Question for Algore supporters


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Is a warmer earth a wetter earth?

Your side blames droughts and floods on algore's fraud.

In fact, making earth warmer does make it either wetter or drier, but it is only one of those, not both.

Which one?
Gore is a punk. His punkette is Bono/Boner/Bondo. fuck'em
I hope Tipper is Chipper. She should have gotten a doctorate like Jill
Gore is a punk. His punkette is Bono/Boner/Bondo. fuck'em
I hope Tipper is Chipper. She should have gotten a doctorate like Jill

Yeah, for getting whooped in a debate with Dee Snyder

That was awesome!!!!
Is a warmer earth a wetter earth?

Your side blames droughts and floods on algore's fraud.

In fact, making earth warmer does make it either wetter or drier, but it is only one of those, not both.

Which one?

I would have voted for him back in the day probably, but that was before he went nutters on carbon to try to make himself relevant again. To answer your question however, it really is neither. Water is all but a closed system in the atmosphere because the cooler air at higher altitudes helps hydrogen and oxygen reform into water which reduces our seepage of hydrogen into space. Now that said, it becomes an issue of where that water is in relation to human civilization. If the water starts flooding the deserts, that may not be a bad thing, but if it is doing it with water that used to be the Mississippi River, then maybe it is not a good thing either.

The claim that warming earth does not change atmospheric moisture levels is laughable.

It either makes it wetter or drier.....
I have a question

Who is al gore

He is a man who runs hot and cold.


Is a warmer earth a wetter earth?

Your side blames droughts and floods on algore's fraud.

In fact, making earth warmer does make it either wetter or drier, but it is only one of those, not both.

Which one?
For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water. That you are so stupid as to think that will be distributed evenly, is your problem. As we are observing right now across the world, wet areas are receiving more water, in shorter periods of time, and drier areas are getting drier.

Just what do you mean, Al Gore's fraud? Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Did you even finish high school?
What we do know is that civilization thrives during warmer eras and suffers during colder eras.
Really? So Saudi Arabia and the Northern Sahara grow more corn than the mid-western US. Nice knowing that.
FYI, when the climate was warmer than today, during the Holocene Climatic Optimum, the Sahara was lush and green.
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Is a warmer earth a wetter earth?

Your side blames droughts and floods on algore's fraud.

In fact, making earth warmer does make it either wetter or drier, but it is only one of those, not both.

Which one?
For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water. That you are so stupid as to think that will be distributed evenly, is your problem. As we are observing right now across the world, wet areas are receiving more water, in shorter periods of time, and drier areas are getting drier.

Just what do you mean, Al Gore's fraud? Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Did you even finish high school?

The practice of science first starts with data. Want to find correlation? Plot a graph....

One axis is temperature, the other is moisture in the atmosphere....

The temperature axis begins with earth having a maximum surface temp under 30F. The amount of moisture in the amosphere is ZERO because all h2o is frozen....

The other end of the temperature axis is earth with a minimum surface temp of 220F. The amount of moisture in the atmosphere is ALL OF IT because all h2o is gas, you boiled out the oceans....

In the middle is right now, more moist than frozen earth, and less moist than boiled out earth.

Search for

Jurassic warmer wetter

There is data point four.

A warmer earth is a wetter earth.
What we do know is that civilization thrives during warmer eras and suffers during colder eras.
Really? So Saudi Arabia and the Northern Sahara grow more corn than the mid-western US. Nice knowing that.
FYI, when the climate was warmer than today, during the Holocene Climatic Optimum, the Sahara was lush and green.
The Holocene Climatic Optimum was NOT analogous to the current situation. Temperatures did NOT rise globally. Temperatures above the Sahara were NOT substantially increased during the period. It's greening was due to increased rainfall. From the Wikipeida article on the Optimum:

The Holocene Climate Optimum warm event consisted of increases of up to 4 °C near the North Pole (in one study, winter warming of 3 to 9 °C and summer of 2 to 6 °C in northern central Siberia).[1] Northwestern Europe experienced warming, but there was cooling in Southern Europe.[2] The average temperature change appears to have declined rapidly with latitude and so essentially no change in mean temperature is reported at low and middle latitudes. Tropical reefs tend to show temperature increases of less than 1 °C; the tropical ocean surface at the Great Barrier Reef about 5350 years ago was 1 °C warmer and enriched in 18O by 0.5 per mil relative to modern seawater.[3] In terms of the global average, temperatures were probably warmer than now (depending on estimates of latitude dependence and seasonality in response patterns).[citation needed] While temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were warmer than average during the summers, the Tropics and parts of the Southern Hemisphere were colder than average.[4]

Out of 140 sites across the western Arctic, there is clear evidence for conditions warmer than now at 120 sites. At 16 sites, where quantitative estimates have been obtained, local HTM temperatures were on average 1.6±0.8 °C higher than now. Northwestern North America had peak warmth first, from 11,000 to 9,000 years ago, while the Laurentide Ice Sheet still chilled eastern Canada. Northeastern North America experienced peak warming 4,000 years later. Along the Arctic Coastal Plain in Alaska, there are indications of summer temperatures 2–3 °C warmer than present.[5] Research indicates that the Arctic had less sea ice than the present.[6]

