar that the West is out to destroy Islam. "

There is more, here is a video of a former extremist who is working to spread the truth to counteract the lies he spread for years.

That's what you get when you rely on the msm for your education. The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously. While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim.

There it is DUMBASS, post 1019. This is the another one where you refuse to actully engage in any discussion, just attack the source.

I call that method 3 in the DUMBASS bag of tricks.

Since POST #2, you have dodged, avoided and attacked instaed of engaginmg in actual discussion.

I know why, its because you don't have the mental capicity to do so, that clownlite, is why your a DUMBASS!

Oh fuk you are on the dark side of stoopidville. Let me break it down for you:

Part 1
"The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously."

Religious extremists who want a theocracy are not seeking Fascism. Why? It's inherently impossible. Why? Fascism was created by Mussolini and what he said was "The foundation of Fascism is the conception of the State." A Fascist government recognizes the State as the supreme ruler. A Theocratic government recognizes God as the supreme ruler. Hence, there cannot be a system of rule where God and the State both rule supreme. It can only be one or the other.

Before we invaded Iraq it had a secular dictatorship. Now it is an Islamic Theocracy. Do you get that you dumb ****? You bitch about Islamic extremists but blindly supported a policy that.....created an Islamic Theocracy.

Part 2
"While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim."

That is responding to you saying I have no facts. The first fact I have is you have not one single fact supporting the fbi's claim.

Do you get it yet sooper brain?
You fuerther uninteligable

That's what you get when you rely on the msm for your education. The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously. While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim.

There it is DUMBASS, post 1019. This is the another one where you refuse to actully engage in any discussion, just attack the source.

I call that method 3 in the DUMBASS bag of tricks.

Since POST #2, you have dodged, avoided and attacked instaed of engaginmg in actual discussion.

I know why, its because you don't have the mental capicity to do so, that clownlite, is why your a DUMBASS!

Oh fuk you are on the dark side of stoopidville. Let me break it down for you:

Part 1
"The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously."

Religious extremists who want a theocracy are not seeking Fascism. Why? It's inherently impossible. Why? Fascism was created by Mussolini and what he said was "The foundation of Fascism is the conception of the State." A Fascist government recognizes the State as the supreme ruler. A Theocratic government recognizes God as the supreme ruler. Hence, there cannot be a system of rule where God and the State both rule supreme. It can only be one or the other.

Before we invaded Iraq it had a secular dictatorship. Now it is an Islamic Theocracy. Do you get that you dumb ****? You bitch about Islamic extremists but blindly supported a policy that.....created an Islamic Theocracy.

Part 2
"While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim."

That is responding to you saying I have no facts. The first fact I have is you have not one single fact supporting the fbi's claim.

Do you get it yet sooper brain?

your further uninteligable and unrelated ramblings, AND your refusal to address the question repeatedly asked of you specifically proves once again you have mastered "DUMBASSERY" and are continuing advanced studies in the field of "ASSHATTERY"

The FBI is it's own support for the claim they make, I trust them like most rational americans do.

I have no idea why your talking about religion, other than to prove your progress into advanced ASSHATTERY.
There it is DUMBASS, post 1019. This is the another one where you refuse to actully engage in any discussion, just attack the source.

I call that method 3 in the DUMBASS bag of tricks.

Since POST #2, you have dodged, avoided and attacked instaed of engaginmg in actual discussion.

I know why, its because you don't have the mental capicity to do so, that clownlite, is why your a DUMBASS!

Oh fuk you are on the dark side of stoopidville. Let me break it down for you:

Part 1
"The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously."

Religious extremists who want a theocracy are not seeking Fascism. Why? It's inherently impossible. Why? Fascism was created by Mussolini and what he said was "The foundation of Fascism is the conception of the State." A Fascist government recognizes the State as the supreme ruler. A Theocratic government recognizes God as the supreme ruler. Hence, there cannot be a system of rule where God and the State both rule supreme. It can only be one or the other.

Before we invaded Iraq it had a secular dictatorship. Now it is an Islamic Theocracy. Do you get that you dumb ****? You bitch about Islamic extremists but blindly supported a policy that.....created an Islamic Theocracy.

Part 2
"While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim."

That is responding to you saying I have no facts. The first fact I have is you have not one single fact supporting the fbi's claim.

Do you get it yet sooper brain?

your further uninteligable and unrelated ramblings, AND your refusal to address the question repeatedly asked of you specifically proves once again you have mastered "DUMBASSERY" and are continuing advanced studies in the field of "ASSHATTERY"

The FBI is it's own support for the claim they make, I trust them like most rational americans do.

I have no idea why your talking about religion, other than to prove your progress into advanced ASSHATTERY.

You should have a handicap sign next to your name to let others know you are seriously mentally challenged.
Here is your problem;


  • $article-1200958-05C7B3E5000005DC-910_233x284_popup.jpg
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I almost want to give up. Bentdick just refuses to understand.

If I make a statement it is not up to Joe Blow to prove my statement is true.

But if you disagree with my statement then it is up to you to show that it is untrue.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

So once again the FBI makes a statement that 95% of flight 93 had been recovered.

I will not attempt to prove they are correct because I believe them to be correct.

Now who is it that wants proof? Someone who must think they are not telling the truth....

Bentdick must truly have only half a brain.
and another is a post by curvey in another thread, see how he actually engages in discussion in this one?
Juvenile, maybe. But still he can do it, unless of course it means admitting he hates his country;

"CurveLight CurveLight is online now
Registered User
Member #21303

CurveLight could be city mayor
Quote: Originally Posted by chanel View Post
The families of three boys who died almost five years ago in the trunk of a car parked in one of their yards as Camden police searched for them have settled lawsuits against the city.

