Question about Shanksville crash all means shut up. Cuz these fuckwits are friggin gods of the high thought proccess.:lol::lol:

I wouldn't trust these guys to investigate the cause of an ingrown hair. Why?... because they are appologists...ass licking morons. Nary a one is an independant thinker. Not bad people..just not equipped to study any subject without running it through thier hack political filters. Carry on free thinkers...never let these pathetic bully boys break your stride!!!! It may be that these dweebs are right in the end but it won't be because they added to the knowledge. The only ties the have to truth is dumb luck.

ok tough guy....

what facts do you have that the info was wrong? show me ONE.

until then, shut the fuck up about your "free thinking" bullshit and start using LOGIC. :cuckoo:

Here ya go again....demanding someone prove a negative because you can't provide a single fact supporting the fbi's you already admitted.
Here ya go again....demanding someone prove a negative because you can't provide a single fact supporting the fbi's you already admitted.

i'm not asking you to prove a negative. i am asking for any facts that refute or contradict the claim. got any? didnt think so.

so we can go with one fact or zero. which do you think is more likely to be correct? (fucking moron!!):lol:
One more time:

The FBI was the lead investigating agency.

They made a statement.

Since most of the sane world believes them no one has asked them fro proof that it is true.

Since you think they lied about it, prove that they lied.

Or just shut the fuck up because you are only digging deeper.
:dig::dig::dig: all means shut up. Cuz these fuckwits are friggin gods of the high thought proccess.:lol::lol:

I wouldn't trust these guys to investigate the cause of an ingrown hair. Why?... because they are appologists...ass licking morons. Nary a one is an independant thinker. Not bad people..just not equipped to study any subject without running it through thier hack political filters. Carry on free thinkers...never let these pathetic bully boys break your stride!!!! It may be that these dweebs are right in the end but it won't be because they added to the knowledge. The only ties the have to truth is dumb luck.

I was wrong about you huggy. It's too bad. At first it looked as though you would offer something constructive, but you haven't.

Let's go through this;

The FBI was quoted as saying they recovered 95% of the plane in Shanksville.

The point was disputed by 911nutjob and curvey, with no reason given except that the FBI said it and the rest of us were stooopid ***** or dupes.

You said you had seen things that made you think otherwise, then claimed you "didn't have time" to discuss it, and seemed to expect credibility for that statement and attacked the credibility of the FBI, their statement, and those that accept the statement from the FBI.

So far the only reason given by any of the twoofers, and you, is that the statement came form the FBI.

That isn't debate, that is spreading propaganda. Specifically that is spreading the "islamo-fascist narrative".
Ex Extremist Fights Jihadist Ideology - 60 Minutes - CBS News

""How many of you believe it is U.S. policy to be at war with Islam and to destroy Islam?" Stahl asked.

About a third of them believed it.

When a student got up to ask her a question about the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center, Stahl got a feel for how much we can talk past each other.

"So you're telling me that al Qaeda didn't do 9/11? Is that what you're saying?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah," the student replied. "We all know that al Qaeda was created by the CIA."

He was saying it was the CIA that told Osama bin Laden to attack on 9/11.

"Now we attacked our own Pentagon and the World Trade Center to have a justification to go into Afghanistan? Do you really believe that?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," the student said.

They believe we attacked ourselves so we could go to Afghanistan and kill Muslims. "What I’m sensing is that there is an enormous amount of anti-Americanism. Am I right?" Stahl asked.

"Give us one single reason to love America and we will forget about the rest of the millions of reasons to hate America," the student replied.

After a statement like that, you begin to question whether even a former extremist can uproot the idea in places like Peshawar that the West is out to destroy Islam. "

There is more, here is a video of a former extremist who is working to spread the truth to counteract the lies he spread for years.

Extra: What Is The Narrative? - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Too bad, I had higher expectations, I should have known better.

You bitch about huggy not being constructive but you straight up lie about the issue by claiming nobody has given a reason to ask for facts supporting the fbi's claim.