Current desert regions of Central Asia were extensively forested due to higher rainfall, and the warm temperate forest belts in China and Japan were extended northwards.[7]

West African sediments additionally record the African humid period, an interval, between 16,000 and 6,000 years ago, when Africa was much wetter. This was caused by a strengthening of the African monsoon by changes in summer radiation, resulting from long-term variations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The "Green Sahara" was dotted with numerous lakes, containing typical African lake crocodile and hippopotamus fauna. A curious discovery from the marine sediments is that the transitions into and out of the wet period occurred within decades, not the previously-thought extended periods.[8] It is hypothesized that humans played a role in altering the vegetation structure of North Africa at some point after 8,000 years ago, when they introduced domesticated animals. This introduction contributed to the rapid transition to the arid conditions found in many locations in the Sahara.[9]

In the far Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand and Antarctica), the warmest period during the Holocene appears to have been roughly 10,500 to 8,000 years ago, immediately following the end of the last ice age.[10][11] By 6,000 years ago, the time normally associated with the Holocene Climatic Optimum in the Northern Hemisphere, they had reached temperatures similar to present ones, and they did not participate in the temperature changes of the north. However, some authors have used the term "Holocene Climatic Optimum" to describe the earlier southern warm period, as well.
What we do know is that civilization thrives during warmer eras and suffers during colder eras.
Really? So Saudi Arabia and the Northern Sahara grow more corn than the mid-western US. Nice knowing that.
FYI, when the climate was warmer than today, during the Holocene Climatic Optimum, the Sahara was lush and green.
The Holocene Climatic Optimum was NOT analogous to the current situation. Temperatures did NOT rise globally. Temperatures above the Sahara were NOT substantially increased during the period. It's greening was due to increased rainfall. From the Wikipeida article on the Optimum:
Since I'm not a Wikidiot, like you are, I'm not even going to bother reading that drivel. I've done my own research on the subject.

The fact of the matter is that civilization thrives in warmer eras and suffers in colder eras.

And no politically motivated pseudoscience will change that fact.
The warmer Earth should be a wetter Earth ... and if Arctic Amplification is real, then the rainfall should be more evenly distributed ... flood and droughts should be decreasing ... "should" is a weasel word, my apologies, but no one knows for sure ... we won't know for sure what the climate will be in 100 years for another 100 years ... but as noted above, this theory can be demonstrated with the various proxies we use for past climate study ...

Unfortunately, this will only be a little extra rainfall, not enough to solve our current water problems ... we'll still need nuclear to power desalinization 100 years from now ...

For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water is evaporating

This is close enough for our purposes ... what goes up must come down ... but Old Rocks has no business calling others stupid if he doesn't qualify that statement ... this is only true at normal surface temperatures, where evaporation occurs ... aloft temperatures are much colder and this percent drops to roughly 3%, where the condensation (or deposition) occurs ...

I admire Al Gore ... I like his politics ... but then again I wasn't fooled by his global warming rhetoric ... you were?, that's your fault, not his ... he got rich with this, and I didn't, so who's the better man? ...
The warmer Earth should be a wetter Earth ... and if Arctic Amplification is real, then the rainfall should be more evenly distributed ... flood and droughts should be decreasing ... "should" is a weasel word, my apologies, but no one knows for sure ... we won't know for sure what the climate will be in 100 years for another 100 years ... but as noted above, this theory can be demonstrated with the various proxies we use for past climate study ...

Unfortunately, this will only be a little extra rainfall, not enough to solve our current water problems ... we'll still need nuclear to power desalinization 100 years from now ...

For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water is evaporating

This is close enough for our purposes ... what goes up must come down ... but Old Rocks has no business calling others stupid if he doesn't qualify that statement ... this is only true at normal surface temperatures, where evaporation occurs ... aloft temperatures are much colder and this percent drops to roughly 3%, where the condensation (or deposition) occurs ...

I admire Al Gore ... I like his politics ... but then again I wasn't fooled by his global warming rhetoric ... you were?, that's your fault, not his ... he got rich with this, and I didn't, so who's the better man? ...
Al Gore inherited a small fortune from his father, which he invested in tech stock when it was on a downer. That is where he got his wealth, not from his efforts to get what the scientists were seeing with the climate out to the average person. That you have not followed the science is very evident from your posts. If you are posting on subject which you know very little, and do no research, then you are fucking stupid and willfully ignorant.
The warmer Earth should be a wetter Earth ... and if Arctic Amplification is real, then the rainfall should be more evenly distributed ... flood and droughts should be decreasing ... "should" is a weasel word, my apologies, but no one knows for sure ... we won't know for sure what the climate will be in 100 years for another 100 years ... but as noted above, this theory can be demonstrated with the various proxies we use for past climate study ...

Unfortunately, this will only be a little extra rainfall, not enough to solve our current water problems ... we'll still need nuclear to power desalinization 100 years from now ...