The families of 11-year-old Anibal Cruz, 6-year-old Daniel Agosto and 5-year-old Jesstin Pagan agreed to accept a total of $2.25 million.

The city was searched after the boys vanished June 22, 2005. But no one checked the trunk of the Toyota Camry parked in the Cruz family's yard. Officials found one officer looked quickly in the main part of the car, then moved on.

Toyota agreed last year to pay the family of each boy $100,000.

The latest settlements were made last month and first reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Settlements Reached In Case Of 3 Who Died In Trunk - New Jersey 101.5 FM

The kids were the in the parents' car in the parents' yard. Because the police did not look there - the city is liable? The parents did not look there either.

Horrible, horrible tragedy but I don't get how the police or Toyota are responsible.

Not all 3 kids were from the same family.

I think toyota should sue the toyota owner for not following the User Manual for vehicle inspection and bad publicity and the City should sue the families for lost revenue from future taxpayers by letting their kids die.

Sick sarcasm but it's no less asinine than parents getting paid 7 figures for their failure to know where their kids were.

Too bad Michael Jackson died. He probably could have found them if the City announced it was legal to pick up boys who weren't with their parents.
(okay.....tacky as fuck....but what do you expect when I have no idea how to respond to such a fuxxing mess?)"

I offer this as proof that clownlite's advanced ASSHAT studies are progressing faster than anyone imagined. He is going to make "TOTAL ASSHAT" very soon at this rate.

You go curvey, we all support you!
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I almost want to give up. Bentdick just refuses to understand.

If I make a statement it is not up to Joe Blow to prove my statement is true.

But if you disagree with my statement then it is up to you to show that it is untrue.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

So once again the FBI makes a statement that 95% of flight 93 had been recovered.

I will not attempt to prove they are correct because I believe them to be correct.

Now who is it that wants proof? Someone who must think they are not telling the truth....

Bentdick must truly have only half a brain.

False dilemma. Again. It doesn't matter if you believe them or not. I'm saying where is the evidence to back it up? I don't believe nor disbelieve them because it is impossible to form an opinion when there is no evidence. Nationalists like you are ruled by emotion so you have no reasoning skills.
and another is a post by curvey in another thread, see how he actually engages in discussion in this one?
Juvenile, maybe. But still he can do it, unless of course it means admitting he hates his country;

"CurveLight CurveLight is online now
Registered User
Member #21303

CurveLight could be city mayor
Quote: Originally Posted by chanel View Post
The families of three boys who died almost five years ago in the trunk of a car parked in one of their yards as Camden police searched for them have settled lawsuits against the city.

The families of 11-year-old Anibal Cruz, 6-year-old Daniel Agosto and 5-year-old Jesstin Pagan agreed to accept a total of $2.25 million.

The city was searched after the boys vanished June 22, 2005. But no one checked the trunk of the Toyota Camry parked in the Cruz family's yard. Officials found one officer looked quickly in the main part of the car, then moved on.

Toyota agreed last year to pay the family of each boy $100,000.

The latest settlements were made last month and first reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Settlements Reached In Case Of 3 Who Died In Trunk - New Jersey 101.5 FM

The kids were the in the parents' car in the parents' yard. Because the police did not look there - the city is liable? The parents did not look there either.

Horrible, horrible tragedy but I don't get how the police or Toyota are responsible.

Not all 3 kids were from the same family.

I think toyota should sue the toyota owner for not following the User Manual for vehicle inspection and bad publicity and the City should sue the families for lost revenue from future taxpayers by letting their kids die.

Sick sarcasm but it's no less asinine than parents getting paid 7 figures for their failure to know where their kids were.

Too bad Michael Jackson died. He probably could have found them if the City announced it was legal to pick up boys who weren't with their parents.
(okay.....tacky as fuck....but what do you expect when I have no idea how to respond to such a fuxxing mess?)"

I offer this as proof that clownlite's advanced ASSHAT studies are progressing faster than anyone imagined. He is going to make "TOTAL ASSHAT" very soon at this rate.

You go curvey, we all support you!

It's pretty sick you're so obsessed with me you are following everywhere I post on here. Get a life.
...Why is that so difficult to understand?

So once again the FBI makes a statement that 95% of flight 93 had been recovered.

I will not attempt to prove they are correct because I believe them to be correct ...

What a moron! Everyone can clearly see by the Official Govt evidence (my Flight 93 Topic) ...


... that all we have in the Shanksville photographs is AN EMPTY HOLE!!! Okay hotshot, point out your crashed 100-ton Jetliner!! The corrupt FBI (my Topic) helped orchestrate the inside-job attacks and subsequent cover-up operation! The FAA knows full well that the Pentagon was first attacked at 9:32 AM (my Topic) and NOT at the Official Cover Story LIE time of 9:38 AM! If anybody has a question about this obvious Inside Job (my Topic), ask a real 911Truther on the appropriate Topic (pick one).


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...Why is that so difficult to understand?

So once again the FBI makes a statement that 95% of flight 93 had been recovered.

I will not attempt to prove they are correct because I believe them to be correct ...

What a moron! Everyone can clearly see by the Official Govt evidence (my Flight 93 Topic) ...


... that all we have in the Shanksville photographs is AN EMPTY HOLE!!! Okay hotshot, point out your crashed 100-ton Jetliner!! The corrupt FBI (my Topic) helped orchestrate the inside-job attacks and subsequent cover-up operation! The FAA knows full well that the Pentagon was first attacked at 9:32 AM (my Topic) and NOT at the Official Cover Story LIE time of 9:38 AM! If anybody has a question about this obvious Inside Job (my Topic), ask a real 911Truther on the appropriate Topic (pick one).



So the whole fbi is in on it? You're about ten years behind schedule. The fbi released the info on bush's signing statement that said to not ho after al qaeda.

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