Question For Conservatives.Hillary's Small Rally Crowds.How Come We Never See Them?

Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.

False. We could have offered better. Much, much better. But there's no accounting for stupid.

I know. The republicans went for the stupidest candidate possible. It's what they wanted. I guess they wanted someone just as stupid and hateful as them.

Again, we have simpleton America posting to web-sites when they should be in school.

As near as I can tell, Trump was nominated by the fringe part of the GOP with some help. The establishment GOP is trying to derail him......after they nominated him ?

Kinda like HIllary voting against the war after she voted for it.

Bullshit. Trump is exactly what fox and right wing radio has been demanding for years.

I'll agree with that.

That isn't the republican party.

Sorry to break it to your puny little mind. The world is far from the black and white you live in.

Are you trying to say right wing radio isn't the communications wing of the GOP? All those teabaggers wouldn't have been elected without right wing radio, and you know it.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

Exactly what has been made up about Trump?

How about that he's a racist, a misogynist, a war monger, a cheat, yada, yada, yada.

Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

Exactly what has been made up about Trump?

How about that he's a racist, a misogynist, a war monger, a cheat, yada, yada, yada.

Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.

You are already as aware of Trump's statements as much as anyone else. Why would I bother to do that when we both know you would just come up with some dumb lame assed excuse for his racism. You want to say he isn't racist? Go ahead, but sane people know you are wrong.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

Exactly what has been made up about Trump?

How about that he's a racist, a misogynist, a war monger, a cheat, yada, yada, yada.

Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.

You are already as aware of Trump's statements as much as anyone else. Why would I bother to do that when we both know you would just come up with some dumb lame assed excuse for his racism. You want to say he isn't racist? Go ahead, but sane people know you are wrong.

ROFL! Translation: You can't quote any racist statements Trump made.

Thanks for playing!.
Exactly what has been made up about Trump?

How about that he's a racist, a misogynist, a war monger, a cheat, yada, yada, yada.

Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.

You are already as aware of Trump's statements as much as anyone else. Why would I bother to do that when we both know you would just come up with some dumb lame assed excuse for his racism. You want to say he isn't racist? Go ahead, but sane people know you are wrong.

ROFL! Translation: You can't quote any racist statements Trump made.

Thanks for playing!.
Trump is smart enough to not say anything blatantly racist......But he knows how to appeal to racists
Is anyone actually saying that either one of these fools is a good choice ?

Truthfully ?

Clinton is a great choice for President.

Best resume of anyone to seek the office since Bush 41.
I have to call partisan blinders on that one. Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate. Trump is too, but we're talking about her. How can anyone in good conscience vote for her after the way she treated those women who (she NOW says) deserve to be heard and believed?

are you opposed to a woman supporting her husband?
Isn't that a rather extreme leap of logic, somewhat akin to asking an anti-gun activist if they support women being raped? Of course I'm not opposed to it, any more than an anti-gun activist would be opposed to his mother being protected from a rapist by a gun-wielding concealed carry permit holder. Would you care to rephrase your question in a more meaningful way so as to elicit a more meaningful answer?

Hillary's problem in this instance is that she took part in destroying the characters of women who accused her husband of sexual malfeasance, but now claims that those very same women should be heard and believed. She has not addressed the way she treated those women and did not defend Bubba by simply saying that she believed in him and that he would not act that way. Instead, she took part in trashing them and preventing them from being heard and believed, but now wants to pretend she's a champion for women in just that situation.

You're the one making the leap in logic.
How so? I'll gladly explain to you how you are, should you care to know.
and how come there was never a "Hillary Phenomenon"???
The answer to that is obvious. She's a terrible candidate who doesn't excite anyone. She's just beaten, bashed and trashed her way into a position of inevitability and played the "It's my TURN" card, much like John McCain did so many years ago. Hopefully, it will work as well for her as it did for him.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"
Exactly what has been made up about Trump?

How about that he's a racist, a misogynist, a war monger, a cheat, yada, yada, yada.

Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.

You are already as aware of Trump's statements as much as anyone else. Why would I bother to do that when we both know you would just come up with some dumb lame assed excuse for his racism. You want to say he isn't racist? Go ahead, but sane people know you are wrong.

ROFL! Translation: You can't quote any racist statements Trump made.

Thanks for playing!.

If you say so finger boy.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

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:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business
We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.
How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

If crowd size is so important, why is Hillary so far ahead of Trump, and expected by everybody to be the next president?
I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

If crowd size is so important, why is Hillary so far ahead of Trump, and expected by everybody to be the next president?

I made no comment on HOW important crowd size is.

And another lib who answers but does not address my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.
Um, no. That's just your sour grapes fantasy, wishful thinking on your part. Trump is getting bad press for acting so badly, so you're trying to make an excuse for the bad press, one that has no relation to reality.

Now, Clinton certainly could fill up big rallies. Either candidate could. Even Sanders could. He did. How much good did it do him?

Big rallies cost a lot of money, and since the people who show up to rallies are the already-converted, the rallies don't do any good. So why would the media report "Clinton acts intelligently"?
These Democrat lawmakers are feeling the struggle to fight for what they believe in.

i wonder how they were able to edit out the sound of the 5500 crickets at her last rally.

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