For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water is evaporating

This is close enough for our purposes ... what goes up must come down ... but Old Rocks has no business calling others stupid if he doesn't qualify that statement ... this is only true at normal surface temperatures, where evaporation occurs ... aloft temperatures are much colder and this percent drops to roughly 3%, where the condensation (or deposition) occurs ...

I admire Al Gore ... I like his politics ... but then again I wasn't fooled by his global warming rhetoric ... you were?, that's your fault, not his ... he got rich with this, and I didn't, so who's the better man? ...
Al Gore inherited a small fortune from his father, which he invested in tech stock when it was on a downer. That is where he got his wealth, not from his efforts to get what the scientists were seeing with the climate out to the average person. That you have not followed the science is very evident from your posts. If you are posting on subject which you know very little, and do no research, then you are fucking stupid and willfully ignorant.

Thank you for the ad hominum attack ... you seem to think everybody's stupid ... what are you hiding? ...
The warmer Earth should be a wetter Earth ... and if Arctic Amplification is real, then the rainfall should be more evenly distributed ... flood and droughts should be decreasing ... "should" is a weasel word, my apologies, but no one knows for sure ... we won't know for sure what the climate will be in 100 years for another 100 years ... but as noted above, this theory can be demonstrated with the various proxies we use for past climate study ...

Unfortunately, this will only be a little extra rainfall, not enough to solve our current water problems ... we'll still need nuclear to power desalinization 100 years from now ...

For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water is evaporating

This is close enough for our purposes ... what goes up must come down ... but Old Rocks has no business calling others stupid if he doesn't qualify that statement ... this is only true at normal surface temperatures, where evaporation occurs ... aloft temperatures are much colder and this percent drops to roughly 3%, where the condensation (or deposition) occurs ...

I admire Al Gore ... I like his politics ... but then again I wasn't fooled by his global warming rhetoric ... you were?, that's your fault, not his ... he got rich with this, and I didn't, so who's the better man? ...
Al Gore inherited a small fortune from his father, which he invested in tech stock when it was on a downer. That is where he got his wealth, not from his efforts to get what the scientists were seeing with the climate out to the average person. That you have not followed the science is very evident from your posts. If you are posting on subject which you know very little, and do no research, then you are fucking stupid and willfully ignorant.

Thank you for the ad hominum attack ... you seem to think everybody's stupid ... what are you hiding? ...
You stated stupid things, so it was a statement of fact, not an ad hominum attack. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The ignorant attacks against Al Gore, claiming that this is a fraud he started, is proof of the attackers stupidity and ignorance.
The warmer Earth should be a wetter Earth ... and if Arctic Amplification is real, then the rainfall should be more evenly distributed ... flood and droughts should be decreasing ... "should" is a weasel word, my apologies, but no one knows for sure ... we won't know for sure what the climate will be in 100 years for another 100 years ... but as noted above, this theory can be demonstrated with the various proxies we use for past climate study ...

Unfortunately, this will only be a little extra rainfall, not enough to solve our current water problems ... we'll still need nuclear to power desalinization 100 years from now ...

For every increase in temperature of one degree Celsius, the air will hold 7% more water is evaporating

This is close enough for our purposes ... what goes up must come down ... but Old Rocks has no business calling others stupid if he doesn't qualify that statement ... this is only true at normal surface temperatures, where evaporation occurs ... aloft temperatures are much colder and this percent drops to roughly 3%, where the condensation (or deposition) occurs ...

I admire Al Gore ... I like his politics ... but then again I wasn't fooled by his global warming rhetoric ... you were?, that's your fault, not his ... he got rich with this, and I didn't, so who's the better man? ...
Al Gore inherited a small fortune from his father, which he invested in tech stock when it was on a downer. That is where he got his wealth, not from his efforts to get what the scientists were seeing with the climate out to the average person. That you have not followed the science is very evident from your posts. If you are posting on subject which you know very little, and do no research, then you are fucking stupid and willfully ignorant.

Thank you for the ad hominum attack ... you seem to think everybody's stupid ... what are you hiding? ...
You stated stupid things, so it was a statement of fact, not an ad hominum attack. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The ignorant attacks against Al Gore, claiming that this is a fraud he started, is proof of the attackers stupidity and ignorance.

You stated stupid things, so it was a statement of fact, not an ad hominum attack. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The ignorant attacks against Al Gore, claiming that this is a fraud he started ...

The pseudo adiabatic lapse rate clearly supports my claims ... energy is proportional to mass ... you seem to forget that ...

Every scientist in the entire world claimed the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of distance, every one claimed the expansion of the universe was slowing down ... they were dead wrong on both accounts ... one thing they don't do is scientifically define "danger" ... that's a philosophical term ... global warming will be providing more robust agricultural production, why do you think that's dangerous? ...

... is proof of the attackers stupidity and ignorance.

Hey ... stupid ... that's an ad hominim attack ... you're not attacking their claims, you're attacking the persons ... lame, even for you ...

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