Question For Conservatives.Hillary's Small Rally Crowds.How Come We Never See Them?

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?
Um, no. That's just your sour grapes fantasy, wishful thinking on your part. Trump is getting bad press for acting so badly, so you're trying to make an excuse for the bad press, one that has no relation to reality.

That is just wishfully thinking on YOUR part. Your party couldn't survive a truly hostile media. It probably couldn't survive a media that actually did it's job.

Now, Clinton certainly could fill up big rallies. Either candidate could. Even Sanders could. He did. How much good did it do him?

If she could, she would be. Big rallies energize the base and the campaign workers.

Big rallies cost a lot of money, and since the people who show up to rallies are the already-converted, the rallies don't do any good. So why would the media report "Clinton acts intelligently"?

That is your sour grapes fantasy.

Hillary is a tired old woman, with tired old ideas. She has spent her time in congress tacking Right to pander to the moderates, and thus demotivated the dem base, ie the Hard Left.
I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.
Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.

If anything...the media takes it too soft on Republicans

Conservative whining about media bias makes them reluctant to place the blame on the current Washington gridlock where it belongs.....with the Republicans
Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.

If anything...the media takes it too soft on Republicans

Conservative whining about media bias makes them reluctant to place the blame on the current Washington gridlock where it belongs.....with the Republicans
Washington gridlock is a good thing. I guess Obama doesn't like to compromise. He should get credit for snarling things up.
Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.

If anything...the media takes it too soft on Republicans

Conservative whining about media bias makes them reluctant to place the blame on the current Washington gridlock where it belongs.....with the Republicans

I assume you missed this?

Killian documents controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Killian documents controversy (also referred to as Memogate or Rathergate) involved six purported documents critical of U.S. President George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard in 1972–73. Four of these documents[1] were presented as authentic in a 60 Minutes II broadcast aired by CBS on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 Presidential Election, but it was later found that CBS had failed to authenticate the documents.[2][3][4] Subsequently, several typewriterand typography experts concluded the documents were blatant forgeries"

It is absurd at this point in time to claim the media is soft on Republicans.

And now they are carefully NOT showing the dismal turnout at HIllary's rallies.

They are doing that because they are afraid that the appearance of weakness could hurt THEIR candidate.
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:
pols from both parties use their office staff, interns, and paid-supporters to people their events. Sad.You can tell how forced the shouts of support are. Look at any Rubio (R) presser lol
Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.

If anything...the media takes it too soft on Republicans

Conservative whining about media bias makes them reluctant to place the blame on the current Washington gridlock where it belongs.....with the Republicans

I assume you missed this?

Killian documents controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Killian documents controversy (also referred to as Memogate or Rathergate) involved six purported documents critical of U.S. President George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard in 1972–73. Four of these documents[1] were presented as authentic in a 60 Minutes II broadcast aired by CBS on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 Presidential Election, but it was later found that CBS had failed to authenticate the documents.[2][3][4] Subsequently, several typewriterand typography experts concluded the documents were blatant forgeries"

It is absurd at this point in time to claim the media is soft on Republicans.

And now they are carefully NOT showing the dismal turnout at HIllary's rallies.

They are doing that because they are afraid that the appearance of weakness could hurt THEIR candidate.
That's really the best you got?

60 minutes made an error 12 years ago and acknowledged it?

Seems pretty fair to me
You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.

If anything...the media takes it too soft on Republicans

Conservative whining about media bias makes them reluctant to place the blame on the current Washington gridlock where it belongs.....with the Republicans

I assume you missed this?

Killian documents controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Killian documents controversy (also referred to as Memogate or Rathergate) involved six purported documents critical of U.S. President George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard in 1972–73. Four of these documents[1] were presented as authentic in a 60 Minutes II broadcast aired by CBS on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 Presidential Election, but it was later found that CBS had failed to authenticate the documents.[2][3][4] Subsequently, several typewriterand typography experts concluded the documents were blatant forgeries"

It is absurd at this point in time to claim the media is soft on Republicans.

And now they are carefully NOT showing the dismal turnout at HIllary's rallies.