It's a great example of hypocrisy:

1. Fbi said 95% of 93 recovered.

(OCTAs give applause)

2. Fbi said there was no evidence of a phone call between olson and his wife.

(OCTAs ignore the fbi's statement and say it doesn't matter)

You guys are like a bottom rung ghetto fox news.
Here ya go again....demanding someone prove a negative because you can't provide a single fact supporting the fbi's you already admitted.

i'm not asking you to prove a negative. i am asking for any facts that refute or contradict the claim. got any? didnt think so.

so we can go with one fact or zero. which do you think is more likely to be correct? (fucking moron!!):lol:

You forgot to eat your Wheaties. Asking for a refutation is asking for a negative genius.
Here ya go again....demanding someone prove a negative because you can't provide a single fact supporting the fbi's you already admitted.

i'm not asking you to prove a negative. i am asking for any facts that refute or contradict the claim. got any? didnt think so.

so we can go with one fact or zero. which do you think is more likely to be correct? (fucking moron!!):lol:

You forgot to eat your Wheaties. Asking for a refutation is asking for a negative genius.

asking for evidence isnt asking you to prove anything. its asking what you have. you have nothing. :lol::lol::lol:

you have any evidence on how much of flight 93 was recovered other than the FBI statement?

i'm getting on an airplane now for a really long flight so take your time searching for any evidence that gives us a reason to doubt the FBI statement.
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nope. you have anything to refute them?

Thank you for admitting you don't have any facts to support a claim.

see, this is where you fucked up.

you said i had nothing to support MY CLAIM in post number two. obviously i did. i had the FBI. now do you want to call the FBI a bunch of liars?

i didnt think so.

you are too much of a pussy. so now that we established that 95% of the plane was recovered what else do you want to whine and cry about?

You're a special kind of stoopid fuck. I said "the claim in post 2." That means the fbi's claim you dumfuk. Then to say it is been "established" the fbi recovered 95% based solely on the fbi making that claim. You're too fuxxing pathetic.
.try to say it is been "established" the fbi recovered 95% based solely on the fbi making that claim. You're too fuxxing pathetic.

so are you going to be a man and claim the FBI lied? or are you going to go with the only evidence available?? :cuckoo:

i'm not asking you to prove a negative. i am asking for any facts that refute or contradict the claim. got any? didnt think so.

so we can go with one fact or zero. which do you think is more likely to be correct? (fucking moron!!):lol:

You forgot to eat your Wheaties. Asking for a refutation is asking for a negative genius.

asking for evidence isnt asking you to prove anything. its asking what you have. you have nothing. :lol::lol::lol:

you have any evidence on how much of flight 93 was recovered other than the FBI statement?

i'm getting on an airplane now for a really long flight so take your time searching for any evidence that gives us a reason to doubt the FBI statement.

Posted by fizzbitch:

"i am asking for any facts that refute or contradict the claim."

You're stoopidity is lethal.
You're a special kind of stoopid fuck. I said "the claim in post 2." That means the fbi's claim you dumfuk. Then to say it is been "established" the fbi recovered 95% based solely on the fbi making that claim. You're too fuxxing pathetic..

so are you going to be a man and claim the FBI lied? or are you going to go with the only evidence available?? :cuckoo:

Why does someone have to claim the fbi lied in order to be a man? Lol....dumbass.
.try to say it is been "established" the fbi recovered 95% based solely on the fbi making that claim. You're too fuxxing pathetic.

so are you going to be a man and claim the FBI lied? or are you going to go with the only evidence available?? :cuckoo:

curvey, what reasons do you have to disbelieve the FBI's claim that 95% of the plane was recovered?

Its not hard.

If you disbelieve it just because the FBI said it, then there is your reason. If you have some kind of outside source for your disbelief, that would be nice to see too. If not, then just say that you hold that opinion.

None of us on this message board have to ability to 'solve' any of this. If anyone here had 'indisputable proof' one way or the other, we wouldn't be here would we?
.try to say it is been "established" the fbi recovered 95% based solely on the fbi making that claim. You're too fuxxing pathetic.

so are you going to be a man and claim the FBI lied? or are you going to go with the only evidence available?? :cuckoo:

curvey, what reasons do you have to disbelieve the FBI's claim that 95% of the plane was recovered?

Its not hard.

If you disbelieve it just because the FBI said it, then there is your reason. If you have some kind of outside source for your disbelief, that would be nice to see too. If not, then just say that you hold that opinion.

