Question for Christians


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?
I believe Heaven is a holding pattern for the creation of a new material world where only the saved will live for all eternity. I believe Heaven is likely extra dimentional but perhaps upward (likely northward) as opposed to outward.
I can't stop you but would prefer non believers of Christ not participate.
I can't stop you but would prefer non believers of Christ not participate.

I have beliefs regarding Christ.

You do not have faith in Christ or you would not be a satanist. And I am sorry, but as a Christian I do obvious see a major difference. Spiritual vs Materialism. Godly vs Humanism. Righteousness vs selfrighteousness...
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Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?

I have no Idea all we have been given on the issue are visions and descriptions. What kind of surroundings would heaven be that would house spiritual beings ? Good question.

I do know the scriptures say men or the meek will inherit the new earth and live there forever.
Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?
Good to see you still seeking, Gracie.

My belief is a mesh, of sorts, of different churches I've attended and different readings and of different pastors.

First and foremost, when you're dead you're dead.
Aunt Esther isn't "up in Heaven looking down on you".
Your earthly shell is rotting and you're breath-of-life has returned to the One that gave it to you.

Heaven, or the New Jerusalem, will be built on earth.

There is only 1 "judgement day" when we will all be called to stand in front of His throne.

Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?

Wherever it is it can be experienced within before you die. Think of the sanctuary of God not as a temple or building but as a realm of existence marked by the boundaries outlined in the law. If you do exactly as God commands you will dwell within the sanctuary of God.

Think of the kingdoms of the world as a temporary realm of conscious thought where the strong oppress the weak, the deceitful and malicious prosper and the honest and ethical are perceived as the scum of the earth.

The kingdom of heaven is a realm of conscious existence where people rank and are classified according to their displayed attributes comparable to creatures of the animal kingdom.

Thats why in scripture there are talking serpents and donkeys, angels and devils, vultures worms, sheep, goats, dogs, swine, maggots, wolves, etc, etc, including the living and the dead.

Look around at the world around you. People who eat any garbage without ruminating (thinking) are swine according to scripture. Religious deceivers, false prophets and false teachers, are serpents . Other people are pack animals or bottom feeders, angels and demons- all describing the heights and depths of human potential.

What teaching of which species of person is acceptable or unacceptable to eat (learn) is the subject and purpose of Kosher Law.

When you die, your reward will be permanent existence wherever your mind has evolved or devolved to, within the sanctuary of God, or not, permanent life or permanent death.
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Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?

Just a quick flurry of info you might find useful:

Below are some insights into the powers of Christians in Heaven. Additionally we will have ALL OUR PETS and beloved animals as friends. check out

This is a cut and paste from something I wrote for someone else, but scan it - you might like what you find:

I published: because I WANT CHRISTOPHER IN HEAVEN!!! (He's an atheist)

Remember how God said, since he already gave us Jesus he would give us all things and whatever Christians forgive, don't forgive, loose or bind on earth will be respected in Heaven?

And remember when God said:

Isaiah 14:2 And the house of Israel will possess the nations as menservants and maidservants in the LORD's land. They will make captives of their captors and rule over their oppressors.

OKAY DON'T STEAL MY BOOK ;-) But how can scotch drinking ne'er do wells like Christopher be my manservant if he's busy roasting in Hell? This doesn't preclude passing through Hell, or landing there and being called out by a Christian -

And who wants to rule over burnt toast?

Revelation 19:15 "He will rule them with an iron scepter."

I do believe in Hell, but also an infinite spectrum regarding too many metrics to list here but obliquely referenced with:

Luke 12:48 But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Luke 12:58-59 As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled to him on the way, or he may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. 59 I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny."

Matthew 18:34-35 In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. 35 "This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."

God Bless You! † †
MY idea of heaven would be a combination of flowers, trees, rock gardens, waterfalls, rivers, oceans, animals, wonderful scents, delicious foods, books galore, beautiful artwork that tells a story, no worries of disease or getting hurt, and all the best music that ever existed but WAIT. I know people who HATE the outdoors and animals, and could care less about the other stuff so I guess heaven would have to be a bit individualized because MY IDEA of heaven could NOT be everyone's idea of perfection. MAybe heaven would also be a little like looking through someone else's eyes to see the Good in something you never really liked or had an interest in? maybe we will be able to FEEL someone's passion for something by being around them....IN Heaven.
Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?

Read the Bible. Heaven is where God and the Angels reside. In spirit form. Only 144000 chosen will ascend to heaven, the remaining chosen will reside on a restored Earth with Jesus as their King. The Bible is clear on these points.
Good to see you still seeking, Gracie.

I started the NT, horty. I am in Matthew.:)

To me..heaven is not heaven without my beloved pets. So...hopefully my vision of what heaven is...(on EARTH as it is in heaven) will be full of animals, beautiful scenery, purity, love, etc. And my pets. Everyone's pets, actually.
btw..I could have gone without going to the link you supplied, called
I can't read or hear or see of any animal abuse. It haunts me and I have a hard time sleeping. I know horrors happen. I just don't want to read about it. It upsets me. Which is why I didn't click the elephant thread someone posted. Can't.

Please give a warning the next time.
It'll be whatever comforts you the most, and makes your transition to the next dimension easiest, IMO.
Good to see you still seeking, Gracie.

I started the NT, horty. I am in Matthew.:)

To me..heaven is not heaven without my beloved pets. So...hopefully my vision of what heaven is...(on EARTH as it is in heaven) will be full of animals, beautiful scenery, purity, love, etc. And my pets. Everyone's pets, actually.

The Bible doesn't tell us if we will know one another in Heaven. I would think we wouldn't. The reason being that if you go to Heaven only to find out that loved ones who have passed before you didn't make it to Heaven then what kind of Heaven would that be?
Please don't participate if you do not believe in God. Thank you in advance.


What do you think Heaven is after we die? Where is it and what is it, in your opinion?

Read the Bible. Heaven is where God and the Angels reside. In spirit form.

"Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you." mat 21:31

If sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God 2000 years ago, heaven is a place accessible on earth.

God is the God of the living. If you do not seek the kingdom of God when you are living how will you find it when you are dead?
Good to see you still seeking, Gracie.
I started the NT, horty. I am in Matthew.:)

To me..heaven is not heaven without my beloved pets. So...hopefully my vision of what heaven is...(on EARTH as it is in heaven) will be full of animals, beautiful scenery, purity, love, etc. And my pets. Everyone's pets, actually.

The Bible doesn't tell us if we will know one another in Heaven. I would think we wouldn't. The reason being that if you go to Heaven only to find out that loved ones who have passed before you didn't make it to Heaven then what kind of Heaven would that be?

We'd know each other.
But those that didn't "make the cut", it would be as if we never knew them as there is no sadness in Heaven.
That sort of lends to my point that Aunt Esther isn't up in Heaven looking down.

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