They are doing that because they are afraid that the appearance of weakness could hurt THEIR candidate.
That's really the best you got?

60 minutes made an error 12 years ago and acknowledged it?

Seems pretty fair to me

It was not an error.

It was a purposeful attempt to affect the election.

A few guys who got caught red handed got punished.

The culture that they were part of remains.

I've posted plenty of other evidence over the years. YOu libs pretend to not believe it.

Your whole world is a network of interwoven lies, and you can't let one go, or they will all come falling down.
How about that he's a racist, a misogynist, a war monger, a cheat, yada, yada, yada.

Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.

You are already as aware of Trump's statements as much as anyone else. Why would I bother to do that when we both know you would just come up with some dumb lame assed excuse for his racism. You want to say he isn't racist? Go ahead, but sane people know you are wrong.

ROFL! Translation: You can't quote any racist statements Trump made.

Thanks for playing!.

If you say so finger boy.

I do, douche bag.
Not made up. It came directly from his own mouth..

Really? Then quote him saying something racist.

You are already as aware of Trump's statements as much as anyone else. Why would I bother to do that when we both know you would just come up with some dumb lame assed excuse for his racism. You want to say he isn't racist? Go ahead, but sane people know you are wrong.

ROFL! Translation: You can't quote any racist statements Trump made.

Thanks for playing!.

If you say so finger boy.

I do, douche bag.

Isn't that cute?
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

Liberals: All the intellectually honestly of a crack whore.

How much coverage does...Trump had a big crowd warrant?

Will you buy a newspaper or click a link to see how many people were at the last Trump rally?

But you will click on the link that says...."You won't believe what Trump said"

I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy


Total deflection.

You've been owned.
I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

If crowd size is so important, why is Hillary so far ahead of Trump, and expected by everybody to be the next president?

She's not all that far ahead. The only reason she's ahead is the fact that the lamestream media is functioning as a 24/7 cheering section and pro-Hillary propaganda organ.
Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

It they are really out to get you, it is just right thinking.

And the media has been since Nixon.

This little bit on them not showing Hillary's small crowds, is just normal operating procedure.

If anything...the media takes it too soft on Republicans


Conservative whining about media bias makes them reluctant to place the blame on the current Washington gridlock where it belongs.....with the Republicans

You must have Republicans confused with someone who gives a shit about gridlock. That's why we sent them to Congress: to stop Dims from carrying their agenda.
I would certainly buy a paper or click a link to read a story on Hillary's dismal crowds.

As would tens of millions of other republicans and conservatives.

And yet...

It seems there is something more important than readership to the media, driving what stories they print.

Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

As if you can't slant the news simply by what you choose to report on and what you choose not to report on. Of course, there's also the fact that the leftwing media hasn't been above outright lying. We've seen that numerous times.
Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

If crowd size is so important, why is Hillary so far ahead of Trump, and expected by everybody to be the next president?

She's not all that far ahead. The only reason she's ahead is the fact that the lamestream media is functioning as a 24/7 cheering section and pro-Hillary propaganda organ.

If it makes you feel better to think that, then go ahead.
Conservatives would buy a paper to find out how many people showed up at the last Hillary rally?

These are the same people who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Hillary killed Vince Foster, Evolution is a myth and global warming is a left wing conspiracy

Conservatives would buy a paper or click on a link to enjoy reading about how poorly Hillary is doing.

If readership/money was driving what shit the media serves up, as you lefties like to claim, then right there is easy money being left on the table.

Hillary is leading in all the polls and is acknowledged to have a sizeable lead in electoral vote projections

Conservatives can celebrate that Trump's snake oil revival shows do great business

You keep avoiding my point.

We never see them because the media doesn't want to make HIllary look bad.

IF Trump was getting such crowds, they would be running 24/7 coverage of how small they were.

conservatives have been paranoid about the media since Nixon

When are you going to realize they only report on what you say and do?

As if you can't slant the news simply by what you choose to report on and what you choose not to report on. Of course, there's also the fact that the leftwing media hasn't been above outright lying. We've seen that numerous times.
Afraid to hurt the delicate feelings of Republicans, the media covers up their lies, misinformation, obstructionism and contempt for the American people

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