None of us on this message board have to ability to 'solve' any of this. If anyone here had 'indisputable proof' one way or the other, we wouldn't be here would we?

I didn't ask for indisputable proof. I asked for any facts to support the fbi's claim.
so are you going to be a man and claim the FBI lied? or are you going to go with the only evidence available?? :cuckoo:

curvey, what reasons do you have to disbelieve the FBI's claim that 95% of the plane was recovered?

Its not hard.

If you disbelieve it just because the FBI said it, then there is your reason. If you have some kind of outside source for your disbelief, that would be nice to see too. If not, then just say that you hold that opinion.

None of us on this message board have to ability to 'solve' any of this. If anyone here had 'indisputable proof' one way or the other, we wouldn't be here would we?

I didn't ask for indisputable proof. I asked for any facts to support the fbi's claim.

Well there is the rub.
Some, myself included, take the FBI at their word until there is reason to believe otherwise. We take the FBI statement as enough 'facts'.
Then there are some, it appears that includes you, that doubt it simply because the FBI said it. To that group, the FBi statement is not a fact.

That doesn't have to be an impasse though. There can still be discussion.

As I stated in another post, and another thread, believing the islamofascist 'narrative' over the USA government appears to be what is happening with those that choose this line of reasoning.

The islamofascist narrative is being proven wrong by former islamofascists themselves.
Is there a reason that an american citizen that continues to believe it, and propagate the narrative should not be considered a useful tool of al qaida at the very least, and possibly a treasonous agent of the enemy?
curvey, what reasons do you have to disbelieve the FBI's claim that 95% of the plane was recovered?

Its not hard.

If you disbelieve it just because the FBI said it, then there is your reason. If you have some kind of outside source for your disbelief, that would be nice to see too. If not, then just say that you hold that opinion.

None of us on this message board have to ability to 'solve' any of this. If anyone here had 'indisputable proof' one way or the other, we wouldn't be here would we?

I didn't ask for indisputable proof. I asked for any facts to support the fbi's claim.

Well there is the rub.
Some, myself included, take the FBI at their word until there is reason to believe otherwise. We take the FBI statement as enough 'facts'.
Then there are some, it appears that includes you, that doubt it simply because the FBI said it. To that group, the FBi statement is not a fact.

That doesn't have to be an impasse though. There can still be discussion.

As I stated in another post, and another thread, believing the islamofascist 'narrative' over the USA government appears to be what is happening with those that choose this line of reasoning.

The islamofascist narrative is being proven wrong by former islamofascists themselves.
Is there a reason that an american citizen that continues to believe it, and propagate the narrative should not be considered a useful tool of al qaida at the very least, and possibly a treasonous agent of the enemy?

You don't have any facts. You have a claim by the fbi. Period. How do you go from asking for evidence of an FBI claim to treason? Do you know all Citizens have a duty to demand the government provides facts for claims? Do you realize it transcends believing or not believing?
I didn't ask for indisputable proof. I asked for any facts to support the fbi's claim.

Well there is the rub.
Some, myself included, take the FBI at their word until there is reason to believe otherwise. We take the FBI statement as enough 'facts'.
Then there are some, it appears that includes you, that doubt it simply because the FBI said it. To that group, the FBi statement is not a fact.

That doesn't have to be an impasse though. There can still be discussion.

As I stated in another post, and another thread, believing the islamofascist 'narrative' over the USA government appears to be what is happening with those that choose this line of reasoning.

The islamofascist narrative is being proven wrong by former islamofascists themselves.
Is there a reason that an american citizen that continues to believe it, and propagate the narrative should not be considered a useful tool of al qaida at the very least, and possibly a treasonous agent of the enemy?

You don't have any facts. You have a claim by the fbi. Period. How do you go from asking for evidence of an FBI claim to treason? Do you know all Citizens have a duty to demand the government provides facts for claims? Do you realize it transcends believing or not believing?

The part in bold applies.

When the FBI makes a statement, somewhere they have the facts to back it up. When a citizen insists otherwise, it is an indication they disbelieve their government(thats ok BTW). But it also indicates, in this case, that that person has swallowed the islamofascist narrative, and has become a tool for al qaida.

you have no facts, just opinions based on emotions. That is ok too, just admit it.
Well there is the rub.
Some, myself included, take the FBI at their word until there is reason to believe otherwise. We take the FBI statement as enough 'facts'.
Then there are some, it appears that includes you, that doubt it simply because the FBI said it. To that group, the FBi statement is not a fact.

That doesn't have to be an impasse though. There can still be discussion.

As I stated in another post, and another thread, believing the islamofascist 'narrative' over the USA government appears to be what is happening with those that choose this line of reasoning.

The islamofascist narrative is being proven wrong by former islamofascists themselves.
Is there a reason that an american citizen that continues to believe it, and propagate the narrative should not be considered a useful tool of al qaida at the very least, and possibly a treasonous agent of the enemy?

You don't have any facts. You have a claim by the fbi. Period. How do you go from asking for evidence of an FBI claim to treason? Do you know all Citizens have a duty to demand the government provides facts for claims? Do you realize it transcends believing or not believing?

The part in bold applies.

When the FBI makes a statement, somewhere they have the facts to back it up. When a citizen insists otherwise, it is an indication they disbelieve their government(thats ok BTW). But it also indicates, in this case, that that person has swallowed the islamofascist narrative, and has become a tool for al qaida.

you have no facts, just opinions based on emotions. That is ok too, just admit it.

Lol.....there is no such thing as "islamofascism" you dumfuk. You can't combine contradictory terms.

No facts? I have the fact you have no evidence to support the fbi's claim.
You don't have any facts. You have a claim by the fbi. Period. How do you go from asking for evidence of an FBI claim to treason? Do you know all Citizens have a duty to demand the government provides facts for claims? Do you realize it transcends believing or not believing?

The part in bold applies.

When the FBI makes a statement, somewhere they have the facts to back it up. When a citizen insists otherwise, it is an indication they disbelieve their government(thats ok BTW). But it also indicates, in this case, that that person has swallowed the islamofascist narrative, and has become a tool for al qaida.

you have no facts, just opinions based on emotions. That is ok too, just admit it.

Lol.....there is no such thing as "islamofascism" you dumfuk. You can't combine contradictory terms.

No facts? I have the fact you have no evidence to support the fbi's claim.

Several disagree with your dumbass statement ;
"there is no such thing as "islamofascism"
some get to the point where after trying to discuss something with you, and finding you are too lacking mentally to have a discussion, simply give up on you.

Several experts use the term, even CBS had a report last night and used the term. they had a guy who used to be al qaida and reformed, and he used the term dumbass.

there is no such thing as "islamofascism"

hahahahahahahah this proves your too stupid to engage in a discussion. the name calling for no reason that comes afterwards just proves your a mindless tool that has only the name calling to fall back on, as your mental capacity only allows you to understand cartoons and youtube videos promoting "the narrative.

I proved agent chri$$y to be a "truther for profit". I proved 911insidenutsack to simply be a USA hating tresonous low life.

Now it looks as though I have, once again, proven you to be mentally deficient and lacking in any kind of social skills.

Complain and whine all you want curvey, don't expect anything less than ridicule from me. i find you entertaining enough to watch, but have given up trying to engage in reasonable conversation with you, dumbass!


Extra: What Is The Narrative? - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Ex Extremist Fights Jihadist Ideology - 60 Minutes - CBS News

""How many of you believe it is U.S. policy to be at war with Islam and to destroy Islam?" Stahl asked.

About a third of them believed it.

When a student got up to ask her a question about the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center, Stahl got a feel for how much we can talk past each other.

"So you're telling me that al Qaeda didn't do 9/11? Is that what you're saying?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah," the student replied. "We all know that al Qaeda was created by the CIA."

He was saying it was the CIA that told Osama bin Laden to attack on 9/11.

"Now we attacked our own Pentagon and the World Trade Center to have a justification to go into Afghanistan? Do you really believe that?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," the student said.

They believe we attacked ourselves so we could go to Afghanistan and kill Muslims. "What I’m sensing is that there is an enormous amount of anti-Americanism. Am I right?" Stahl asked.

"Give us one single reason to love America and we will forget about the rest of the millions of reasons to hate America," the student replied.

After a statement like that, you begin to question whether even a former extremist can uproot the idea in places like Peshawar that the West is out to destroy Islam. "

There is more, here is a video of a former extremist who is working to spread the truth to counteract the lies he spread for years.


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You don't have any facts. You have a claim by the fbi. Period. How do you go from asking for evidence of an FBI claim to treason? Do you know all Citizens have a duty to demand the government provides facts for claims? Do you realize it transcends believing or not believing?

The part in bold applies.

When the FBI makes a statement, somewhere they have the facts to back it up. When a citizen insists otherwise, it is an indication they disbelieve their government(thats ok BTW). But it also indicates, in this case, that that person has swallowed the islamofascist narrative, and has become a tool for al qaida.

you have no facts, just opinions based on emotions. That is ok too, just admit it.

Lol.....there is no such thing as "islamofascism" you dumfuk. You can't combine contradictory terms.

No facts? I have the fact you have no evidence to support the fbi's claim.

There is such a thing as Islamofascism, dipshit. Your denial is of zero value. The terms are hardly "contradictory." You are merely quibbling because you fail to grasp the point (again).

By contrast, there actually IS no such word as "fuxxing," PussyPuddle. But that doesn't stop a stupid MenstrualMess like you from trying to employ it AS a "word," for some truly moronic "reason."
The part in bold applies.

When the FBI makes a statement, somewhere they have the facts to back it up. When a citizen insists otherwise, it is an indication they disbelieve their government(thats ok BTW). But it also indicates, in this case, that that person has swallowed the islamofascist narrative, and has become a tool for al qaida.

you have no facts, just opinions based on emotions. That is ok too, just admit it.

Lol.....there is no such thing as "islamofascism" you dumfuk. You can't combine contradictory terms.

No facts? I have the fact you have no evidence to support the fbi's claim.

Several disagree with your dumbass statement ;
"there is no such thing as "islamofascism"
some get to the point where after trying to discuss something with you, and finding you are too lacking mentally to have a discussion, simply give up on you.

Several experts use the term, even CBS had a report last night and used the term. they had a guy who used to be al qaida and reformed, and he used the term dumbass.

there is no such thing as "islamofascism"

hahahahahahahah this proves your too stupid to engage in a discussion. the name calling for no reason that comes afterwards just proves your a mindless tool that has only the name calling to fall back on, as your mental capacity only allows you to understand cartoons and youtube videos promoting "the narrative.

I proved agent chri$$y to be a "truther for profit". I proved 911insidenutsack to simply be a USA hating tresonous low life.

Now it looks as though I have, once again, proven you to be mentally deficient and lacking in any kind of social skills.

Complain and whine all you want curvey, don't expect anything less than ridicule from me. i find you entertaining enough to watch, but have given up trying to engage in reasonable conversation with you, dumbass!


Extra: What Is The Narrative? - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Ex Extremist Fights Jihadist Ideology - 60 Minutes - CBS News

""How many of you believe it is U.S. policy to be at war with Islam and to destroy Islam?" Stahl asked.

About a third of them believed it.

When a student got up to ask her a question about the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center, Stahl got a feel for how much we can talk past each other.

"So you're telling me that al Qaeda didn't do 9/11? Is that what you're saying?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah," the student replied. "We all know that al Qaeda was created by the CIA."

He was saying it was the CIA that told Osama bin Laden to attack on 9/11.

"Now we attacked our own Pentagon and the World Trade Center to have a justification to go into Afghanistan? Do you really believe that?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," the student said.

They believe we attacked ourselves so we could go to Afghanistan and kill Muslims. "What I’m sensing is that there is an enormous amount of anti-Americanism. Am I right?" Stahl asked.

"Give us one single reason to love America and we will forget about the rest of the millions of reasons to hate America," the student replied.

After a statement like that, you begin to question whether even a former extremist can uproot the idea in places like Peshawar that the West is out to destroy Islam. "

There is more, here is a video of a former extremist who is working to spread the truth to counteract the lies he spread for years.

That's what you get when you rely on the msm for your education. The term is bullshit because you can't have a system of rule where the State and God reign supreme simultaneously. While you're scratching your nasty scalp on that one, think about this: you completely ignored the facts I do have....the first of which is you don't have a single fact to support the fbi's claim.

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